As I Have Been Predicting, Looks Like Stefanik May Be Trump VP


My Representative in Congress is the wonderful Elise Stefanik.  She is a young woman raised in the super cold NY Upstate mountains like where I live.  When the Congressional district here was redrawn, Albany was removed from this district and it made us upstate rural people finally able to elect someone who represents us.  Elise has fought hard for us voters who are not traitors.  The DNC is all about importing illegal aliens to replace voters so they can have dictatorial power over citizens!  It now appears that Trump’s camp think Elise would be an excellent VP and I agree.


She is intelligent as well as well-spoken.  Unlike Biden, she can talk about issues with no notes, no help.  She is literate and intelligent.  Nothing rouses crazy communists than smart, articulate conservatives.



I remember the baby formula business.  It vanished one day and getting it going again required government intervention and Elise was on top of this issue from the first hours because SHE HAD A BABY back then!  Democrats hate women who get married and have babies.  They want illegal babies and babies with no daddies because this is their power base.


Elise stood up for Trump on January 6, too:


Congresswoman Stefanik is a member of the Servicewomen and Women Veterans Congressional Caucus, Military Sexual Assault Prevention Caucus, Military Families Caucus, and the Veterans Jobs Caucus:


Congresswoman Stefanik has helped pass meaningful reforms to the Department of Veterans Affairs to ensure veterans receive the benefits they need and deserve, including the Wingman Act, which eliminates burdensome red tape at the VA, and the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to protect veterans that speak out about the injustices and unacceptable care they have experienced. She also helped pass legislation that allows the VA to provide financial assistance for support services to low-income families and cosponsored a letter creating a pilot program to expand therapy services for veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury and/or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.


I am putting up here some of her many accomplishments in Congress.  She is no newcomer to DC, she has been hard at work under Trump.


Elise is a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, the Committee on Education and the Workforce, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Elise has been rated as one of the most effective and bipartisan Members of Congress. She is a well-respected national policy leader on issues ranging from economic policy impacting small businesses and manufacturers to national security, intelligence reform and oversight, rural broadband, rural healthcare, constitutional protections, conservation, life, K-12 & higher education, cyber security, artificial intelligence, law enforcement, battlefield preservation, northern border issues, border security, & government accountability and transparency.


This election is about BORDER SECURITY.


Elise was born and raised in Upstate New York. Prior to serving in Congress, she worked at her family’s small business. Growing up in a small business family, Elise learned, lived, and understands the values of hard work, perseverance, determination, and grit. As the first member of her immediate family to have the opportunity to earn a college degree, Elise graduated with Honors from Harvard. From 2006 to 2009, Elise served in the West Wing of the White House on President George W. Bush’s Domestic Policy Council Staff and the Chief of Staff’s office where she assisted in overseeing the policy development process on all economic and domestic policy issues.


She is familiar with how the White House is run, one of Trump’s grave weakness when he unexpectedly won the first election was, his inability to run the White House properly.  Well, he won’t make this mistake again!  Unlike all the other possible choices presented to Trump, SHE has the critical knowledge: how to operate the White House!


Fox News has a story about this:


Eric Koch, a Democrat strategist, gave a more critical view of Stefanik’s strengths for the Republican ticket.  “The positive Elise Stefanik brings to a Trump ticket is obvious: she is willing to say and do anything to defend Donald Trump, no matter how absurd, ridiculous or embarrassing it may be,” he said.


This Koch kook is beyond stupid.  He defends senile Biden nonstop!  He pretends, Biden is smart instead of literally brain dead.  No matter how absurd or ridiculous or embarrassing Biden is as he falls down constantly, is ignored by all Democrats who want more power.


“There is quite literally no low that is too low for her — and this is a quality that Donald Trump not only needs, but demands, from his Vice President. Stefanik will gleefully debase herself in any way in support of Trump.”


There is no low for Koch the kook!  He debases himself daily, pretending Biden is normal and not insane.  He supports this traitor who has opened our borders to invaders and sneers at citizens who are horrified about this obvious invasion.


Koch said two downsides to Stefanik’s selection, aside from the usual criticism from his party that she is “ultra MAGA,” was that she “had almost no accomplishments,” and that she “crumbles in debates and interviews” when pressed on topics.


I didn’t list all her accomplishments above for that would have been a huge page.


“If Trump was trying to win voters in the middle, there is hardly someone worse he could pick than Stefanik who carries water for the most extreme elements of the House Republicans,” Koch said.


She isn’t the ‘most extreme’ she is the most ‘middle of the road’ but then, the leftist ‘road’ is like driving in England on the wrong side of the road (I know, this is a stupid joke…).


Perrine, like Koch, said the liberal media and others on the left would likely label her a “MAGA extremist,” but also noted the “limited” impact her selection could have on the electoral map, considering she is from deep-blue New York.


NY is NOT ‘deep blue’ and only via heavy cheating in the last election, did the DNC barely hang on here!  People are quite pissed off with liberals, now!  The Democrat death machine is demanding ‘no ID’ voting which enables cheating and using illegal alien invaders to hold onto power.  THIS IS TREASON.


Polyansky argued that elevating someone straight from the House into being the first person in the presidential line of succession was “a little bit of a stretch.” He also argued her name recognition could be a problem.



President Lincoln?  JFK?  Hello!  So, being some of the top Presidents in history coming straight out of the House of Representatives is conveniently ignored!  HAHAHA.


“She isn’t really well known, even in the base of the Republican Party, so I don’t know that there would be a massive wow factor, which could be major for Trump. I’m not sure that she necessarily gives him that.”


TRUMP DOESN’T NEED MORE WOW FACTORS.  He is a ‘wow’ factory, all by his lonesome self!


Stefanik’s office declined to comment for this story, but a source close to her told Fox that her flipping, and holding, a formerly Democrat-controlled district in New York was part of her appeal compared to the other potential names on Trump’s shortlist.


She fights hard for everything here for us voters and we notice this, a lot.  Yes, crazy leftists continue to be insane but the rest of us are not.


They also argued that, as a young mom, she has been a strong supporter of IVF and a 15-week abortion ban, rather than the 6-week ban being pushed by other Republicans, a direct counter to Democrats’ focus on abortion.


Yes, unlike the rest of this stupid article, she isn’t a far right radical, she is MIDDLE OF THE ROAD as is TRUMP!!!


The machinery is grinding its gears, trying to stop Elise.  I expect her to charge onwards relentlessly.  This is a good thing.  The Pence surrender monkey betrayed us and note how his popularity in the GOP is somewhere lower than Miss Cheney!  That is, in the pit of hell.



Filed under .money matters

15 responses to “As I Have Been Predicting, Looks Like Stefanik May Be Trump VP

  1. The elephant in the room is of course her support for Israel. The only thing I remember about Stefanik is that she asked the question that got two non-Jewish university presidents fired.

    She’d be a good strategic choice for Trump. He was a strong Israel-supporter in his first term, but the Zionist lobby must worry about how unpredictable he is. This would send a signal that he would continue to do as he’s told when it comes to Israel.

  2. Kerry


    No one gets near power positions unless they are pals with the big Jewish elite.

    That alone should knock them out as contenders for all positions including dogcatcher.

    Hopefully something God sent will happen that this group will not be able to stop and they will be knocked out of government.

  3. Another thing about Stefanik as VP, Trump is getting up there in age. If anything happened to him in office his replacement would be inexperienced and loyal. Advisors would flock to her to help her make policy.

  4. Anne

    When i was a child, a working colleague of my dad once said that the Jews run America. I remember i found this comment slightly offensive, having just learned about the Holocaust at school, and how the Jews were treated in Europe. Looking back at it now, i understand why he said it.

  5. Pete

    You can;t make this stuff up!

  6. Pete

    Your tax dollars at work lol

  7. snoosebomb

    320 eh , this is another deep mystery nobody talks about . its taken for granted with US-mil/ind but here in CDN it applies to ALL publicly funded projects. Vast multiplying sums with zero accounting , nobody even bothers to ask where it goes exactly. At least with the private sector, companies have to raise funds by selling shares

  8. @Anne, probably we all went through something like that. Learning about the holocaust in school and from Hollywood movies, coming away believing that even entertaining the idea of a Zionist lobby is akin to Nazism. I see that breaking with the generation of young people now though. They’re talking amongst themselves at these campus protests. Everyone can see that Biden would like to oppose Netanyahu, at least enough to get himself reelected, but he can’t do it.

  9. Jim Harmon

    Most of yer commenters ain’t nuthin’ but Nazi slime. Why not purge them?

  10. Anne


    Playing the “Nazi-card” seems to be an effective way at curtailing any criticism of Israel or the Zionist lobby in the United States. But i have also noticed, just like you point out, that younger Americans seem to be less inclined to follow this “criticism of Israel is Nazism” logic.

    The only other country i can think of where criticism of Israel is as taboo as it is in the US, is Germany. The Germans are big hypocrites, claiming to care so much about human rights and international law etc. while proudly condoning and supporting Israel.

  11. Pete

    The bear goes on 😦

  12. qbutnoa

    @12, very interesting, thanks for posting. There is mention of Sir Nicholas Clegg in that video, he is well known in these parts, thats why he was thrown out, anyway, since then =

  13. I was Mrs. Levy for 25 years.

    I know the Jewish community very, very well. Yes, they will throw anyone under the bus when it comes to Israel.

    ON THE OTHER HAND, Via my parents, they and I BOTH had a lot to do with CHINA and Saudi Arabia including having both country’s top people LIVE WITH US, too.

    I wish people read my stuff here: the top three absolutist religions on earth were all born in the same tiny corner of the land connecting Africa to Eurasia! These three competing religions are all believers in ONE GOD and since there are three of these ONE GODS, they hate each other and have been fighting for the last 3,000 years or so.

    All the other religions in Africa/Eurasia outside of China and India which have their own religions, have been the battleground between these three. Indeed, even India and finally, China were invaded by the trio of religions who tried to eradicate the native religions!

    These three will cause wars in the Middle East! They can’t help this!

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