Top GOP AIPAC Creep Throws Granny Under The Budget Bus

There are a thousand reasons to not allow organizations that work on behalf of a foreign nation to bribe Congress.  Here is a classic example.  McConnell, who is one of the top recipients of AIPAC money, has announced he will not pass any debt ceiling unless he can also strangle grannies, first.  Now, the Jews bribing this guy to represent Israel’s interests really would like to have the debt ceiling raised but it is a lesser issue compared to bribing the top Republican Senator to take care of Israel rather than American citizens.  So McConnell’s voters don’t have a fair election since almost all the corporate ads are for this creep.  This is why we need campaign finance reform and why GOP appointed ‘judges’ are rapidly killing that off.


Maybe this guy is suicidal.  The Democrats are quite pleased he is doing this insane thing.  Holding all grannies hostage as well as demanding cuts so McConnell’s tornado victims and other assorted Dorothy and Totos can be saved only if someone else loses their life, say, AIDS patients.  This is a two for one: kill some gays and get more tax cuts for the rich!   Anyways, putting his fat fists on all grandma’s throats while aping the Wicked Witch of the West is not a sure vote getter:   McConnell: No debt limit increase without Medicare cuts | The Raw Story



“To get my vote, for me, it’s going to take short term [cuts, via spending caps]… Both medium and long-term, entitlements.,” McConnell said, as quoted by TPM. “Medicare will be part of the solution.”   Asked point blank whether he would vote against increasing the debt limit if Medicare isn’t also cut, he responded, “Correct.” McConnell didn’t say whether he would filibuster such a bill, which may leave some room for it to pass without his support.



This guy can’t pass any money on to any regular, real Americans because of one simple reason: they aren’t bribing the bastard enough.  On the other hand, Netanyahu gave McConnell his wish list and each item certainly will be checked off and handed over without comment.  But then, Israel’s Jews own this guy, lock, stock and barrel.  Also, multi-billionaires own him and this had to be done in various tricky ways but no longer.  The US courts have been packed with right wing fascists and they are out to kill campaign finance rules so that the greased palm is the sweaty palm on the steering wheel of the Ship of State:  Corporate Donations Ban Unconstitutional, Judge Rules.


You see, corporations are persons, too!  This is a backdoor way of swinging power in favor of the people running group systems with lots of money.  That is, no longer do slave owners get 3/5 a vote per slave they own (thus diminishing the vote value of non-slave owners) but they get something better: money buys power legally and they intend to spread it thick and naturally, the next step is to hide the source of this loot since a lot of it is money circulating from our government into the pockets of these guys and back out again, with a hefty profit for the corporate entities doing this.


The GOP creep in today’s story will rush to the rescue of any rich Jew who has a bag of loot to share:  McConnell: Netanyahu must be reassured that Israel is ‘not alone’ – The Hill’s Floor Action



“He should return home knowing that at a time when the Middle East is awash in instability, his relationship with Congress is strong,” concluded McConnell.


Here is the hard facts, how much loot AIPAC hands over to top Congress critters who should all be put in jail:  If Pro-Israel PAC Money Talks, It’s Saying Senators McConnell and Coleman Are in Deep Doo-Doo


The fact that Senate Republican Leader McConnell has leapfrogged ahead of Coleman indicates that he faces a serious challenge from Democratic candidate Bruce Lunsford—despite the fact that McConnell has raised almost four times as much as his opponent ($15 million to Lunsford’s nearly $4 million). In addition to his challenger, however, McConnell faces a vigorous and creative “Ditch Mitch” campaign at home by antiwar activists and others who believe McConnell’s 24 years in the Senate are enough, and oppose his close working relationship with President George W. Bush (see November 2007 Washington Report, p. 26).


This is the problem: AIPAC and corporate donors ESPECIALLY from out of state, managed to squeeze this jerk back into his den of iniquity via outspending his more popular opponent by over $10 million.  This is ridiculous.  We all know the Madison Avenue ads these guys cook up designed to tar and feather opponents while lying about their own intentions.  One Madison Avenue tidbit used by the GOP was the ‘death panel’ garbage they spouted during the healthcare debates. Oh, the Democrats were going to reduce access to doctors!
Well, that was pure cynicism.   The GOP knew there were no death panels but alas, plan to start this up with a vengeance.  That is, the real death panels are insurance companies.  Their main function is to deny access to healthcare and to cut you off if something goes wrong.  Or raise the rates so high, you can’t afford to buy it and then die.  The main thing here is to kill off ‘those people’ who are not bribing the politicians.  Since a huge hunk of the bribers in Congress happen to be wealthy people like the Koch brothers or Wall Street financiers, we can see where this is leading us.  Namely, our own politicians get money from outside of their districts or states and then, when in Congress, represent these out of district/out of state aliens or other assorted people with assorted agendas even IF THIS KILLS THEIR OWN VOTERS OFF.
They just don’t care!  Since most Americans are fleeing the cold, cold north so they can live in the hot south (another reason to expand global warming, obviously!) there is an endless supply of new voters as the north empties out.  So there is no need to preserve the people presently living there.  I have seen, personally, within my own family, Senate candidates in the South going to Wall Street and AIPAC to get money with Wall Street and AIPAC funding BOTH candidates so it wouldn’t matter who would win.
This is why we can look at the AIPAC list and see both parties being bribed.  This is why brave demonstrators have gone after AIPAC this week, in a futile attempt to make the news and get people to think, ‘Who really owns my politicians?’   The jumping jack enthusiasm of our politicians as they tried to outdo each other, screaming, ‘Seig Heil’ to a foreign leader shows us clearly, who owns our government and it ain’t us voters.  This is why granny has to be thrown under the budget bus while Israel rides the limo to the airport to fly home on a private jet.

sunset borger

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sunset borger


Filed under .money matters, Politics

17 responses to “Top GOP AIPAC Creep Throws Granny Under The Budget Bus

  1. Clzsickoffit

    Elaine Elaine, i don’t know how you do it.
    It must be very painful.
    How you get to the keyboard with the pukes you cover is such a mess.
    You tell the tale and I want to cry. Where of where did our country go?

  2. Clzsickoffit

    And a quick edit .
    and oh

  3. EMan

    Interesting theory of blaming the Jews for pretty much everything, but umm, what does Isreal care if we cut our Medicare spending or not?

    By the way, I agree we need to outlaw all private campaign “funding” and go to all public funding, so that the “representatives” represent the people that voted for them, not the people that gave them money.


    ELAINE: Exactly. They pay Congress to fund Israel but AIPAC doesn’t care if Medicare is funded, too. But I assure you, many Jews in the US do want Medicare and they are sufficiently disturbed about this, they might pressure AIPAC to cease funding any and all GOP people. I would strongly suggest they do this, too.

  4. floridasandy

    of course we can’t vote for democrats either if you look at that list-especially the career donations…

  5. Duski

    Yeah, you can’t vote either rebublicans or democrats. At least most of them anyway. You need to find candidates that have not been bribed into oblivion yet… even better, find ones who have enough integrity so they won’t be brided either. Tough job, for sure.

  6. CK

    That which is for sale, will be purchased.
    Congress has always been for sale and always been purchased. It is what makes democracy democracy, that the representatives are for sale to many bidders.
    Since the very first congress, the members have been purchased.
    Think for a moment, a representative is paid
    $174,000 per year. Throw in the retirement, insurances, franking priveledges, etc. etc. and a rep takes in about $275,000 a year for a two ( senate 6 year ) term. For the priveledge of stealing 275,000 a year for two years, most reps must spend at least 500,000 every other year to rerun for the job. Granted there is a 95% re-election rate once they have the job, but still that is a
    not worth it job; if you go by legal salary.
    McConnel is married to a lobbyist for the PRC who also served the Bush admin as Sec of Labour. It’s a nice world up there.

  7. Horned Jew

    Joos! Joos everywhere! Have you looked under your bed yet, there might be a Joo hiding there!

  8. Dupree

    Joos! Joos everywhere! Have you looked under your bed yet, there might be a Joo hiding there!~Horned Jew

    I don’t know about “Joos under the bed,” but Moscow just let one out of the closet after all these years–Vladimir Lenin. And, yes, Trotsky was really Lev Bronstein.

    But didn’t we already suspect that. Read David Irving’s Hitler’s War if you want to know what his armies encountered within the Pale.”

  9. Dupree

    “his,” meaning Der Fueherer

  10. Dupree

    Found on the cutting room floor:Wonder why it was deleted?

    Otto’s Suicide Squad.

  11. Dupree

    Had it not been for Beatle George Harrison–the “intellectual” one–the filming of the Life of Brian would have never been completed. In came George Harrison to save the day.

    RIP George Harrison–palin-he-said-he-wanted-to-see-life-of-brian–so-he-handed-us-the-money-633430.html

  12. Dupree

    And speaking of BiBi’s bitch, Mitch McConnel, he(McConnel) and Zionist/Vegas casino mogul, Steve Wynn, are the best of friends. If my memory serves me correctly, McConnel and our own corrupt former Mississippi Senator Trent Lott– at Steve Wynn’s urging, when he owned the Beau Rivage casino in Biloxi– were able to prevent a bill from being introduced that would have repealed the law allowing the IRS to recognize gambling losses on IRS tax forms.
    Former Trent Lott and our current Senator, Thad Cochran, were male cheerleaders for the Ole Miss football team.

  13. @Elaine: “Maybe this guy is suicidal. The Democrats are quite pleased he is doing this insane thing. Holding all grannies hostage as well as demanding cuts so McConnell’s tornado victims and other assorted Dorothy and Totos can be saved only if someone else loses their life, say, AIDS patients. This is a two for one: kill some gays and get more tax cuts for the rich! Anyways, putting his fat fists on all grandma’s throats while aping the Wicked Witch of the West is not a sure vote getter.”

    Exactly right! But the Republicons are covering that end as well by passing new voter registration laws that require a state photo ID to be allowed to vote. Of course, state photo IDs got much harder to get thanks to the REAL ID Act of 2006.

  14. Tracy Langly

    Israel did 911 and we should break off all ties and communication with them. Netanyahu and the Mossad are monsters.

  15. Then ‘splaln Mohammed Atta buzzing Elaine’s house prior to taking off for NYC as fast as the plane could fly.

  16. emsnews

    The 9/11 hijackers out of Boston flew RIGHT OVER MY HOUSE and I was quite alarmed because the engines were running slower than normal and it was VERY LOW I could see the details on the plane quite clearly, I live on a mountain.

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