Feds Seize Fake ID Stash, This Is How The DNC Wins Elections: Fake ID Voters In DNC States

The Border Control staff found this package which was a bunch of mass produced fake IDs for illegal aliens.  This alarming news story appeared yesterday.  Today, not one mainstream news media is carrying this vital story.  Right now, the DNC is leaking tons of documents about Giuliani they assembled secretly and refused to show the Republicans on the committee in Congress and this is designed to show that Giuliani’s search for evidence of bribery by Ukraine actually happened (duh) and the DNC and their media hounds are yelling that it is terrible that Giuliani sought information about bribery!  HOW DARE HE!  Good gods, the Democrats truly live in an upside down world.


This party of traitors have been crystal clear for the last five years: they want as many illegal aliens to invade, get fake ID and then vote for the DNC and more invaders.  This is their new voter base: alien criminals!  This destructive push is embraced by all DNC candidates who want more, not less of this.  They also refuse repeatedly to fund any protections or troops to protect our borders from obvious invaders.


This has a name: TREASON.  One way of dealing with all this is for our Bilderberg media to push any and all stories about Trump seeking to find out if Biden and other DNC members are corrupted by bribes from foreign governments and pushing the lie that finding information about all this is evil rather than Trump doing his job to protect us from traitors who go overseas to collect bribes!


I have been totally outraged about this ever since Reagan collected his $2million bribe from the Japanese many years ago.  Now, nearly everyone is doing this.  And this is why they hate Trump, he is ruining this massive, gigantic bribery business!  How dare he, they scream in unison.  More real news:


Smugglers this weekend were cutting through the border fence to invade, were caught this time.  This was at one of the unsecured sections of the barrier, not the new parts.  Congress, the half controlled by the DNC, are fighting tooth and nail to not protect our borders.  The impeachment mess is all about keeping the borders open so that workers in the US have lower wages and higher crime rates and bad schools.  Googling this story is interesting:

Note how no mainstream news except sometimes for Fox News, carries any of these stories.  Here is the list of mainstream news carrying today’s story about the fake IDs:

It is only in Kentucky as a news story!  Sheesh.  This should be national news, big time.  Angry announcers should be denouncing this obvious criminal conspiracy to flood our systems with fake IDs for foreign invaders to use and thus, destroy our economic and legal systems!   We should all be very alarmed by this story and it is important to hear it.  DEAD SILENCE.  Here is what CBS News calls a breaking, top story today:

A bunch of invaders drowned.  We are to feel bad about this?  About election reforms and the issue of fake IDs:

This morning, the stupid Bilderberg news business is still pushing the silly story that Russia ‘meddled’ in our election and this is why Trump won.  Talk about utterly insane.  What is more insane is, Russia would back Hillary because she wants open borders!  Trump wants border controls!  Why would Russia want that?  Makes zero logical sense but then the entire mess we are in is irrational.


Here is another CBS top story today:

Poor people!  Open borders are good!  The entire planet should invade, eh?  Next breaking story from this goofy news business:

Um, it is well known that ANYONE can weasel out information and then reveal the truth!  We see this happen all the time.  CBS happily carries such stories, too, when it suits their political agenda!  What these clowns hope to do is pin all this on Trump and not on ‘this is how all systems operate these days due to the internet.’  Here is yet another top story:

HAHAHA.  This ‘information’ was funny as all hell.  Once it was released to the public via the internet, people used this information.  NO ONE PAID FOR IT.  It was ‘expensive’ for this lady who is a political operative but only amusement for the rest of us.  The entire news systems run by the elites is falling to pieces due to this sort of nonsense.  They push their storylines right off the cliff.  These freaks actually think their ‘voter studies’ are valuable.  Instead, it simply is their secret plans to flood all voting systems with ILLEGAL ALIENS by hook and by crook.  This is the ‘secret’ they want to remain concealed.


The reports at CBS won’t mention any of this vital information.  Instead, they want to cause outrage and have people think that Russian agents working for Trump are trying to stop illegal aliens from voting…ARGH….doesn’t that sound insane?  These supposed Russians want the US to protect our borders?  I say, they sound more patriotic American than the entire DNC leadership! 

And I am very happy for the good people of Hong Kong.  Who on earth wants to be ruled by Maoists???  Think the Chinese on the mainland really want this?  I seriously doubt this.  Here in the USA, we have a problem with aliens tipping our elections into the laps of traitors.  Note how many young people were motivated to vote.


Communist China is very angry about this voting business.  Why?  Because they are actually unpopular at home.  They don’t want real elections to discover how people really think about the regime.  What we have here in the US is mass movements of populations seeking to flee DNC-run cities.  Even rich DNC cities are miserable places to live due to filth and crime.

This video made a year ago by the fools at NBC News in California is all about how stupid people are in California who are upset about the flood of illegal aliens and drug addicts and all the messes being created by DNC voters and leaders who have turned the entire state into this huge toilet mess.  This idiot liberal cannot understand why people don’t want this mess.  He thinks this mess is just fine.


The story above is all about how much nicer it would be if all of California including the ‘red’ parts that voted Trump, should all be like San Francisco and LA, that is, an open cesspool dangerous to walk at night or even day in many cases.  At the CBS site I found this interesting story I didn’t see in any news:

So, the bodegas run by illegal aliens are refusing to sell the NY Post because the NY Post is against letting in armies of illegal aliens!  HAHAHA.  Yup.  The leftists want to destroy any news systems that defies the leftist ideology of open borders/global warming starvation plans.  This is rather odd to watch because the end result will be Maoism: death of many millions of lower class people as they starve and freeze in the New Little Ice Age.

The particular news headline that irritated the Democratic leaders in NY state was the picture above.  Ilhan Omar called 9/11 ‘something happened that day.’  I was outraged back then.  Still am.  I didn’t know the leftists in NYC tried to bankrupt the NY Post because of this headline story.  It shows how treasonous the DNC in NYC is these days.


Filed under .money matters

6 responses to “Feds Seize Fake ID Stash, This Is How The DNC Wins Elections: Fake ID Voters In DNC States

  1. Petruchio

    It’s hilarious if you think about it in the right way. The DNC has no choice but to attack Giuliani and Nunes!! That is exactly what you do IF you know people like that are going to find real, actual crimes that have been committed. Obviously, you can’t wait until, say, Giuliani finds some criminality and THEN attack him. That just makes Biden and other DNC types look even more guilty. And so, with the help of the Fake News Media, the DNC are trying to shift the blame from themselves to Giuliani. Or Nunes. What is so funny is the DNC has no choice but to do this, even though they look like total fools. The DNC are going to start to feel more and more Karma.

  2. snoosebomb

    i see jared kushner is on the bilderberg list , who is a bilderberger, , the people on the list or the people who make the list ?

  3. Lou

    As winter nears,

  4. Zeke

    This is a typical Repub tactic: Al Franken called it “the Republican pivot”. It goes back at least to Roy Cohn, mentor to protégé Trump. Affiliated with Dirty Tricks, Inc. operatives Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Lee Atwater. They were partners in the same political consulting firm.

    The tactic is: when a Repub or Trump is caught with their pants down: deflect and YELL and LOUDLY SCREAM: ‘Oh, yeah, well, how about ….. Hillary …… or Biden ….. or Obama, or …… ‘ to try to wiggle out of the crime at hand, in question.

  5. Zeke, this is how ALL politicians operate. Unlike you, I actually played hardball politics. Unlike you, I have actually engineered putting politicians in prison! I know their corruption very intimately.

    The most dangerous politicians though, are the ‘holy’ ones, that want to be perfect. These people are the ones who kill massive numbers of humans and justify this because ‘god’ or other entities tell them to cleanse the earth of all sins. I hold these people in utter horror, I fear them greatly.

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