
At last, we straightened out what was wrong with the You Tube account!  On with the show!  A reader recently offered to help me animate cartoons so we might start having some real fun here, soon!  As for today, here is my latest video which is a meditation on the business of the very first paper money printed 1,000 years ago in Song, China.YouTube – Pegasus and Magical Money The Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets: William N. Goetzmann, K. Geert Rouwenhorst: Books


The Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets

Here is the book, ‘The Origins of Value’ which I show in this video.  It is a pretty good book and I recommend using it.

Google Image Result for


Here is a Syracuse coin from 310 BC.  It features Athena, the Greek goddess of industry and intelligence.  And on her helm is Pegasus.

Athena doesn’t hang out on Mt. Olympus with poets, the Graces, etc.  But Pegasus does.  The flying horse is, to this day, the emblem of all things creative.  

Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay on Myth and … – Google Book Search

picture-28Hamlet’s Mill is another good book.  I consult it frequently.  This is where I learned that Pegasus was a very ancient god for the City of Ur.   And is a lightning god.  A number of later gods took away this lighting bolt power of Pegasus.  But the Pegasus Square was considered a very important star group, thousands of years ago.  When looking at it with the naked eye, there are no other stars inside it.  So it was considered to be part of the Darkness.  


So why is it intimately connected with fiat money?   Anyone’s guess.






P.O. BOX 483

BERLIN, NY 12022

Make checks out to ‘Elaine Supkis’




Filed under .money matters, gold, religion


  1. Adorable tale,is Athena bronze made? I been living in Asia and burning lots of fake money in China and Vietnam mainly, a tradition
    extending to the west in a different way. I was impressed by your link to the AIG/Boeing report, this is real? Looks like a lot more
    important that all these bonuses to explain recent FED path.

  2. emsnews

    Thank you, Carlos. I have Chinese relatives and been to funerals. It is rather amusing and direct, their way of dealing with deities.

  3. kanomi

    Elaine, if you’d like an alternate video hosting site that is free, uncensored, has no time limits, and covers political and financial topics, you might want to look into Veracity Video. It’s brand new.

  4. Angela

    Elaine, Pegasus is really a magical horse worth knowing and I thank you for bringing him to my attention.
    Although ancient, I think we could all use a new symbol- the other ones that abound are growing a bit tawdry.
    Can’t wait to hear more.
    ps I covet your statue- it is really wonderful.

  5. Ron

    Back in 1981 I was “budget travelling” in Singapore and had some $us/$A/local paper currency and was in the old original Chinese district (sadly since gone), wandering about not really sure why I was there. No one would sell me anything, not even food.
    Anyway after an hour or so I gave up and was wandering out of the district when lo and behold in a tiny lane-way there was this wizened ancient Chinese gentleman standing with a tiny table in front of him and on it was this bronze winged dragon, the only thing. He gently handed it to me with a smile, not speaking. I gave him what I had – it was a sign, a trade of understanding, a window which opened to my new life of sculpting.
    (pity, I cannot find a way to post an image)

  6. emsnews

    Ron, email me the image and I can post it.

  7. CEO Nutcracker

    Cool picture of Pegasus! Was it Song, China or Sung? I believe the Mongols brought money printing during the Sung Dynasty after the invasion of Kublai Khan in the 10th century. Go figure. His hordes overthrew the peaceful Confucian bureaucracy that was later displaced by the Ming Dynasty in 1368, where the old order and “Restoration’ of peace and sophistication would return.

    I think the MONGOLS migrated to America. My hope is that their ilk will not last another minute anywhere on this planet.

    On another note, here is a link to an article that should be mandatory for History 101. It was posted by a Nikki Alexander on The Information Clearinghouse.

  8. The Mongols are, I think it’s clear, a distinct race. Mongolia was once (during the 10th century, I read) a very lush place with adequate water. But that was changing rapidly. Now it is a vast semi-desert. I think people become very aggressive when this begins to happen.
    It seems apparent that Mongolians did migrate to North America, but this was before the desertification set in.
    I don’t think race is the major determinant of culture.

  9. CK

    Speaking of magic money, the FDIC has closed three more banks. That makes it 44 closed in the last 12 months or 20 so far this calendar year. Funtimes funtimes. Oh if only it were the big nine going down. And two wholesale credit unions were put into recievership today. My understanding of these entities is minimal, I think they are credit unions for credit unions. Real people don’t appear to be depositors. Better information is here on the corporate credit unions and here for the closed banks

  10. nah

    history rox i got a greek sun and a cross on my garbage can at work… ‘swastika and a cross’… my favorite symbol is a dragon i got like 5 dragons in my CPU dungeon ‘5 is alot of dragons’ and there all sic… and i got a homade chiken pot pie in the oven ‘cast iron pan’… it takes 1 good idea to make great ones… history is blessed fuck it
    life is suffering

  11. I think this video was very nice.

  12. MrBill


    the video about Pegasus and money was interesting.

    Now a little Pegasus trivia.
    The airport in Louisville, Ky has a quite large wire sculpture of Pegasus in flight hanging above the entrance lobby. Passengers basically walk under it as they move through the lobby. The link below should pull up a display

    Also, the official poster for the 1981 Kentucky Derby was a Pegasus
    artwork done by Peter Max.

  13. CEO Nutcracker

    the ‘desertification’ of Mongolia was probably due to the selling of every resource that wasn’t nailed down due to intense greed and need for self-aggrandizement. The sacking and pillaging therefore had to expand and did from, India, Turkey, Middle East, Russia, Europe and now, I’m afraid the US.
    The Mongols were an invading marauding bunch of banshees that raided and plundered over their neighbors. Much like the shadow government/banking cartel leading the US over the cliff.

  14. Melponeme_k

    I love all the Alchemy symbols you have around you. The great work was, of course, the ability to create the philosopher’s stone, or gold. As I am sure you know. 😀

    The unicorn in the gate is the fixation of mercury that occurs when the chemical marriage (union of opposites) takes place.

    The two fishes, like pisces, are akin to the ourobouros. In one of my alchemy books, it states that fishes’ eyes were used as symbols to indicate the alchemist must be ever watchful when creating the stone.
    But he can’t be tamed for long. To try is disastrous.
    I believe Pegasus, like the unicorn, is another symbol of Mercury. Mainly that the old stories are so concerned with his fixation.

  15. very interesting, Elaine. Thanks!

  16. Also speaking of magical money, Karl Denninger predicts that Bernanke and the Fed’s upcoming maniacal printing of money will lead to a total global economic superstorm and collapse, but not hyperinflation.

    But halfway down the article or so, he mentions that the Fed buying T-bills with printed money to fill the funding gap will not actually fill the funding gap, which led me to conclude that we’ll have rapid hyperINflation first until the .gov has to spend in a balanced manner and from there on out we will have hyperDEflation until the .gov and the global economy collapses, utterly.

  17. sharkbabe

    Kewl vid! .. and nice background pegasus placement .. you look great on tv .. (us old broads rock!)

    Btw if you’re taking requests, I wouldn’t mind some remedial Cave of Wealth and Death 101 .. it’s something that’s always rung so true but I still can’t seem to even begin to splain to anybody ..
    ELAINE: I am already part way done with the cartoons for this very project. Will be doing it beginning tomorrow.

  18. payAttention

    Perseus rode Pegasus when he visited the three terrifying sisters. So what are you talking about? I am a little late reading this week, however that broken accordion dirge was hideous. The definitive rendition of Chopin’s piece is played by the Red Army at state funerals, if you are interested. I do not think the Cubans have the pathos to do it as well.
    ELAINE: You better review your mythology. It was Bellephoron who rode Pegasus with Athena’s help. Perseus had the Tarnhelm, the magic invisibility. He slew Medusa and out of her blood sprang Pegasus. Of course, this is a MUCH later myth than the lightning ones from 3,000 years earlier, in Ur.

  19. PLovering

    FED plans 15 fold increase in monetary base:

  20. if

    “…There is a growing consensus that if China no longer wants to buy our bonds, we can simply print the money and buy them ourselves. This naïve view fails to consider the consequences implicit in such a change. When the Treasury sells bonds to China, no new dollars are printed. Instead, China prints yuan which it then uses to buy treasuries. This effectively allows America to export its inflation to China. However, now that we will be printing the money ourselves, the full inflationary impact will fall directly on us.

    With such a policy in place, America has now become a banana republic. It won’t be too long before our living standards reflect our new status. Got Gold?”

  21. Simon

    gold is not a safe harbor in extreme conditions
    In medieval times, during a siege a gold ring will probably buy a loaf of bread

  22. emsnews

    Yes, the ULTIMATE store of ‘value’ has always been grains. No ifs, ands or buts about this. Right now, we still have a lot of grain so it isn’t the ultimate store of value. But in times of famine and war, it certainly is extremely valuable.
    This is why all civilizations circled around the growing and distribution of grain, not gold.

  23. More on the Mongolians. First of all, There is the land of Mongolia. It’s a dessert, not because of the people there, but because global desertification advances in the wake of each ice age. Then there is the mongolian race. This is a rather distinct race. I’m 50% Hungarian extraction, so I think I may have a bit of mongolian. I say, the Mongolians are fierce because of what I might call Social Affliction Syndrome. Whenever a group of people see themselves as “afflicted,” there is a fight or flight response, or more precisely, a resignation/ aggression response.
    Desertification is arguably the most common cause of social affliction. Here is an example: The Polynesian people of Easter Island. (Photo) Notice how dry it is? They had a catastrophic population collapse. The center of the Island appears to be grassland, with few (if any) trees. It has been proposed that the inhabitants simply used up all the trees. Here are some climate figures for Easter Island:
    Average Temperature =68°F
    Average Humidity = 80%
    Average precipitation = 49″
    Climate figures for New England (at about the junction of NY, MA, and CT):
    Average Temperature = 40°F
    Average Humidity = 75%
    Average precipitation = 35″
    The precipitation at Easter Island is 40% higher than New England’s. But it is 29°F warmer, and the wind from the oceans is very high, and nearly constant. (New England wind is only sporadic.)
    Anyway, it is a semi-dessert, like Tibet, (much of) the Middle East, Mongolia, Arizona, Nevada, and now, Southern California. (I wonder if Japan will run out of water.) Why does Southern California not seem like a semi-dessert? Because of oil, and massive, but fragile infrastructure, specifically the California Aqueduct. (Photo)
    This vast aqueduct basically provides water that Southern Californians must recieve to survive. A very minor earthquake beneath this aqueduct could simply shut them down. This could lead to affliction syndrome, and refugees would presumably “invade” the rest of the nation. I suspect that this would resemble the Mogolian invasions. The New Orleans refugees exhibited a resignation response. But I think the Southern Californians would show an agressive response.
    The poeple of the United States have fallen into a cargo cult syndrome. Our infrastructure is unsustainable. Our manufacturing systems have been off-shored. We expect foreigners to do all of our manual labor, even though we know this cannot go on forever. We have forgotten the future.
    “Forget about Tomorrow” was the third single to be taken from Feeder’s 2002 album Comfort in Sound:
    Today it all feels fine
    A sense of freedom fills your mind
    Cant think about tomorrow
    Just breathe the air inside
    And bring on back that lonely smile
    Cant think about tomorrow
    Cant think about tomorrow…
    And so we must arrive at the obvious conclusion:
    Marlene Dietrich’s (Tana’s) exit line to Orson Welles in Touch of Evil (1958): “Your future’s all used up.”
    The resulting social affliction syndrome will not pe pleasant.
    ELAINE: Thank you for a very, very good summary of the climate differences between Easter Island and the NE USA. You are correct. I grew up in the desert. When the hot winds blow, everything is dried out, very fast. Hang some laundry on a 100 degree F day with a stiff wind and it is dry in less than 10 minutes. I used to hang laundry in Tucson, as a child.

  24. openly hidden

    there we go. a “sign” it will soon be time to start back into grain farming with my little family. heh. 36 row planters coming up! no matter what, i expect america to be of use as a source of grains and meats for the world. i will read this blog to gain a hint for when the wind goes out of your sails….when i sense that, it will signal the bottom is in. ha! and any future changes in government imho will be not along the lines of the wet dreams of the left of my viet nam generation and not along the lines of the financial bankster “capitalists” frauds and parasites either. both different sides of the same coin remember. banksters not possible without the cultural revolution of the 1960’s. did you get that? BANKSTERS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT THE 1960’S PEOPLE and what they made. no. more than likely what we will get is a highly efficient and evolved “socialism” along the lines of olde tyme “national socialism” only without the gas chambers and invasions of russia. think trains running on time “socialism”. and this will be welcomed by most people once they get scared enough i expect. so to work all. work makes you free!

  25. openly hidden

    think israel writ big….only no more crap allowed coming from the peanut gallery. heh. from their perspective of power and might and will, all we really need is a little more “discipline” and a lot more remorse and spiritual renewal….of the “fuck me i will never smile again…SIR!” variety i bet.

  26. CEO Nutcracker

    For all those who are thinking of growing your own gardens, raising farm animals and generally feeding yourself, here is a warning of a bill that has passed by House members HR-875 and just in case that fails the Senate has their own version SB-425. Here’s the article and links:

    Blues: “Think of Tomorrow”? we can’t get anyone to think of the past. That is why we are doomed to repeat it. thanks for the ‘desertification’ explanation. The Mongols, have mixed with all races that there are probably no pure Mongolians in existence today. Here is a small history on the Mongol Tribe.

  27. openly hidden

    thank you CEO Nutcracker. i saved and will read the article about big brother agriculture legislation. what i said above about “national socialism” is already coming true. can’t have the little people trying to go around official proper channels to feed themselves can we….otherwise, how can montsanto profit. actually will be helpful to PROTECT AND ENSURE THE SAFETY OF OUR HEALTHY FOOD SUPPLIES. if you cannot consume in the NWO and you can’t produce in the NWO, of what possible use are you?

  28. Timothy

    carlos (first poster),

    Indeed they are burning fake money, but the thing that is dead is not a person, but the American Economy

  29. emsnews

    Timothy, when economic systems collapse, many millions of people die.

  30. CEO Nutcracker

    Yes, Openly Hidden. Did you notice that De Lauro is the wife of Stanley Greenburg who works for the Frankenstein seed GMO, MONSANTO!

    “House Resolution 875, or the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, was introduced by Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., in February. DeLauro’s husband, Stanley Greenburg, works for Monsanto – the world’s leading producer of herbicides and genetically engineered seed.”

    They are the most demonic creation and are reviled by every nation forced to import their freak food, like their prized, three- headed corn stalks and grapefruit sized, fishy tasting tomatoes. It is time now to locate and store any and all organic seeds.

  31. kenogami

    “The Polynesian people of Easter Island. (Photo) Notice how dry it is? They had a catastrophic population collapse. The center of the Island appears to be grassland, with few (if any) trees. ”
    The collapse was man-made. Under the rule of priests, they cut all the trees to make these giant statues for the gods bigger than the neighbor tribes. They killed all the native birds and all other sources of food. In the end, there was only one source of protein left: humans. They turned to cannibalism. The population at maximum was probably near 100000, after collapse 2000. Read the most interesting book
    by Jared Diamond:

  32. Angela

    How does one go about detangling all of Monsanto’s enterprises and hasten to boycott every single one of their offerings? Are there any resources for getting that information?
    Not just through the purchase of non-GMO organic seeds, but how to avoid and boycott every single product and service that is affiliated with this odious, fascistic company?
    SHAME on Obama for appointing Monsanto hitmen to positions of power in the Department of Agriculture. (forget there’s no shaming godlets)Our Supreme Court, supposed protector of the rights of the citizens, has already proven to have their hands deep into the greedy Monsanto pockets going all the way down into the Cave of Wealth and Death.

    So, gardening season is upon us. Commit to NO ROUND-UP. Smother with newspaper, anything. No ROUND-UP.
    ROUND-UP should instead become the slogan and a symbol for the rounding up and arrest and prosecution (complete with those cool torches and pitchforks) of the AIG gnomes and banking gnomes. Throw in Geithner, Paulson, Bernanke, the Monsanto execs and a pile of other disgusting (but oh-so-very edgy and enviable) gnomes.
    I say lets ROUND-UP the invasive godlet weeds choking the earth.

  33. Angela

    …”oh-so-very-edgy and enviable in their dreams”, you, too CK.

    “The nature of their game” should not be puzzling at all to anyone. Look closely and you see that its merely a mind-f&^k that is deadly and sick.
    Most of the cheap products that have been shipped around the world are filled with toxic poisons or are byproducts of big-oil, using thousands of GRAS chemicals that are not synergistic in water or soil. Their ugly penis-worshipping architecture, prisons, chemical weapons- all are mere reflections of their “little boy-torturing-the-cat” deathgod worship.

    I guess that on some level I stupidly bought into some vision of evolution, scientific and spiritual, that included a partnership ethos. Silly me.

  34. Blues, kenogami, not only did the humans chop down all the trees, but the RATS they brought with them ate the seeds! That means the forests couldn’t regenerate or even maintain themselves.
    After the Eurpoean-Chileans settled on the island, they planted coconut, guava and eucalyptus trees along with other trees. (scroll down to “General Tips: Not quite treeless”) Which are now taking over parts of the island!
    I predict, in a hundred years, the island will be cobvered with trees again. Probably all eucalyptus.

  35. The concept that the Easter Islanders simply used up all of their resources has been widely accepted by some, and strongly refuted by others. It does seem plausible to me. In Europe, everything was vastly more “civilized,” but the place looked somehow worn-out. I have seen suburban sprawl encroach directly upon me, and it’s frightening. Some times I was happy about recessions because then it would stop.
    CEO Nutcracker’s issue of the government’s new War on Gastro-Terrorism is something I have been following for a day or so. According to some sources, some of which are rather politically “conservative,” a new “struggle” against this Green Peril is being waged in both Congress, and by President Obama. It seems at least conceivable that this nascent legislation could bring $1 million fines per day to family farmers, or even to people with home gardens (unless they can afford $10,000 dollar inspections, etc.). Now there is an idea who’s time has come! (This could all be about a corporate media Clintonization of Obama and the Dems, however.) The apparently conservative Silver Bear Cafe (an economics blog) has this:

    The Silver Bear Cafe
    Lose your property for growing food?
    House Resolution 875, or the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, was introduced by Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., in February. DeLauro’s husband, Stanley Greenburg, works for Monsanto – the world’s leading producer of herbicides and genetically engineered seed.
    DeLauro’s act has 39 co-sponsors and was referred to the House Agriculture Committee on Feb. 4. It calls for the creation of a Food Safety Administration to allow the government to regulate food production at all levels – and even mandates property seizure, fines of up to $1 million per offense and criminal prosecution for producers, manufacturers and distributors who fail to comply with regulations. […]
    [….] Under the act, every food producer must have a written food safety plan describing likely hazards and preventative controls they have implemented and must abide by “minimum standards related to fertilizer use, nutrients, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water.”
    “That opens a whole can of worms,” Olson said. “I think that’s where people are starting to freak out about losing organic agriculture. Who is going to decide what the minimum standards are for fertilization or anything else? The government is going to bring in big industry and say we are setting up these protocols, so what do you think we should do? Who is it going to bring in to ask? The government will bring in people who have economies of scale who have that kind of influence.”
    DeLauro’s act calls for the Food Safety Administration to create a “national traceability system” to retrieve history, use and location of each food product through all stages of production, processing and distribution.
    Olson believes the regulations could create unjustifiable financial hardships for small farmers and run them out of business.
    “That is often the purpose of rules and regulations: to get rid of your competition,” he said. “Only people who are very, very large can afford to comply. They can hire one person to do paperwork. There’s a specialization of labor there, and when you are very small, you can’t afford to do all of these things.”

    Also, The Washington Post has an article about Obama’s response to the Green Peril:

    The Washington Post
    Obama Targets Food Safety
    March 15, 2009
    [….] In his weekly address to the nation, Obama said he is forming a Food Safety Working Group to “upgrade our food safety laws for the 21st century,” and he formally named former New York City health chief Margaret A. Hamburg as his new Food and Drug Administration commissioner. Baltimore Health Commissioner Joshua Sharfstein will be Hamburg’s deputy, he said. […]
    [….] Obama noted in his address that many of the nation’s food-safety laws “have not been updated since they were written in the time of Teddy Roosevelt,” and said the FDA was “underfunded and understaffed” during Bush’s tenure. Obama said that outbreaks of illness from contaminated food have risen from 100 a year in the 1990s to 350 a year now and that only 5 percent of the nation’s 150,000 food processing plants are inspected each year. “That is a hazard to public health,” he said. “It is unacceptable.”
    The president also invoked his status as a parent, saying that his 7-year-old daughter, Sasha, “has peanut butter sandwiches for lunch probably three times a week.”
    “No parent should have to worry that their child is going to get sick from their lunch, just as no family should have to worry that the medicines they are buying will cause them harm,” he said. “Protecting the safety of our food and drugs is one of the most fundamental responsibilities government has.”

    So. We shall soon be liberated from the horrors of the Green Peril, home gardening, and gastro-terrorism!

    ELAINE: very recently, a number of people died because of poor food inspections.

  36. openly hidden

    heh. i came inside to research the biblical term, “generation of vipers” to use this to advance an argument of mine that our generation is going to be regarded as very, very disposable soon and discovered a book written back in ww2 by the same name. and looking it up on amazon, there was this amusing review….
    Back in 1968, I read Vipers and was blown away. I wrote Mr. Wylie a letter about how much I liked the book and how my own life was moving toward rebellion. I never expected to hear from the author, but I did. He wrote back saying that the publication of Vipers had ruined his life and his family’s, especially his daughter’s. He disavowed his insights and told me to forget trying to buck “the system.”
    hahahahaha! anyway, i may or may not develop this further but the truth folks is our generation is going to be blamed and worse yet, as a huge, HUGE liability for the next generations. what brought this up you ask? well the fact that my bills for health insurance just went up $76/month again bring the yearly cost to over $10,000 for a blue cross/blue shield policy that WILL NOT FIX MY LEFT EYE since i had cataract removed from my right eye and they put a rider on my eyes after this. fuck them fuck them all sez i fuck them into hell! anyway, my point is that elaine is NOT going to be tapped to be anyone of importance or consulted once the banksters are destroyed and neither are any of us. instead, our generation can SUCK IT as we try to exist with no social nets we took for granted and no pensions and no medical insurance whatsoever. why not you ask? BECAUSE THEY WILL JUST WANT US TO DIE!!!! we, (who i was going to quote scripture of the generation of vipers about here to show all how we are going to BE DEFINED ourselves…hee hee. our generation was big on re-definitions. wait until it is our turn…) where was i???? anyway, i forgot. but it is going to suck to be us. plus, PLUS i see my bill for property insurance is just about DOUBLE now too. fuck them fuck them fuck them into hell!!!! so now what? drop my property insurance except for legally mandated vehical insurance? drop my health insurance. see THAT IS WHAT THEY WANT! i have paid premiums to these weasels just about all my life since i am self-employed and that was fine. but about the time me and the misses are getting old enough to start to actually need the health insurance they intend to make it so most people my ages CANNOT AFFORD THE PREMIUMS so since we will represent a huge liablitiy to them we can just go suck it. fuck them fuck them fuck them to hell. off with their heads. grind their faces off!!!! no proof is done as i am sooooo furious. i am done now and back outside eating my crappy meager calorie meal trying to loose weight since it looks like i will not be able to depend on any health insurance if i have a heart attack like david. fuck them fuck them fuck them into hell!

  37. john

    ELAINE: Here’s another pegasus for you;
    this one’s by the Temple church in central london (yup, temple church, as in the templars; it’s in that ‘davici code’ film).

    The temple today is a sort of law district, the the management of it is apparently associated with masonic-type groups, along with this history rooted in the templars. They’re a little short on detail or even legend as to how this all ties together, but there thay all are today: britain’s top/most eminent legal establishment, masons, the templars, and pegasus.

    I took the photos last year, while thinking of you, thought ‘I bet EMS would like to see this’ 🙂

    The Niblett Pegasus

  38. Moe


    Always enjoy your presentations but not, unfortunately, in video format. Interesting topic but my preference is to read, not watch.
    ELAINE: This is why I will always publish stories, too. I like writing words a great deal.

  39. openly hidden,
    Dear Buddy. I have been well and truly screwed so deeply, so severely, it would scare most people. They screw you? No shit? I’m shocked!
    I was screwed early and often. I don’t care no more. Unlike most, I did get revenge. Shit. I probably even got my revenge before the bastards screwed me. Now I’m just collecting the interest!

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