Obama And AIPAC Back Down, Must Wait Week For Congress Debate

Anti Syria war demonstrators in London

Dont Attack Syria Demo August 31 London – YouTube

Obama seeks Congressional OK for Syria strike except Congress not rushing back for Syria vote which will enrage AIPAC lobbyists who are probably on the phone right now issuing threats and orders.  But the harsh reality that 80%+ Americans don’t want this war has sobered up our rulers.  We can thank our friends in England for this.  Proving that ‘democracy’ demands a debate and showing clearly how ‘leaders’ must listen to the results, this has forced Obama to stop aping Bush Jr. for once and do the right thing.

The US continues to conspire with violent radicals:  Kerry Seeks to Reassure Syrian Opposition Leader that he supports violent overthrow of governments.  This lines up terribly with the events in Egypt where a democratic government was overthrown violently and the US handed out arms and money to the coup.  In the case of Syria, the bloodshed has been great due precisely because the US and Saudi Arabia as well as in a sneaky way, Israel, have armed people so they can have ethnic/religious/tribal warfare.  The blood is already on our hands.


Budget Documents Detail Extent of U.S. Cyberoperations: I have a rather good memory.  I recall our past and present Presidents howling like banshees about cyberwarfare and blaming Russia and China for this odious, evil thing.  But like our government paying terrorists to attack various countries, our government was waging cyberwarfare with complete complacent continuity.  Many times, in fact.  Most outrageously, with Israel’s help, the Stux worm.


Lawyers Add to Cost of Business for Some Afghans: The hiring of prestigious law firms says a lot about how good an opportunity the war has been for many people.  Yes, our wars are making people rich all over the place except for the average American who is being saddled with the debts these wars are causing.  All this spending has been put on our collective IOU and is the agent causing 80% of Americans to yell, ‘Stop it!  Now!’  We already are being hammered by the overhead costs and forced to give up things we need here for ourselves.


Snowden continues to make the news by forcing everyone out into the open.  Both Google and Microsoft cooperated with illegal spying on Americans.  Microsoft was the first to do this and Apple the last.  Now, Microsoft and Google to sue US for the right to tell the truth about this spying and to publish the orders given to them.  We already know that the conspirators running these illegal operations (our ‘governments’ in Britain and the US) tried to force the New York Times to destroy the Snowden data so it would remain hidden.


Well, nothing can stop this process right now not even spook stories about how spying on the planet has revealed the truth about the gas attack in Syria…NOT.  Of course, we saw no proof and will see  no proof and there is no proof the US dumped bin Laden’s body in the ocean, either.  Lies lay about like dogs in the shade in a hot summer afternoon.


Bomb kills 12 in Iraqi city of Ramadi as our ‘victory’ continues to collapse there.  We destroyed Iraq and it continues to fall apart thanks to our invasion which was totally illegal.  High radiation readings found at Fukushima tanks is another disaster the US is ignoring and so is Japan, for that matter.  Japan’s debt-funding costs to hit Y25.3 trillion next year while running trade deficits so of course, Abe wants to double military spending so he can fight China over some islands. Why gold is making a comeback: simple, more wars.

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Filed under .diplomacy

22 responses to “Obama And AIPAC Back Down, Must Wait Week For Congress Debate

  1. floridasandy

    you know how much I hate to say anything nice about Obama :), but this may be the first thing he has done that I approved of.-now we see how the congressional vote will go- and that’s the way it should be.

    glad to see that england showed him the way.

    ps glad that kerry never became president–that’s a scary thought indeed. or McCain)

  2. vengeur

    I caught a blurb of the that Rep. Peter King of N.Y. on TV news, basically decrying the fact that Obama’s failure to unilaterally attack Syria would fuck things up for future presidents! You have to know that the people at the top of both parties hate this!


    ELAINE: King is a notorious Zionist from NY and is a huge racist.

  3. vengeur

    Obama really is a piece of work, isn’t he? I mean, he was just ready to lick the envelope and stick a stamp on it and MAIL THIS THING IN. So when it falls apart and he is left holding the bag, what does he do? He feigns magnanimity, punts to Congress, to let them do the dirty work. President Barack Hussein Feckless Obama.


    ELAINE: AIPAC owns him. He fought AIPAC at first, the first year in office and nearly ALL of Congress of both parties voted him down and openly did 27 standing ovations for Netanyahu that same week. He gave up. He had near zero political support for helping the Palestinians.

  4. JT

    “Prince Bandar, head of Saudi intelligence, allegedly confronted the Kremlin with a mix of inducements and threats in a bid to break the deadlock over Syria. “Let us examine how to put together a unified Russian-Saudi strategy on the subject of oil. The aim is to agree on the price of oil and production quantities that keep the price stable in global oil markets,” he said at the four-hour meeting with Mr Putin. They met at Mr Putin’s dacha outside Moscow three weeks ago.
    “We understand Russia’s great interest in the oil and gas in the Mediterranean from Israel to Cyprus. And we understand the importance of the Russian gas pipeline to Europe. We are not interested in competing with that. We can cooperate in this area,” he said, purporting to speak with the full backing of the US.”


    Us head negotiator?
    Prince Bandar

    And a little threat to go with it.

    “As an example, I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us. These groups do not scare us.”

    Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/politics/2013/08/saudi-russia-putin-bandar-meeting-syria-egypt.html#ixzz2dcdbdLWk

    Putin’s answer?
    GFYS and release it to the press.

    That’s why Obbie is so offended?

  5. vengeur

    You have to admit , it really was amusing to see Obama get caught holding the ball on this Syria fiasco. He was just doing his usual “I play the President on T.V.” routine, acting presidential but being careful not to leave his fingerprints on anything, when suddenly from jolly old England comes a startling display of democracy, so in contrast to the obedience trained press and population of the U.S. It must have been quite a shock to Obama. As in “No way man. I’M not gonna get caught holding this ball!”. So he takes a little walk, and like Saul on the road to Damascus, he has a epiphany: “I’ll consult Congress!” . Such courage.Such grace. Such fortitude. Such a drop kick punt! Now , he just needs a bubble gum brained MORON like McCain to catch the ball and run with it.

  6. vengeur

    When they say “limited scope and duration” , are they talking about the missile strike on Syria, or Obama’s attention span?


    ELAINE: Sigh. I remember Vietnam. Since my father was an advisor for Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and LBJ at that time, I grew up in the center of the undercover nightmare. I remember the public being told, Vietnam was a ‘limited scope and duration’ event after Kennedy was assassinated.

    I remember very vividly my father being scared to death during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This is when a helicopter was sent to fetch him and he flew to DC in a military two seater fighter jet at a very high speed to meet at the White House. He told us, ‘You are all going to die unless you go to the mountains and hide’ which we did except I blew it by going to my neighbors and warning them they would be vaporized.

    So my mother had to laugh nervously and tell them all I was a liar.

  7. floridasandy

    vengeur, I totally agree that obama is feckless, but what americans want is NOT to get involved so if it serves the purpose it’s still good.

    it’s still possible that congress would vote for it-after all, when have they listened to the will of the people?—-not to mention that obama always does his sneaky stuff behind the scenes.

    they don’t spy on everybody for nothing. 🙂

    McCain and Boehner might just be the bubble heads needed to “take responsibility” for an assault.

    I just can’t see the Saudis letting this go, as they REALLY want assad gone.

  8. El Kabong

    Obama will end up exiting the presidency like Nixon did if he’s not careful. Especially with the NSA spying on US citizens, what’s to say there is a Watergate 2.0 sitting out there waiting in cyberspace?

    Oct 25, 1973: Nixon vetoes War Powers Resolution http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nixon-vetoes-war-powers-resolution

    Sorry Rush, Nixon Spied On Enemies; Viewed The IRS As A Political Weapon http://mediamatters.org/blog/2013/06/11/sorry-rush-nixon-spied-on-enemies-viewed-the-ir/194418

    August 9, 1974 Nixon Resigns http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/watergate/articles/080974-3.htm


    ELAINE: Back then, the WP was filled with hatred for Nixon because he was anti-Zionist and knew about the USS Liberty coverup. They wanted to get rid of him in favor of Ford who was malleable. Nixon railed about this topic in the WH tapes.

    The WP to this day has refused to report about the USS Liberty and AIPAC ordered Congress to never investigate it and McCain’s dad did the coverup with the fake commission which was so similar to the 9/11 Commission run by the same gang or their children.

    To this day, to the fury of the sailors who demand loudly for justice, virtually no news service mentions they even exist! And the shooting of our ship was by the IDF so they could TRICK the US public into a war!!!! No one can trust them.

  9. IAmSpartacus

    First, the Brits say “NO!”, now, Obama begins his back peddling; the Israel firsters, NeoCon chickenhawks, NeoLib R2P interventionist warmongers, and ZioNazi Likudniks are absolutely furious; one can imagine Bibi kicking his dog, hurling small object at the walls in his office, with a steady stream of four letter words coming out of his mouth! 🙂

  10. Christian W


    Yeah, it’s a bit like Al Qaeda, who someone accurately said should be thought of as Saudi Arabia’s Special Forces. Bandar and other Saudi royals fund AQ, arm them, train them and fund charities they are operating – while at the same time they try to keep them far away because AQ hates the corruption and decadence of the Saudi royals.

  11. Christian W

    One cannot but wonder how useful the GHCQ/NSA relationship is going to be in situations like this. The spooks have just about time to make up a few dossiers here and there on certain representatives, if needed.

  12. Being There

    Yes, what we’re looking at here is a strange new form of global fascism or inverted communism. It’s all about making the world safe for McDonald’s and at the same time syphoning money to the monopolistic transnational private contractors who are the real winners of these wars. Just in case you’re wondering why it doesn’t matter whether we win or lose…..

    Yes, we lose our jobs, get reamed by the non-existent inflation and huge medical prices and yet we are expected to be the consumers of last resort. All the surveillence we are enduring by the NSA is mainly going to the corporations and banks……

    I seriously doubt our presidents have much say in the giant game of Risk. I think they are there to do the Orwellian dance we all watch with shock and amazement at how crazy these decisions are.

    My favorite Orwell quote of 1946:
    We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right.  Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield.

    —-Orwell said it best. Our economic and military model is a sham–used to redistribute wealth the world-over.

  13. emsnews

    Our military is an imperial machine which is no longer in our grasp. During the Vietnam War, the fodder for this machine revolted here in the US and they had to shut down that business in a hurry and did this by bombing the bejesus out of the SE Asian people killing well over a million of them. This was Nixon’s ‘secret peace plan’.

    Since then, our ‘open peace plan’ is to bomb everyone all the time across the entire planet to ‘save them’ of course. Sort of like stopping crime in a city by nuking it while the gangs are in the countryside, first.

  14. floridasandy

    Obama better be very careful with this one:

    TEHRAN (FNA)- The Main Intelligence Directorate, or the GRU in Russian (for Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye) reported that President Putin’s orders this week to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a “massive military strike” against Saudi Arabia in the event that the West attacks Syria has “stunned” the Saudis forcing them to go on “full war alert”.

    The Arabic Al-Ahd News Service confirmed the Saudis war alert by further stating:

    “The Saudi Army is on full alert since today due to the increased possibility of a military attack by the US military against Syria. The ground force operations command of the Saudi Army has ordered all the military units in Saudi Arabia to stand at a level 2 alert and fears were bolstered by recent statements by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in terms of a possible military strike against Saudi Arabia by Moscow.”

    that might explain some of the backing off–because the citizens never get a say in any of these decisions.

  15. JT


    That news is from Jemen.

    Now how will Russia strike Saudi-arabia?

  16. JT


    CIA reported that Obama has issued secret orders to strike Cuba?
    According to Cuba news?

    Now that does not make any sense does it?

  17. lucky1

    Oddly, for the first time ever, w/i the last 24 hours I did research on Agnew.
    He wrote a book about his life and warned about Israel.

  18. emsnews

    Russia can attack ANYONE on earth, they have very high quality nuclear missiles. Note that all visits to the Space Station has to come from them, not the US which has a dying space program because, get this, we CAN’T AFFORD IT!

    HAHAHA. Sigh.

  19. Seraphim

    One may speculate that the Russians will raise with the Security Council the question of the use of gas by the Saudi and demand to apply to them the same “punishment”. The more that the ragheads declared themselves enemies of Russia. The threats might not be BS.

  20. floridasandy

    JT, what?

    I never said anything about cuba. There are all kinds of stories out there, and you have to use logic to decide which ones make sense.

    Russia bringing it to Saudi Arabia if they attack Syria (assad) makes sense.

  21. JT


    No it does not.
    What you think the Russians will nuke Saudi-Arabia over Syria?
    They have no other means of striking them.

    Besides that news is from a news agency in Jemen.
    An US ally full of Al Qaeda cells.

    It is propably the other way around. They want to stir up movement against Russia.

    My point was that the russian secret service does not release statements that contain secret orders from Putin.
    What the hell is matter with you people?
    And a Jemen news agency is the only one that got their hands on this information?

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