Author Archives: emsnews

About emsnews

Culture of Life News examines not a regular news service. It is an attempt to analyze events in the world news stream with an eye towards explaining how everything hinges together: religion, politics, arts, science, economy and cosmology. We are devoted to examining things from a scientific and historical perspective as well as lots of humor, cartoons and story telling images to make difficult concepts easier to understand and discuss. I was born at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin and grew up at some of the most famous observatories on earth. My family was very politically connected since the Battle of Hastings onwards. And so I have some inside perspective on the Ruling Class. I have been hit by lightning three times while indoors, a world record. This is why I listen to the Lightning Gods like Thor and Pegasus. Best not to ignore them! Feel free to email me any time. I love to hear from readers. Thank you.

Texas Gov Will Hire All Border Guard Cavalry Officers To Protect Texas From Biden Invaders

The Traitor In Chief is the man who ordered all the illegal aliens held back by Texas, all 14,000 plus, be released into all 50 states.  He did this secretly and we all discovered this only after drone flights showed all the invaders under the highway overpass were gone and the place leveled by bulldozers.  So the Homeland Insecurity chief, Mayorkas, finally admitted hours later that he carried out Biden’s treasonous order.  This is certainly grounds for both men to be arrested and charged with treason.  Meanwhile, last night, they falsely claimed all these invaders will be closely monitored which is an open lie.  They can’t monitor any invaders they invited into our country.

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Filed under .money matters

Super Draconian Covid Lockdowns Causing Australian Workers To Riot




A lot of US news (sic) services (sic, again) pay little to no attention to real news and one tidbit of real news of interest to me is Australia.  The government there (liberals) panicked about the still very low rate of covid infections that is far below the US rate, and shut everything down, nearly totally.  So desperate people are now openly rioting (riots happened nearly nonstop during our own ‘lock down’ which was a total farce, too) and the government is hammering rioters and punishing them leading to distrust of the government.


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Filed under .money matters

Frequent Violent Sonic Booms Cumbre Vieja Eruption Greater Dangers


Continuous violent super sonic explosions are happening in the Canary Islands now.  The Cumbre Vieja volcano is now becoming hyper violent.  These explosions are so powerful, they cause walls in buildings downslope to jerk violently repeatedly.  One shot sonic explosions have happened in the past during eruptions of volcanoes but it is unusual to have constant, repeated sonic explosions.  What does this mean?

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Filed under .money matters

Traitor Biden Demands Texas Border Patrols Be Severely Punished And Invaders Be Rewarded


Biden has decided he hates American citizens and plans to punish border guards in Texas because they had to use horses to STOP INVADERS.  Biden openly said he is demanding the patrols be punished severely and he is very angry that invading aliens were touched.  This clown invited these invaders into our country and is furious anyone is trying to stop these invaders which makes him an utter traitor and anyone sitting around, making excuses about this are also traitors.

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Filed under .money matters

LIVE: Professional Computer Experts Testify In Arizona Computer Vote Cheating Systems!


This is still live.  It seems to me at this point, 2 hours into the live feed, that computers were corrupted deliberately and used secretly to finagle the election and thus, cheat when it came to verifying real voters versus fake voters and other crooked ways of manipulating the voting in Arizona.


If this is true, the election was FALSE and the people responsible sent to prison and the DNC pay for this fraud by surrendering the White House to Trump as the real winner in this past, messed up election.



Filed under .money matters

Harry, Son of Bilderberg Queen Pretends To Briefly Wear Covid Mask For Manhattan Photo Shoot


Princess Harry and his Dominatrix Spouse visited Manhattan yesterday.  They want us all to wear masks due to germs!  So they wandered about with their political DNC buddies with no masks and then, when doing their press funny things, they suddenly had to wear these masks and mumble to the cameras.  This happens all the time.  All the people doing this also belong to the Bilderberg gang and attend many of the secret meetings.  The Princess is the spawn of the Brit royals who founded the Bilderberg conspiracy over 70 years ago.

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Filed under .money matters

Biden Computer Shows Child Porn And Joe Biden 50% Cut In Foreign Bribes


Hunter Biden’s emails clearly shows that Hunter said ‘50% of all money’ given to him as bribes went to his daddy, Joe Biden.  This story was buried by Politico who published these emails the other day and then tried to hide their own breaking story due to the need to protect our treasonous President who should be arrested for 100 various reasons.  $30 million in bribes was handed over to these two crooks, every penny from overseas powers.  Note that YouCan’tTube is not running this interview.  Rumble is showing this interview, Giuliani is being censored by our Real Rulers, the Bilderberg co-conspirators.

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Filed under .money matters