Small Investors Bankrupting Wall Street Wolves Who Tried To Kill GameStop

Yes, many citizens who have bought small accounts of the stocks managed a miracle: the stock shot upwards very suddenly to the great delight of the buyers who immediately celebrated.  This was a coup.  This was the Little Guys teaching the ravening hot shots a sharp lesson.  The fans of male entertainment systems are fighting a battle against rich people and SJW leftist lunatics who are both set out to destroy all systems of entertainment for young males that is ‘masculine’.


This isn’t a mere stock market story, it is a story about how all systems servicing young males is being systematically ravaged and destroyed by various forces unleashed by determined leftists who want to basically cut the balls off of all young males and render them helpless.



The gang shortselling GameStop have retreated, badly burned by all this, to the great delight of the counter-buyers.  This is a significant victory for them.  I am betting all of these young males doing this also voted for Trump and are plenty pissed off now.


Inforwars has a good article about this uprising of young gamers teaching Wall Street wolves how to really hunt down and destroy…wolves!


Ultimately, GameStop is not a good long-term investment.  Most people download video games these days, and so a brick and mortar retail chain that sells physical copies of video games shouldn’t be attractive to anyone.


What happened was, young males ‘gamed the system’ in order to punish Wall Street wolves.  They did this for revenge, they did this for the sheer thrill of doing this and they enjoy pulling the legs of mainstream media and businesses who hate Trump and hate normal males in particular.


GameStop lost money last year, and they will lose money again this year.


The buyers of this stock, driving it upwards, can safely ignore this information.  So long as they wish, they can bid it up.


But a group on Reddit known as “WallStreetBets” noticed that some big hedge funds had taken ridiculously large short positions against GameStop, and they sensed an opportunity.  They realized that if they all started to buy GameStop all at once, it would likely create a short squeeze of epic proportions.


Corporate entities do this all the time.  A bunch of young guys doing this for the sheer fun of it is the key here.  They were not supposed to organize and then play this game!


And that is precisely what has happened.

A year ago, a single share of GameStop was going for about four dollars.

At the beginning of the month, GameStop was sitting at $17.25.

On Wednesday, it closed at $347.51.


This mass action by activists upset the apple cart and got all of the Wall Street Bilderberg wolves very, very angry: The Machine is reacting to this stunning feat by young game fans by BANNING THEM at online forums!


Reddit shut down its WallStreetBets subreddit page on Wednesday afternoon after rookie stock market investors in the general public joined together to purchase stock in targeted companies causing a major disruption in the stock market and resulting in several hedge funds to go bust.


Of course, Reddit blamed “racism” and “hate speech” for removing the community.


HAHAHA.  They always use ‘racism’ even as leftists are the most racist people on earth.  In particular, white leftist males are attacking all other white males openly and discriminating against them in jobs and government programs, they are the racists.


140% shorted was bankrupting GameStop and this brave black dude on Fox TV is tearing the elites a big hole over this.  The super rich shorted the company deliberately so they could loot companies and now young people band together to stop this!  And THEY are the ‘bad guys’?  HAHAHA.


And this commentator is correct: while GameStop was being ravaged and destroyed by speculators, and the Little People fought back, by making the stocks very expensive, the shorts have to pay up for their ‘futures’ and this is bankrupting them and good riddance to Wall Street trash!


Melvin Capital lost FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in this rally!




Short seller Andrew Left of Citron Research said Wednesday he has covered the majority of his short position in GameStop at a loss. He previously said GameStop will fall back to $20 a share “fast” and called out attacks from the “angry mob” that owns the stock.


Good gods! Talk about utterly arrogant.  This clown destroys companies by shorting them in the markets and he got shot while shorting due to him not shorting on what he bought but what he DIDN’T BUY.  He was doing ‘futures’ and the future kicked his ass, good.


Investor Michael Burry said in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday that trading in GameStop is “unnatural, insane, and dangerous” and there should be “legal and regulatory repercussions.” Burry shot to fame by betting against the housing bubble and was featured in Michael Lewis’ book “The Big Short.”


These wolves want regulations?  HAHAHA.  Regulate them out of business, I say!  Arrest Burry. Charge him with destroying a company while not buying stocks, just pretending to buy and then sell at a loss, stocks.


The young have a sense of humor!  HAHAHA.  So do I.  Here are a series of interesting comments to the above video that shows clearly, the players in this game knew what they are doing and what the laws are and this is a protest against Wall Street shorts.


The wall street manipulators are upset with Robinhood investors.


Rich people make mistakes, poor people commit crimes. Remember that.


One minute they say it’s a coordinated effort to manipulate the market for profits and the next minute traders are too dumb to know what’s really going on. Eff off


Let me get this straight, these hedge funds shorted 140% of stock, reused the same shares to cover their positions and yet somehow retail investors/traders are the ones to blame because they wont sell them their shares?


We like the stock, and they haven’t recovered their position.


This is the same interviewer that lied about Melvin and Citron closing out on their short positions.




“do they understand what they’re investing in?” I am investing in a message. Bought in at $50/shr with $600 and intend on holding until that message is felt. If that means going to $0, fine. Still the best $600 I ever spent


This dude is making the most money rn, with all the slippage and add on fees that’s passed on to millions of Robinhood users. He is like the shop that sells spades to miners during the gold rush.


Thanks for the new house, Melvin! And you too Citron, for the new wheels 😁 WE LIKE THE STOCK!


This will continue, revenge of the Nerds.  The leftists joined at the hip with the Bilderberg gang thought that stealing a mere election would mean all of them can loot the rest of us with impunity.  Nope.


And they are losing money, doing this!  HAHAHA.


Small investors, when exchanging information, can mob the big bosses and force them into terrible positions which they richly deserve:


Based on recent popular posts on the Reddit forum, the investors are betting that many Wall Street players are still holding large short positions in GameStop and are struggling to get out of them. The investors are urging each other to not sell and in fact keep buying, even at the high price.


Hitherto, shorting companies in order to get free profits due to lack of interest in the shorted stocks, worked to make Wall Street rich and American workers laid off, poor.  But young investors have an agenda and have learned how the systems work and now are on the war path:


The apparent goal is to force a situation where institutional investors no longer have any GameStop stock to sell, but at least some of them still hold short positions, which would force them to buy the stock from the small investors. If the small investors refuse to sell, the price could climb to exorbitant heights.


Which it has done!  Fantastic.  Now the Big Players who belong to the utterly evil Bilderberg gang will whine to fellow gangsters in DC and the Democrats will change the rules so only the very rich can destroy corporations via shorting them, not little people shoring UP companies…WTH?  So, valuing stocks is evil, cutting them off and killing the companies is good in good old Bilderberg gangland!


That is the case with GameStop shares too. The largest investment manager of them all, the $8.6 trillion behemoth BlackRock, disclosed on Jan. 26 it just sold some 2 million GameStop shares and still had about 9 million left. The company can thus rescue, for a hefty compensation, the hedge funds stuck with GameStop shorts.


Yet some members of the Reddit forum predict that Wall Street had in fact shorted GameStop much more than it lets on. So much that even the BlackRock portfolio won’t be enough.


They grew careless.  No one disputed them.  Now, it is open warfare!  The creeps thought they could kill off all the systems and things males enjoy: movies, games, comics, etc. all were to become female strong/male weak entertainment that crushes white young males in particular who are either weaklings protected by strong females or the bad guys.


This is killing all entertainment systems, this need to needle white males in particular.  The retaliation has been swift and hard: all systems attacking white males in particular, are going bankrupt. Football, basketball, video games, comics, etc. are all going bankrupt due to losing 50% of their audience and buyers.  This retaliation is inevitable, the young males have woken up and figured out the systems via analysis and are now on an economic attack of all systems being twisted into hostile entities by ANTIFA/SJW/Bilderberg gang members working in concert against normal people.


Filed under .money matters

10 responses to “Small Investors Bankrupting Wall Street Wolves Who Tried To Kill GameStop

  1. Moe

    I don’t do Reddit but now that the rigged shorting scheme is so exposed where will the Reddit short vigilantes go next? The sector suffering the greatest shorting exposure I know of is the precious metals markets, and one good quality company I know to be heavily shorted is AG (in Canada FR), First Majestic.

    Market opens in 25 minutes: think I’ll buy some.

  2. Moe

    Check out the gold and silver future prices this AM, good bump. Perhaps the Reddit crowd sniffed out this market?

  3. lou

    SJW leftist lunatics who are both set out to destroy all systems of entertainment for young males that is ‘masculine’….really? Elaine, are you being overly dramatic?

  4. lou

    3–is the reddit-robenhood crowd all momentum, day traders?

  5. Yes, ‘masculinity’ is being systematically destroyed now. It is overt and over the top. It is also utterly insane. And it why so many sports and entertainment systems are now losing money like crazy.

  6. Petruchio

    “In particular, white leftist males are attacking all other white males openly and discriminating against them in jobs and government programs, they are the racists.” This is a really amazing thing to see: white males stupid enough to join a group hellbent on destroying white males!! Why does this happen in the first place? Why haven’t these white males woken up to Reality, that THEY the white male is on the target list #1 on the very group they support? I think it points to brainwashing. No amount of truth will get to these people.

  7. snoosebomb

    hahaha , good one , i wasn’t sure of the politics behind it BB , nokia , erickson koss , express, also targets

  8. snoosebomb

    Armstrong and chart say classic pump & dump, Punters say they can maintain price.
    Interesting test , chart will tell

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