
Dance I performed in 1980, The Golden Vortex

The GATA people caught up with my little discovery of the formerly-secret Federal Reserve memo of 1961.  The debate over the nature of gold continues, at least, online.  Whenever established financial systems collapse, we get these necessary debates.  Over and over again, the debate is declared dead and gone, forever.  This is due to academics teaching each other, the standard story line.  Instead of a spirited debate, we get this flattened landscape where everyone agrees.  But this changes rapidly when the academic status quo collapses like it is doing right now, all around us.


GATA’s Tenth Anniversary: Gold Manipulation Evidence Mounts

This week marks GATA’s tenth anniversary of our efforts to expose the manipulation of the gold market. In another few weeks we will mark the tenth anniversary of my appearance on CNBC (interviewed by Ron Insana) … the first and last GATA appearance on the US TV media to date … for once they heard what GATA had to say, we have been blackballed ever since. It also marks a shameful period for the US financial market press, which is now clamoring for answers as to how we ever got in the financial market/banking mess we are presently facing. For that answer they ought to first look at themselves and their dismal way of kowtowing to the rich and powerful, and banning those who are willing to challenge the Orwellian grip on what Americans are allowed to hear and know….

 Meanwhile, in GATA’s tenth anniversary year, we are making our own call for CHANGE, and are pressing on. Obama has stated over and over again he wants THE PEOPLE to be represented and asked us to give him input. Who has more pertinent input go get to him than our camp? Therefore, we are asking everyone interested in a free gold market to make a renewed effort to further disseminate our decade’s worth of evidence of gold market manipulation into the public domain by contacting the financial market media and to others in the Obama transition team (if you have any contacts).

I know how frustrating it has been to get the jaded financial market media to listen to, and then acknowledge, what we have to say, but that was yesterday and perhaps times have changed due to the growing financial market crisis, and yearning to understand how we got here. After all President-elect Obama is urging for “government accountability” and “transparency.”

This call to arms has been instigated by the dramatic and sudden discovery of an important document buried in the Federal Reserve’s archives by writer and researcher Elaine Supkis. This document is posted on her blog at:


This queer memo is slowly provoking a storm.  Storms start very small, a depression that deepens and grows until it is a hurricane.  And the words in this analogy are chosen deliberately.  We are in a vortex and it is deepening and growing.  Trying to comprehend what is going on is most important.  It is now so obvious, even famous professors who get room to bloviate in the major media, are finally aware of it.    


There are several schools of thought about the role of gold vis a vis, banking.  Even professors admit that the very first banks and all major banks until 1971, used gold as the basis of lending money.  Of course, during revolutions and wars, governments issue first, bonds, then IOUs that can be redeemed and then finally, paper money that is to be exchanged in lieu of gold.  Namely, you can buy a horse or loaf of bread but you can’t go to a bank and get gold with the paper money.


Hyperinflation happens when people try to exchange paper IOUs for bread or horses but have to keep offering more and more.  If their is a gold coin economy running alongside this paper inflation, the price of horses or bread remain the same if one is using gold coin.  The way governments took care of this, was to make the circulation of gold coins USELESS.  Not illegal, but useless.  


You can’t go into a bank with a gold coin and have it weighed and then get paper money in exchange.  If I took my $2 gold coin which is worth well over $100, to a bank, they will give me only $2 in paper if they even accept it at all.  The US, in 1961, allowed trade partners and the people we rescued from Nazis to go to Fort Knox with the paper money we took to Europe in the Marshall Plan and they could get gold.  The price of gold was artificially controlled while the US let out a tsunami of paper money during and after WWII.  The Europeans were very sly and happily dug out lots and lots of gold, exchanging very debased dollars for gold which price was set during the Great Depression when there was no inflation.


GATA’s Tenth Anniversary: Gold Manipulation Evidence Mounts

What is profoundly disturbing about the discovery of this confidential document is it fits in with much grander conspiracy theories than where GATA is coming from. Since this document, based on what has happened, really is a blueprint for market manipulation since 1961, it feeds into the worst fears of those who are constantly on the case about the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and so on. This document to William McChesney Martin, Jr. is EXACTLY what I have been seeing and reporting over the past decade … not that much different than those who pointed out the Madoff Ponzi scheme during the same period of time. To learn that this market deception and manipulation was conceived when I was a freshman in high school is almost beyond comprehension, especially since the Wall Street crowd hasn’t permitted a serious discussion about it ALL THIS TIME! Nor has our government allowed a true independent audit of US gold reserves since the Eisenhower Administration in 1955.

It also feeds right into the scary notion revealed in a famed President Clinton comment that goes something like … “I didn’t realize I wouldn’t be in control here when I became President.” … meaning there were far more powerful background forces pulling the strings and on how he must operate.

The lack of an audit is disgusting.  Recently, the Bank of England did an audit of the gold due to the need to sell it to support the collapsing pound.  The gold bars were found to not weigh the amount imprinted on the bars in a great number of cases.  The entire lot must be melted down and refined and then, reweighed.  Not that anyone is going to do this to Fort Knox any time, soon.


The people in the GATA organization are doing a worthy thing: demanding an accounting and a debate.  The ruling elites dislike this a great deal since paper values are more useful than correct accountings.  We see that, after the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland demanded a ‘Mark to market’ valuation of paper, this triggered a total collapse of the entire banking system.  Not because the accounting was evil.


It was because the paper pile was worthless.  All that ‘valuable’ paper, when no one was buying it, became worthless when only 1% of this mess was put on the market.  Originally, the plan was to increase the size of the mark-to-market’s public arm and to thus, reassure investors, the paper was really so valuable, people would bid UP the price, when it was offered for sale.


The exact opposite happened: the value of these various tranches collapsed.  AAA ones fell by 75% and Aaa ones fell by 94% and the BBB ones collapsed a terrifying 99%.  These were worth less than a Confederate dollar was worth in 1866.  Here is a good read from a good site:


Jesse’s Café Américain: The Last Time the Feds Devalued the Dollar to Save the Banks

We dipped once again into the Federal Reserve Bulletin Publication from June, 1934 to take a closer look at the growth of the monetary base, and found an interesting graphic that shows the accounting for the January 1934 devaluation of the dollar and the subsequent result on Bank Reserves in the Federal Reserve System.

As you will recall, the Gold Act, or more properly Executive Order 6102 of April 5, 1933, required Americans to surrender their gold coinage and certificates to the Federal Reserve Banks by May 1, 1933. There were no prosecutions for non-compliance except one benchmark case which was brought voluntarily by a person who wished to challenge the act in court….

Considering that all gold coinage held by banks in the vaults was automatically seized, the voluntary compliance rate is not all that impressive. We are not sure how much of this was being held in overseas hands by non-US entities.

But beyond a doubt, there was a unjust, if not illegal, seizure of wealth by requiring citizen to turn in their gold to the banks, which was then revalued at the beginning of 1934 by 69% from 20.67 to 35 dollars.

It would have been much more equitable to devalue the dollar and to change the basis for dollar/gold first, before requiring private citizens to surrender their holdings. But of course, this would have lessened the liquidity available for direct infusion into the Federal Reserve banks.



Just for comparison, here is the TOTBORR graph from the Federal Reserve.  Note how similar it is to the above graph.  Obviously, it is tracking a similar collapse in the banking system.  Only, we don’t have the gold factor here anymore.


Fred Graph


And now, on a lighter note, an email from Michael Ax, talking about Libra and Gold:

Elaine,  reduced to symbols in the matrix of Ohms Law, Libra is

                                                                         Fiery Intuition
     Earth by Air  ( as in your prodigal output )  ==observed as==   ————————
        Sensate Reason                                                   Watery Emotion

while Gold, aka Leo, aka the Sun, aka the Center of Gravity , aka The Gold Standard (even invented by Newton if Turk is right) is

                                                                         Fiery Intuition
       Fire of Water ( as in zero point boiling )  ==observed as==   ————————
         Conscious Feeling                                                Bright Reason

As it turns out Libra belongs to the 8 of 12 facets of Ohm in which division aka ‘balancing over’ plays a role. Its distinguished by being the eternal delivering Sensate, that is Verifiable Reason into the world! That is huge already. Underneath the 4 elements however are the 4 operations and Libra does not actually represent ‘/’  division or the square root any more than, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini or Taurus represent ‘*’ multiplication or ‘^2’ squared.

These functions / factions might be upset if you subsumed them into Libra!

            Virgo  =  Earth of Water ==  Bright Reason / Irrational Sensation

            Capricorn = Earth by Fire == Bright Reason / Watery Emotion

            Aquarius = Air of Earth  ==  Bright Reason / Fiery Intuition
            Pisces = Water of Earth == Fiery Intuition / Watery Emotion ^2
          Aries = Fire by Earth ==  Fiery Intuition ^2 / Irrational Sensation

  Cancer = Water by Fire == Square Root of ( Fiery Intuition / Irrational Sensation )

       It might be worthwhile to note that The Fallen, and the mechanisms by which they seek immortal wealth and representation are represented by Aquarius. Incidentally this is why Libra understands and is able to expose and regulate their higher minds! See here:

              Leo = Fire of Water  ==  Fiery Intuition / Bright Reason
            Aquarius = Air of Earth  ==  Bright Reason / Fiery Intuition

These two are mortal / eternals in the perpetual struggle of Warmth vs Brightness. They are Gold vs Money made by Computers and while each of them uses division, partitioning, compartmentalization and balance in their own way, neither of them are Libra proper. Aquarius might seem a strong Ally to Libra yet its intentions are negative in that it uses what Libra produces to make its own rules!

LIBRA IS NOT GOLD.  If we want to make a relation, we could say it’s the mind, the sibling and the lover of Gold. They share temperament and style but Libra is about context while Gold tempers analysis.

With kindest regards!

Michael Ax

Libra is a queer thing: gold is heavy, the scales of justice are weighed with a feather which is very light.  When I was hit by lightning, one of the most nightmarish things I experienced was feeling the sensation of a light feather and a heavy lump of metal being one and the same.  This sensation made me feel as if I was being crushed while flying apart a the same time.  It is the essence of dual nature.


The nature of Libra is very simple: fools and their money are soon parted.  Fools and their gold are soon parted.  If one wishes for gold to grow, it has to be the heart of the banking system whereby it is the basis of TRADE.  Not lending for  mortgages, EARTH, not metal, is the basis of that.  Heh.  I hope readers add onto this amusing series of equations.  What is particularly amusing to me is, the very word, equation, is Libra.  The Goddess of Equals.  All things have to end up equalling zero.  


A statement, incidentally, that is very ‘widdershins’.  Full of contradictions within itself.







P.O. BOX 483

BERLIN, NY 12022

Make checks out to ‘Elaine Supkis’



Filed under .money matters

21 responses to ““GATA” DO MORE TALK ABOUT GOLD

  1. Bear of Little Brain

    “The ruling elites dislike this a great deal since paper values are more useful than correct accountings. We see that, after the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland demanded a ‘Mark to market’ valuation of paper, this triggered a total collapse of the entire banking system. ”
    If the BIS triggered the collapse, this begs the question, “Who is ruling whom?”

  2. DiverCity

    Thanks for your time and attention to the matters you cover in your blog. I find it ironic that GATA has been on the job for 10 years and yet it was you who discovered the 1961 memo. I’d like to hear more of your thoughts on gold as a store of value in the face of the maelstrom of wealth destruction that is on the horizon.

  3. emsnews

    I had a lucky find, Diver City. Sometimes, the goddesses smile on us. Sometimes, they do annoying things. What can I say? It was late in the day, I put the document to one side because it was nearly unreadable. Thought I would finish it in a few minutes. Instead, I spent over 5 hours, working on the damn thing, trying to make it readable. All the while, my hair was standing on end.

  4. Melponeme_k

    I’ve never been good at math. The numbers don’t speak to me. Although the strange thing is, I’ve understood the concepts, just couldn’t make them work. I would be able to explain them to my friends in school but where they would pass tests, I would fail.

    Tonight, I had a strange thought and maybe just an inkling of what you write about here. I love the images of alchemy. And I fool around with those free numerology sites. And then how they were all related to each other, the fairy tale stories and the mess we are in now. Its never been all about money, but about controlling numbers and most importantly the number 0. The magic is in zero, it is quintessence. The war between the religions thinks that numbers are god and who controls numbers controls god. How foolish. Maybe it isn’t so strange that all our ancient civilizations that had a concept of 0, seemed to have self destructed or were wiped out.

    It is also a war to rewrite history and who discovered the numerals. Right now it looks as if a crazed magician hiding in a cave played this game right and it was a pointed lesson in history to the ones who play numbers. But he can’t stop the correction, he can’t stop 0 and he doesn’t want to do it. He welcomes it.

    Then again, I don’t know, I’m probably wrong. I’ll keep reading and hoping to understand.

  5. nah

    hit by lightning wow… must be 20 references to this page on other newsereez hit the jackpot whith the 1961 fiat defence…

    super star

  6. MikeM

    All storms do start small, but that isn’t necessarily reflective of our encounter with them.

    Sometimes, you can see anvil-tops coming up over the western horizon, when it’s really hot and humid. If you have been observant, you have learned what this means.

    One day, some friends and I thought it would be cool to sit on top of a hill and watch as TSHTF (being young, and also somewhat inebriated).

    We were lucky to get out without incident. I know that feeling, when electrons are flowing through my body at an alarming rate. We were all very lucky indeed.

    I try not to rely on luck anymore.

  7. cognitis

    I’m shocked that so few even knew of this Fed memorandum, as it’s public information and evidently crucial to various bloggers.

  8. emsnews

    Cognitis, when it was released, it was done with NO FANFARE. No one noticed. Like a black cat at night. Luckily, I know how to hunt.

  9. Just wanted to make mention that that picture of you ROCKS!

  10. emsnews

    Was a photo for a performance poster. I used to dance. No more. Heh. Old age takes its toll.

  11. PLovering

    Elaine, Did BIS actually demand a “mark to market” or was it only suggested?
    BIS is owned by Lizard Central Bankers. Hard to imagine them ordering their own destruction.

  12. hardrock

    Great work Elaine. I am somewhat dismayed that GATA hadn’t found it before you did. I am sure there are a lot more ‘incriminating’ memos floating around in the archives. If GATA or you had access to a decent budget where you could hire researchers to really dig we would be startled by what you’d find.

    I’ve heard so many ‘respectable’ analysts bad mouth any and all who even mentioned manipulation of gold & silver by the PTB yet, Paul Volker has said publicly that; “He should have controlled the gold price”, back in the early eighties. What more evidence does one need?

    The Madoff Ponzi scheme shows how stupid people are, in that they ‘believe’ right up to the moment they don’t. The same belief exists for our dollar and the ‘rotten to the core’ financial system….people will continue to believe until it’s over. As my dear old Dad used to say; “People will go to bed at night thinking everything will be fine, then wake up the next morning and know ‘it’s all over.” Can anyone imagine the chaos that will ensue if this should happen? Are any of us prepared for anything even close to this? Yes, it can happen just the way he described it…..as a matter of fact, the Madoff thing might be the proper warning for thinking individuals. The Kondratieff Winter is upon us.

  13. emsnews

    Hard Rock, your father was a wise man. We need wise men and wise women.

  14. JSmith

    “And now, on a lighter note, an email from Michael Ax, talking about Libra and Gold…”
    That was, indeed, lighter – I laughed aloud.

  15. Gary

    I think what we have is a failure of proper
    representation. Of course the largest failure
    is the failure of congress to represent us, the
    citizens of this land. But it goes way way deeper than that. Money used to represent the labor,skill,energy,and thinking involved in making/growing/servicing things. Somehow, our
    financial system, much like our media,became
    detatched from reality and instead of representing
    a real force or thing, only started representing
    itself. It, money, morphed from being representative to becoming a simulation. The media has followed the same path. It,the media, used to represent reality back in the days of Walter Cronkite. Now,the media only represents and refers back to itself. Ha ha. You can see this with everyday things like pick up trucks and shoes. When I was a kid, farmers,fisherman, hiway department guys were the ones who drove pickups
    and pickups were stripped down very basic vehicles. Now pick ups are like simulations of pickups with all the frills and gatgetry. And most people dont throw soil in the back beds without having bought a bed liner ! Running shoes are the same way. Once functional but now strickly fashion statements.

  16. emsnews

    On Jan 20, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Elaine Supkis wrote:

    Ah, I always black out email addresses. To protect people. If you want emails, I will take care of that by publishing this fine email, OK? Heh.

    I once had an IQ that was stratospheric. I took my first graduate course when only 17 years old. Then, I nearly died and the fever that put me in a coma, destroyed brain cells. Well…it actually made it easier for me to think! I still am astonished with that effect. My brain was driving me insane when I was an extremely precocious teenager. Many teen geniuses go mad, you know. I once belonged to a national club where you had to score at the top 1% on intelligence tests run by the CIA [NOT IQ tests]. My daddy being CIA, he had me tested and I was in the top .0001% in 1967.

    Well, after the fever, when I was lying in bed for several months, I had to learn how to read again. I watched ‘Sesame Street’ which was in its first year then, and I tried reading ‘Peanuts’ comix strips only I forgot what was in the first box by the time I got to the third box. I looked at the pictures in my room and thought, ‘Who WAS this girl who did these pictures? Read these books?’ Friends were horrified.

    But regaining my memory, relearning from scratch brought me wisdom. Wisdom is a harsh mistress. She can’t be learned from books. She is learned from life, itself. If I remained a hyper-genius, I probably would have become utterly evil and cruel. Impatient and overbearing. HAHAHA. Ooops! I am overbearing and impatient! Guess I didn’t change all that much, eh?

    Perhaps….now! On to take over the planet earth!

    After I take a nap and drink some tea.

    On Jan 20, 2009, at 9:06 AM, Michael Ax wrote:

    Hi Elaine — “You want your readers to add to these amusing Formulas”???

    You’re calling in the heathens to ad-lib around the insights of great men of history?

    HAHAHAHAHA! Now I get it! I thought there might have been something wrong
    with the intent, but now I see it; The series of 12 Formulas _is internally complete,
    It makes money, it powers the world and is kinda impenetrable.

    You Seek to highlight that Singularity, OneNess and Integrity by standing in the center of 3 different kinds of mathematical infinities .. has the potential for balance, that is 0 deviation from the scales … without yet seeing that even Libra is a manifestation out of Nothing!

    The Network of the 12 simply gives the simplest definition of a volume born out of the void and it shows how ‘1’ springs from ‘0’.
    Anyway, I’m laughing because nothing can be added or taken away from such a formulaic network, nor as a rule do people/americans even understand their own domains well enough to tinker with fundamental toys such as the YHVH aka the Tetrahedron, through Genetics, Analysis, Philosophy or Science.
    Past insights such as this network rarely pass the “Not Invented Here” Test. HAHAHAHA. Don’t you know that the eternals hide behind People’s desire to be told?

    I find about a person a year who is amused by this (maybe you will do better?)
    and I guess with you being so out there and smart I scored an early hit in ’09!


    Please edit in my email address!


    Elaine Supkis wrote:
    Will do! Am already writing the article, it will go up in less than 2 hours.

    On Jan 19, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Michael Ax wrote:

    Of course you can use it if you mean that in a good way 😉 And yes, using my name is fine; In fact, that would be kinda thrilling!

  17. emsnews

    Michael’s email address is: ax@sonic.net

    Feel free to email him. He is very amusing.

  18. JSmithy

    “reduced to symbols in the matrix of Ohms Law, Libra is…”
    Fun with Ohm’s Law:
    Now that you understand Ohm’s Law, you can move along to Kirchoff’s Laws:

  19. cognitis

    Michael’s “Don’t you know that the eternals hide behind People’s desire to be told?” is just his translation of the Bible’s “radix omnium malorum cupiditas est” : desire is the root of all evil; this from the Bible is itself taken from the Stoics; Bertrand Russell observation is confirmed yet again.

  20. SurfBoy

    I second the mention…that picture of you is hot!

  21. JSmith

    “I second the motion…that picture of you is hot!”
    Mmmmm… I’ll third that. Hadn’t actually looked at it until just now, but they’re right.

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