James Yeager, Gun Nut, Continues To Threaten Society Via You Tube


The US is becoming Afghanistan and Iraq.  That is, we become what we create for others.  For example, after dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan, the US first boasted about how we can then rule the world only to see it all fall apart rapidly and for the following 60 years, we worry about being blown away by nuclear bombs, ourselves.  The monster we fear is ourselves.  The gun control debate which got great impetus after Sandy Hook has taken some very violent turns, literally.  With copy-cat killers springing up, with gun fanatics losing their minds, with people screaming about the End of Times, the survivalists are showing their true nature which is something that grew directly out of the nuclear war business.  Namely, people are fearful because of the possibility we will be treated like the Japanese empire was ended.  Someone will nuke us.

Pack Your Bags Part 2 – YouTube

In this video, the Tennessee paramilitary survivalist tries to retract his inflammatory statements on You Tube which he tried to delete after it spread all over the internet.  In this ‘retraction’ he makes the same exact threats only he veils this somewhat by not saying, ‘kill people’ directly but does indicate he has a secret association of 20,000 people who will join him in attacking the government.


If he was Muslim, we all know he would be in prison already.  The US has been battling the Taliban for many years now, quite unsuccessfully and now we have a Taliban at home.  This should surprise no one especially since the survivalist making the news was a mercenary in Iraq.  The State suspended the  gun permit for CEO who said he would ‘start killing people’ over gun control after the outcry.   CBS 5 – KPHO in Arizona has this tidbit:


Yeager served as police chief of the town of Big Sandy, TN, about a decade ago. The former mayor said Yeager is intelligent and a crack shot, but he thought Yeager’s plan to start a SWAT team wasn’t what the quiet town of 500 people really needed, so the mayor fired him.


That town is smaller than my tiny town of Berlin.  We have no police here.  And our town is quiet.  This guy seems to be suffering from some delusional  thinking.  In his earlier videos, he boasts about how he will be ‘king’ due to his firearms and how he plans to ‘shoot in the face’ any of his daughter’s friends if there is a collapse of society and they come begging for food.  This is EXACTLY the sort of hysterical ‘plans’ many had back in the 1950-1970 nuclear war scares.


My own Christian (sic) family had secret caves and hoarded food for nuclear war and to top this off, told me directly, they planned to murder me if I tried to partake of their bounty.  This was because I organized anti-war demonstrations, anti-nuclear actions and was giving speeches about the CIA.  So I was to be killed…by them!  Ah, the joys of childhood.  All this before I was even 19 years old.


These lunatics are dangerous.  They also like weird coincidental things and note the ‘Big Sandy’ part of the bio of this potential mass murderer.  I take his threats quite seriously and I bet he is very agitated due to the ‘Big Sandy’ part of his bio and he might even plot to murder the mayor and others because of his gun rage.


Back to the core issue here:  U.S. to accelerate troop reductions in Afghanistan was announced on the radio yesterday.  Of course, we must retreat.  Congress and especially the right wing lunatics who want guns for assassination purposes here, have made it clear, we can’t afford stuff in general and so it makes perfect sense we can’t afford to be in Afghanistan.  So we are leaving, the sooner the better.  We lost and I predicted this defeat back before the invasion began.  It was obviously stupid.


Since it is stupid, the Washington Post owners and editors think staying there is great and should continue FOREVER:  Fred Hiatt: The price for America’s global retreat – The Washington Post


What’s in doubt in the United States is the political will to solve its fiscal problem, not whether the problem is manageable. Given the strength of the U.S. economy, posting 20,000 or 30,000 troops in Afghanistan even indefinitely would pose no challenge….History will not repeat itself, precisely. But if the United States retreats too quickly and too far, history will reach out to grab us back. It may happen soon, with an Israeli attack on Iran, a Syrian wielding of chemical weapons or — most likely — some calamity we have not foreseen. It may happen after Obama has retired.

Either way, it will give rise, as it did in 2001, to resolutions that, this time, we have learned our lesson — this time, we won’t come home before the job is done.


At no point did Afghanistan attack America.  Not one Afghani was involved with 9/11.  None planned it, none executed it and they didn’t even know it was going to happen.  A rich Saudi whose daddy was good friends with Bush Jr before dying in a plane accident while visiting Texas…this is the hidden 9/11 information people including the ‘Truthers’ ignore for the most part…was responsible only for inspiring the 9/11 gang to hijack the jets.  The gang was all Saudi, Egyptian and Yemeni.


All our wars since 9/11 have been to hit everyone and anyone who had nothing to do with the WTC and Pentagon attacks.  The lies about 9/11 are many and all are directed at the top to either confuse everyone terminally so they don’t follow the CIA/Mossad threads (the ‘open door’ policy to allow assassins to run riot) to the logical point of origination which is inside the CIA.  Which is why the bin Laden/Bush connection is so important: Bush Sr. ran the CIA and did operations inside Saudi Arabia in the 1970’s.  At the same time my own parents were there.


The Washington Post top editors are Bilderbergers who also are connected with the CIA.  They know perfectly well every one of the countries we attacked since 9/11 are totally innocent victims and they know that Israel wants us to attack these countries for supporting Palestine.  Meanwhile, vicious dictators are protected by US tax payers because they work on behalf of Israel.


And here is AIPAC’s power in our government:  Charles Krauthammer: The meaning of Hagel – The Washington Post

The puzzle of the Chuck Hagel nomination for defense secretary is that you normally choose someone of the other party for your Cabinet to indicate a move to the center, but, as The Post’s editorial board pointed out, Hagel’s foreign policy views are to the left of Barack Obama’s, let alone the GOP’s. Indeed, they are at the fringe of the entire Senate.


Hagel is more or less sane about our limits of power, our finances and our endless toadying to Israel.  Yes, this is a FRINGE position in the government since AIPAC has bribed or terrorized everyone and the media is 100% complicit in this power because anyone voting against Israel’s covert interests is hammered by the media at home as well as in the Washington Post and the New York Times.  The Jewish-owned parts of our media turn very vicious quite fast if anyone dares to defy Netanyahu.  We see this with Hagel.  They are already using sex charges as a tool.


What is hilarious is, something Hagel said 15 years ago is being used to scare gays into fighting him off!  NO politician said ANYTHING nice to gays back then!  They are all guilty.  But the Jewish owned media has found a slender thread to hang him with because they are desperate.  If only he had sex with some female today!  Then they can accuse him of rape or infidelity.


Then there are the armed monsters ruling Saudi Arabia:  Silenced in Saudi Arabia – The Washington Post

Riyadh’s Criminal Court is scheduled to announce a verdict Wednesday in a trial of two of Saudi Arabia’s leading human rights activists. Mohammad Fahad al-Qahtani and Abdullah al-Hamid face 11 criminal charges, including tarnishing the reputation of the state and providing false information to international organizations about thousands of Saudis who have been arbitrarily detained.


The six-month trial has received scant media attention — Saudi police detained a Sky News crew that tried to report on the final court hearing on Dec. 29.The Obama administration wants Saudi Arabia to keep supplying arms to Syrian rebels to force the ouster of Bashar al-Assad and to continue pumping oil at levels that keep gasoline prices low…


Amnesty International is protesting the Saudi government’s decision last month to prosecute a 25-year-old blogger, Raif Badawi, for apostasy, a charge that carries the death penalty. The charges relate to online articles he wrote, including one about Valentine’s Day, a holiday whose celebration is prohibited in Saudi Arabia. More examples abound.


And here are the comments to this article:

7:27 AM EST
“…the United States says little or nothing publicly about human rights abuses in the kingdom, apart from its annual State Department human rights report. Similarly, U.S. officials avoid discussing Saudi Arabia’s role in helping neighboring Bahrain crush dissent. ”

So much for our concern for Democracy. The Saudis have the barbaric custom of beheading convicted criminals by the Saudi justice system (we all know how fair it is). No other country does that. Yet we keep quiet.
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Ignore User

7:25 AM EST
Ruling ‘ benevolently ‘ or malevolently ,and whether Washington remains ‘silent’ or starts barking, the anachronistic Saudi theocratic monarchy’s days are numbered. The impending arrival of the Arab Spring to the cradle of Arab race is as certain as death. I, for one, certainly hope that the bipedal native mega herds of Arabia will soon wake up from their long comatose state, shake off the shackles of slavery and rise en masse to cleanse their- and my – homeland from the interlinked two strand plague of Wahhabism and the ruling House of Saud.

It wasn’t me
1/11/2013 11:15 PM EST
Whatever Saudis do in their country is backed 100% by US,same US that ignored that majority of 9/11 hijackers were Saudi and went after guy that was as guilty of 9/11(Saddam) as Santa Claus

Best point was already made by Author :

“Washington has been silent.”…silence that speaks louder than all lashes these activists will receive behind closed doors.
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The war against women here is being waged big time in Saudi Arabia where women who defy the religious bigots are killed.  Arms don’t protect women’s rights.  Social laws that are fair and give equal rights to women so we can do what men do if we want, is how we are best protected.  I bet that the gun nut who posted those videos dreams of being a ‘king’ exactly like the odious and totally evil King of Saudi Arabia.  And this is why so many women voted for Obama.  We are under threat and this is a physical as well as political threat.


Men must stand up to these vicious thugs.  This also means disarming men who threaten us and the Christian right is very threatening now that they don’t get their own theological way via elections.  If men (most of these killers, both in the ghetto and in suburban white America are males) don’t want gun controls, all they have to do is stop killing themselves, each other or random theater goers, politicians or grade school kids.

sunset borger

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Filed under Politics

17 responses to “James Yeager, Gun Nut, Continues To Threaten Society Via You Tube

  1. Joseppi

    “we become what we create for others.”

    Such an inspired overview by Elaine – The US uses the atomic bomb and spends decades fearing being nuked. Iraq – Afghanistan – Libya – We have seen the US’s long history of getting involved in foreign entanglements in which the US imposes deranged dictator puppets that forcefully prevent change, creating explosive imbalances of existing tensions between antagonistic parties, that inevitably opens up the Pandora’s box of Balkenization and sectarian violence.
    Again and again this scenario has unfolded before us, and now it will be America’s turn to face the pent up antagonism within it’s own borders by the competitors in the politics of power, racial conflicts, religious and sectarian ideology of absolutists, war between nativists and immigrants, class war between the rich and the poor, Statists and progressive agitators – battles that will also unleash the chaotic forces of the mentally unbalanced that the US has systematically cultivated.
    Let’s all of us just hope and pray that the positive social forces of communalism and mutual empathy prevail in the US in the future.

  2. The ghetto killers, the Christian Right, the survivalists and preppers, and the gun-collecting auteurs of Alex Jones, were not the ones who pulled the trigger(s) at Sandy Hook, or blasted their way through a midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” in Aurora, Colorado.

    If we are destroyed and karma pays off in full, it will be because of the sheer banality of our evil as a society, and not as the result of the evils on our fanatic fringe. This is a society that shrugs its shoulders as the military tortures prisoners, as it carries out the killing of multitudes of small children in our drones’ killing fields; and it has become a society indifferent to the feeding of psychotropic, prescription drugs, to little children and adolescents. If we are very unlucky, it will become a damned society, where violent video games are continuously parenting the kids, and planting depraved values and reflexes.

    Talk about evil: there are many in an American town, a little place that was recently in the news, where some people care more about the reputation and winning ways of their high school football team, than the fact that the players had gang raped an unconscious girl, and passed her drugged body around throughout the night.

    These are your middle-class who live in a trance of supposedly American values, in a comfort zone of middle-of-the-road church goers, those well washed and without tattoos, those who are tediously normal in their daily habits, unquestioning of authority, fully supportive of the troops, the plump lovers of apple pie and their mothers.

    It is people like these who will facilitate the End Times more than any of the others.


    ELAINE: False. The killer of the school children was a survivalist brat whose mother thought guns would be great. The other killers thought we are at the end of the world and should blow everyone away and this includes the OKC bomber.

  3. anonymous

    He only said what every serviceman and woman has sworn an oath to do. “I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..
    Did you think that meant they would give them a stern talking to? No, it meant to kill.
    Now because he swore to protect and defend any who tried to violate his 2nd Amendment Right they have violated his 1st Amendment Right!
    Can they revoke a permit? Can there even be a PERMIT for a Right? No! It’s a Right! You can issue permits for Privileges. Rights are ours! No amount of legislation can change that.

  4. melponeme_k

    They can pull out troops but that doesn’t mean our bills will stop. The US still has many outfits like the whatever Blackwater is named now and many others feeding off the military. They will continue the business of war and be funded by our tax dollars.

  5. Richard

    I love these second amendment people. For many of them it is the only part of the Constitution that they know anything about. They talk about the right to bear arms as if it come with the ten commandments directly from God. The truth is all of the amendments are changes to the Constitution and another amendment can change it back. The 18th amendment forbid the sale of alcohol. The 21th canceled or annulled the 18th. So it is within the legal power of the U.S. Congress (along with 2/3s of the states) to cancel the 2ed amendment. This is just to put things in perspective. I have been a gun owner all my adult life.

  6. tfoth


    Your constitutional law analysis is pretty cursory.

    But relax; the Supreme Court has incorporated the Second Amendment to
    the states. As long as you obey the law, the government can not prevent you from keeping firearms in your home.

    How ironic, we all need guns to protect ourselves from all the crazy people with guns.

    Here is Yeager’s analysis of the law of self-defense. It is wrong. Don’t get your legal advice from him.

  7. Elaine,

    It’s too bad we can’t have some amnesty program for these folks and the guns who love them where they could exchange some of the guns for musical instruments. Ergo…

    That way instead of picking fights with us and the government, they could, for example, pick banjos instead!


  8. Being There

    Please check out Tarpley today.


  9. emsnews

    The war on drugs is causing a huge amount of social destruction and mayhem for the US population and this has spread to rural areas and everyone is freaking out about this and doing nothing sane to stop this mess. And the unemployed and underemployed use drugs to numb themselves while worshipping violence as a means of regaining manhood that was eliminated along with all those offshored jobs.

    This is destroying the fabric of society just like the Japanese export powers are ripping apart Japan.

  10. Lanza’s mother was the survivalist from what I have read. And the Aurora shooter was a brilliant kid who had a future in the bio sciences; until he had a sudden and hard to explain psychotic break. Psychotropic, prescription drugs probably have played a significant role in these outcomes. And it is wrong, Elaine, and false, to superimpose the James Yeager, backwoods stereotype over these tragedies. Something else is going on.


    ELAINE: The concept of ‘Zeitgeist’ is what is happening. The End of Times talk drives unstable people to do horrific and stupid things. And medicines for mental problems struggle to help people with a wide range of mental instabilities such as inherited problems which cause say, schizophrenia. And many people abuse these medicines, taking them in bad ways such as gulping down many pills to get high, etc.

    Blaming the meds is silly. My husband is on psychotropic drugs and follows the medication rules strictly and it works great. With my supervision, of course. Watch ‘Intervention’ on A& E to see how people abuse these medicines.

  11. MikeM

    Elaine, I wish you hadn’t turned an otherwise excellent post into a woman’s issue. The law in the US already acknowledges that you are equal, even though there are many who disfavor and dishonor it. If you lived here in Oregon, you could openly carry any loaded weapon you wanted to, and trust me, that makes you equal, in more ways than you might think.

    @ Richard, if you’ve ever bothered to read anything about how our country was founded, you would know why the 2nd amendment followed the 1st. You don’t get it. Here’s my drift, which I know will piss you off. Gun sales are off the charts. There are 6-12 month waiting lists on gun purchases right now because of supply/demand, and there is no ammo to be purchased off the shelf, at least here in Oregon. This is a result of anticipated 2nd amendment changes or an illegal executive order.



    ELAINE: The entire GOP is at war over these very rights and moves, when in power, to eliminate these rights and so I am immensely pissed off and many of the angry white male gun wavers happen to also want to eliminate my rights, JUST ASK THE BASTARDS. You’ll see! They will let you know right off the bat, what they really think about my personal rights especially sexual rights.


    Keep in mind that all people who own weapons are not registered hunters. Many of the people I know here don’t hunt, but own various weapons. All of them are pissed off about an increasingly openly oppressive gooberment that has no regard for ANY of the amendments, but are supported by lemmings like you.

    If you think these people are going to turn in their guns/ammo, pass me along of whatever it is you’re smoking. I invite you to visit the Philippines, where guns have been outlawed since Marcos established martial law over three decades ago. Guns over there are everywhere today, but they are mostly all in the hands of the “bad guys.”

    Society is the problem, not guns.

  12. Christian W

    I would say troubled societies are the problem, guns solve nothing. German police in 2011 fired less than 100 shots in total, about half of which were warning shots. I’ve read about US police (in LA) taking 90+ shots to take down one single ‘suspect’… Two very different cultures I would say.

    In the US apparently one teen is killed, or injured, every 30 minutes by a gun.

    Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 332,014 people of all ages died from guns, more than the population of St. Louis, MO (318,069), Pittsburgh, PA (307,484), Cincinnati, OH (296,223), Newark, NJ (277,540), Orlando, FL (243,195), or Richmond, VA (205,533).

    Now those are creepy stats…

    Click to access protect-children-not-guns-key-facts-2013.pdf

  13. N00b

    @ Mike M,

    Why does one paragraph of this essay make you say

    “Elaine, I wish you hadn’t turned an otherwise excellent post into a woman’s issue.”

    1) It isn’t a “women’s issue,” it’s an American issue.
    2) If it is a “women’s issue,” why is that “bad?” You wouldn’t read it?
    3) Why does mentioning women in this essay make the entire post “not otherwise excellent?”

    You know how “The Right” is always yelling at Muslims here that they have to speak out against the extremists of their religion in order to be considered “ok?” Well, why aren’t the men in this country speaking out against the misogynists and rapists who are gun-toting nutbags?

    And additionally–if your son were the boyfriend of Yeager’s daughter, and came “asking for food,” you’d be perfectly Ok with your kid being shot in the face? You want to protect this guy and his right to keep an arsenal, and you think he’s just peachy?

  14. Lucky13

    Christian W:

    Those Who Hire Illegal Aliens Cause Americans 9,125 Deaths Annually
    Frosty Wooldridge

    Iowa’s United States Congressman Steve King told a crowd in Des Moines in June,
    “Illegal aliens cause the death of 25 American citizens every day…13 by drunken driving and 12 by stabbings or gun fire.”

    That daily figure adds up to 9,125 deaths annually caused primarily by illegal alien Mexicans residing in America.

    Mike Rosen, radio talk show host in Denver, said it wasn’t significant when you consider our country of 300 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. John

    “Delusions of the radical left: Prohibition doesn’t work for alcohol or marijuana, but it will somehow work for guns”


  16. Christian W

    With half the world’s guns within the borders of the US, trying to outlaw them now would be madness indeed.

    If anyone remembers the gun video I posted a while ago, people were stocking up on assault rifle magazines and the trigger part of the rifles.

  17. Yikes

    I think perhaps you might re-think breaking the Prozac in half going forward. Pretty sure you need the whole dose. The eternal lament of the internet…we have to listen to the semi-intelligent rantings of people who mommy and daddy didn’t love very much. Sorry, buddy, that’s the way that one went. Cowboy up and make your own family and love them bro. It’ll be ok.

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