North Anna Nuclear Power Plant Shut Down By Earthquake



We just had an earthquake and now more than one nuclear power plant has shut down.  The North Anna plant had to use its old-fashioned diesel generators to keep the water flowing over the Nuclear Dragon that was somewhat shaken awake there.  It might not be stirring but we don’t know since cracked pipes have to be searched out and then repaired.  This quake probably wasn’t enough to break the interior chambers like at Fukushima.  But it is a harsh reminder that our nuclear power plants are most certainly not safe or free of worry that Mother Nature might do something nasty to us.

Virginia Nuclear Power Plant Loses Power After Quake –

The North Anna Power Station, which has two nuclear reactors, is now using four diesel generators to maintain cooling operations. The plant automatically shut down in the wake of the earthquake.

“As far as we know, everything is safe,” said Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman David McIntyre.

There are seven additional nuclear plants that have declared unusual events, which is the lowest of four emergency situations, the NRC said.

Those plants are located in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.


One problem with this news story: all nuclear power plant operators lie. They lie when they go to bed, they lie when they get out of bed.  They are inbred liars.  They have to lie.  Lying about nuclear power is nearly reflexive so we can’t take them at face value since not one nuclear power operator or nuclear bomb user has ever, ever told the truth about ANYTHING.  They can’t.  They won’t.  They dare not.


So we take this news story with a ton of salt.  The problem with the North Anna plant is very easy to see in the map below where I show the logical area of evacuation if it does go Fukushima on us:

Perhaps irradiating our political classes, the Pentagon and so on might prove a service to humanity.  Certainly, it would be rather difficult to run DC if everyone is running from DC.  We know from Chernobyl and Fukushima, the victims of nuclear fall out situations will be told not when it happens but only after weeks of grinding, howling, pushing rage aimed at the plant operators.  That is, it always comes way too late.
When it does come, people lose nearly everything.  Their pets, their homes, their belongings, their communities, virtually everything and what is worse, the evacuation time isn’t in days, weeks or months but…not even years…generations!  Eons, in some cases.
Everyone living within these evacuation zones should think long and hard about what it may mean if they get a Fukushima event.  The people of Fukushima were told, Chernobyl was most unusual and would never happen again so they didn’t have to worry about Fukushima.  Well, they are learning the hard way, the harsh lessons of nuclear power.  Once that snoozing dragon heating the water so innocently escapes its prison, it goes on a full-blown rampage and begins working its way to the earth’s mantle where it will be at home (is:  hot as hell and very radioactive).

North Anna Power Station

The North Anna Power Station, which has two nuclear reactors, is now using four diesel generators to maintain cooling operations. The plant automatically shut down in the wake of the earthquake.

“As far as we know, everything is safe,” said Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman David McIntyre.

There are seven additional nuclear plants that have declared unusual events, which is the lowest of four emergency situations, the NRC said.

Those plants are located in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.


Here are some facts about the North Anna Power Station:


North Anna generates 1,806 megawatts from its two units — enough electricity to power 450,000 homes. Unit 1 began commercial operation in June, 1978 and Unit 2 followed in December 1980.


North Anna is located in Louisa County in central Virginia, northwest of Richmond. The facility was named after the North Anna River, which was dammed to form the 9,600-acre Lake Anna reservoir and the 3,400-acre Waste Heat Treatment Facility, used to provide cooling water for the station.


The Lake Anna reservoir and the Waste Heat Treatment Facility have become a popular outdoor recreational area, whose shoreline is dotted with homes, cabins. There are a number of marinas, campgrounds and a large state park on the Lake Anna reservoir.


This plant is the same generation of plants which Fukushima sprang from.  So, since the earthquake hitting that plant was not a 9.0 which was over 100 miles away, it was more like 7.2 or so which is still much greater than the quake that happened right on the doorstep of this nuclear power plant.

U.S. nuclear power stations, including Dominion’s four stations, are built to seismic standards for their regions and safety systems designed to those standards would direct operators to shut down the reactors in the event of a major earthquake such as the one that struck Japan in the spring of 2011. Additional information is available from the Nuclear Energy Institute.


Note how insane this paragraph is!  The Fukushima plants didn’t have problems shutting down, they CRACKED.  Like eggs.  They BROKE.  No matter how much water was poured in, it ran right out again.  Then it all exploded.  Boom!  Naturally, TEPCO lied about the nuclear explosions and even here on my blog, some people made fun of me for saying, this was a very dangerous explosion.  Nope, they claimed it was 1-100th as bad as Chernobyl.  Well, it is as bad as Chernobyl, big time.


There are NO seismic standards that fits reality.  They were based on fantasies.  The builders were anxious to have nuclear power come hell or high water and got them.  Now, they can’t stop them if hell or high water comes.  Telling the guys toiling away in these dangerous places, to shut them down AFTER an earthquake is just plain silly.  The rods stay nuclear-hot and if there are cracks, you can kiss your ass goodbye.  Period.  End of story.  Fukushima makes this crystal clear for all to see.


Here are the stupid instructions to the people living in this kill zone.  None of these make sense after Fukushima, hell, after Chernobyl.  But then, we were told, no ‘China Syndrome’ would ever, ever happen to top nuclear powers like the US or Japan!  Hubris, kiss your own asses goodbye!

Make sure everyone in your household knows what to do in an
emergency, especially children.

Which is, run like hell far, far away and say goodbye to everything you own or love especially your pets.  If the children are at school, you have little time to fetch them and then flee.  
❏ Keep important papers in a safe and handy place.

So, carry these all the time with yourself, locked to your wrist?  What else can one do?  Many in Japan are still trying to retrieve important papers!

❏ Make sure your vehicle is ready to use, have an extra set of car keys and keep emergency supplies in your vehicle:
– Flashlight and batteries – First aid kit – Safety flares – Fire extinguisher
– Road maps ❏ Develop an emergency supply kit, include:
– A three day supply of water (1 gallon/person per day).

How about a 50 year supply?????
– Battery powered radio, cell phone, extra batteries.
– Food for at least 3 days – canned/sealed packaged foods and juices that do not require refrigeration or cooking. Foods for infants and the elderly.

Three days?  They kept everyone locked up in the Fukushima zone for over a week before making them run for their lives.
– Non-electric can opener, cooking tools and fuel, paper plates and plastic utensils.
– Toiletries. – Blanket/sleeping bag, pillows for each member of the family, a
change of season appropriate clothing. – Prescription and non-prescription medications your family needs. – Baby and children’s items (diapers, toys and books).
❏ Develop a plan for your pets before there is an emergency. Include medications, veterinary records, a sturdy leash and carriers. (See page 12 for a pet emergency supply kit.)

Harsh reality: they don’t let you take your pets out of evacuation zones.  Period.  People come in later and shoot them dead.  Or they die of starvation or lack of water.  


This booklet for the people of Virginia is not for them but was made for the people in Connecticut which would be TOTALLY DEPOPULATED if that nuclear power plant were to blow a gasket.  Not to mention, Long Island, too!  Insane, so insane.


The evacuation routes given to the people in Virginia takes them to New Jersey!  Heh.  Talk about ‘from the frying pan and into the fire’!  Move them all to Camden!  Move DC there.  Might do us some good, fix up the place.  I really think people in power do not think very hard about anything except their lusts and desires and…do they think?  I think not.


If we pretend Fukushima is NORMAL, the obvious appears: we are fucked.  Big time.  Maybe not this time but in some future time.  Nuclear Dragons live LONNNNNG lives.  They live a lot longer than civilizations.  They are ancient beasts and patient beasts and once free, devour everything they can.  Lustfully and relentlessly.  They are to be avoided at all costs.  Always and forever.  End of story.

sunset borger

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sunset borger


Filed under energy, Geology

13 responses to “North Anna Nuclear Power Plant Shut Down By Earthquake

  1. Jeremy/Nashville

    Elaine, my younger sister and her husband live in Fredericksburg, VA just 30 miles outside of D.C. It was quite a scare for them today. Thankfully everyone is okay. We also have friends who live along the coast of North Carolina who felt it too! Heaven forbide if we get one here in TN! Memphis will be in huge trouble when that happens.

  2. Pingback: NoVa Quake « rlilly

  3. adamm

    Some of the mainstream news reported that most people thought it was something related to a TERROR attack… so brainwashed! Yes now its aliens, time to create an alien invasion scenario!

    I would keep my eye on hurricane Irene, if it follows the same pattern as the 911 hurricane Erin.

    Others think that if the Washington Monument cracks and falls over, its a sign from god ie the vengeful desert bloodthirsty one; of the end times for wickedness.

    Being vigilant prepared and calm is the best medicine for all the hysteria induced by and taken advantage of; by the ruling elites. They love to cause chaos.

  4. No doubt this may have affected the now again leaking BP well in the gulf, very bad news ,shit.

  5. CK

    If the Washington monument falls over it is just another sign of Erectile Dysfunction affecting the body politic. Which, if you are a male of a certain age, you might well see as a sign that the great sky father is no longer your BFF.
    A few concrete cialis injections and a thank you card to the nurse practitioner ( after 4 hours ) will set things to rights.

  6. mile


  7. Sorry, false story about oil leak, one of the reasons you read Elaines news not mine!

  8. Matthew Butch

    Most if not all the problems from Fukushima were caused by the tsunami (the worst in a long time). It withstood the earthquake just fine. Note that 20,000 people died from the tsunami, and leading scientists believe no loss of life will occur from it.

    We all have to make tradeoffs about safety- nothing is and nothing will ever be perfect. I’m not worried about nuclear reactors in a disaster- the rioting from people who are worried will cause way more damage.


    ELAINE: Even TEPCO admits the earthquake broke the containment units which is why the nuclear rods inside are now outside. The tsunami knocked out the diesel generators.

    You should be more wary about listening to pro-nuclear power people who are scared of a warmer earth. A radioactive mess is a great, great danger and yes, this kills people. A lot of people.

  9. Alex Yam

    @Matthew Butch

    Most if not all the problems from Fukushima were caused by the tsunami (the worst in a long time). It withstood the earthquake just fine. Note that 20,000 people died from the tsunami, and leading scientists believe no loss of life will occur from it.

    We all have to make tradeoffs about safety- nothing is and nothing will ever be perfect. I’m not worried about nuclear reactors in a disaster- the rioting from people who are worried will cause way more damage.

    BS, Fukushima plant’s radiation already leaked before the tsunami even hit it. The quake already caused damage to the reactor before the water reached it, of course Tepco took weeks to release such data and it never reached the MSM. (Source:

    Fuck buzz words like ‘leading scientists’, how about use some data and logic. Show me one quote from a ‘leading scientists’ and I’ll show you one with the exact opposite view from another ‘leading scientists/chief engineer/industry expert/’.

    You sound exactly like the Tepco idiots who keep singing the nuclear happy song. Fuck off.

  10. kenogami

    What happened to the nuclear power plant at Fort Calhoon in the USA?
    It has completely disapeared from the US MS media. Last I read,
    the water level was a few inches from flooding the power plant.

  11. EMan

    The earthquake was likely? caused by pressure injection of fracking fluid waste water back into the earth.

  12. emsnews

    This is a natural event. Big time. Every time an earthquake happens lately, people yell ‘fracting’. This is yet another attempt at making us the Big Shots whereby mere humans cause all events.

    How silly this is! The earth is VERY active this last decade ever since the huge Boxing Day Quake. We had several 9.0+ quakes since then which is most unusual and none of these had anything to do with mere humans. The US is driving straight towards two great quakes: the mid section of the San Andreas and the New Madrid both seem ready to have another go at it, they both blow out every 150 years or so.

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