
ISRAEL-GAZA CONFLICT – Room for Debate Blog – NYTimes.com

The flap over the Olmert boasts that he pulls Bushes strings and Bush is his puppet, continue to roil and is amazingly, actually making news in the US!  We are dead last to know all the details of these sorts of things because of the need to keep US citizens utterly ignorant of what the Israelis really think of us and our leaders.  Well, the cat is out of the bag, big time.  Even so, Olmert still hasn’t apologized.  Nor has the US punished Israel by demanding they send home their ambassador, etc.  Loss of face=Immense.  Below is the video of Olmert actually saying many very radical things.  It is quite interesting to see his open contempt for the US political classes.



No nation, ever, should allow this sort of thing especially from a client state that operates as if it is a province of the US.  Israel constantly harps on how they are unique buddies of the US.  But if so, this isn’t a healthy relationship.  It kind of reminds me of  Waiting for Godot 

The US cannot allow this relationship to continue much longer. It is not only unhealthy, it is damaging US diplomacy as well as economic powers. Obama can’t placate Jewish financial powers by continuing to act like the Godot duo. There are shivers of alarm running through the Jewish political community. The massacre of Gazan women and children is causing a lot of problems. Worse, as Hollywood and Jewish publishers try to pump out increasing numbers of books and movies about the Holocaust, embarrassing revelations about lies and fabrications as well as obvious similarities to the annihilation of the Gaza Ghetto is destroying sympathy for the collective Jewish community.


Here is a selection of breaking stories concerning this flapadoodle mess:


Defective judgment
Ha’aretz, Israel – 2 hours ago
What is clear is that Olmert phoned US President George W. Bush late Thursday night, and in the end the United States abstained in the vote. 
Rice calls Olmert account “fiction”
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY – 9 hours ago
By Eric Fingerhut · January 14, 2009 WASHINGTON (JTA) — Condoleezza Rice called “fiction” Ehud Olmert’s claim that he persuaded President Bush to abstain 
Olmert stands by his version of Rice flap
International Herald Tribune, France – 15 hours ago
Olmert claimed earlier this week that he humiliated Rice by persuading US President Bushto instruct her not to vote for it. Rice spokesman Sean McCormack 
Olmert’s ill-advised move
Ynetnews, Israel – 10 hours ago
I’m certain that spitting into the plate he ate out of is not the kind of farewell present Prime Minister Olmert planned on granting Bush and Rice in return 
Olmert hits back in spat with US over remarks on UN Gaza truce vote
Ha’aretz, Israel – 17 hours ago
The US State Department on Tuesday flatly rejected Olmert’s assertion that he had convinced the Bush administration to abstain from last week’s United 


Normally, when a top politician embarrasses his allies, he apologizes.  But the contempt and obnoxious owner/slave relationship of the Israeli prime minister vis a vis the US President, means never apologizing.  Indeed, after both Bush and Rice furiously disputed Olmert’s story, he sticks it to them, again!  Whack!  He even says, they are lying!  Whack, again!  Now, AIPAC has some work to do.  This is way, way over the top.  The Jews in Israel are supposed to pretend that the US forces them to attack their neighbors and they are helpless puppets of US design, not the other way around.


So why is Olmert suddenly telling the truth?  This is very odd indeed!  Jews have fashioned a political system here in the US whereby we are not supposed to notice who owns the media and who hogs the vast majority of editorial comment space as well as raw reporters.  We are not supposed to notice who controls Hollywood.  Nor notice that a large number of politicians are Jewish.  Nor the army of Jewish financiers involved in all sorts of unpleasant business on or around Wall Street.  I suspect that Olmert, like all bullies, is so used to smacking around helpless Palestinians, he has gotten too full of himself.  


On the other hand, if Bush doesn’t quickly slap this buffoon down, our nation’s respect level, already in the cellar, will fall to the very bottom of the lowest pits in hell.  How can we be #1 when we are seen, universally, as push-over babies who can’t shove off a stupid bully?  Who we can wipe out instantly.  


The Jewish people of America should rise up in FURY against Olmert.  The howls for him to be removed, to apologize, should be a loud din, not dead silence!  Whenever Obama said anything remotely upsetting such as noticing that unhappy white workers cling to their guns and gods, our vaunted media raised a huge chorus of howls for him to apologize.  So why isn’t our mostly Jewish-owned media screaming for Olmert’s head?  HAHAHA.  Hell will freeze over, first.  


And this is stupid!  Stupid!  I am speaking as Mrs. Levy now: please, in the name of Moses, can’t you guys running the media, finally put America first?  Eh? Huh?  Israel is NOT #1.  And if our benighted babbling class of pro-Israel commentators and editors refuse to do this, they will be traitors.  For it is treason to encourage and enable foreign leaders to insult our own in this fashion.  And a hint to Condi and Bush: please go to the UN and vote for all the UN resolutions we vetoed on behalf of this arrogant little pipsqueak of a nation.  That will teach them!


News Analysis – War on Hamas Saps Palestinian Leaders – NYTimes.com

Venezuela Breaks Off Ties

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela said Wednesday that it had broken off diplomatic relations with Israel to protest its military offensive in Gaza.

The decision by President Hugo Chávez’s government came more than a week after it expelled the Israeli ambassador.

Bolivia also broke off relations with Israel.


See?  Other nations with far less cause, are telling off Israel.  We can and should and MUST do the same.  The fact that Olmert is claiming to be right even in the teeth of everyone saying he is lying, is grounds for a severe diplomatic breech.  And I know US people hate Bush, I hated him most of my life.  But this doesn’t mean that freeloading allies get to call  him names in public.  Because that idiot represents us!  And you can BET, Olmert and his arrogant gang plan to yank Obama around, too.  They can’t wait.


Now on to Ukraine and Europe:


RT: News : Ukraine wants up to $US 1 billion worth of gas to resume transit

Ukraine’s Naftogaz has requested Gazprom to hand over 21 million cubic metres of gas daily if the Russian company wants transit to Europe resumed, RT’s sources in Ukraine say. In this quarter alone the demanded gas would cost up to $US 1 billion.

Naftogaz has sent a draft agreement to Gazprom that would amend the contract between them. The clause says the Russian company would provide the so-called process gas that is used to power compressor stations that pump the fuel through the pipelines. 


The EU rushed in to embrace all the former Warsaw Pact states.  They will regret this haste.  Russia doesn’t have to sign this contract.  After all, it is winter and time is very much on Russia’s side. At first, the EU ministers attacked Russia.  This didn’t work.  Maybe they should ask Olmert to teach them how to insult world leaders!  Unlike the US with Olmert, Putin is very proud and will not tolerate insults.  This is why China always butters him up.  Smart, those Chinese!


So, how will this be solved?  It seems rather simple: Europe leans on Ukraine to be nice.  Except this ruins the whole business of demonizing Putin.  Also, Europe is very nervous about a resurgent Russia so they would like to see Putin embarrassed. This is stupid when we see that the real embarrassing story involves Bush and his master, Olmert, who just kicked him repeatedly in the teeth.


Slovak, Bulgarian PMs to visit Moscow on gas issue, says Putin_English_Xinhua

The Slovak and Bulgarian prime ministers will visit Moscow on Wednesday to discuss issues surrounding gas supplies to Europe, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

    “I have just spoken to the prime ministers of Bulgaria and Slovakia, and we came to an agreement that tomorrow we are meeting in Moscow in order to look at the current situation,” Interfax quoted Putin as saying.

    Putin informed European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso about the situation during a phone conversation earlier Tuesday, blaming Ukraine for blocking Russian gas to Europe.

Hopefully, they will use Chinese-style diplomacy, not Israeli-style open confrontation with someone who can strangle them.  Israel’s political and cultural controls in the US allows Israeli leaders to be utterly and openly obnoxious.  But Slovak and Bulgaria have virtually no power over Russia, quite the contrary.  Will they figure this out?  Or will the arrogance of being under the NATO umbrella provided by the US puppet President protect them and give them enough hubris to bark orders at Russia?  After all, it is our military power which emboldens the Europeans!  


Bulgarian Police disperse protesters outside Parliament building

The few thousand people who gathered in front of Parliament on January 14 2009 to express their discontent with Bulgaria’s political and social establishment met stiff resistance from police who drove them away an hour and a half after the protest started at 11am.

The protest was organised by several university student associations, who called upon everyone who had something to say against the current situation in the country to join them. Because the protest was reminiscent of January 1997 when the Bulgarian Socialist Party government of the time was forced to resign after weeks of street protests, and given recent protests in Greece, the square in front of Parliament was well stocked with several hundred riot police officers in full kit.  

Cold, angry, anxious people in Bulgaria are getting restive!  Indeed, as Europe clucks like old biddies, mocking Russia for having financial difficulties….well!  It isn’t going so hot there, is it?  China, today, finally has surpassed Germany and is now the world’s #3 economy and is rapidly catching up to Japan who is #2.  World power isn’t anything absolute.  It is all relative.  And so, if the G7 nations go off the financial cliff, all other nations do, too.  It is how strong you are during this fall that matters.  And as my map earlier today clearly showed, Russia is in a very powerful position vis a vis Europe.  Russia will dominate Europe as US economic and military power declines.


Lord knows, our diplomatic powers have been PULVERIZED by Israel.


International news – Radio Netherlands Worldwide – English

Anti-government demonstrations in the Latvian capital Riga turned into riots on Tuesday night. Around 10,000 people took to the streets in protest against unemployment, tax increases and the poor economic situation. They demanded the resignation of the centre-right government.

It was the largest demonstration since the country became independent from Russia in 1991. Latvia became a member of the European Union five years ago; at the time it was one of Europe’s fastest growing economies. However the country is currently experiencing a recession.

The demonstration in Riga got out of hand when some demonstrators threw stones at riot police and tried to storm a number of official buildings including, ones occupied by the EU and NATO. At least 30 people were injured in clashes with police; around 125 demonstrators were arrested.

Riots are spreading in Europe.  I see many stories in the G7 countries about speculation of riots in China and Russia.  But hark! They are brewing here!  All over the place!  Who would have imagined this!


From varsity to dole queue

Many factors behind the Greek riots remain peculiar to that country. Communes of self-proclaimed anarchists were allowed to fester in Athens for years and Greek policemen only made matters worse by using too much force at the start of the riots.

Nevertheless, with Europe now plunging headlong into a deep economic recession, the ‘Greek Syndrome’ is now being carefully monitored across the European Union.

For, in one key indicator, Greece represents the European norm: More than a quarter of its educated youth are unemployed.

The figures are roughly similar in France, Germany, Italy and Spain; the sense of alienation and despair is shared by university graduates throughout the continent.

Ironically, the problem can be traced back to Europe’s huge investment in education over the past few decades.

A university system which was originally fairly elitist was expanded to accommodate the majority of those who wished to study. As late as the 1980s, only 10 per cent of Britain’s youth went to university; today, 40 per cent do so, and the figures are even higher elsewhere in Europe.

I was once part of the blessed 10% back when I was in school in Europe in 1968.  We set forth, all of a sudden, to everyone’s surprise, especially our own selves, and nearly overthrew several governments that spring.  It was all very spontaneous.  Well, with 40% being frustrated and angry….aux barricades!  Despair can suddenly morph into a multi-legged monster.  Forget, penning in Russia or watching China writhe with revolts!  It is brewing right here!


* FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AT emeinel@fairpoint.net



Filed under .diplomacy, energy


  1. Zorro

    Ron Paul talks about:

    Bernanke skips hearings and runs off to BIS in Basil.
    How the Gaza vote was finagled through Congress.


  2. nah

    AND THE ELDERLY WILL RETURN TO WORK AS MANAGERS MAKING THE MODERN WORKFORCE LESS PRODUCTIVE… and the young disgruntled and poorer as they realize that hey, were they this old in laz in 1970 making 30% more than thair co-workers… probably not ‘baby’ booomers
    vote your paycheck

  3. nah

    retirement is honerable as it keeps the economy honest… unless the banks are rife with theves… alas we ARE less productive and maybe less so as the economy becomes unstable ‘and good jobs are all we have left’

  4. nah

    saw the ron paul vdo… so like yeah… you are a palestinian go home and like damn i left and all my crap is gone… your paid 250k a year to represent private US banking and you go home and like damn did i miss a meeting man i got a nice home

  5. Arraya

    Great piece!

    Here is an interesting nugget that I found this evening. From a blog called Anti-Mullah. A site dedicated to regime change in Iran. Looks like the court case regarding Obama’s BC is still on and to be decided on the 16th. I don’t think Israel is to fond of Obama.



  6. Arraya

    Great piece!

    Here is an interesting nugget that I found this evening. From a blog called Anti-Mullah. A site dedicated to regime change in Iran. Looks like the court case regarding Obama’s BC is still on and to be decided on the 16th. I don’t think Israel is to fond of Obama.


  7. Simon

    I am actually glad this comes to a head, if everything went along like Elaine says, that the Jewish community in America censures their Israeli leader, this might be just hushed under the cover, and no real CHANGE can take place.
    Telling some close community to police themselves are not always the best solution, sometimes although it hurts a general conflagration is preferable. It is more thorough and accomplishes more

  8. w3g

    Maybe Olmert has finally gone mad from doing too many inhuman deeds. No other explanation really fits.

  9. Simon

    Labour, Likud, Kadima, whatever
    it’s the same outfit, thats no different from the old outfit
    I did studies on this in high school, nothing changed in so many years

  10. Bear of Little Brain

    Note Olmert’s right hand in that picture and try it yourself. It says “tension and suppressed aggression” to me. The devil is always in the detail, methinks. 😉
    And Olmert looks a total thug to me. Ugh.

  11. Simon

    Well its just a photo
    Remember the old days the newspaper barons used to pull our strings like this
    Bayonets and babies and whatnot

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