Many Invaders Throw Away ID At Border


The invasion continues.  The Congress critters want to pass Biden’s border fix that lets in ‘ONLY 5,000 a DAY!’  Wow.  This is treason!  The Real Rulers want cheap labor that can’t speak English.  They want people to attack citizens and keep citizens out of our cities and have our cities be invasion bases for the Bilderberg gang.  They will stop at nothing for this goal and only Trump stands in their way and he is under constant attack.


Here is a goofy story where a sheriff pretends that he is saving people at the border:



The young man was deserted by the gang he paid to be brought to the USA.  Sheriff finds him and then promises not to return this invader to his home family but to bring he relatives over to here!  As usual, illegal aliens cheating pays off.


There are many millions of illegal invaders to the point, even DNC traitors can no longer house them all at taxpayer’s expense so many are now living in tent cities all over the place.  They make money committing crimes.



Comments by citizens for these invaders:


They all want free housing, free food and free everything.  Seattle is typical of all ‘liberal’ cities: suicidal, high taxes, no services, no stores, high crime rates, no security, bad schools.  There is no reason to live in these hell hole liberal utopias.


And one person notes that:


Abortions are rising higher and higher as citizens choose to not reproduce:



Yes, many abortions are taxpayer abortions.  The majority of abortions are black women.




Nice cartoon!  Vivek Ramaswamy continues to argue with mainstream fake news characters like here at NBC:



My Congresswoman, Elise Stefanic, was interviewed by this female Fox News reporter who is the same lady who ‘debated’ Trump when sent to interview him and she was very rude back then, interrupting him all the time and throwing allegations hither and yon.


Well, she ‘interviewed’ my representative in Congress, Stefanik, throwing allegations at her, too.  We all recognize this ‘reporter’ as a tool of the Bilderberg gang.  The video below tries to make Elise look bad compared to the leftist Fox TV female who is caked with a ton of make-up and surgical procedures:



Elise has been a very fine Trump supporter including, when Pence stabbed him in the back, she stood up to Pence and argued against impeaching Trump, BOTH TIMES.  Trump considers her a top ally.  Of course, the heavily made up/hair dyed reporter with huge earrings attacked a real working mother who wears nearly no make up and no earrings…hello!


Whores do look like whores, don’t they?


The communists online are attacking Stefanik because they fear her.  I notice they have cooked up goofy things like ‘she has a lot of money and is a rich girl’ when the woman was a SOLDIER sent OVERSEAS.  She was raised on an upstate farm.  I like keeping her our Congresswoman, she has made a huge difference here!  Love her a lot!




Filed under .money matters

7 responses to “Many Invaders Throw Away ID At Border

  1. Stefanic even flew to Israel and gave a speech to their parliament where she told them how wrong Biden is to even talk about withholding weapons shipments. She told them she’s completely loyal, which they knew already.

  2. Pete

    Today Zelensky’s term expires.

    Now just a dictator.

  3. Pete

    Give them a taste.

    Puiin fed up with poking

    the bear too much.

    Yikes 😦

  4. Pete

    Invaders in Europe

    Civil War in Sweden?

  5. The entire EU is collapsing rapidly. They are at war with their #1 energy source and now are limping along with high inflation and all industries shutting down. Russia didn’t have to bomb the EU to cripple these nations!

    And yes, Ukraine is a dictatorship. I said this the entire ‘war’.

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