The Entire DNC Machine Is Blowing Up Over Possibility Of First Hispanic Woman In Supreme Court!

Biden can’t announce his list of black females for the Supreme Court because he forgot.  This pandering going on is getting very obnoxious now.  In Oregon, Andy Ngo reports that the riots continue there and are now mainly focused on attacking people sleeping at night, at home, in the suburbs which will cement Trump’s victory in Oregon unless the voters there really are suicidal.  And a business owner in Nebraska commits suicide after being threatened with charges of murder when he killed a rioter who was STRANGLING him, on camera, in front of his business the ANTIFA/BLM/DNC rioters were smashing!


Biden is clearly brain damaged.  Hillary had ill health while limping along four years ago, making nearly no public appearances.  Biden is finally out of hiding, barely, but won’t answer questions and is flubbing his speeches nearly nonstop now.  His attempt at saying the Pledge of Allegiance dropped nearly half of the words and he added ‘and stuff’ instead.


He looks and talks very feeble and Pelosi is matching him in also acting rather senile now, too.  No surprise.  This is the DNC leadership!  They are also lying nonstop about Ginsberg’s supposedly ‘last words’ which was her supposed desire to prevent the legal President from legally picking a Supreme Court Justice after she lied about her health and stayed long after her due date, desperate to control the courts.


There is zero proof of her ‘last words’ and in a world where everything can easily be recorded, the idea no one did this supposedly is insane.  There were no outside witnesses to this supposed event and why mainstream news reports this as real and not made up is infuriating.


And the riots in Oregon continue.  The mainstream media pretended it was ending because it wasn’t happening downtown this last week.  But it continues in the suburbs and this will cement Trump’s victory in that sick state. Will voters vote for more chaos, more ANTIFA?  Or will they finally figure out the obvious?  I am on pins and needles, anxiously awaiting for news.


I hope his family sues the DA.  This, they did to an Afghan war vet, no less.


At about 12:20 p.m., Hillsboro Police Department officers responded to the 300 block of Southeast Ninth Avenue after a body was found outside a medical clinic. They discovered 38-year-old Jacob Gardner of Omaha, Nebraska dead.


Why was he in Oregon, the craziest state?


The cause of death is under investigation, but officers are not seeking any suspects and there is no danger to the community.


Never assume suicide just because there is a gun and it looks like it is suicide.  Many crazy leftists said they wanted to kill him.


Gardner was indicted by a Douglas County, Nebraska grand jury last week on charges stemming from the May 30 shooting death of James Scurlock in Omaha.



I blame the DA and the gang of leftist politicians for this death.  This was obviously self defense.  The poor guy was overwhelmed by events and it is very hard to be brave in the face of an army of Soros agents screaming for one’s suicide.  They nearly suicided Sandmann but videos showed clearly that the adults assaulting him were totally at fault and Sandmann’s parents figured out their son was being framed and had the guts to take the framers to court all of whom are still in court, to this day.

It is quite possible he was pushed off the cliff, so to speak.  I feel very strongly about this for one of my friend’s sons was accused of this, too.  He shot dead a rioter attacking his mother’s business.  This way, the store was the only one in the neighborhood not looted by black rioters.


The city of NY backed down on persecuting him and we united behind him and I was just beginning to get into NY politics when this happened in 1977.  In the 1980’s in South Orange, NJ, a gunman threatened to kill the mother of four sons who ran my local pizza joint and one of the sons shot the criminal dead with one shot, we immediately went into high gear, defending him and letting politicians know, if they tried to paint his as ‘racist’ they would regret this.

This hysteria about the possibility that a reasonably conservative female/Hispanic justice might be put on the Supreme Court is just amazing to watch.  The left is melting down over all this because all their yap about being ‘feminist’ and ‘pro-Hispanic’ for example, is utterly fake.

They are communists.



Filed under .money matters

14 responses to “The Entire DNC Machine Is Blowing Up Over Possibility Of First Hispanic Woman In Supreme Court!

  1. Thanks for being you Elaine!

  2. rrw

    Isn’t Sotomayor the first Hispanic woman supreme court judge?

  3. Jim R

    Oh yeah, that one! Well then, the SECOND Hispanic woman.

    Second isn’t bad — it just drives ’em crazy (crazier) that Mr. Trump can do this.

  4. lou

    2–she is PR Jewish as well.

  5. macdundas

    2/3: The first CONSERVATIVE Hispanic woman…

  6. lou

    Elaine, NYC–

  7. Jim R

    FYI — and this will impact any videos you embed on this site:
    h t t p s : / / www. bit

    Compress the blanks out to follow the link

  8. Jim, it helps immensely if you explain what you are posting about.

  9. Yes, this is the second justice business. I am still on pain killers due to my messed up molars making it very difficult to write sometimes.

  10. lou

    you tube removed the link. it was the carbon credit countdown clock in NYC.

  11. We should set up a ‘Koolaid Klock’ tracking how many days before all the global warming fear mongers drink poison due to the End of Time.

  12. lou

    In California, Newsom wants all electric cars. I read to make a battery [weighs half a ton] for ONE car, 500,000 pounds of dirt has to be mined for rare earths.
    Then again, he keeps HIS winery open as the states economy gets destroyed by him and Pelosi etc.

  13. Yes, the battery thing is a difficulty. We go back to horse and buggy.

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