DEI Bosses Now Are Destroying Nintendo America Games Business


The very racist corporate entities pushing ‘DEI’ anti-white male agendas are now under the microscope as many thousands of online white males track these clowns closely, alerting everyone when the DEI gang is killing various entertainment companies and businesses we all rely on to stay alive, like Tractor Supply Co. which I use.  The goal is to sneak into all systems this anti-white male racist scam so white males can’t challenge the COMMUNISTS.  They are all scared of white guys striking back.  Guess what?  White guys are striking back, hard!


During the BLM and ANTIFA riots, the Bilderberg gangsters told everyone, to fix this, all we had to do was show ‘good Negroes’ in commercials.  So all our commercials made by corporations featured smart, clean, no ‘ghetto speak’ tame black actors.  I thought this would last about a year.


I was dead wrong.  It continues to today.  I noted last year, all white males are shown as stupid, lazy, incompetent and needed teenage girls to explain how to drive cars, move heavy objects, fix things.  The beer company white males successfully boycotted said they wanted their white males back so they made commercials showing fat, lazy, incompetent white males drinking Budweiser Beers.


Now the company is in very serious economic troubles!  Why Tractor Supply did this is amazing!  Nearly all their customers are…white males!!!!  Who they now hate!  This is why the stupid stores now are always short on things we white farmers need to run farm equipment.  Sheesh.  I own tractors!


Nintendo is a Japanese business that sells Japanese video game systems and games to…mostly white males.  That is about 70% of their customer base.  They hired a man from a top university run by COMMUNISTS thinking he was very ‘smart’ only now, they are finding out, he is really a feminist terrorist who…hates white males and wants, for his games, only females or minorities who buy very few of these computer systems.


Most black teenagers in our cities steal their gaming systems!  Why buy when you can steal?  Since all our major cities are run by Democrats, they made stealing stuff super easy and virtually no punishments if caught, on rare occasions.



Movies and TV shows are now DEI across the board and the white male audience is killing this business.  Girly shows for ‘tee-hee’ women do well.  Anything that originally was made for males is now being replaced with goofy ‘tee-hee’ females in the top rolls and men are so pissed off about this, they organized themselves online to urge each other to boycott these stupid shows.


Hollywood is going bankrupt!  Nintendo will go bankrupt if they continue aping Hollywood!


Here is a very funny cartoon about our EU allies propping up the Dead Man Walking:


Trump will win the next election.  The self destruction machine set up by the globalist power overlords is blowing itself up.  In Europe, voters are revolting, too.  The gang is in hysterics!  Time to destroy more DEI companies who will all DIE doing the DEI.  Good riddance!



Filed under .money matters

9 responses to “DEI Bosses Now Are Destroying Nintendo America Games Business

  1. I expect DEI to be phased out over the next 5 or 10 years. It’s begun to cause problems for zionists.

  2. lou

    STEVE–Jews have a suicide gene…as in ‘let the muslims in’.

  3. Anne

    While western countries continues to obsess about and quarrel about all kinds of meaningless “woke” issues, other parts of the world are moving forward in a strategic direction.

    As we speak, Russia has just concluded a successful state visit to North Korea. The Russians are doing this as a way to counter the aggressive schemes of the US, both regionally (in the Asia-pacific region), and globally. What kind of security agreements the two sides has agreed on remains a secret. China fully supports both Russia and North Korea on this issue.

  4. Jim R

    “We also want to look at the systems, and potential interaction between the systems…”

    It’s a Boeing. Be a shame if the door fell off, or something…

  5. @4, Anne, it’s not an accident that our politics have become like this. A shrinking portion of the economic pie goes to workers, and we’re bitterly divided over which groups of workers are getting a larger piece than other groups. It’s been effective.
    This is what our media and politicians really mean when they criticize some countries for being ‘undemocratic.’ Obviously they hate ‘populism,’ so they don’t mean that ordinary people should set the political agenda. They mean that if Russia and China would just privatize their media systems and sell them to the highest bidder, remove restrictions on foreign ownership, and let their leaderships be determined by elections where the candidates need to attract donations in order to win, then the country which can print as much money as it wants would joyfully celebrate their transition to democracy. Then their populations could argue about whether or not it’s speciesist to prevent your child identifying as a cat if that’s what they really want, while wages stagnate and ownership consolidates.

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