As A Blizzard Menaces My Mountain, The New York Times Boasts About ‘Stop Warm Weather’ Machine!



Our left wing rulers are utterly insane but then, all communist systems are deadly and insane.  Here we are at the end of a normal el Nino with the usual mixed weather storms.  It is in APRIL and we see a blizzard crashing into the Northeast while big storms hammer California, too.  Rain and snow in Arizona.  This is normal weather when switching from an el Nino to a la Nina system.  Instead of explaining this normal weather, we have hysterical screams from the ruling elites that this is the End of the World and we will all DIE unless we cease using all that oil and gas and eating hamburgers, etc.  This runs alongside our rulers living the high life, sneering at us all.


These ‘scientists’ who were taught by outright communist professors in schools, that they can make the earth much colder.  The goal is to make things much worse right at the same time we are near the normal end of typical Warm Cycles which are all, very short in length while all Ice Ages are super cold and last ten times longer than Warm Cycles.  None of these fake ‘scientists’ talk about what causes cold cycles.


They refuse to discuss why all Ice Ages without exception, end very swiftly and goes from the coldest days of the Ice Ages to the warmest in less than 10,000 years!  Refusing to discuss this is key.  The mechanism for triggering the sudden end to the cold cycles is the sun.  The sun and only the sun controls all this.  More solar activity=warmer earth.


Now the ‘scientists’ who are really classic ‘mad scientists’ with their hair on fire, are going to try to get us to fall into the looming Ice Age!  This event will kill most humans, by the way.  And they like this!  They want this!  Here is the NYT reporter gleefully talking about the nifty machines to be used to make the earth much, much colder:


A few seconds later, a device resembling a snow maker began to rumble, then produced a great and deafening hiss. A fine mist of tiny aerosol particles shot from its mouth, traveling hundreds of feet through the air.


It was the first outdoor test in the United States of technology designed to brighten clouds and bounce some of the sun’s rays back into space, a way of temporarily cooling a planet that is now dangerously overheating. The scientists wanted to see whether the machine that took years to create could consistently spray the right size salt aerosols through the open air, outside of a lab.


I have not noticed any ‘dangerous overheating’.  I still have my heaters running nonstop today and yesterday and all winter long and it is now well into spring and we are waiting for a major blizzard to bury us yet again, like last year, in a ton of snow!  Some spring weather, indeed!


As humans continue to burn fossil fuels and pump increasing amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the goal of holding global warming to a relatively safe level, 1.5 degrees Celsius compared with preindustrial times, is slipping away. That has pushed the idea of deliberately intervening in climate systems closer to reality.


It was a lot warmer in 1920s.  These ‘experts’ are all communists and they love to lie to everyone.  They tell us to not use our own eyes and ears to see what is reality!  Watching blizzards blasting across the earth after Easter is a warning about a looming Ice Age, not ‘global warming.’


The fact that blizzards have been blasting California and Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada…during EASTER is INSANELY COLD.  Even as the fascist reporter working for the NY Times yaps about it being too hot, he/she/it is experiencing winter weather!  Duh!



The NY Times also want WWIII:


But as he finishes his final year as leader and prepares to spend his final few as a regular Senate member, McConnell’s focus has shifted.


McConnell is a notorious Bilderberg gang member and attends all Bohemian Grove meetings and he practices black magic, too.  These depraved ‘leaders’ have led us all to hell now.


In a Monday interview, he said he’d spend his last leg of public life confronting the advocates of a more laissez-faire American foreign policy.


“I’m particularly involved in actually fighting back against the isolationist movement in my own party and some in the other as well,” declared McConnell. “And the symbol of that lately is: Are we going to help Ukraine or not? I’ve got this on my mind for the next couple years as something I’m going to focus on.”


By refusing to check history to see why ALL Russian leaders NEED to control an entry to the Black Sea has led people stupidly into a trap that will end with WWIII which Russia will win since they and their allies have more military and nuclear rockets to annihilate the EU and US.  Avoiding this is very important and since the Bilderberg gang wants most of us dead, they think WWIII is a good option!


This editorial was written by Issac Schorr who is…Jewish, by the way.  The Jews think they can win WWIII.  This is stupid.  But then, annihilating most humans is the goal of the Bilderberg gang, they are all utterly depraved and insane and extremely dangerous and they fear and hate Trump for trying to stop WWIII.


WWIII will end as the next Ice Age is launched.


Filed under .money matters

24 responses to “As A Blizzard Menaces My Mountain, The New York Times Boasts About ‘Stop Warm Weather’ Machine!

  1. Jim R

    Haha, you can install chair lifts on your mountain soon, and build the Berlin ski lodge! 

    Just think, what a winter wonderland it will be! 


  2. lou

    It was the first outdoor test in the United States of technology designed to brighten clouds

    I disagree. chemtrails have been happening.

    Geo engineering.

    Ask Dennis Kucinich… › story › news › local › 2024 › 03 › 20 › tennessee-senate-passes-bill-banning-chemtrails-what-to-know › 73027586007Tennessee Senate passes bill banning ‘chemtrails’: What to know

    The Tennessee Legislature has passed a bill targeting “chemtrails.” SB 2691/HB 2063, sponsored by Rep. Monty Fritts, R-Kingston, and Sen. Steve Southerland, R-Morristown, passed in the House on …

  3. Jim R
    A law which commits the crime it defines.

  4. qbutnoa

    @5, Pete, thanks for posting that, good video.

  5. qbutnoa
    Scotish hate law is known across the pond.
  6. macdundas

    5. This guy is a comedian in the George Carlin mould – except Carlin used his “comedy” for political subversion, while Tom Walker/Jonathan Pie appears to be making fun of the sort of people who would believe the commentary he’s delivering.


    1. On his website Interviews – Jonathan Pie have a look at the 2nd video down on the left “Jonathan Pie creator defends Jo Brand’s ‘battery acid joke’. (Carol Thatcher is mentioned. See Chiles reveals the truth about Carol Thatcher’s ‘golliwog’ gaffe | Daily Mail Online)
    2. He thinks the Brexit vote should not have been allowed (see video next to previous).

    He seems to be a reasonable sort of bloke, but basically a reflexive wokester who’s very forgiving of wokie comedian hyprocrisy. Got no time for ’em.

  7. qbutnoa

    @10, yes he is luvvy, left, woke and gay and he knows his comedy routine will get him 7 years in prison.

  8. qbutnoa

    @5,@7. Jim, apologies for wrong shout out.

  9. When jets fly through the stratosphere, the turbulence they cause forms jet trails when humidity begins to rise as a cold front approaches.

    No ‘chemicals’ are needed to cause this. The chem trail garbage is just that: utter silliness.

    Furthermore, I have known this for at least 60 years now. I watched early military jets at Davis Monthan Airbase take off and during the ‘rain season’ they would leave long vapor trails and then thunderstorms would form.

  10. Jim R

    Jet fuel is more refined than fuels for other hydrocarbon-burning machines, because traces of sulfur are extremely corrosive to jet engine fan blades (it makes sulfuric acid as it burns). Jet engines need to run flawlessly for hours at a time… Other chemicals and metals are similarly destructive — planes that flew through a thin haze of smoke from a volcano have had to be scrapped after that one last flight. 

    So, no, there is nothing in jet fuel other than carbon and hydrogen.

  11. qbutnoa
    Lotus Eaters podcast about Scotish hate law.
  12. lou

    14–so chemtrails do not exist?

    Toronto rain tax!!!

    ban gas stoves, gas powered vehicles, rain barrels, gardens.

  13. Jim R

    16 — they don’t come out of the exhaust end of a jet engine. 

    Bill Gates or whoever may be doing something with cropduster or firefighter planes, but ALL of the posted pictures I have seen of “chemtrails” have just been regular jet trails like Elaine described. A long thin white cloud that follows a jet across the sky. Persistent or temporary or invisible, depending on the humidity level upstairs. In a busy airspace like Los Angeles, they can look like a square grid of city streets in the air. 

    And I don’t know where the chicken came from, she’s not mine, she just followed me home. Maybe it was the trail of crumbs

  14. Jim R

    Paging Cliven Bundy . . . Cliven to the white courtesy phone, please.

  15. macdundas

    11: Which of these best fits the situation:

    1. Mugged by reality; or
    2. You can’t run with the hares and hunt with the hounds (in this case, reverse the halves)?

    PS: I appreciate your contributions via links. In the case of this comedian, it’s just that he doesn’t seem to appreciate the horribleness of the people he’s trying to remain even-handed about.

  16. qbutnoa

    @21. I think both of them, he is a luvvie mug who now realises that he is going to get mugged good and proper because they have just passed a law to let them do it.

  17. Jim R

    Here it is, I posted it to the wrong story. It’s about global warming, the scam.

    Turns out it isn’t just that they put weather stations in hot downtown parking lots, but a big fraction of those weather stations don’t even exist!

  18. qbutnoa

    @23, this is the problem, if global boiling is true, then why lie about it (= insane lying prattle), if it is true then there is no need to lie, is there.

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