Biden Says He Went To West Point But He Really Didn’t Go During Vietnam War Years


Biden makes up stories about his own past that can’t pass muster.  Frankly, he lies all the time.  All of his speeches end up being about he, himself.  No matter what the topic, it was always him doing something he never did.  Mainstream media ignores this, for the most part.  They continue pushing a fantasy of who this crazy man is.  This week, he pretended he was accepted into West Point but decided to go to a much lower status school, instead.  Talk about ridiculous!


Now Trump, on the other hand, went to a NASCAR race in Charlotte and was greeted by happy mobs who cheered loudly.


“USA! USA! USA!” President Trump Receives Rock Star Welcome at NASCAR’s Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway (VIDEO)


It turns out that the mainstream media had to defame Trump so they posted him beginning to wave to people there before entering and being cheered.  The mainstream lunatics then reported that Trump was insane, he had no cheering audience and was waving to nearly no one as he entered the arena.


Liberals hate reality.  Here is an example of a far leftist lunatic who only did far leftist radical stuff, chosen to run Denali Park in Alaska:


Senator Demands Answers After Superintendent of Denali National Park Brooke Merrell Tells Construction Workers to Remove US Flag from Equipment – It “Detracts” from Park Experience


She was pissed off to see USA flags with the workers and wanted these removed.  Like ALL liberals, she hates our Republic and hates all of us and only wants odd sex scheme flags flying everywhere, not USA flags.  Here is a letter sent to DC by the workers:



I foresee this communist kiddie being grilled by the House of Representatives.



Seems she was a radical leftist in ARIZONA.  Often, leftists in Arizona go to Alaska.  I joked many years ago, this happens when they mix up ‘AZ’ with ‘AK’.  Next, she will mix up ‘AZ’ with ‘AR’.



Filed under .money matters

20 responses to “Biden Says He Went To West Point But He Really Didn’t Go During Vietnam War Years

  1. Jim Harmon

    Is all this real, or just a bad dream?

  2. That Gateway Pundit article says “president Trump,” not “former president Trump.” Maybe a typo.

  3. Anne

    Trump vows to stop ‘Biden’s march to WWIII’

    If Trump really means what he says about putting an end to American involvement in various wars and conflicts around the world, i will support him only because of that.

    “We will say freedom, prosperity, and capitalism in America,” Trump told the cheering crowd. “And before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after we win the presidency I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled so we quit spending hundreds of billions of dollars to fight other people’s wars and so that we start immediately saving thousands and sounds of lives,” he added. 

    Does it sound too good to be true? Probably..

  4. Anne

    “I am committed to restoring peace and stability and to stopping Joe Biden’s march to World War Three,” he continued, warning that a potential global war would be “like no other” because of the “massive weaponry” and claiming that he is “the only one” who can stop it.

  5. @Anne, I’d love to believe that too. We’ve seen Trump in action before though. He’s like a high-stakes gambler. Every negotiation is all or nothing; if you aren’t dominating then you aren’t winning, he says. That’s why I think Trump would indeed put an end to the stupid small wars so beloved by capitalists, like Ukraine. But the risk with him is WW III. Trump has no subtlety; his strategy is to issue ultimatums and hope nobody calls his bluff.

    But, I don’t have the heart to say that anyone should vote for Biden. If I were American I’d stay home.

  6. Pete

    40 gazans killed in overnight

    IDF bombing raid. Egyptian

    army opened fire on Israeli truck.

  7. Pete


    Ukraine just hit another

    Russian early warning radar.

    This is really crazy.

  8. snoosebomb

    10, how much real damage , how long to fix , satellite back ups ? also they say the units can track ucrane missiles back to launch , hence the attacks .

    but can you imagine the reaction if russia lit even a firecracker in wash.

  9. Pete


    This radar is 1,800 km from Ukraine.

    About 3 months to fix. More radars

    are being attacked. The west wants

    to start a war. Hide US debt default.

  10. snoosebomb

    12 , right on , haven’t watched Martin yet but i know the story.

    how many times can you poke the bear ? [ on the other hand i suspect we are seeing a good deal of posturing and the US can just stop very easily / but but ?

  11. I see people have trouble remembering stuff.

    Trump did NOT warmonger after being lied to during his first three months in office. He went on to do DIPLOMACY and even got North Korea to behave!

    Since removal from office, North Korea sends military missiles over Japan quite frequently and China menaces Taiwan daily! GOOD GRIEF.

    We are going bankrupt fighting Russia over Crimea. As I point out, we have ZERO ability to take away Russia’s only southern port! PERIOD.

  12. By the way, Steve M, you are NOT READING MY NEWS here. Your claim that Trump isn’t subtle? HELLO. You obviously want liars to lead?

    Trump says what he will do and does this. The ‘subtle’ people LIE and pretend they are doing something and then do as they please.

    These people have a name: the Bilderberg gang. They meet secretly while surrounded by literally an army, often in Switzerland, for example. No citizens of the EU or US are allowed anywhere near these secret international conspiratorial meetings where they decide what to do next.

    HINT: TRUMP IS NEVER INVITED. He defies them! If only comments made here on my news service actually watch the videos and read things here, would they stop yapping about how inept Trump is.

  13. Anne

    I understand your concerns steveM. Trump’s all or nothing policy is problematic, especially in the delicate field of diplomacy. He might put out one fire, but could easily start another one. I am also concerned about what kind of people he will surround himself with, most likely they will be hawkish (as they usually are).

  14. Anne

    Elaine, the US should mind its own business. Remember the old saying: if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. The US is the most warmongering nation on the face of this planet. If it does not change course, it will eventually get burned.

  15. A year or two ago the Chinese company Huawei built a port that’s almost completely automated. Electric cranes unload shipping containers onto self-driving trucks. Now China is working on electric container ships. I don’t know if electric ships will pan out but you’ve got to try things to find out. China also has the world’s largest railway network for moving goods and passengers around.

    Before about 2015, EMS might’ve written about how real things like ships and infrastructure are different from the kind of paper wealth you can get by printing money. The US can easily stay rich on paper by printing a few trillion dollars a year, but outside of a handful of huge tech companies racing to build smarter chatbots there’s not a lot of building going on.

  16. snoosebomb

    there are some battery powered tugs in Vancouver , they are not working out . so i have my doubts about that chinee ship

  17. @Snoosebomb, they’re using it to move shipping containers along rivers. Just off the top of my head, doesn’t Hydro Quebec produce so much excess electricity that they sell it to the US at a loss? What if it could instead ship things along the St. Lawrence?

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