Ron Paul Gives Up

Needless to say, I figured this would happen.  Last time he ran, he dumped everyone without warning and he did it again.  I don’t know how many times the Ron Paul followers have to be burned but I suppose, it takes a lot to learn.

That is, when the news came out that Ron’s wife had a personal buddy buddy relationship with Mrs. Bully Boy, it was obvious to me what would happen next.  Politics are VERY personal in DC.  Ron won’t rock the GOP boat even if it means handing over our government to a guy running banking scams offshore while deindustrializing our nation.

This is the weak spot with Libertarians: they have no clue how the real world works.  They don’t understand basic capitalism because they forbid themselves from ever trying to understand Karl Marx.  This huge hole in their collective education is most painful to watch.

If one doesn’t understand what ‘capital’ is, one can’t understand what ‘money’ is.  Or anything: it is LABOR and VALUE ADDED to production via work that turns raw nature into ‘products’ which then have to be sold for a ‘profit’.

This is best done with slaves, of course.  But slaves destroy the capitalist system since they buy nothing.  The need for workers is paramount, workers who are not slaves.

Here is the latest example from dying Japan which runs deep in the red in significant areas as Nature hammers the nation into the lower depths of hell:  Housewives seeking part-time work squeezed out by surge in jobless ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

Eiko Kato, 44, was laid off late last year by a food processing plant near her home in Ibaraki Prefecture. She’d been working on the assembly line four days a week. She and others were displaced, she says, by 30 trainees from Pakistan and Bangladesh – people willing or forced to work longer hours for less pay than the locals. Kato has three children in school. She can’t afford to be unemployed. She frequented the government employment agency Hello Work, and pressed acquaintances who might have connections. Luckily – or so she thought – one came through for her, and got her a job at a restaurant in a neighboring town. The trouble was the 20-km commute. Soaring gas prices cut into her wages to such an extent that the job is hardly worthwhile. But out of consideration for her connection, she feels she can’t quit.


These are not, like in the US, illegal aliens.  They are legal!  But they do the same thing: they get little money and all of it moves out of Japan to their home countries while the Japanese go without jobs.  In the US, we import high end labor to drive down the cost of doctors, engineers, etc.  The jobs that can’t go to cheap foreign labor living in hovels owned by the corporations move overseas.  Japan is rapidly deindustrializing itself and its trade deficit is now rapidly growing.


So, like the US, it is now running constantly in the red at all levels.  Ron Paul had no clue how to stop free trade nor did he talk about raising worker’s wages and improving their conditions.  No, he wanted his own brand of money magic coming out of a magic hat in DC.  Congress would print money!  Yes, this is the solution to no capital.


Back to Ron Paul: his leadership abilities are obvious.  He knows how to con young people with fancy talk and then simply drops the ball and stands aside so that his GOP buddies can run rampant.  He isn’t brave at all.  He is a joke.


And our ONLY antiwar candidate!  Alas, I feel that is a front he puts on, he is Texan and Texas is a huge consumer of military/industrial money from Congress while screaming at us that we are careless with money, etc.  He can’t be trusted nor should be trusted.  He doesn’t understand (HA) what fascism is because this means talking about national socialism and he is not even a good national socialist like the Germans.  He is peculiarly and eerily oblivious to the need for any social systems.


People love to imagine a world without obligations, restrictions or taxes.  But that happens to be hell.  Civilizations all tax, restrict and obligate.  Chaos kills.  The Rousseauian paradise of animalistic living is unrealistic.  Humans have been social creatures since we first learned how to speak in words and use fire.  We can’t go back to Eden, it is where lions, tigers and bears hunt us down.


We need banking reforms but we also need reforms to our system which lets workers lose income, hope and jobs.  Both Romney and Obama are pretending to be interested in this matter but neither really is.  And that sucks.  So we can kiss the antiwar candidate farewell and settle down to see which Tyrannosaurus Rex wins this ‘election.’  Bon appetite.  sunset borger

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sunset borger



Filed under Politics

51 responses to “Ron Paul Gives Up

  1. fred

    He has not given up. He has simply run out of money and he is not the sort to borrow it, or have it handed to him by some super-rich guy like Sheldon Adelson. Or, maybe he thinks he already has enough delegates to keep Mitt from getting 1140 or whatever he needs to wrap it up.

  2. emsnews

    Nope. Yes, he ran out of money (a lot of which went to family members as ’employees’) but he long ago gave up, it was obvious to anyone observing his laggardness developing. HE DID THIS IN THE PAST.

  3. Kristie

    I am so sad to see such a poor article. First of all Ron Paul has not dropped out of the race. Second, where did you get your information from? As I was on the Ron Paul site today and they said it is untrue. You should check your facts before spreading misinformation. That is how you loose credibility, as now I will not be able to read your posts with the belief that you fact checked your sources. You are just regurgitating garbage. That is not good. And you are only stating your opinion, which I might say is out of ignorance. It was obvious that you never researched Ron Paul. You just watched commercials and repeated. This is irresponsible and very sad to me as I thought you were better than this.

  4. Kristie

    Ron Paul is against all wars, your comments are so sad. I am not sure who you are supporting for president, but it seems like your siding towards Obama. I would hope not, as you mentioned “it takes a lot to learn” Obama swore on GMO labeling on foods, but then sped up bio crops and does not allow labeling, he swore he would end the wars, and he just sent more troops and started two more wars, He approved torture, and assassination of US citizens and endless imprisonment, and he also continued the Bush game of destroying our constitutional rights. It is a sad day when we cant get Americans to see that they are being enslaved. Ron Paul is the only true candidate that is trying to restore our republic. Romney and Obama are one in the same, they even have the same friends. I hope that you can offer a better candidate than Ron Paul, since you seem to want to be so one sided and spread misinformation.

    again please tell us where you got your facts from,,, and please fact check from now on or you will loose readers, we are not that stupid!!!!!

  5. emsnews

    He gave up…AGAIN. His followers didn’t give up. But he did. And alas, there is past records of this so he has to prove he is really fighting for this, not riding on the backs of his followers leaving them to fight a battle he has less and less interest in…

    The Ron Paul followers didn’t form any alliances with the left, they wanted to go alone off the plank. No one is stopping this because the GOP stopped it already.

    When RP delegates were locked out in one state after another by the GOP leaders, what did Paul do? Go there, himself, and protest this?

    Did he threaten to leave the party?

    Nope. Nothing. Like last time. Nothing!

  6. Kristie

    I watched an interview with Ron Paul in 1988,, he was saying the same things that he says today,, so I am wondering, why shouldnt he be trusted? What has he done for you to say he cannot be trusted as I have only seen him to be very trustworthy.

  7. emsnews

    The very first time the GOP leaders broke their own state convention rules to lock out Ron Paul, he, HIMSELF should have come there to threaten the party with division if his voters were not allowed to play the game by the rules.

    HIs silence in this matter is most telling. In history, when candidates are treated this way, they leave their parties. More than one party has split in two this way.

    The Tea Party is dead, it barely existed before the GOP big wigs shunted it to one side. It didn’t leave to form a third party. All these opportunities to form a new party have been still born so far.

    Do keep trying! You all might even make some progress. But not if you do it inside the GOP.

    As for socialism: Ron Paul wants most of us who are retired or ill to go off and die in some dark corner. NOT acceptable. Nor has he come out for gay rights. Another black mark for a man who pretends to be revolutionary. He is reactionary. But at least, not a warmonger.

  8. Kristie

    where do you get that he wants you to go off and die,, you are so far from the truth,, and again you still cant tell us your source, and then you spread more and more lies,, I really did like your posts but this is too much. I do agree with you that he should speak up more often. If he cant stand up for himself then how can he stand up for our country. So on that point I agree with you, but the rest is completely wrong. Where do you get that he wants you to go off and die? Maybe you should think of what you have done to get you to where you are. And if he is pro life why would he want you to die, out of all the candidates he is the only one that respects human life, he even wants you to be able to choose your health treatment by legalizing cannabis and supplements and the ever so scary RAW MILK, everyone else wants to put you in jail for this.

  9. My friend LowGenius has had Ron Paul’s number for a long time.

  10. Kristie

    I am not sure what has happened to Americans where they think that they should get things from the work of another person. Such as socialism has some really good points and ideas, but it should not be a complete forced way of life as I dont want to have to work for you for free, and I bet that you dont go do your neighbors yard or house work for free right, you would like to get paid for working,, but then suddenly you think that doctors and everyone else has to provide services to you free of cost, so they work and you get services,, If you do this part first and tell me how you like it then you can keep talking about socialism,,, and our colleges are pushing more propaganda than education, so we will pay for our people to go to school and not get an education. We should be able to take the best of all types of governments and oh yes that is what the constitution did,, and now we are destroying it, so we will see how our lives will be,,

  11. Kristie

    maybe Ron Paul was not there to vote against CISPA, but he would have,, and again please tell us where you got your information from,, what is your source saying Ron Paul dropped out,, and your friend that made that video,, well I dont have much to say for him as he does not really say anything at all,, no facts, just story telling

  12. Kristie

    lowgenius, he did not say anything that meant anything at all. It was sad that you posted that video. Not a very good way to defend that you are misrepresenting Ron Paul.

    Please state your source, Ron Paul has not dropped out

    I posted a video for you showing that you are wrong, have you watched it yet?

    Ron Paul wants you to live free and have the life of your choosing

    Ron Paul wants you to be able to choose your own food

    Ron Paul wants the government out of marriages, he does not care who gets married

    Ron Paul wants sound money,, if printing money is good enough why do we need to work at all?

    Ron Paul wants you to keep the fruit of your labor

    Ron Paul wants to end the endless wars

    Ron Paul does not want forced bio crops

    Ron Paul wants to legalize Cannabis

    Ron Paul wants to bring back our constitutional rights

  13. Kristie

    And what do you mean not coming out for gay rights,, what more do you want him to do, he states constantly that each person should govern themselves as long as they dont hurt anyone else. I dont think he cares if you are gay or not, but he is not going to go give you a special brownie for your forehead. Its called equal treatment,, everyone is treated the same, with the freedom to do what you want,, again as long as you dont hurt anyone else. And if you choose to not do anything and you dont have a retirement, then that is what you choose and why should someone else have to pay for you,, the other person has to work hard and you just get a free ride,, I figure you get what you want and plan for. Ron Paul is a huge supporter of local charities, but now adays people are arrested for feeding the homeless in parks, this is not ok and Ron would allow people to be charitable, you are free to help if you want and if you dont want to then you dont have to, which this is what a free society looks like

  14. Neon Vincent, over at TakiMag you are mentioned in an Article [not an anon response to an article].

  15. Lowgenius has a face made for radio.

  16. Ed Hoarse

    Basically there is no one left to stand for the people, nothing new there. Since this election is rigged, the blank option seems to have edged out Goofy for now.

  17. reader

    marx doesn’t work because value is subjective

  18. Being There

    Ron Paul had some good aspects. He wants to make the FED accountable at the very least and says he wants to dismantle it. Good luck with that, he’ll never get near it. His fatal flaw is the fatal flaw of the Austrian school of Fredrick Von Hayak and Milton Friedman. That is, if you have free unfettered trade with no regulations you will get TBTF.
    Those who don’t want to pay their taxes use the money to create influence on the government and what do you think they want?

    Elaine is dead-on about the lack of understanding of capital and human nature and why we have taxes as a way of pooling money for basic needs of a society that should reflect the needs of the people. This is not socialism, this is the commons of “we the people.”

    The Far right has discombobulated the whole concept of a society that is supposed to reflect the will of the people and not the demands of a few.
    But this is what we get when we abandon the commons.

    Have fun paying through the nose for everything you need.
    Obama is a neoliberal globalist, but wait till yousee what happens when the Republicans get in again—– Welcome to the Theater of Cruelty!

  19. DeVaul

    @Kristie (and other libertarian suckers),

    “he did not say anything that meant anything at all”

    The same applies to Sir Paul. Words not backed by real actions are meaningless, and Ron Paul has never taken any REAL action to back up what he says. Our Founding Fathers would spit on him.

    I am so glad that I do not have to retract a single thing I said about Ron Paul all these years. All one has to do with a fraud like Ron Paul is simply wait him out. After I learned he was friends with Romney, I knew I only had to wait for the inevitable.

    Ron Paul, unlike our ancestors, will take nor risk any ACTION against the American Empire. After all, the millions he collected were used primarily to promote his son, Rand Paul, so that he could form his own ruling dynasty.

  20. fred

    Just because Ron Paul remains cordial to Romney does not necessarily mean he is friends with him. It might just mean that he is a mature person who does not stoop to campaign season hyperbole and histrionics. That said, if he accepts an offer of VP I might reconsider this position. Unless you are Dick Cheney serving under someone like W, the position is mostly symbolic weak and almost meaningless.

  21. emsnews

    He eats with Romney. He socializes with Romney. He kept Romney safe from his other rivals (dividing up the opposition for him) and then when the coast was clear for a Romney versus Ron battle…RON SURRENDERS.

    Good lord. Talk about lack of spine! Figure it out, please! Telling his followers to fight without him isn’t participating in fighting Romney, it is nothing.

    Note that he also is happy to attack Obama but not Romney lately.

  22. DeVaul

    Kissinger is taken aside and groped by TSA officials! Finally, some poetic justice for the VIP’s who brought us this nightmare.

  23. @90404: “Neon Vincent, over at TakiMag you are mentioned in an Article”
    Thank you for mentioning that. That was in response to the Daily Kos copy of Ted Nugent, stochastic terrorist. It really pissed off the writer, who is much more famous than I am. I count that as one of my great successes in blogging.

  24. shockuhzulu

    “all of it moves out of Japan to their home countries while the Japanese go without jobs.”

    Somehow the Jews are responsible for all this, I just know it! Ask me if I’m serious.

  25. shockuhzulu

    “Both Romney and Obama are pretending”

    LOL, truer words were never spoken! Romney is just a white bread Obama.

  26. Peter

    I would not bother to read or responsd to this author. She is extremely bias and stupid. She does raise some good points, but goes helter skelter in her explanations. Ron PAUL did not quit. He is saving his energy for the convention. But, I agree, he never truly displayed the real courage to buck the corrupt Republican party and go independent. Maybe, like myself, he fears a second term Obama administration is assured and this communist from Kenya can fully implement is Marxist, police state. But, I think he underplays how many more people would vote for him if he goes independent. I am Greatly sadden, the idiot Christian community has blackballed Paul and voted for other clowns who want to bomb Iran from Oil cartel and Zionist.


    ELAINE: Boy, has that guy fooled you!!! Big time. Look at the logic: he COULD pick up hundreds of delegates by running in the primaries…or he could PRETEND to do this behind the back of the GOP leaders while picking up few in elections.


    HAHAHA. He gave up and you can’t see it. Sad, isn’t it?

  27. Peter

    This is why I moved to Germany last year. I know a massive civil and racial war is coming next year or two in the USA. When you add all the austerity cuts planned for next year and Obamas massive tax increases, watch out. The matrix is being held up a little longer until this fake democractic process is over in November 2012. I know the Euro is in trouble but i think it is planned to bring a closer union in Europe. Germany is mostly white people, civilized, no crime, no wars, cultured, and a massive industrial base.
    I the Euro crumbles, germany can revert back to the Deutsch Mark.
    America has offshore its industrila base to china long ago. Now China is rapidly arming to the teeth (with Russia) for a massive military showdown later this decade, which America will lose.
    I am a Gulf War vertan, and I am sick and tired of all the wars, outsourcing, Banking criminality in America, 50 million food stamps recepients, Crime, massive racial strife, and 1.4 trillion dollar deficits. Time to move on.

  28. floridasandy

    both ron paul and romney believe in the private sector, so obviously they have something in common.

    the idea here is to take your eyes off the actual destruction that is occuring THROUGH the government because we have frightened government dependents, who will sit wait until it all collapses around them, and then feign surprise.

    the government sector is destroying this country by playing favorites, forcing socialized losses, and regularly giving themselves raises, benefits, and bonuses. they are grabbing more power for themselves, and trying to drive us into a 3rd world standard of living with forced illegal immigration, lower wages, and a global warming tax.

    who doesn’t see that?

    i would take ron paul any day of the week over the warmongering, fear-inducing, class warfare pushing, race-baiting blame-it-on-somewhere-else obama.

  29. Being There

    OK, guys

    A lot of you sound like the great under-informed and misinformed that is taking this country down. We can’t possible move toward any realistic goal when these are the things you actually believe.

    Really. The Jews are responsible for every ill conceivable in the world, even in Asian countries where there are none.
    Obama is a communist from Kenya.

    Well Peter we have our racial issues in this country. As usual nobody (even Elaine) ever describes the great strides the blacks have made in this country to join the middle class. As a New Yorker every place I’ve ever worked has black people who are bright performers and people anyone could relate to.

    Going along with fiction doesn’t help anything and won’t help you in the least. These are the memes that make people vote for those who work against their own good.

    Obama wants to raise the tax by 4% on the richest among us (from 35% to 39% when Clinton was in office). In Eisenhower’s time—ya know the big communist general it was 91%–go wrap your heads around that one.

    Obama has the exact same economic philosophy as the rest. It is the Economic philosophy of Milton Friedman known as neoliberalism developed Chicago School of business. No different than Romney’s except he’d like to keep something of Keynesianism that we’ve had since FDR.

    I guess you want to eventually face sky-high prices of medical expenses all on your own and old age will be spent in abject poverty. Why- because the purists want absolute vulture capitalism with no protection from people like JPMorgan. FDR using the economic principles of John Maynard Keynes pulled us away from the robber barons and set in motion a more fair mixed economy the helped millions join the middle class. Neolibrals have brought back the rich to neo-royalty and that’s what you sound like you want.

    It is Mitt Romney and the fundamentalist economic that really want to stick you with Uncle Miltie—you will eventually want to know where Uncle Sam went.

  30. I join Elaine in commenting on Ron Paul’s exit from the race (I don’t care what the Paul supporters think, declaring that he won’t spend money in any more states is giving up) in Ron Paul rides off into the sunset. Elaine gets mentioned there.


    ELAINE: I never was a Ron Paul fan. Never. I did point out endlessly that he was the only viable antiwar candidate. But the guy hates my civil rights and wants to control my sex life not to mention, I am on Social Security and he wants to kill that, too.

  31. emsnews

    Black civil rights was good for ALL races, all Americans. For this was full civil rights for women, Jews, Muslims, gays, everyone got more rights under the Civil Rights laws!

    I sued for my rights back in 1966, sued my school board in Tucson for discrimination against girls!!!!

    And I give 100% credit for this to black people who fought on the front lines for everyone’s civil rights.

  32. emsnews

    As for Asian capitalists: does anyone here read me, really read me? I talk all the time about Japanese capitalists and how they are destroying Japan and not one of them are ‘Jews’ or Christians or Muslims.

    They are Shinto Buddhists! And the Chinese capitalists are communist dictators! Sheesh!

  33. Being There

    emsnews, It’s so much easier to blame the usual suspects than it is to actually read and understand the world and what feeds into the organizations that we arrange ourselves into.
    That’s why its so easy to rip off the public for 35 years. It’s in full force and going going gone!
    Oh, but people will continue to blame whoever they choose, cuz it makes them happy. They top 1% have always known it through history and as I mentioned before there has been no evolution or advancement in the way we process things.
    Oh the simple pleasures of hatred.

  34. charlottemom

    You called this one ages ago! I think Ron Paul led the parade of disgruntled down a canyon….again. Controlled opposition is the term I think. Theatre all of it.

    He was never meant to win and thus never questioned any of the primaries where vote getting and counting were suspect. Was he in cahoots with Romney from the get-go? I’m thinking yes!

  35. DeVaul

    “parade of disgruntled” is a good term for his followers, as well as other politicians.

    The Arch Druid Report talks about “captive constituencies” in the same manner. Much is promised at election time, but then afterwards, nothing is done, and yet the faithful turn out every four years for another round of having their dreams popped like a bubble right before it reaches the clouds.

    As for Peter, I doubt he moved to Germany. He may have been deployed there, but as a soldier, what skills can he offer Germany in order to emmigrate there? They already have more than enough Gastarbeiteren.

  36. Henry Hub

    It’s true, Ron Paul was never the savior that is followers hoped for. Just as Obama was never the savior that his followers expected. Americans have to accept the fact that they can not vote for one man as president and all their problems are solved. It’s not that easy!

    Saying this, Ron Paul did some good. His antiwar stance has been noted. But his done a lot more. He alone it seem as spoken out against the surveillance/police state, promoted the repeal of the disastrous drug laws, wants to end foreign aid give aways (especially to Israel), reminded us there are more amendments to the Bill of right than just the second. He has a firm belief in the Constitution. He has for the most part, stood by his principles. For this thing and more I respect him.

    I disagree with his positions on Medicare, Social Security. I also believe the government should stay out of women’s verginas.

    No Ron Paul is not a savior, but his has added positively to the political discourse

  37. DeVaul

    If Ron Paul had fought for all of these things he spoke about, then I would have great respect for him, but he did not fight for them — he only talked about them. Nothing more.

    Our ancestors, who were traitors to King George III, outlaws, and pirates, were willing to risk almost everything, even their lives, for independence and a constitution that granted us the right to be citizens and not subjects. They succeeded because after talking about it, they fought for it. Many died.

    Ron Paul talked and talked and talked while the leaders of his party shredded the constitution right in his face. Some even laughed at him. If he had fought these war criminals, he would have lost, but he would have earned the undying respect of many, including myself.

    Instead, he will fade away and be forgotten. A terrible fate.

  38. fred

    I can’t believe what I am reading here. It is as though Ron Paul has abandoned the cause because he has adopted terrorists methods. What did you expect him to do that he hasn’t done? And whatever that is, if you don’t like what RP has done, why don’t you get off your duffs and do it?

    Have any of you read what he and his campaign have been sending out over the past 48 hours? I suspect not.

  39. floridasandy

    it’s not like some of these people would have ever voted for ron paul anyway.

    they talk about freedom, ending wars, putting america first-but it won’t mean a thing on election day because they are voting for a check.

    they don’t care about the degradation of our currency, the inability for savers to earn interest, federal reserve shenanigans, socialized cronyism, shipping weapons to drug cartels, voter intimidation/fraud, illegal immigrants overrunning the country, or anything else that gets in the way of their checks.

    who is really being selfish i wonder? liberals would sell the future of their own children for their next check.

  40. EC

    Ron Paul hasn’t quit. He’s focusing on the delegates for the RNC convention.

  41. Being There

    And what pray tell are Republicans voting for? Oh, it’s so easy to complain about the evil “liberals”. I don’t see how Romney is going to do anything different than what he’s been told to do. Keep the status quo and cut taxes and regulations(the rule of law) for the wealthy and corporations to make the most money they can possibly make at the tax-payers and savers expense.

    At least the dems will give the taxpayers something back for their money, so they don’t spend their old age in abject penury.

    And if you’re going to just pick on the left whatever that is anymore since both parties are corporate fascists, what did W. do to the taxpayers to create the huge deficit? Oh he started two costly wars and cut taxes for the “job-CRE-A-Tors” who created jobs abroad.

    The ills you describe are true enough–but neirther party will do a blessed thing about them–They’re too busy making money to the enth degree. Don’t do anything to get in the way of that!!

    If the Republican side of this country is really concerned about all you l isted why did they totally ignore Ron Paul?

  42. emsnews

    And not a soul is talking about protection tariffs to stop the deadly trade deficit red ink. End of story.

  43. scott simpson

    I donated to Ron Paul’s campaign and voted (CA write-in) for him in 2008.
    I’m concerned about the direction our country is going so I donated to Ron Paul’s campain again today. I will vote for him in 2012. Go Ron!

    Lt USNR
    commercial pilot

  44. DeVaul

    This man is proof that soldiers and ex-soldiers consider it “unmanly” to vote or donate money to a real anti-war candidate, like Ralph Nader. He no longer runs for president because of frauds like Ron Paul, who will be sitting at home counting his money while delusional people write his name down on a blank piece of paper in November.

    Sad, isn’t it?

  45. Wooster

    Elaine, you rock!

    I hope that RP followers realize what liberals and political observers realized a long time ago- that RP is a fraud in a variety of ways – politically and morally. His racism (nazi newsletters) and anti-minority stances, anti medicare (the classic libertarian – I got mine as a GOVT EMPLOYEE, screw you!! – note his revealing comment during one of the republican debates about people not getting sick and that medicare was made up…) , and the moral bankruptcy of actually fleecing his own supporters more than once all prove that he is an establishment GOP creature through and through….

    Divide and conquer is a classic strategy, and I agree with elaine that change must come from the BOTTOM UP. Time to see if enough libertarians will give up on their narcissism to join others to form a coalition that can advocate for change (like Occupy- movement, which for some reason is inconvenient for the MSM to cover, just like the iraq war protests….).

  46. EC

    “And not a soul is talking about protection tariffs to stop the deadly trade deficit red ink.”

    As a solar advocate and a tariff advocate, I wonder what do you think about the US decision to impose 30-250% tariffs on Chinese solar cells?

    Good to start a trade war? Next China will impose tariffs on US polysilicon and factory equipment for making ingots, wafers, cells, etc…, and the US consumer foots the bill for higher prices to save? a few manufacturing jobs (because of a German company’s complaints that it couldn’t compete with China). I think the majority in the US lose on this decision. Higher prices, fewer installations.

  47. DeVaul

    China has us over a barrel (of oil) on solar panels. They are all made there, and that was their long-term plan. Elaine explained that many times.

    We cannot put a tarriff on solar panels since we need them. What we should do is take a page from the Chinese playbook. Import their solar panels and then reverse engineer them so that we can make our own.

    I hope a Chinese spy does not whack me for saying that.

  48. Kristie

    Elaine seems to have a following of diverse people, She has some very ignorant people that seem to just read headlines and form opinions, and then she has people that actually use their brains and do research. It is sad to see the ones that say Ron Paul is racist and that he is against civil rights, he wants civil rights for everyone and he also wants people to have property rights. Elaine is a capitalist, she has this blog, and I am sure she gets a check at some point, oh wait I see a pay pal donation so she can skip out on paying taxes,, but anyway she likes to keep any pay check she gets, that is called keeping the fruit of your labor,, if she is such a socialist, well then send me some money as I need it too. It is obvious that she is going to loose followers with this article as the educated people are going to see right through her ignorance and choose not to follow, the rest will bath in like the little pigs that they are,, as for me, I am done with wasting time and energy on people like Elaine that just seem to be so stuck in the past, cant admit when she is wrong and spreads lies and disinformation,,


  49. reader

    Ron paul is becoming a cult.

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