Massive Blizzards Bury West Coast, Global Warming Isn’t Global


As more cold Arctic weather slams into the West Coast, massive blizzards will dump up to ten more FEET of snow in ‘Sunny California.’  One of the biggest problems of ‘global warmists’ is how cold it can be.  This is a classic el Nino identical to previous el Ninos.  This is NOT ‘unusual’ at all, this is ‘normal’.   Hysteria about weather is insane.  Note how the Bilderberg gang doubled down on ‘we have to stop consuming food and fuel because both are making the entire earth too hot’ nonsense.  People are getting very pissed off about this lunacy.


Here is an example showing Canada ice conditions and it is normal, winter has its usual grip on Canada:



A feature of this winter is how some places normally cold have been warm but the same square footage of cold conditions is simply shifted sideways.  For example, the Northeast half of the continent saw few snow storms but lots of rain storms while the West half saw many snow storms and very cold weather, colder than normal!


This sort of flipping of the weather isn’t something to get hysterical about, it is normal.  I remember just last year, for example, Brazil saw snowfall!  Right now, England is nice and warm.  Here is Ventusky:https: //;-153;1&l=temperature-2m



Wow!  Global warming is causing all of Canada and all of Alaska is frozen, big time!  But only half of Siberia is super cold (the red/purple to white) while North America is mostly white!  Here in NY my mountain is 16 F the first day of March.  In between storms which come, this year, from the Gulf of Mexico, we have super cold weather but every storm is from the Gulf so we have very little snow.



The el Nino is fading now.



Tucker Carlson was not allowed to talk this way when he worked for Fox News, no one was allowed to say the truth about global warming and the hideous government game playing which lies about the weather and corrupted all the data and past data to create ‘global warming’.  Now, Tucker and openly talk with the many climate scientists who understand weather cycles and past weather cycles.


Meanwhile, the communists continue to cling to ‘stop global warming’ via starving/freezing all of us to death:



The #1 cause of our climate is the SUN.  Global warmists totally ignore the burning star next door.  When the sun has a lot of ‘sun spots’ we get warmer weather.  When the sun is quiet, we get colder weather.  PERIOD.  The sun controls our weather directly and immediately.  Also, the warmer the sun, the more CO2 rises.  Sun shuts down, CO2 collapses.


We used to get huge news stories when the sun was active.  Now, we get silence.  Blaming cows for ‘warm weather’ (and where is this warm weather???) is silly.  Proof is simple: during the last Ice Age, massive elephantine creatures were busy farting like crazy all the time all over the place and there were very few humans.


So why wasn’t it hotter 10,000 years ago?  Eh?  And why was the Egyptian Warm Cycle 5,000 years ago, hotter?  The Minoan Warm cycle also was hotter than the present cycle.  Ditto, the Roman Warm Cycle (every other thousand years we get a warm cycle)?  Even the Medieval Warm cycle was super warm!


Here is a good video by Tony Heller, a scientist who is attacked all the time by global warming communists:



‘Propaganda not science’ describes our government!  The tilt all graphs to create a fake ‘hot climate’ claim.  Lying about data is hideous and all communists do this, relentlessly.


And further proof the Bilderberg gang intends to kill us all in the name of ‘stop global warming’ is this fake ‘scientist’ who is screaming, it will be 3 degrees warmer someday:



The Nazi, this communist thug says FARMING IN GENERAL overheats things so if we ELIMINATE ALL FORMS OF FOOD the earth will be…in another Ice Age???  They are going to ‘freeze/starve’ us to death and this is NO JOKE AT ALL.


And here is senile old coot, Biden, at the US border, ignoring the flood of illegal aliens, talking about what is most important: making the earth much colder!




Filed under .money matters

28 responses to “Massive Blizzards Bury West Coast, Global Warming Isn’t Global

  1. Pete

    WWIII is getting hotter by the day

  2. snoosebomb

    the cow fart thing is really very obvious , its still just the decay of grass whether its inside the cow or on the ground the carbon is the same . in the old days when they started this it was made clear the problem was supposed to be fossil carbon

  3. Massive blizzards my ass – I slap my ass in disrespect for dimwits, covid jabs, and harmful elitist think they no the science – bullshit I slap on one half my big ass – the “dnc” is toast – rnc not far behind….

  4. In Buffalo, in ’78 – that was a hell of lake-effect blizzard and tis true – the carbon is balanced inherent – the elitist on the other hand – the hateful ones – they are psychos proven – DUH…..this Polish fella….he knew – he published a work on it – fine psychologist mumbo-jumbo, but with a kernel of truth about it….
    If you want to do a deep dive on Ponerology – here is the best source for that.

  5. qbutnoa

    Google is very serious about cow farts and other sources of methane, but mainly cow farts, even if they are from black cows.

  6. #7 – No harm in monitoring methane levels, but I suspect in the permafrost there is so much methane and there is a balance to it all…..and if they “fake” the baseline when more accurate measurements are made by satellites around the planet we reside – that will be telling.
    Fact of the matter is those living self-fulfilling delusions – their days of harm are coming to swift end, but better to measure methane accurate then pretend anybody has walked on the moon.

  7. This might be it – but there is more evidence than this here-say:

    If the video don’t show – I’ll find another link…

  8. This is the first time I’ve seen this – not kidding. I saw something else I think this same fella posted – but it had images and other data.
    At the end of the day, if you know already about the attack upon the ship “Liberty” when it was tracking info and got attacked by Isreal with intent – then you likely know that Johnson was a bat-shit crazy Tejan who had nuclear ambitions upon Egypt. And, so then logic suggest – that crazy hateful Johnson got his fingers in so many things – not the least of which was the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas, Tejas.
    So – if you think somebody saying nobody has walked on the moon is “crazy”, then you must not realize about all the lies been told – time and time again – doubling down one time too many is what I think.

  9. Jim R

    Good video! I agree with that guy. Not that the government doesn’t lie to us every day about everything these days. But it was a different time.

    The guys who assemble those ‘proof’ videos do not understand lighting, nor perspective, nor exposure. With complete and utter ignorance of photography they point to things in the photographs and make silly claims. Nor do they understand electronics or the primitive state of vacuum tube video.

    Neil Armstrong’s camera man was Neil Armstrong. He set out a little tripod with the camera and re-did his climb down the ladder. Simple as…

    It was a different time. They threw something like 2/3 of the whole USA budget at NASA, when the dollar meant a whole lot more. They built full scale rockets just to test and throw away. Sometimes they learned something from the wreckage. They rebuilt launch pads after getting ruined by the blast. Eventually they made rockets that could fly, and figured out how to douse the pad with several swimming pools worth of water in a few seconds after liftoff.

  10. Good grief.

    The moon landing was real. My family and my husband’s cousins were directly involved in the moon program!
    a deathbed confession by a confused elderly man with Alzheimers is ridiculous. It proves NOTHING.

    The need to imagine the moon landing was fake is part of the BILDERBERG program to ‘dumb down people.’ Just like the Kennedy assassination by a CIA trained assassin is drenched in goofy fake stuff which washes the hands of…the CIA!!!

    Same with 9/11: no there were no bombs then these were totally unnecessary. The jets, alone, were hideous enough to destroy everything.

    Believing the fake stuff HELPS THE BILDERBERG GANG! Duh.

  11. Jim R

    Elaine, you can include Covid in the list as well. They are lying to us about it, and that experimental “vaccine”, which is not a vaccine, it is a molecular biology experiment. Maybe it works, sometimes, and maybe it doesn’t.

    And it’s the same bunch of liars. They don’t care about any new disease or anything, they just want to be able to order you around.

  12. Zmon

    A lot of stupid people who think they are so smart post here.
    Guess they have nothing better to do. Just sayin’.

  13. lou

    15–vaccine injured young gal in canada offered death–‘mercy killing’..meanwhile in Maine buildings being built so invaders can live rent free.

  14. lou

    10-20? feet of snow in sierras w strong winds.

  15. Jim R

    18 – Our Sierras reporter since 2017 says it might just bring the snowpack up to normal.

  16. I still remember the storms of the 1960s to 1970’s. California had coastal floods, houses fell off of cliffs, muddy water in the hills destroyed highways and homes. It was also cool weather, I was in the middle of all this before leaving to the East Coast back then. It was wild!

  17. Jim R

    Floods, wildfire, crumbling cliffs, etc. Note that the Donner party was stranded in high snow in the Sierras, not far from their destination.
    In other words, normal California!

  18. Zeekee

    So …. everything is “collapsing rapidly now” according to Elaine so it shouldn’t take long now. Do I have that right?
    How is the snowpack in hillocks of NE New York State?

    Please support PETA. Humans are stewards of Animal Kingdom. Not Rulers.

    “Too many Chiefs; not enuf Indians”
    An Amadon is a person educated beyond his ability to use said education. Per one definition.

    Empathy is a grace quality we could all use and benefit from.

  19. lou

    MISTER Z is back.

  20. When California has blizzards NY doesn’t have blizzards and vice versa. The number of square miles having hideous winters is the same. If 50% of the Northern Hemisphere has super cold, this is a sign that there is no ‘GLOBAL’ warming.

  21. #20 – California is a proven liability.
    #21 – Folks on an exodus from California is a trend and sorry for the mishaps in “package delivery” – package was sent in good faith – I hope it shows up.
    California is NOT a liability just because it could be the place where a catastrophe of unheard proportions and costs happens any day – the place is most active geologically and the weather is as well – in the late 1800’s many records were made – if they are being broken, then this latest event might be of significance – otherwise – tis just more California drama undesired. The place is a liability cause the ideas and ideology emanating out of it – during the last few decades in particular – they have no merit.

  22. History happening….even if the “source” is suspect:
    ~~~~~~~ from the link~~~~~~~
    California joined the United States after the Mexican–American War. Like much of the land ceded from Mexico in the war, California had only a small non-Native population.[11] However, the California Gold Rush led to a population boom, during which California gained statehood in 1850. Between the 1850 and 1860 censuses, its population more than quadrupled. It saw a second period of growth after World War II thanks to the aerospace and defense industries, and a third during the 1980s and early 1990s because of the Silicon Valley tech industry. Population growth slowed in the mid-1990s as the federal government cut aerospace spending after the end of the Cold War, and again after the Great Recession.

    The state has had a net loss of domestic migrants every year since about 1989.[12][10] According to Census Bureau estimates, 6.2 million people left the state in the 2010s decade, while 4.9 million moved in: a net loss of 1.3 million residents.[13]
    The trend is indicative.

  23. Well, with respect to anybody walking on the moon, you must understand that one lie too many is one lie too much, and after awhile the “safe conclusion” is to conclude everything they spew is a lie….evidence backs that up, and so I reckon it means….
    Tis ideological war…..
    May the best ideas prevail – and best thing is – they almost always do long term – but short term some species evidently go extinct. Typically tis the ones lost touch with reality – with mother nature – they are the ones who go extinct even if they take a bunch of better species along with them I reckon.
    So – really – remember The Waxhaws and remember The Liberty ship…..I don’t believe shit comes out of dc – nor the medical establishment – they are proven liars spewing poison. Its known and many know it – maybe man walked on the moon – maybe not – I doubt it – do you blame me?

  24. Here – in memory of my dear old dad – Navy Commander – born on this day on 3/3/30…..
    ~~ a poem ….about pompous ones~~ liars they be ~~~~
    My will must be yelled the pompous who
    Wield the strings for we are the elite few
    They did as told and chuckled with spittle
    Oh how stupid are the small and little
    What a marvelous lot we are on top
    Superior we are; we can’t be stopped
    Pass the wine; the wine of blood
    We’ll do as we please for the rest are but mud
    Out in the field toiling away
    A lonely voice cried out – there shall be a new day
    A knowing wind blew coming from the east
    It spoke of the pompous who as nothing but a beast
    The lonely voice was picked up by the wind
    And carried aloft across lands and ocean
    Others chimed in and soon there was song
    Music of harmony no longer lonesome
    The numbers grew exponentially
    The strings were cut discriminately
    Flapping in the wind the strings wound together
    The chuckles were hushed by the foul weather
    Ropes had been formed in mysterious solution
    The time had come for justified retribution
    The few felt fear…it was all they knew
    The ropes pulled them in; a solution so true.
    ~~~~~~~~ end of poem~~~~~
    pompous old farts – how tiring they are.. I wonder – without that blood flow…..well – can they even think anymore?

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