Female Biden Supporters Attack And Steal MAGA Hat From Little Boy


Two Biden for President females steal a little first grade boy’s MAGA hat while cussing him with their obscene voices.  Mom demands her boy’s hat back and her husband is punched by the Biden females who then attack and hit the person filming the assault on the child and his family.  I hope these Biden voters are arrested.  This story is making the rounds now.  I read it yesterday but after dental surgery, didn’t have the energy to post it.

By the way, the surgery worked! At last, I am not being tortured by electrical shocks from a molar problem.  Get it?  I had a MOLAR problem!  Not a ‘moral’ problem!


The entire left does have a ‘moral problem’ now.  All their schemes are supposedly based on ‘morals’ of various stripes only they violate these violently all the time.  If you take the wrong political choices, these ‘moralists’ will use racism, sexism, any ism to attack which is why they often sound like the KKK.  They cannot see themselves doing this because they blind themselves and don’t look in mirrors.

This Malcom X stuff is interesting.  I didn’t know him, personally, but I did know people who hung out with him, people in Newark, NJ.  Guess what?  Malcom was a MUSLIM.  Yes, he was a peculiar Muslim in that he pretended to be one but then actually did convert to the Sunni religion while in Saudi Arabia.


He then basically went to war with Elijah Mohammed and his team of assassins who killed him in 1965.  Oh, the irony of all this!  I marvel how so many celebrities have zero idea of what they are saying as LeBron, destroying his own career, misunderstands Malcom X.  I never got to argue with either man but I can talk about their delusions.


MUSLIMS ENSLAVED BLACK AFRICANS.  Long, long, long before Europe touched even one.  Cutting off the male’s nuts was quite popular when enslaving them, too, in the Muslim realms.  And guess who rounded up slaves to sell to Europeans after the discovery of the Americas?


Same people.  Are Muslims asked to apologize for all this?  Nope.  Not a peep.  Blacks enslaving blacks?  This is OK, too.


Black athletes further kill their careers by defending Goodyear blimps when they ordered workers to wear only BLM junk but would be punished if they wore MAGA hats.


Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James expressed his support for Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. on Friday, days after President Trump called for a boycott of the Ohio-based company over its policy on “Make America Great Again” and pro-police apparel in the workplace.


He is a good corporate entity, isn’t he, this ‘free man’ who can have his own ‘opinions.’  So long as the corporate entity allows this.


James is a native of Akron, Ohio, the same city in which Goodyear has its headquarters. Aside from the hometown connection, Goodyear has hosted events for the LeBron James Family Foundation and its “I Promise School” for at-risk youth in Akron.


It appears Goodyear wants to be Goodgrief.  So, they give only to black children.  What about poor white kiddies?  Are they nobody now?


Obviously: YES.


“We don’t bend and we don’t fold and we don’t break for nobody. So I’m not worried about that,” James said regarding calls for a boycott. “Not only has Goodyear been great for my city, for the history of my city, but for the country and what they represented, it’s unbelievable, unbelievable brand, unbelievable history. So we stand strong and we always unite, especially my city.”


Yes, the entire point is, Goodyear is united with blacks who are now BLM fanatics and who openly attack whites and make terrible threats against whites and who are encouraging and allowing riots to destroy what little remains in all DNC run cities and this catering to blacks especially when they are rioting or are outright criminals fighting cops, this is FATAL if one wants to make lots of money off of white customers who are rapidly vanishing.




Anderson: There might be a few, like, ‘white guys can’t jump’ jokes. I’m a shooter. I’m not the most fast, athletic, running player. So, there’s a lot of just little jokes like that. But at the same time, if you can play, there is no race. There is no color in basketball and that’s the beauty of it.


These ‘jokes’ are insults.  And there is massive ‘color’ in basketball which is why the dominate black players are forcing everyone especially white fellow players and staff and coaches to kneel to black power and diss the US flag and alienate all white males in the audience which is rapidly departing.


Parsons: Being white in the NBA, there are a lot of stereotypes. It’s almost like a joking thing among guys in the league about the stereotypes, whether it’s music or food or the way we dress. It’s just stereotypes that are kind of like an ongoing thing that goes on in the NBA …


The  tiny minority of white players are abused and belittled openly by smug, rich black players.


There’s stuff where people call me, ‘white boy,’ or things like that. Same thing with stereotypes. Obviously, I’m a shooter because I’m white or I’m slow and less athletic because I’m white. But not hate. When I dunk on somebody, it’ll be like, ‘Oh, Chandler Parsons is deceptively athletic.’ Why wouldn’t I just be athletic?”


Do these white players call fellow players ‘black boys’?  Of course not.  Is this an insult: YES.  Is this a double standard?  Absolutely!  Is this fatal for the blacks who will now be much, much poorer due to being racist and cruel to whites?


100% this will be the outcome of this overt racism by blacks who are emulating Malcom X and Mohammed Elijah and such sorts of creeps.  Now on to the end of the DNC convention.  By the way, the TV ratings of that mess of a ‘convention’ was much lower than previous ratings in 2016.


Joe Biden (D) experienced another brain freeze moment during the climax of his Democratic National Convention (DNC) address Thursday evening, telling the audience that there has “never been anything we’ve been able to accomplish when we’ve done it together.”


While accepting the party’s nomination as its presidential candidate, Biden said the United States is facing four crises, which he is best equipped to fix after decades served in the Senate and White House. Those challenges are, in his words: “the worst pandemic in over 100 years. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The most compelling call for racial justice since the ’60s, and the undeniable realities and just accelerating threats of climate change.”


Naturally, he never says HOW he will do all this especially the global warming tidbit.  The ‘worst pandemic’ was 90% confined to DNC-run cities with NYC being the worst of them all.  The more a population voted for Democrats, the worse the epidemic.  All the DNC fought Trump tooth and nail when he tried, starting in January during the fake impeachment trial, to deal with this disease.


Now we have bread lines in DNC cities that shut down due to this disease:

People line up for state funds in Oregon which is being attacked and looted/burned/destroyed by ANTIFA/BLM/DNC rioters for the last 82+nights:


For the second straight day lines were long, very long, outside financial institutions across Oregon. People were looking to get their hands on $500 emergency relief checks.


“It’s everything to me,” said Cindy Barber. “It’s my energy bill, rent. It’s my self-esteem.”  Barber is at her breaking point. Over the last 24 hours, the 59-year-old with lupus has stood in line outside two OnPoint Community Credit Unions. She was cut off at both. She has even tried to apply for the emergency funds online, but to no avail.


I bet all the ANTIFA leeches are asking for and getting these funds.  I notice over time their gear has improved greatly from purchases.  I doubt any of them are working.

And yes, de Blasio has turned NYC into a shit hole.  This doesn’t surprise me one bit.  He was quite angry with the Park Slope Improvement Committee for cleaning up the DNC messes!  I hope someone with brains remains in that dying city and is capable of doing what we did so many years ago.  Yes, you can take down despots like this desperate despot!  He is, after all, a criminal.


Filed under .money matters

4 responses to “Female Biden Supporters Attack And Steal MAGA Hat From Little Boy

  1. Petruchio

    “By the way, the surgery worked! At last, I am not being tortured by electrical shocks from a molar problem. Get it? I had a MOLAR problem! Not a ‘moral’ problem!” Well Elaine, thank God it wasn’t a MORTAL problem!! I have a phobia about Dentists. I HATE going to the Dentist.

  2. Petruchio

    I have been watching a 3 part series on what is called “The Atlanta Child Murders”. This details a series of murders committed in the late 70’s, early 80’s. It seems a serial killer was murdering Black males. At first it was young boys and then as the Fear about the murders took over, it was older Black males. Turns out the Killer of all these Black Males–the total was listed as 30, but it could have been more–as a…..Black Male!! His name is Wayne Williams. Turns out Wayne, even though he is a Black male himself, views most Black males as inferior beings who should be eliminated. Skipping to the result of these murders: Williams was charged with only TWO murders, even though the Police had tons of evidence pointing to Williams’ guilt in many more murders. Almost all of the other 28 murders. BUT: the Black Mayor and the Blacks in the Atlanta Police Department wanted the Wayne Williams case to disappear; they swept it all under the rug. And so the families of Williams’ likely victims can just suffer. Covering up Black on Black crime is what matters NOT black Lives Matter.

  3. Jim R

    Arrest Made In Viral Hate Crime Against 7-Year-Old With MAGA Hat

    by Tyler Durden
    Sat, 08/22/2020 – 16:07

    Update (1605ET): An arrest has been made.

    21-year-old Olivia M. Winslow of Wilmington was arrested on Friday in connection with the incident involving the 7-year-old boy who had his MAGA hat stolen, according to WDEL.

  4. Excellent news. The leftists have this thing of attacking young white males. This is very dangerous. It is also very, very racist.

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