Biden Cuts Nose Off, Irritates Jewish Voters Who Will Now Vote Trump


Last time a President screwed up a Muslim ‘take hostages’ situation was Jimmy Carter.  He lost his reelection in huge numbers to Reagan who then stopped the hostage situation.  I say very often, humans learn nothing from history!  Most people even top people think that they are doing new things when they are doing the usual things.  I am certain Trump will win this next election because like with Reagan, they will all cease to be ‘Democrats’ and suddenly will be ‘Republicans.’


There is another reason Trump will win—he is patriotic and wants to stop the armies of hostile illegal aliens invading our country.  Here is news from one of the several very stupid liberal states that is now dying and going bankrupt due to these invaders:


  1. Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc… Also people will not be punished for bringing in & eating outside food.
  2. Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever – we are not in the military, we’re civilians.
  3. Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed.
  4. All will receive the same housing support that has been offered to others. They cannot kick people out in 30 days without something stable established.
  5. There needs to be a clear, just process before exiting someone for any reason – including verbal, written & final warnings.
  6. All shelter residents will receive connection to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify.
  7. Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss/progress their cases, & then the City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics & including transportation to relevant court dates.
  8. The City will provide privacy for families/individuals within the shelter.
  9. No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 – we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such.
  10. Transportation for all children to & from their schools will be provided until they finish in 3 weeks.
  11. No separating families, regardless of if family members have children or not. The camp will stay together.
  12. The City must schedule a meeting with the Mayor & those directly involved in running the Newcomer program ASAP to discuss further improvements & ways to support migrants.
  13. The City must provide all residents with a document signed by a City official in English & Spanish with all of these demands that includes a number to call to report mistreatment.


I have a better solution: arrest and deport these greedy, nasty invaders!  They are NOT ‘migrants’ they are INVADERS.  All should be arrested and sent home.  All Democrat leaders supporting and enabling these invaders should be arrested and charged with TREASON.


Another group of grifters seeking goodies and acting like invaders are the many students rioting on behalf of Hamas (‘death to all Jews’):



These crazy kids are angry they got painted, too.  Well, they do all sorts of goofy things to their bodies!  Lots and lots of tattoos and nose rings, etc.  Strange, messy hair, weird colors, etc.  They are vandalizing the schools and public monuments, etc.  They destroy civilization because they are savages.


Speaking about insane savages, the New York Times is this goofy, mostly Jewish, newspaper that I mock periodically.  They jumped the Trump shark today, yet again!



So, in the screwball world of the NYC Jewish publishers (when I was Mrs. Levy and my father-in-law was a Jewish publisher in Manhattan, so I know these guys, personally!) they are now screaming that Trump is evil but he supports ISRAEL.  So, evil creeps like Trump…LOVE ISRAEL and the JEWS!


Wow, talk about brain farts.  The communists who now run that silly newspaper refused to put their names to this editorial so I assume they are all thinking this bizarre way.  ‘Hate Trump but support him supporting Israel’ is insane.


Talk about going nuts in a forest of oak trees!


Now on to a really goofy story.  Hollywood is the home base for many guys, a lot of them are Jewish, who believe they can have any sort of sex with shiksas and do some guys in LA decided to bait a trap for one of them, in this case, the producer of kid’s cartoon shows:



They dumped colored dust all over him as he fled through the streets.  I wonder if the rich guy will sue them all?  Of course, the guy wanting sex with a young teenager will have to go to jail!  And news about any trials will be nasty for the Hollywood worms who feast on wannabe actors and actresses.


Hollywood is nearly 100% Biden/DNC.  They should be tossed out due to that fact!  But then, people who surround Biden are totally ‘look but don’t see’ when he molests little girls.  Sheesh.


Speaking of filth and sex, this happened in court at the Trump trial two days ago, from



The silly ninny leftist DNC judge warned Trump’s lawyer to not call the sex actress ‘porn star’ and then, just one minute later, said, ‘Now bring out the PORN STAR!’  HAHAHA.  He should resign, NOW.


He is too stupid to be a judge.  He is a sex fiend.  He is dirty!  Whoo hoo, they are all dirty, disgusting, filthy people and should be thrown in prison.


As I like to say, ‘Arrest them ALL.’



Filed under .money matters

39 responses to “Biden Cuts Nose Off, Irritates Jewish Voters Who Will Now Vote Trump

  1. Moe

    Don’t arrest them all, give them a fair trial and hang ’em the next morning.

  2. snoosebomb

    we love bilderbee genocides / land grabs , thats why we read the bilderbee news like EMSnews

  3. Anne

    Is it possible to not ‘love Israel’, and still have a fair chance at becoming president of the United States? I think we know the answer to that question..

    Biden said for the first time Wednesday he would halt some shipments of American weapons to Israel – which he acknowledged have been used to kill civilians in the Gaza Strip.

    “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett in an exclusive interview, referring to 2,000-pound bombs that Biden paused shipments of last week.

    Careful now, Biden. You might offend the zionist lobby.

  4. New York Times has an article about Biden’s ‘pause’ on the shipment of bombs to Israel that subtly suggests the US government isn’t on the same page as the president. At the top of the article they quote Biden from his CNN interview saying he won’t provide weapons to kill civilians in Rafah, and quote some angry responses from Israel. But after that they start referring to “The administration,” “The White House,” and unnamed government officials, who are making sure Israel gets all the weapons Congress approved and who think Israel’s treatment of civilians has improved. To me it definitely has an edge of, the president is only as important as we want him to be.

  5. qbutnoa

    It is time, once again, for the political barometer that is the Eurovision Song Contest. Anyway, the big row continues.



  6. I’m sure this will bring “joy” to you Elaine – you probably already know and maybe already reported on it – but here:

    There is going to be hell to pay in jurisprudence circles for all these false accusations, but those who advocate harming others unlawfully – well – they will reap what they sow.

  7. A snippet of it – and just goes to show how quick things can change – on a dime.


    A US federal judge has indefinitely postponed the trial of former US president and Republican front runner Donald Trump over allegations of mishandling classified documents.

    In the summer of 2022, FBI agents raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, recovering hundreds of classified documents. The Washington Post reported in September of the same year that some materials related to US nuclear secrets, Iran’s missile program, and Washington’s intelligence activities in China.

    A year later, Trump was indicted by a federal grand jury in Miami, Florida. The former president has pleaded not guilty.

    The trial was initially set to begin on May 20, 2024. However, in a ruling on Tuesday, US District Judge Aileen Cannon reset the date, arguing that there were eight substantive pending motions on which she has yet to decide. The judge also said she believed the national security mishandling allegations to “present novel and difficult questions.”

  8. qbutnoa

    North West Atlantic ocean cooling despite the hottest global boiling of all time.

  9. qbutnoa

  10. @9, interesting that a patch of ocean is suddenly cooler. Currents are changing, it seems. Glaciers are melting. It would’ve been nice if the article had speculated more. We likely just don’t understand ocean currents well though.

  11. macdundas

    The safety and efficacy of the Hebron Smart City surveillance technology and AI automatic weapons allegedly has been proven against the internal enemies of the State. So American Jews, as the internal enemy in the US, should have no objection to submitting to the same measures: Automated Apartheid: Walking Through Hebron Smart City | Documentary (

  12. Jim R

    @11 & 9, 

    Ocean currents meander. But one thing is consistent: if a patch of water is cooler, scientists will be baffled. But if it is warmer, it is because you are cooking with a gas stove, and also cow farts.

  13. macdundas

    Missing from the coverage in Dancing Oven Babies – The Good Citizen of the JFK assassination is Kennedy’s other antisemitic crime: he was attacking the banker scam whereby the US Government pays interest on money created for it by the Federal Reserve President Kennedy, The Fed And Executive Order 11110 – Prepare For Change

  14. Jim Harmon

    Why don’t you kick all this Nazi filth off your site, ems? You could eject them using the meme EMS (Eat my shit). None of them are even remotely human.

  15. I love how ‘explain why history happens’ leads to hysteria.

    Hello! When I talk about what PEOPLE are doing in this world of woe, I am cheerfully explaining the obvious. For example: Russia ALWAYS needs access to the Black Sea.

    History shows that they will fight vast wars to the death for this! So, stopping them is DEADLY. They cannot accept defeat, they will fight to the end.

    Hitler tried to kill all Jews. This radicalized all Jews who learned the lesson: you have to fight to the death to stop this. Then they decided to have a country of ‘Jews’ and this leads to endless wars!

    Meanwhile, the EU and US let in all kinds of people. We have no ‘unity’ of ethnic or religious types. MY FAMILY helped create this ‘open USA. We let in people of all sorts and tried to make them CITIZENS like Ancient Rome’s empire.

    This worked but stubbornly, the new people coming in hate, all over the country, these alien clans and customs and therefore, want to annihilate each other leading to chaos here in the USA which isn’t united at all.

    Naturally, emotional humans here at my news service are mad at me for talking about all this stuff. I am describing what is happening and what will happen later based on incoming information.

    I control NO ONE. Hell’s bells, all my very long life, whenever I absolutely correctly predict future events, no one believes me and they then go nuts when this or that thing happens.

  16. Jews want the USA open to all including themselves while they close their borders to all but ‘real Jews.’ I know how this works, I was Mrs. Levy for many years! They never accepted me as ‘Jewish’ in NYC back then!

    I am a mix of many kinds: part German, part French, a lot Norman British, some Anglo-Saxon British, Mohawk Indian and had a half-Jewish child, too. All mixed in!

    But many humans are very tribal and want blood purity. The countries that don’t follow this ‘blood purity’ thing are openly invaded by…humans who believe in eliminating rival tribes! Thus, the future for the EU and US is very dim if we allow tribes to come in and…do what happened to ancient Rome which collapsed.

    Did I mention, everyone should read ‘the Decline and Fall of Ancient Rome’? 

    Yes, I mention this a lot, don’t I!

  17. Jim R

    One thing the Jews do really well is the ‘tribal’ thing. The rituals, holidays, rites-of-passage, and the mythology. A lot of it makes no sense, but it separates the tribe from the rest of the world.

    The USA has had a pretty good run, with oceans on either side, and physical separation from a lot of enemies, but the USA is not a tribe.

    Get ready to observe the Chinese tribe. China does not need a lot of silly rituals, it already has a language, a culture, a race. And I think a lot of this cultural disruption amounts to a soft-power coup originating in China… no proof, not a whole lot of dots to connect, and we haven’t seen a ‘ChinaPAK’ equivalent to AIPAC, but I am guessing it will be more obvious over time.

    Elaine, remember when you were drawing the little cartoons, and China was always this dragon with the money bag labelled $3 trillion or so? Yeah, this is the logical result of that. They can’t simply plunk down the money and buy America, but they can promote chaos — race wars, gender wars, etc., a virus here or there, you know. The CIA wrote the book on this stuff a long time ago.

  18. China is in full collapse now. It is run by COMMUNISTS again!!!

    Even my beloved city of Shanghai, which I got to influence so much, is now dead in the water.

  19. And they killed Hong Kong, too!

  20. Jim R

    China is in such bad shape it is exploring the moon.

    Its central planning may not be making all of its 1.4 billion people wealthy, but they are going to the moon.

    Recall that after the space shuttle was canceled under Obama, the US astronauts had to bum a ride to the space station from Russia. Meanwhile Obama was also starting this war with Russia, so the arrangement was temporary.

  21. qbutnoa

    As i understand it, China is expanding externally and collapsing internally at the same time, which, is not uncommon in world history.

  22. Jim R

    Yeah, the Romans were famous for their 5th century moon program, of course!

  23. qbutnoa

    moon programs are a very recent type of external expansion, so, there are only a few examples of countries expanding to the moon like the usa which did and is now in collapse and russia, which got half way before it totally collapsed.

  24. China has been collapsing for 25 years, according to Western media. If you haven’t noticed that it isn’t yet I’m not sure what to say.

  25. qbutnoa

    25 years ago, china was growing at a mad rate, every dollar and every expertise was flooding in, i doubt any country has done more in less time or ever will. That all started to slow down 3 years ago and has now stopped, such that, every dollar and anybody that can, is leaving and will not go back. Chairman xi and his regime have made it quite clear, moaism is back with a brutal vengeance, internally, china is being crushed and beaten to death and cannot survive in its current form, it is in collapse.

  26. @28, China’s real estate sector started running into problems a few years back. There was a lot of speculative money being pumped into real estate leading to developers taking on a lot of debt – a typical speculative bubble. The flow of money began to dry up, and several Chinese developers went bankrupt. But what’s generally forgotten/ignored about it is the cause: speculative money dried up because the CCP tightened lending restrictions on their banks.

    You remember that Trump started a trade war with China about 7 years ago, and started using sanctions to try and kill China’s high tech sector represented by companies like Huawei, which had briefly surpassed Apple as the world’s largest smartphone brand. That kicked into high gear something Xi had wanted to do anyway: domestically produce more of what China needs, to sanction-proof it. But for that they need capital.

    Investing in houses has been popular in China. People don’t want to risk their savings and real estate seems safe. As the population gets richer that can inflate bubbles: more housing getting built than anyone needs.

    China is shifting its economy into high-tech. Any time you do that there’s turbulence. It’s not collapsing.

  27. I have tons of experience with the Chinese going back more than 50 years. I was once a very important person to the Chinese Communists and they literally sent people to LIVE WITH ME.

    I had fun turning them all into capitalists!

    Now they are reverting to communism and it is failing like it always fails.

  28. @30, once upon a time you gave us more nuanced economic analyses than that. You blamed the 2008 crash on deregulating banks, especially getting rid of Glass-Steagall. Without regulation those gnomes get really greedy – something like that.

    What happened?

  29. qbutnoa

    the chinese economy needs manufacturers to stay and customers to buy, both are leaving and are not coming back, china is in collapse caused by maoism and this cannot be reversed by maoism.

  30. @32, that’s a very popular idea in American media. As the US derisks/decouples from China, American manufacturers are going to figure out how to move their production to India or Vietnam or somewhere, and the US market will be closed to China by tariffs. US investors will pull out of China for fear of ‘geopolitical risk.’ Without US manufacturing and US markets and US capital, surely the Chinese economy will die.

    The US sure is printing a lot of money it could use to buy things made in China. If the Chinese don’t get that printed money I wonder what they’ll do. Collapse?

  31. If you think seriously about my question, I think you see that what’s happening in the world is just what we’d expect if we assume that China is solving the problems caused for it by American decoupling. BRICS is expanding; swap agreements are increasingly used for China to trade with other countries outside of the US dollar system.

    Consider it, anyway.

  32. Jim R

    @steve M,

    Yeah, China is collapsing the same way Russia is collapsing. Our USA central planners have enacted sanctions, which will sever economic ties, and without our American confetti, their economies will die.

    What we have done is to drive China and Russia into strategic partnership, which is a remarkable accomplishment, because they have hated each other for centuries.

    What our super-geniuses fail to recognize is that the wealth of Asia is in its natural resources. And cutting off the US and western Europe just means they will have more stuff for themselves internally. No gas for Europe? Well, gas is also a starting material for manufacturing artillery shells.

  33. Jim R

    What China is gleefully exporting to the USA now is communism. It’s going the same way China went in the mid-20C, with a “great leap forward” (electric cars, molecular biology), and a “cultural revolution” (LGBTQ+ for children in schools). It is a slightly different flavor of communism, but the revolutionary strategy is the same. Turn children against their parents, and disrupt the economy from within.

    It will have the same effect as mid-20C Chinese communism — hardship and tyranny for decades forward.

    Americans will learn to love the new pink dollar, with a picture of Chairman Mao… we tore down all the statues of American heroes, and took down all the pictures.

    The economies of Asia are advancing with their own currencies, so that measured in dollars, the answer is 0. And that is the origin of your ‘collapse’ story.

  34. qbutnoa

    there is only one thing to consider and understand, who rules china, and that, currently is the maoist. previously the regime was very happy to have money leave their borders in the form of manufactured goods, but, they will not allow money to leave in the form of cash without their permission – which, so far, has not been given. it does not matter about synthetic financial instruments or any kind of trade alliance, if capital cannot move freely in and out, then it does not move in, it goes where it is most productive/reliable, and, that is no longer china.

  35. @Jim R, I agree about Russia and China. Between them they have tremendous natural resources and manufacturing abilities. Forcing them into a partnership by trying to get Ukraine into NATO will be one of those moves people look back at later and wonder WTF?

    But you know, this is ‘capitalist democracy.’ Nobody thinks beyond the next election or the next quarterly earnings report. If you want any sort of planning, we call that communism. This war in Ukraine is great for oil companies and defense contractors, and in a good capitalist democracy the politicians are all for sale. So what do we expect?

  36. Jim R


    When a small country prints money, especially a small country with a poorly developed economy, it tends to over-print and cause inflation. Even moreso when the elites in that country have no self-control, like Zimbabwe. They start adding zeroes to the notes until they need scientific notation …

    Venezuela had a very hard time when it was cut off from its dollar supply, and could no longer buy things from the USA. They are beginning to recover a little now, as they have been working on diversifying their economy, and they can export their surplus population, criminals, etc. to the USA via the Texas border.

    But countries with big, diverse economies are far less affected by these ‘sanctions’. As I mentioned, there are other markets, farms, mines, and factories inside Asia, whodathunkit? By this time, the only thing Biden is accomplishing is to plunge Europe into penury and deprive the USA of those Asian factories, mines, etc.

    China has a long tradition of educating their elites, by the way. The last century or two have been exceptional — but, note how China sent some people over to Elaine’s house back in the day, to enhance their education (Elaine’s father was a scientist, a real one, not a phony like Bill Nye or Neil deGrasse Tyson). No doubt some valuable lessons were learned by their students back then.

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