Japan Hosts Fukushima Radioactive Marathon


This ad is for a TV show in Japan.  A marathon was run right down the middle of some of the worst radioactive roads in Japan outside of the ‘red zone’ right next to Fukushima.  This insane race was hosted by the Japanese government which seems little changed from WWII when the rulers in Tokyo demanded all Japanese fight literally to death. 


Just as the Banzai Samurai lying about Tokyo set out suicide squads to die for the Emperor who was as protected as a silkworm in its cocoon of mulberry leaves, so today, the financial wizards running Japan send out suicidal school girls to prove that the contaminated parts of Japan are OK for the masses (but not the rich upper class families who rule Japan).  From one of many anti-TEPCO blogs from Japan is this terrible story:  “Let’s die together” marathon | Fukushima Diary

They are holding a marathon relay race in Fukushima city. source

At this moment when this article is being written, teenage runners are running. The radiation level is as high as mandatory evacuating area in Chernobyl.

Thousands of people called the administrators to stop the race but it ended up started….To attend at the race, they made the girls sign on the contract.

“Even if I have health problem from this race, I will not sue the promoter (= Japanese government)”


At nearly every level, the Fukushima tragedy makes me ill.  This is due to the people who ran Japan into the ground are uninterested in saving the people there.  Instead, they want to save their investments and continue ruling Japan in their own interests exactly like we see here with our rulers doing the same.


When push comes to shove, they shove us all into danger while protecting themselves.  Irresponsible people have shoved nuclear power on us despite the dark history of nuclear power disasters and the dangers of nuclear disasters growing, not shrinking, over time.  Instead of facing the truth, we were fed lies.  All things nuclear leads to lying.  This race is a classic example.


Just two weeks ago, the government chose a poor flunky to demonstrate that water from this contaminated region is now clean and healthy.  So, sweating bullets, he drank it on national TV.  As if the damage would appear instantly like in a poison!  By deliberately refusing to understand the hazards of nuclear contamination, the government tries to lie to people and tell them, it doesn’t always kill INSTANTLY.


Of course, this is the entire problem: it kills slowly.  Worse, it doesn’t disappear, but is invisible.  So we can’t see or hear it coming, it is insidious.  The poor girls running this marathon, trying hard to be healthy and strong, may end up weak and destroyed by cancers.  They might not be able to have healthy, strong babies in the future.  Choosing to send girls on this suicide mission to prove nuclear contamination is save was a hideous choice done by jerks who fear to run there, themselves.


I would like to see them run this race!  All the TEPCO top brass, the entire Tokyo political class, the Emperor of Japan and his fragile flower family, all of them should run this race.  Then, we can see if they flourish or die.


Here is this week’s press conference about Fukushima.  Note that nothing useful is said by the TEPCO official.  Power plant chief details Fukushima nuclear disaster – The Mainichi Daily News



Q. How much is your own accumulative radiation exposure level?

A. I won’t comment on that because it’s personal information but it’s reached a certain level.

Q. How are you going to deal with the crisis from now on?

A. One objective is a successful conclusion of Step 2 (to bring the reactors to a cold shutdown under the road map). With local conditions in mind, we will advance proposals for the next step (of mid- and long-term measures) and carry out the task to meet the needs of the people of Fukushima Prefecture.


Some plan!  They will have a successful conclusion.  And will advance proposals.  And carry out tasks!  Wow.  What a plan.  Of course, this isn’t a plan.  It isn’t even a bare bones appraisal.  It is all hope talk.  They hope to do something, some unknown thing since no one has figured out, in the past, how to clean up major nuclear power plant explosions.  Once the things blow up, that’s the end.  Of everything.  There has been no success in dealing with a post-nuclear blast event at a power plant.



To prove all was doing great, all was well, TEPCO and the paper pushers hiding in Tokyo’s tall towers sent Reporters to the damaged reactor plant but they were told to stay in the bus


…The dosimeters of the journalists on the bus buzzed constantly, recording levels that ticked up with each passing kilometre: 0.7 microsieverts in Naraha, at the edge of the evacuation zone; 1.5 at Tomioka, where the welcome centre for Fukushima Daiichi told Japanese visitors that nuclear power was safe. Saturday’s level was 13 times the recommended maximum annual dosage for civilians…The media tour of the site, the first since disaster struck on March 11, appeared to be Tokyo Electric Power Co’s way of declaring its confidence that it is close to stabilising the plant.


Huh?  The entire trip was a total disaster.  It was not safe at all.  Even when locked into this bus, the reporters had to wear full suits, face masks, everything!  And were badly irradiated, too.  They can’t make this trip a dozen more times.


TEPCO fixed the problem of overexposure for its workers by changing the standards to a much higher level of radiation exposure.  Of course, they are not dying right now.  They will all die later, maybe, ten or twenty years from now.  They can’t have children anymore, their sperm are being badly damaged by exposure.  I am not the only person alarmed by tall this:  Parts of Japan too radioactive to farm, say int’l researchers.


The Japanese government spent decades pushing the story that Japan’s food was superior to gaijin food.  But this has gone haywire since Fukushima.  Over and over again, the government has tried to push radioactive produce into markets, telling everyone, it is OK to eat.  Of course, the fish near Japan are now safe from being consumed since they are radioactive.


Slowly, the government has begun to pretend to do health checks on children:  Response rate for Fukushima’s thyroid check-ups on kids reaches 77 percent.  I can assure them, the problem isn’t from today, it will appear in the future and the more the children are exposed, the more likely they will accumulate radioactive agents in their thyroid glands.  The girls who just did the marathon have been exposed, too.  It doesn’t stop.  There is no ‘end point’ in this exposure.



Japan has been hammered by the quake and post-quake shocks and the damage accumulates over time, too:  March 11 quake’s ‘long-period’ tremors left cracks in Tokyo skyscrapers.  We know from videos that the huge towers swayed back and forth pretty badly.   They did hold up but they too internal damage.


If we get a big quake in Tokyo, proper, these damaged buildings may pancake suddenly even if their foundation doesn’t give way.  We know from history that cement floor buildings, once they do give way, pancake pretty badly and pretty much kill nearly everyone inside.  This is why I don’t like these sorts of buildings.  They may look solid but they are not.  They can see key elements turn to dust.


Tokyo will have a major earthquake just like California or the Mississippi valley.  This is inevitable.  Worse, Mt. Fuji will eventually erupt, too.  This is inevitable.  Generally, earthquakes during eruptions can be pretty bad.  So…the real question is, putting major cities in major fault zones next to  major volcanoes is…suicidal, isn’t it?  Yet, it happens a lot.  Look at Seattle!  Or LA (no volcano but a major nuclear power plant nearby)!

sunset borger

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Filed under energy, Politics

5 responses to “Japan Hosts Fukushima Radioactive Marathon

  1. RobG

    As usual, great reporting Elaine.

    On another topic: Scalia And Thomas Party With Obamacare Challengers On Day Court Takes Up Case

    The Los Angeles Times is reporting that just hours after the United States Supreme Court huddled to decide whether it would take up the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas were honored at a dinner sponsored by the very law firm that will argue for the challengers in the case.

  2. How dangerous is Japan overall due to radioactivity?

  3. Mindboggling. How insane and perverted isn’t this marathon? What makes young women put on such a show of defiance of something that cannot be defied, just for the sake of propaganda? And they even know it. Must be some kind of collective thing going on here. How is sacrificing the healthiest young “virgins” going to help anything?

  4. emsnews

    Well, they could throw them into Mount Fuji.

  5. @ Elaine: Excellent report, Elaine. The old saying, “No man hath greater love than he will die for his friends” has no truck with the elites. Better they shove their friends, heck, even their mothers, into the maw of the Death God than sacrifice themselves. In other words, no honour amongst thieves.

    And how TEPCO, the Japan government, and the US Agencies have responded to this is utterly shameful. There was more openness from the Soviet Union about Chernobyl after Eurpoe figured things out. Our so-called protectors shut the flow of information down and continue to lie to us!


    @Rob G: And i know how the court will decide on ObamaRomneyCare: 9-0 in favor of the individual mandate being kept, 5-4 against keeping anything else. Which means free money for the insurance companies and the banking gnomes who run them!

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