‘Climate Change’ Is Causing Hot Climate Fires Right Next Door To Ice Age Conditions Out West!

This stupid bitch is stupid.  If the ‘earth’ is angry about energy use, she should fix this by either committing suicide because her energy footprint is the size of Godzilla’s back legs or she could go out and eliminate all the very rich buddies of her who also have Gargantuan CO2 footprints, too.  Eliminating all of these creatures will go a long way to cooling down the earth!  It would also fix the budget deficit when the government seizes all their wealth, too.  Yup, the communist solution to these patrons of communist radicals!


And we should listen to Biden and dress up like highway robbers:

Yes, there really are arsonists roaming the countryside, starting fires!  Portland’s arsonists are no longer there, ANTIFA/BLM/DNC gangster are gonesters and voila: the red rural pro Trump parts of the state are on fire!  And ‘global warming is being blamed even though it is SNOWING in several Western states really nearby the crazy West Coast which lives in this bubble environment.

A 44-year-old man was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of arson in a wildfire that has burned nearly 400 acres and prompted evacuations west of Eugene, deputies say.  Elias Newton Pendergrass is accused of first-degree arson in the Sweet Creek Milepost 2 fire, which covers 382 acres near the community of Mapleton. Pendergrass, a Mapleton resident, is being held in the Lane County Jail.

Then there is the issue of trees seldom burning but homes totally gutted by fires in these forest fire events.  It happens all the time and the simple solution is to force people via laws to install sprinkler systems in homes.  I have actually lived with such a system in NYC when I lived next door to riot prone neighborhoods.




Filed under .money matters

18 responses to “‘Climate Change’ Is Causing Hot Climate Fires Right Next Door To Ice Age Conditions Out West!

  1. lou

    121 degrees F in Woodland Hills. The holiday weekend was very hot.
    Sun is orange as terrorists burn the woods.

  2. The movie just came out and it is a typical Hollywood child abuse movie encouraging little girls to be whores. How not unusual this all is. Actually, this is NORMAL. This is also why so many child actors have terrible lives after making it to the Big Screen and that horror goes all the way back to the beginning of Hollywood.

  3. Chris

    “This stupid bitch is stupid” says the woman who chastises everyone else for insulting / attacking people! Oh the irony! You just can’t make this shit up!

    The reason I like the left more than the right is precisely that – their decorum and civility! Take the news media – the left is always measured and calm and the right (FOX news) is just a bunch of shrieking! I mean really could Laura Ingram be more condescending – wipe that smirk on her face already! And Kimberly Guilfoyle haha screaming at the RNC convention! She is just hideous ! NO CLASS OR CIVILITY WHATSOEVER to be found in the republican party or their supporters! Just gaudy grifters!

    Oh well like they say “you can’t fix stupid”.

  4. Chris

    Oh and Trump doesn’t encourage women to look like whores?!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Have you seen the women he surrounds himself with! They look like hookers albeit 3rd rate ones! Melania with her stupid louboutin sky high stilettos, fake breasts and hair, tons of gaudy makeup and fake tan! Done up to the nines even when casual.

    I have not seen one democratic women in the public eye focused on the way they look like his rogue gallery! Have you forgot how he refers to WOMEN! “Grab em by the pussy and they let you do it”! Really? Ya those are the women that he likes to surround himself with.

    And the strong, smart women like Kamala Harris, who has worked her way from nothing all the way to VP nominee, he calls nasty. Ya right!

    Oh and why do neither Trump or his wife know the words to the Pledge of Allegiance? And why were they not wearing masks?

    Absolutely CRASS all of them!

    Can’t wait to hear your answers to my questions!

  5. Ah, hysteria is funny except it is also noisy.

    Look, if you think Biden and his lady will fix things remember: their ‘fix’ is OPEN BORDERS, EXPORT INDUSTRIES, rampant crime and disarming citizens so we can end up like Europe which is a huge mess and under heavy invasion, too.

  6. Also, I demand to know how you travel, how you heat/cool your home, how much energy you use and why on earth you want to follow these lunatics who intend to make you freeze/roast to death while they live in luxury. Eh?

  7. lou

    if you think Biden and his lady will fix things remember: their ‘fix’ is OPEN BORDERS, EXPORT INDUSTRIES, rampant crime and disarming citizens so we can end up like Europe which is a huge mess and under heavy invasion, too.


  8. Chris

    Well your DEMAND means nothing to me! Put it this way I do EVERYTHING I can to reduce my carbon footprint! The list is just TOO LONG! But I don’t do it because I think it will change ANYTHING I do it because I don’t agree with the mindless consumerism that is RAMPANT in western culture. I have no desire to live an elite life. I KNOW what makes humans happy and it is not loads of money as evidenced by their unhappiness. Why is the USA the leader in anti-depressant use?


    It’s just AD AFTER AD AFTER AD! Most websites will not let you read their stuff unless you disable your adblocker or pay! The corporations/ad people know exactly how to make people part with their money and the clueless morons just gladly participate! Because oh they will be more POPULAR AND/OR FIT IN if they have this CRAP that they don’t need.

    And corporations have a fiscal DUTY and OBLIGATION to make as much money for their shareholders as possible. IT IS THE LAW! And since ALL pension funds are invested in the stock market (corporations) what do you think would happen to them if everyone lived like I do? Not to mention the ECONOMY which is based on mindless consumerism.

    The elite will not fair any better either living in their bunkers!

    The only solution was to curb overpopulation many years ago but we didn’t do that did we? We needed to live within our planetary boundaries and we did NOT! We (and I include myself) needed to realize that we needed the planet to survive but no we thought we were the only important beings. Now here come the chickens!

    WE cannot complain because WE are responsible PERIOD. Now we have NO CHOICE but to reduce the population and that will not happen voluntarily. Why do we keep dead (for all intents and purposes) people alive in this condition? Do we all need to live until 80 years old with the last 20 or 30 of them sick and on buckets of pills (which I call DRUGS). By the way these drugs are not filtered from the water as the filtration systems were designed before the onslaught of them. Not long before every man is walking around with hardons they can’t control haha! Why men need Viagra or any erection inducing drugs is beyond me!!!!! When it doesn’t work put it away ffs! Watch “Last Call at the Oasis” and weep.

    Seriously what the hell is wrong with people? Does anyone need 4 kids? Maybe in the past (decades ago) they did to survive but not today. I know a woman who just had her 4th child in May because she had 3 boys and wanted a girl. FFS get a grip!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid, selfish woman! It’s all about her!! Oh yes WE can all ALL have it ALL! How stupid! You just can’t fix stupid.

    Time to face the music! We are now just rearranging the chairs on the Titainc!

  9. Chris

    Btw I heard a statistic that 2/3 of the world production of anti-depressants are prescribed in the USA. Not sure of the accuracy of this but it wouldn’t surprise me.

  10. Chris

    And someone please tell me why residential home owner need a leaf blower ffs!!! What too fat and lazy to rake leaves? I mean we have to be the laziest human ever! Just sit around and watch tv and online shop for shit we don’t need. And this is what you want to perpetuate? Where is the asteroid? Just put us out of our misery already!! We are blind and deaf!!!

  11. snoosebomb


    So chis , u still haven’t explained whats going on with the tropopause

  12. lou

    15–instant scroll by when its Chris.

  13. snoosebomb

    16 , sorta interesting what crazy next

  14. Chris still refuses to stop adding CO2 by exhaling. I am very upset about this, he should demonstrate how to prevent the sucking in O2 and then, in his nasty body, expelling this from his lungs after attaching a C to the O2! How dare he!

    And he wants this to stop. Well, stop breathing! Instant fix.

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