Vivek Ramaswamy Didn’t Vote In Any GOP Primaries, Loves Obama



So far, aside from a very few news sites like Gateway Pundit, this story about how Ramaswamy is not a registered Republican and indeed, actually voted Democrat  in recent elections is only beginning to be seen.  Eventually, it will spread far and wide, this takes time.  Fake news might end up covering it!  Maybe not!  This is real news: Ramaswamy has suddenly claimed he is a Republican and loves Trump even though he hated Trump just two years ago!  Huh?  Obviously, he is pulling strings here, hoping to fool everyone into thinking he loves Trump when he is challenging Trump and hoped to take him down.


Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows He is Not a Registered Republican, and Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate in 2016


Voting records, initially posted by an account called Ohio Legislative Watch on X, show Ramaswamy did not vote in the Ohio state primaries in 2022 and 2023.

“Well this is awkward. GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who lives in Columbus, is not a registered Republican in Ohio and has skipped half of the elections since registering to vote in Franklin County,” the account wrote, adding, “His wife is also unaffiliated and skipped the same elections.”


He skipped the primary voting both last year and this year.  Doesn’t sound very activist GOP to me!



Here he is ripping off an Obama speech:




As I noticed recently, this guy is 100% WEF.  He is an internationalist not a Trump ‘protect the US’ supporter.  He hangs out with all the international powers and gangsters!



So, his name was removed by the WEF because they want to keep him undercover?  This would not surprise me at all, if true.  I can’t prove this is true, alas.  But it would not surprise me if they are now erasing his recent past activities.  They want to take down Trump.



Filed under .money matters

3 responses to “Vivek Ramaswamy Didn’t Vote In Any GOP Primaries, Loves Obama

  1. Nina

    Racially motivated shooting kills four Black people in Florida

    The suspect, a white male in his early 20s, was armed with a high-powered rifle and a handgun, wearing a tactical vest, according to police.

    “This shooting was racially motivated and he hated black people,” Sheriff T.K. Waters told reporters.

    You can close your eyes Elaine, but that won’t make this problem go away. Gun violence is real. Racism is real.

  2. A New York Times article yesterday sort of suggested that Ramaswamy’s strategy could be to support Trump, then if Trump gets arrested he’d be the natural replacement pick.

  3. Whenever racist BLACKS mass murder whites and this happens regularly, the leftist haters suddenly say, there is no race hate crimes.

    This happens nonstop now. Nina never attacks leftists who mass murder for political reasons. She doesn’t care if we all die, she wants us to die.

    Meanwhile, she also says there are too many people and the earth is dying. So why doesn’t she kill herself to SAVE THE EARTH? No?

    Of course not! This is absurd.

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