Proof Google Manipulating Search Engine To Hide Voter Fraud

Google is definitely goofing around with their search engine to prevent anyone discovering information about vote frauds this year.  I am not the only person to notice this.  Google has been totally degraded by leftists who have made the search engine nearly useless but it is fun showing how stupid Google is.  Just start typing in ‘2020 voter (blank) and add one letter for ‘fraud’ one at a time.  That word ‘fraud’ is VERBOTEN!  Too funny.


Here is how I did my ‘search’.  I added one letter at a time and did a photo shot of the result:

Adding the ‘f’ gives ‘form’ and ‘freebies’ which is a much lower value complete compared to ‘fraud’ but fraud didn’t show up at all.

‘Fr’ brings up only one suggestion which is goofy: ‘freebies’.  Add the ‘u’ making it ‘frau’ you get…NOTHING.  I see lots of ‘vanishing’ data points this election.  Votes vanish, people vanish, civil rights vanish.

When you type in the entire words, you do get fraud stories but all of these are anti-Trump and many of them are now FAKE stories, like the postal lad who supposedly changed his story only he didn’t.  They are still spreading the fake story all over the earth now.

Note the top stories showing no fraud are…FRAUDS!  We already know the US postal worker did NOT recant anything.  This is pure fake news.  Note the lefty Guardian doesn’t bother to contact the young fellow and chat with him.


What is even funnier, the NYT called all their buddies and others and asked if fraud was happening and they said ‘no’.  Duh.  Asking criminals if they are committing crimes, you get the same answers.


Now on to NY and our local communist mayor who is destroying NY City.  His darling revolutionary daughter strikes again with the biggest Freudian slip, ever:

De Blasio’s brat openly says Biden stole the election!


De Blasio followed up by saying that Biden stole the election, before correcting herself.  “Joe Biden was able to steal…steal no, was able to win,” she said before apologizing.


Given what happened, maybe de Blasio was right the first time.


Import 3 million illegal aliens, give them ballots and they vote for open borders.  I knew this, the DNC knows this, I have written endless stories about this, I predicted this election would happen due to this, this is no surprise to me.

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