Goldman Sachs Has Immense Profit From Selling US Debt

gnome meets miz revolutionary libertyUnlike in the Crash of 1929 and the grinding collapse of credit creation that followed, we see little to no reforms this time around.  Unlike in 1929, the Federal Reserve and the US government are both very reckless and are using all sorts of dangerous tricks to paper over one of the biggest credit collapses in the history of banking. Thanks to these ‘rescues’, we lost the last remnants of our auto industry and are far worse off than before in regards to public finances.  But the gangs who created this credit bubble are doing just great, thanks to the heroic efforts of our besotted government!  And so they are rewarding themselves with even bigger bonuses than ever before.  

gnome meets miz revolutionary libertyGoldman Sachs should have been forced into bankruptcy.  Ditto, JP Morgan and the other top 5 derivative swap dealers.  All of them were essentially bankrupted by the collapse of the AIG consortium.  Instead of forcing these massive entities to vanish like all the many destructive ‘Trusts’ that vanished in 1929, instead of outlawing OTC markets and zeroing out the derivative swap markets, the US government took on over $13 trillion in potential future obligations in order to keep AIG, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, etc, afloat.

These parasitical operations exist for one reason only, the flood the world with excess credit while giving themselves a cut of the action.   When given a choice between rescuing them and rescuing our auto industries, the answer should have been obvious: throw the piratical bankers overboard to be eaten by the sharks and save our domestic manufacturing base!  Duh!

The reason why our government did the exact opposite is obvious: the gnomes who ran our entire planet’s financial system into a deep pit of darkness own our government via ‘election donation’ bribes while the US auto unions are decimated and weak and the working base has had its balls clipped and is no longer a wolf contending for power but rather, a lap dog that is easily whipped and sent away, tail between its legs.

Years and years of hatred of unions has been encouraged by our leaders, the media owners and our entire political system.  This is why unionization has been on a steep downturn since its halcyon days of the 1950’s.  So, let’s look at today’s news and see how the wretched crooks who wrecked everything are flourishing and how our auto industry is moving to China:

Goldman Sachs to make record bonus payout | Business | The Observer

A lack of competition and a surge in revenues from trading foreign currency, bonds and fixed-income products has sent profits at Goldman Sachs soaring, according to insiders at the firm. Staff in London were briefed last week on the banking and securities company’s prospects and told they could look forward to bumper bonuses if, as predicted, it completed its most profitable year ever. Figures next month detailing the firm’s second-quarter earnings are expected to show a further jump in profits. Warren Buffett, who bought $5bn of the company’s shares in January, has already made a $1bn gain on his investment…. Last week, the firm predicted that President Barack Obama’s government could issue $3.25tn of debt before September, almost four times last year’s sum. Goldman, a prime broker of US government bonds, is expected to make hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from selling and dealing in the bonds.

The US government is issuing $3.5 trillion in debt in order to bail out the entities who are now selling this debt!  And the very same characters who destroyed our economy are now seeing record profits selling the debts we are taking on, and thus, rewarding themselves!  First off: why use these gnomes to sell our debts? Indeed, the question really is, why are we selling debts, in the first place? Why is our entire culture predicated on creating increasing debts and then selling these to outsiders via private investment houses that use this flow of funds in order to increase credit creation?

The blatant refusal to even try to understand what happened this last cycle of bubble/collapse is at the heart of the matter.  People in power don’t want to listen to people like me.  ‘You are crazy’, they hiss as they rush off to another international symposium surrounded by armed troops and military goons.  The same Bilderbergers who are filled with joy to see Iran’s people resist government domination are the exact same clowns who will shoot anyone who approaches their many secret and public gatherings where they pick and choose what to do next.

It is painfully obvious now, they have goals which clash with the desire to survive for the masses.  And the one thing these elites fear most is, the public rising up in physical fury and taking to the streets like in Iran and literally fighting for recognition and cleaning up of government corruption.  The Goldman Sachs corruption system is obvious: GS owns our government.  This is why our government saved GS, gave GS tons of wealth in the form of fees and percentages, and now GS is doing just great while all other sectors in our economy that impact us all very heavily, are in steep decline.

Goldman’s Blankfein issues apology as bank prepares to repay $10bn – Telegraph

“We know that we have an explicit contract with our shareholders to be responsible stewards of their capital. . . we regret that we participated in the market euphoria and failed to raise a responsible voice.…”

In the letters, copies of which have been seen by The Daily Telegraph, Mr Blankfein also warns that stability in the financial markets can only return if the industry accepts that some of its practices are “unhealthy”. He also calls on the industry to “ensure that compensation reflects the true performance of the firm and motivates proper behaviour”.

GS didn’t merely participate in a ‘euphoric’ situation: they were the ones who were pouring the drinks and spiking it with drugs.  They were the criminals who created this euphoric based on false systems.  They are the ones who created, fed and protected the Over The Counter Swap games.  They engineered this ‘euphoria’ and claimed, they got rid of all risk so they didn’t need any capital to run the system.  They conspired with AIG to build up a derivatives market swap meet that ended up exploding in size until it dwarfed all existing wealth on earth, all economic systems are but drops in the bucket compared to this insane derivative swap system that is still over $500 trillion in size!

Drug dealers and bar tenders are not ‘responsible’ people.  They are enablers, pushers and want people to drink too much, take too much drugs and in general, create chaos at night.  Like gambling casino operators who, incidentally, flourished alongside with the rise of the top derivative banking groups, are leeches on the economic system, not creators of wealth.  They are immoral, not moral.  We allow a certain amount of drinking and gambling because humans love doing this and outlawing it simply makes it more criminal.  But encouraging and protecting these immoral operations is pure insanity.

The difference between creation of real wealth and fake wealth is important!  Real wealth always comes directly from Nature and humans interacting with Nature.  Adding human labor to the underlying physical systems such as soil or minerals or crystals, turning these things, turning animals and plants into value-added products is what real wealth really is.  In opposition, there is imaginary wealth.

Imaginary wealth is numbers, paper with writing on it that indicates values attached to economic systems, it is bets placed on systems such as the stock or the derivatives markets.  It is a support system.  When the imaginary paper system that supports the real economic process becomes more powerful than the economic base, it hijacks all systems and we end up going very deeply into debt, protecting the imaginary economic systems rather than the very real parts. And this, in a nutshell, is why the US is rapidly turning into a third world bankrupt rather than being a powerful empire.

Goldman Sachs repays about $10 bln in TARP funds – MarketWatch

it has bought back 10 million preferred shares issued to the Treasury earlier for about $10.04 billion. “The repurchase includes a one-time preferred dividend of approximately $425 million which will be reflected in our second quarter results,” Goldman Sachs said. The dividend payment is expected to lower its second-quarter earnings by 77 cents a share

GS has to get us out of its boardroom.  They were rescued by GS former president, Hank Paulson, when he was Treasury Secretary.  To save GS and JP Morgan, the government had to bail out AIG.  AIG was so corrupt, even as they were going bankrupt, they spent money on bonuses and fancy vacations even as they were begging for hand outs.  The US has capitalized AIG to the tune of nearly $100 billion and climbing.  This is actually a transfer of taxpayer future earnings to Goldman Sachs and the other top derivative swap players.

Instead of hauling under all of these gangsters, the US government has done the exact opposite.  GS and the others will now use a portion of their profits guaranteed by the taxpayers to further infiltrate the political system the same way AIPAC gets money from Congress which is sent to Israel and then, which comes back in the country to fund AIPAC so they can bribe Congress to give Israel more money.

These circular corruption systems are disgusting and leading to the complete destruction of US power.  Here is some more news about AIG:

NJ will not press charges against AIG | AP | 06/19/2009

New Jersey will not press any charges against American International Group over bonuses paid to executives with taxpayer money last year. Instead, state Attorney General Anne Milgram announced Friday New Jersey would be among 11 states who instead will collaborate with an existing federal investigation into the matter

New Jersey is run by Goldman Sachs.  The GS tower is in Jersey City, for example.  The outrage over the bonuses for AIG executors is a ploy to deflect from the true scandal: how AIG enabled the derivatives over the counter swap business.  The payout of the collapse of Lehman never really happened. The US government did more than 80% of the payout.  This payout should have never, ever, ever happened.  The crime was tricking the US public into bailing out AIG so the bettors in that particular casino could collect their deals and run off, leaving the taxpayers to clean up the mess in this casino.

‘Impossible to Understand’ Swap Burns 290-Person Italian Hamlet –

Derivatives have burned towns from Polino to Milan to Erie, Pennsylvania. Jefferson County, Alabama, said it might need to declare bankruptcy because of costs associated with the contracts. Responsibility for the expenses in Italy’s second- biggest city and in Umbria’s smallest village sits with elected officials who agreed to financial instruments they didn’t fully grasp, said Stefano Taurini, a lawyer who specializes in corporate law in Milan….

In Italy, some 600 local authorities had taken out more than 1,000 derivative contracts on about 35.5 billion euros of debt by the end of last year, according to national Treasury data provided to the Italian Senate Finance Commission.

The governments had unrealized losses of 1.93 billion euros on over-the-counter derivative bets placed with Italian banks and local units of foreign banks at the end of 2008, according to data from the Rome-based Bank of Italy, the country’s central bank….

Jefferson County, Alabama’s most populous, last year defaulted on $3.2 billion of debt amassed during the construction of its sewer system. More than $3 billion of that carried floating interest rates and used derivatives to protect against the risks.

And who sold these derivatives? Goldman Sachs! All the top 5 US investment banks as well as a group of 5 European and UK investment banks all sold this garbage to unsuspecting officials all over the planet. Now, the taxpayers must bail out the governments who bought these things created and sold by GS and all the other crooks. So who gets bailed out?
The sellers of these destructive derivatives! As many municipalities, states and even entire countries fall off the economic cliff and are plunged into political and social chaos, the cause of all this is left to grow even stronger and richer, and this, via a global taxpayer-funded central banking rescue operation? Good grief. We should be taking notes as to how to run a revolt. Study the actions in Iran and see how popular anger can be channeled into resistance. After all, our own rulers have made it very clear, these sorts of rebellions are great and good and should happen! Back to the topic of the US and European auto industrial base and how it is being rapidly transfered into Asian hands:

China’s Geely to buy Volvo Cars: report – The Local

Citing a report published on Wednesday in the National Business Daily, the Shanghai Daily newspaper reported on Thursday that Geely Automotive Holdings plans to buy Volvo and produce a new model of the traditional Swedish brand in China’s Guangzhou Province. As a part of the deal, Geely plans to start production of the new Volvo XC90 in Dongguan City in what is seen as a major step forward in the Chinese company’s bid to expand into the global auto market. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Jia Xinguang, an analyst with the Chinese National Automotive Industry Consulting and Development Corporation reckons that Volvo would not be sold for less than $3 billion, the Shanghai Daily reports.

This unsettling news had to be squelched but if we read very carefully, the denial of this story is actually a fraud:

Detroit 3 headlines | | Detroit Free Press

Shenzhen News Net, in a report Friday, said Ford and Geely have reached a preliminary agreement, but are still working out many details such as the transfer of technology, Volvo’s market position and any layoffs following the sale.

We’ve been saying since the end of April … that we’re in discussions with a number of parties concerning the future of Volvo,” Ford of Europe spokesman John Gardiner said in an e-mail to the Free Press on Friday. “No final decisions have been made.”

This means, the negotiations are secret and we will learn about them in due course, probably when Hu celebrates another economic victory in the Chinese 50 Year Plan of transferring ownership of the global industrial base into the hands of the communist Chinese leadership.  Meanwhile, in the US, what are our own ‘leaders’ in this industry doing?

Detroit 3 headlines | | Detroit Free Press

GM, Ford trade chiding Tweets Things got a little exciting during GM CEO Fritz Henderson’s Twitter time last week. A Ford PR guy posted a welcome. “Glad you’re here, Fritz. Where’d you get the idea to use Twitter?” It was a clear reference to the Ford CEO’s time on Twitter in April. (He dictated his responses.) Shortly after Henderson signed off, the GM Twitter page responded to Ford. “At least our guy types his own Tweets.”

How effing INFANTILE.  How very much like we are all stuck in Junior High!  What a waste of time, energy, brain power and…I am speechless.  Instead of doing things that will create a stronger America like, say, demanding an end to free trade, these guys are playing a game which is simply similar to sending notes to each other by making wads of paper and throwing it across the classroom.  And these notes are filled with infantile chatter, making fun of each other!

I say, send them to the dean of students for a paddling and then suspend them and give them failing grades for the semester.

sunset borger

side picture begging boneEmail:



P.O. BOX 483

BERLIN, NY 12022

Make checks out to ‘Elaine Supkis’


sunset borger


Filed under .money matters

58 responses to “Goldman Sachs Has Immense Profit From Selling US Debt

  1. JT

    Heh, GS gets a profit from it´s own bailout money. The world is such a screwed up place.

    I´ve been wondering the same as Elaine, wouldn´t it have been possible to take out all the major derivatives players and try to contain the problem that way or take government ownership of all of these entities?
    AIG, GS, JPM, Merrill, Lehman, Citibank, RBS, Barclays, HBOS, HSBC, UBS and Deutsche Bank etc.
    13 trillion (us) + 5,3 trillion (europe) shouldn´t the taxpayers now own all these banks if we wanted to?
    Now we just give them free guarantees forever. And now we have the Sword of Damocles (derivatives beast) over our heads; so we will never have the nerve to let any of those monsterbanks fail now. And nothing is solved.

    I read in some article (I don´t remember where):
    “Just like all other bubbles in world history, the US debt bubble will end with catastrophic results.”
    When? I guess next month is as good a guess as in 2012 when debt will hit it´s peak.

  2. openly hidden

    yipper dipper! those are interesting web sites mind control. don’t get me started….

    elaine doesn’t believe there is anything actually “real” to see do you elaine. but look within, look within…. what is there? the age of reason? hahhahahha! our “education”, our “science”, our “reason”, our “progress”. what is it coming to?

    you won’t see because then it wouldn’t be “all about me” would it. its all about me! its all about me! and everyone everywhere in all times are just making stuff up, imagining it in their ignorance and superstition. hahahahhaha!

  3. mind control

    Secret Vatican Catacombs, Child Sacrifices, Mind Control: Svali, Involved In U.S. Illuminati For 30 years, Talks Openly About Devious Plans To Topple America
    Born into the Illuminati, Svali says her Vatican initiation ceremony at the age of 12 involved child sacrificing and a promise to serve “The Family or Order” for life.
    17 Jan 2006

  4. openly hidden

    hahahah! vigilant says: “….There is a reason why occult teachings are held secret. They reveal the naked Truth without any compromise. Very few people are prepared to face those facts. As much as I would like to open the world’s eyes, I realize that this site isn’t for everybody. If you are one of those people, I suggest you go there instead….”
    and “there” is fox news. hahahhaha! no, “there” is everything you are taught about “reality” by your schooling and your institutional religion priests (who amazingly enough just ignore the plain meaning words!!!! wtf?) and your well meaning parents and all your bought and paid for “leaders” and especially by all the institutional, corporate media that molds you all from infants. vigilant had to indulge himself with some sophistry it seems to make himself popular with the modern crowd. still….the point of all is to ensure your blindness and obedience….but you knew that. hopefully, evil is done using our “elites” now and we get to watch the spectacle of them being consumed alive now so the world can turn some more….and we can discover what is waiting for us this time. ha!

  5. mind control
    “The Illuminati has planned first for a financial collapse that will make the great depression look like a picnic. This will occur through the maneuvering of the great banks and financial institutions of the world, through stock manipulation, and interest rate changes. Most people will be indebted to the federal government through bank and credit card debt, etc. The governments will recall all debts immediately, but most people will be unable to pay and will be bankrupted. This will cause generalized financial panic which will occur simultaneously worldwide, as the Illuminists firmly believe in controlling people through finances.

    “Next there will be a military takeover, region by region, as the government declares a state of emergency and martial law. People will have panicked, there will be an anarchical state in most localities, and the government will justify its move as being necessary to control panicked citizens. The cult trained military leaders and people under their direction will use arms as well as crowd control techniques to implement this new state of affairs. This is why so many survivors under 36 years of age report having military programming. People who are not Illuminists or who are not sympathetic to their cause, will resist.

  6. mind control

    Strange, my posts were not accepted until I produced a tinyurl links.
    Is it a cenzorship ?
    Does it mean the information is so important to somebody?
    Elaine, can you shed a light on this?

  7. JT

    And btw happy midsummer to everybody.
    It´s summer solstice tonight.
    Out here we get only 2,5 hours of dusk and it doesn´t get dark at all.
    I intend to stay up all night since we happen to have really nice weather also.

    Elaine is propably unavailable today, dancing in the meadows and howling with the wolves. 😉

  8. emsnews

    I was grading a road and moving tons of soil. Digging up big rocks. Happy Solstice!

    By the way, all of those ‘satanist ritual’ people are fakes. They were never hit by lightning bolts. HAHAHA.

    See how easy this is? 🙂

  9. charlottemom

    Like any empire, Goldman has been colonizing the financial corners of the world for decades. The benefits of colonizing: make profits ; expand power and spheres of influence; and then, of course, to seem so successful, so in control, so ubiquitous as to become the de facto, go to authority and powerbroker on all things financial.

    Most think of Goldman as “best in class” for the financial sector of our economy; it is more than that, it is hegemony . GS operates more as a competitor to the markets (and a government instrument) than as a player within in.

  10. PLovering

    Saved by history with Michael Hudson.

    Welcome to the Next World Order.

  11. DrKrbyLuv

    Thank you for this exceptional article – this is one of your classics.
    You paint a very complete and precise rendering of the big economic situation. The same people who own and control the big houses on wall street (Gov’t Sachs, JP Morgan, etc) also own the federal reserve banks, the bank of england and all euro central banks.
    The bizarre part is that the biggest “conflict of interest” in history goes by with very little notice or concern.
    The “conflict of interest” is nothing short of a conflict of war – and the results will be just as deadly unless we take back our monetary system and rid it of these terminal parasites.

  12. nah

    as opposed to free trade where a company takes its business plan to another country to fetch a NEW labor pool and financing structure to fuel the american dream in another country….
    they just sell us debt and take our mills, skilled labor, and history to sell it all back to us
    oyeah, and we can no longer finance our original structure, cuz terrifs are dumb and hurt speculators and product dumpers
    so we get big broke government to pretend we are paying for it all ‘we really are anyways’

    inflation is ok, free trade is good

  13. emsnews

    Immense conflicts of interest. Or rather, the government and GS are one and the same. And they always hire an outsider to run the Federal Reserve for them. Who is petted and flattered by them. They, on the other hand, have a grip on the Treasury.

  14. criticalcontrarian

    Yes Elaine, the Greedy Serpents® made so much money they are going to give themselves the biggest bonus payout in their firms 140 year history. Thank you very much American taxpayer, we couldn’t have done it without killing the competition first, and fooling you into bankrolling our scam. Cheers to capitalism!

  15. the fool on the hill


    I really am interested if you are familiar with “Theft of the Nation” by Donald Cressey.

    I realize I forgot the question mark so if it helps,


    If you don’t want to answer the question please just say so.

    It is an interesting book with several actual conversations gleaned from bugs, for example.

    According to the book, one Mafioso said that, “people in the know skim it off the top, suckers work”.

    In any case, there may be sound reasons for the legitimate people in government to have a problem with the Detroit unions.

    So the workers weren’t really getting legitimate representation, they are just rolling with whatever corruption happens to butter their bread at the time.

    In fact, we are all doing this to one degree or another. It may be fun to blame others for our problems and rant about the evils of the ‘ruling elite’ but they could not get away with they are doing if We The People were not at least somewhat complicit.

    This statement is not intended as criticism of efforts to shed light through the smoke and mirrors, just offering something to think about.

    It is pretty unlikely that a revolution will solve any problems. These types of things tend to just cause chaos that creates a power vacuum that is usually filled by charismatic extremists.

    Christianity started as a resistance movement against the same type of stuff the former privileged majority is starting to get a real taste of here in the U.S. Empire today.

    I guess it didn’t put up enough resistance.

    This morning on one of the Sunday morning idiot shows I actually saw the motto ‘Freedom through Slavery’, meaning slavery to their church I guess.

    (Cue Orwell, rolling over….)

  16. openly hidden

    christ. here are a bunch of photos and such from iran. i figured it was over by nowl….apparently, females are not only demonstrating, but leading too. i am proud of them and their bravery.
    so i am having a hard time getting my mind around how the world is actually organized and run. is it like “the mob” owns us all and sits at the top, holding the reins of power, taking all they can take from the rest of us and giving not much in return? just because this is how it is? only they are not as cuddly as tony soprano?

  17. openly hidden

    “….At the beginning I thought this was going to be a fight between the lower class and the middle class. What I saw on Monday changed my mind completely. I saw many women, young and old, covered head-to-toe in black chadors shouting and chanting among the demonstrators and joining the young girls who were sitting on the ground in the middle of the street to stop the Basij militia from walking inside the crowd.
    That image will never be wiped away from my mind. The women on the front line with their loose colorful scarves had opened their arms, ready to be killed, while others were beaten by the Basij on the side of the road….”
    fucking world. fucking people. how come i want to know. how long?

  18. shockuhzulu

    “groups, are leeches on the economic system, not creators of wealth. They are immoral, not moral”

    Exactly. This is the root problem with society today. The leeches include almost every lawyer, politician, and anyone else who contributes nothing of value to society, but rather live parasitically off the labor of others.

    The heart of mankind is filled with all kinds of darkness. It is this which will ultimately lead us off the edge into the abyss. I imagine America becoming like Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge reign. The end result of any totalitarian regime gaining control has always been death to all who resist, or who in the regime’s eyes even pose a threat. Can you even imagine what would happen if someone like Hillary Clinton was given absolute power? I shudder to think of it.

  19. shockuhzulu – why give so much credence to the “regime”.

    Who defines that?

    The People choose.

    Even if you think you are openly hidden.

    It does not matter.

  20. as far as Hillary is concerned she is a small-time Arkansas girl.

    She is not from New York.

    Begs the question – how did she ever get to be a Senator from that great state.

    Mysteries abound.


  21. openly hidden

    i suppose this is impossible to hope for isn’t it….i.e. about iran
    “….As I did so, it was impossible not to feel connected to the people on the streets, especially the younger generation, with their blogs and tweets and Facebook messages – all instantly familiar to westerners in a way that would have been unthinkable a decade or so ago. This new medium ripped the veil off “the other” and we began to see them as ourselves.

    All the accumulated suspicion and fear and alienation from three decades of hostility between Iran and America seemed to slip away. Whatever happens, the ability of this new media to bring people together – to bring the entire world into this revolution on the streets of Iran – has already changed things dramatically…”
    i am sure nobody, but nobody with any power or parasitic income wants the common worlds people to see we really are the same as “the other”…. progress depends on it.

  22. Hey wait – isn’t Hillary from Illinois?

    Haven’t we have a few Presidents that game from that state.

    Isn’t Chicago (or wasn’t Chicago) once a great railroad city.

    Cattle and such.

    I think so.

    I hope Chicago finds its better self, but you know what I’m gonna say don’t you?

    So I won’t say it.


    Be an open book would be my advice.

    Why not?

  23. Perception is the 5th dimension.

    Seems that way to me and the beauty is….

    We all have it.

    We all have our own perception.

    But perception is more than individual. It is but it is also collective.

    Agree or not?

    What about you queenie – is your perception the only one that matters? Your wrong. I’ll tell you that, but of course, time tells.

    Of course. Freaking obvious.

    ps – I agree openly hidden about what you said regarding “hot, hot, hot”. I agree with you. Sometimes, but not all the time – that is obvious too. If you really understand.

  24. And one final story for this momentous moment.

    An indigineous man chewed on the leaves and did his work. What choice did he have.

    If was most unfair, but sometimes that is the way the ball bounces.

    Still, he held onto his dignity. His integrity. He did not forget. Neither have I.

  25. PLovering

    Lizards spend your family jewels.

    Otto Freidrich described the period of German hyperinflation and its effects: “… People carried wages home in huge crates; by the time they could spend even their trillion-mark notes they were practically worthless… There was not a single girl in the entire middle class who could get married without her father paying a dowry… They saved and saved so that they could get married, and so it destroyed the whole idea of remaining chaste until marriage…the girls learned that virginity didn’t matter anymore.”

  26. Speaking of immense debts, I feel like Alice in Wonderland, for the sequence of events surrounding the $134 bn in so-called US Bearer Bonds seized by the Italian .gov is getting curiouser and curiouser…

  27. ken, i have two words that explain how Hillary became the junior US Senator from NY…

    …Gollum Sachs. 🙂

  28. For Iran, God(dess)speed on the budding revolution! 🙂

    Right now, Moussaoui appears to be the favorite amongst the revolutionaries. But they could end up overthrowing the “Islamic Republic” and replace it with a Communist or Social Democratic government, allying themselves with China!

    Wouldn’t that be a hoot? 🙂

    Just so long as the old supporters of the Shah and their offspring who still want to undo the 1979 revolution don’t get back in, along with Gollum Sachs and the other banking gnomes… 🙂

  29. criticalcontrarian

    City of London Fraud Has Increased by 63% Over the Last Year.

    Well golly gee, Sherlock the Guardian finally noticed the little mice feeding on the crumbs leftover by the big rats. What super sleuthing that…

  30. criticalcontrarian

    @Ed-M: I read Denninger yesterday and he makes absolute sense, and asks the right questions. Check out this article, towards the end you see how in denial the writer is about the end of dollar hegemony. Sooner or later the Finlandization of America is going to happen, I have no doubt.

    Everyone is afraid of the big bad wolf and wants to maintain the status quo until it slams into them. Personally, I prefer a precipitated event that would force people to adapt, adjust, and overcome instead of waiting for the proverbial 6X6 to slam me into oblivion.

  31. criticalcontrarian

    Elaine, this one is for you. This BIG. Heads up everyone else.
    FTC plans to monitor blogs for claims, payments @
    “If the guidelines are approved, bloggers would have to back up claims and disclose if they’re being compensated — the FTC doesn’t currently plan to specify how. The FTC could order violators to stop and pay restitution to customers, and it could ask the Justice Department to sue for civil penalties.”
    If they apply this equitably to the mainstream media who ARE FUNDED by the MIC, Wall Street, Zionists and the elite, 99% of their media houses would be in penalty situation. Of course, they can afford it. But not for long.

  32. nah
    Remember all the people who said that you can’t blame mortgage brokers and investment bankers for being greedy, because that’s how a capitalist economy works? Well, you could make the same defense for the McAllen doctors. We long ago stopped expecting lawyers and accountants to behave contrary to their economic interests; now we simply expect them to conform to the law and to certain professional codes of conduct, and otherwise make as much money as possible. Why should we expect anything different from doctors?
    oyeah i remeber now, we should expect nothing of any rational quality from banks, lawyers, politicians and doctors… i think i said that too

  33. nah

    It is one of just a handful of countries that meets the sustainability criteria Waitrose uses when buying the fish for its stores. The retailer stopped sourcing cod and haddock from the North Sea in 1999 because of concerns over future stocks.

    Waitrose fish buyer Quentin Clark says the collapse in fish stocks is a disaster of the same order as climate change: “It’s a no-brainer that we should be supporting sustainable fishing in countries like Iceland where quotas are set on a biological rather than political basis.
    not that the world is 2/3 covered in water or that beef is 2-8 dollars a pound… but global warming seems kinda fishy to me as cows can have 1 baby a year and fish can have say 1000 ‘900’ get recycled into the environment… do we eat that much fish… and whats wrong with warm russia/canada
    jk everything is wrong with a strong russia

  34. nah
    Ingushetia has overtaken its neighbor Chechnya as the epicentre of violence along Russia’s turbulent southern flank, challenging the Kremlin’s fragile rule and, security forces say, providing a foothold for global networks of Islamist militants.
    not that russia is begging for life from nobody

  35. nah
    MOGADISHU, June 21 (Reuters) – Somalia’s hardline al Shaabab Islamists will fight any foreign troops that come to the aid of the Horn of African government, a spokesman for the insurgent group said on Sunday.
    now im not saying that adajimidad didnt win the elections in iran or nothing… but are muslims all about strife, admonishment, pain, and slavery
    of whites and mexicans… imean blacks or sexual slavery or whatever

  36. nah

    opress all muzlims
    thats a joke

  37. nah

    Fed mulling revamp of U.S. repo market -FT
    dunno if this has anything to do with house stuff… but i was involved with a trasaction where the bank decided it would screw everybody and take the house into forclosure ‘120 days’ so they can sell it in december???? whatever short sale business

  38. Z

    Got fascism?

    Treasury’s Got Bill Gross on Speed Dial


  39. nah
    “This is a critical point that will decide whether Iran can move a little bit more toward democracy or whether it will be brutally turned back to a sort of Islamic dictatorship,” said Udo Steinbach, a Berlin-based Middle East scholar.
    edge of my seat, what is going on??? is it ultra polarized or… just insaine??? people may glorify revolution but thats just the truest example of suffering… so what is going on the streets look nice before the blood gets spilled in tay’ran… and its been going on for a weeeek… 60 million people and a young government ‘take notice chavez glory is yours to share’ there must be real traction to some EVERSEEN UNFAIR OBLIGATION… what is it, the pics show decent wealth… spiritual, governmental, financial, militarily, communism???? what is the complaint???

  40. nah
    The bigger bonus pool derives from a record $9 billion of fees for arranging acquisitions and $5 billion for underwriting initial public offerings and sales of junk bonds, the most lucrative securities, Bloomberg data show. Bankers’ record fees help explain why 2007 will prove to be the industry’s second- most profitable after the subprime mortgage market collapse led to losses at Merrill and Bear Stearns. The last time bonuses declined was 2002 when the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell 23 percent, and Enron Corp. and WorldCom Inc. went bankrupt.
    now im not saying that junk bonds and insolvent bank mergers cant return a profit… but like with all the great returns on junk bonds and insolvent banks/government… owait yeah im not a banker soooo… yeah junk bonds and insolvent/banks/government is where the money is
    thats a joke 2

  41. RobG

    … snip …

    We strongly believe that the US will in fact lose its AAA-rating, which will be an event of enormous importance for everyone. All of a sudden, the plethora of institutions that are forced to hold AAA-rated debt will have to unload their Treasuries. To be quite frank, the implications are so staggering that we don’t really have a good handle on what could happen if this scenario actually comes about. There are a variety of reasons why we believe the US will lose is AAA-rating. Amongst them, we believe the case of Britain is a canary call, clearly showing that even a reserve currency can be dethroned due to the heavy burden of an over-leveraged nation. As a planet, our approach to solving the [global credit crisis], a debt problem, has been to issue enormous amounts of new debt. Similarly to home refinancings, in a large fraction of cases, this roll-over of debt only forestalls the eventual default. Globally, we are replacing toxic debt with newly minted sovereign debt and absorbing a large proportion of the world’s debts onto central bank balance sheets.

  42. Daliwood

    Off topic: China is loaning/investing $10 billion to lock up an energy source (business as usual for them, ain’t it?):

  43. emsnews

    Thanks for all the links. Useful reading, most of the time! 🙂

    There are some rather esoteric battles raging in DC. Both GOP and DNC calling each other kettles and pots. Both should be deposed. We need new parties.

  44. @Elaine: “We need new parties.”

    Karl Denninger has proposed an Anti-Federalist Party over at his site, in case you missed it.

    What IMO we need is a Socialist State Sovereignty Party with the goal that the STATES will handle the necessary democratic socialist aspects of our nation, with a small(er) central government and preservation of the Constitution — with corrections (ex.: no “unitary executive”).

  45. It was only a matter of time…It just had to come…

    They will be back for two months a year…me thinks.

  46. Ed-M. I like your idea. I have been espousing as such for awhile.

    Tell – thanks.

    I think losing one month is so unfair. To go for two is over the line. One is too much as it is.


  47. “Soup kitchen queues grow as US teeters on brink of new downturn”…

  48. criticalcontrarian

    Here’s one for the shysters and banksters. Quite funny really. Pensioners kidnap financial adviser who lost them £2m and batter him with Zimmer frames @

    Revenge of the tax evaders on the shyster. Poetic justice in motion. 🙂

  49. hi

    “And these notes are filled with infantile chatter, making fun of each other! I say, send them to the dean of students for a paddling and then suspend them and give them failing grades for the semester.”

    They are getting paddled!!! The principal’s office is China! I do find the Volvo example interesting. So it is OK for Ford to buy Volvo but not Geely??? Using nationalistic pride to divert attention from the real issue is too easy.

    High quality American goods and services are harder to come by because we have had it good so long that we feel entitled. It takes a humbling experience like a depression to snap us out of that mindset. Example: I went to Italy last year, and I missed my flight. To get some sleep for the night, I went to a 4 star hotel. It was booked. I asked for help finding lodging and was directed to a telephone w/o numbers to call. I used to work in the hotel industry in the 90’s. I would always go out of my way to find lodging for the weary traveler if we were booked. I had pride and looked to provide exceptional service at a budget hotel chain. Anyway, I finally got on a plane to Italy. Italians went out of their way to go beyond my expectations -the airline hostesses, the hotel staff, everybody. Everyone dressed professionally. Even the sanitation workers were dressed prim and proper. Have you noticed how unprofessional we American’s dress in professional settings? We dress so casually these days -as if we do not care; as if we are entitled.

    How come emsnews does not point out that we Americans need to step up and have self respect? That is were it starts. The media wants to demonize a third party. It’s always someone else. I recommend looking in the mirror. that won’t buy votes or page hits though.

  50. Pingback: Rolling Stone mag blasts Goldman Sachs involvement in the Cap & Trade bill - Politics and Other Controversies - City-Data Forum

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