ZIRP Leads To Social Collapse Of Families

Picture 17When industrialization comes to town, immense social changes are unleashed.  In particular, women cease being chattel and become their own agents.  Women’s rights rises.  The ZIRP system the US has embraced has tremendous dangers.  Denninger has noticed what I have explained in the past: the US is now, thanks to being a ZIRP banking system, is now a carry trade tool!  This will cause us to unwind exactly like Japan did after its immense credit bubble.  Today, I want to expand on the social implications of all this, as seen from within families in Japan and the US.

.Picture 17

Can Japan Avoid Another Lost Decade? – Forbes.com

Japan’s Lost Decade might thus be more aptly called its “Lost Decades.” The sharp economic slowdown of the early 1990s culminated in a recession in 1998-99, only to be followed by another near decade of recessions and paltry growth. Being the most trade-dependent of major industrialized nations, Japan suffered the worst GDP contraction among these countries in first-quarter 2009, and is on track to perform the worst of the G-3 in 2009. Aggregate demand slid precipitously, and deflation took hold once again, despite massive fiscal spending and monetary expansion. My analysts and I project Japan’s recession will persist through 2009, then give way to gradual recovery in 2010.


Though the pace of economic contraction has slowed since first-quarter 2009, the inventory-driven rebound in production and exports will at best make for stabilization at low levels, rather than a strong economic expansion. Japan’s recovery will hinge on external demand from the U.S. and Europe–the main final consumers of Japanese goods. Chinese demand, which helped boost Japan in 2005-07, may be of little help this time. China is the top destination for Japanese exports, but Chinese demand is mostly a function of U.S. and European demand. Most Japanese exports to China are inputs for goods bound for the U.S. and Europe, not finished goods bound for Chinese retail stores or raw materials needed for infrastructure projects.


Forbes magazine supports ‘free trade’ very aggressively.  But even while doing articles like this one, the magazine cannot put 2+2 together and see the DANGERS of ‘free trade’.  Japan is the world’s #3 economy now that it was displaced by China which will be #1 in another 20 years or less.  But Japan isn’t #3 in consumption.  The Japanese people consume less and less and less and those who used to own cars are not owning cars anymore and everything is being reduced drastically.


The major reduction in Japanese consumption is all things that revolve around building a family: buying a larger home, buying things and services for the children, setting up the children so they can leave the home.  Instead, this is all imploding.  As the childbirth rate collapses towards zero, families cease expanding and begin disintegrating.  In the case of Japan, women are divorcing men more and more and instead of remarrying, like in the US, they often live alone with their sons and increasingly, their daughters.


Japan is trapped in a perpetual ZIRP system.  Zero interest rates are not a wonderful thing.  It kills incentive to save money via handing it over to banks who then make the money grow by lending it out and then sharing the interest accrued with the savers.  Instead, it makes more sense to put money under the mattress.  Or ship it overseas.  And this is the Japanese carry trade: desperate Japanese wanting to make some money via a bank lending money, sending their savings, en mass, overseas.


The Market Ticker

The last week or two I had noticed that the /DX (dollar index) had a somewhat-odd correlation to the stock market – one that had not been present to the same degree, if present at all, before.


Specifically, it would move just before the /ES – S&P futures – moved, and the correlation between the two was almost lock-step.


I had mentally blocked out the worst of the possibilities until last night, when it was said right up front by a user who had lunch with a banker in Australia: The dollar has become a carry-trade funding currency; he was executing an increasing number of these trades with the dollar.


We are following Japan’s script almost exactly, but our trip down this road will be far worse than it was for them, because as a nation we are monstrous net importers and in tremendous debt, both as consumers and as a government, where Japan is a net exporter and their population is full of savers.


Tuesday I wrote about the dollar decline powering this latest ramp job in equities, but this development, if it has become or is widespread, is a major problem for The United States, and opens the yawning maw of a trap that we will find it tremendously difficult to escape from.


Yes, this is the dread ‘carry trade’ and it operates best when some places, often much smaller economies like Iceland or New Zealand, have much higher interest rates than the world’s biggest economies like Japan and now, the US.  The US dollar is the world’s fiat currency.  The US has, by far, the world’s smallest FOREX holdings.  The US also has, even today, by far, the world’s biggest trade deficit.  The US dollar is weakening against the yen and since August, 2007, has often dropped against the yen.  This, in turn, is killing the unbalanced trade with the US.  Japan wants a strong US dollar and for that, needs the US interest rate to be at least 300 bp above their constant ZIRP rate.


Instead, the US is also ZIRP.  This is a most unusual situation.  Throughout history, the interest rates have moved in this massive curve between poles.  During the gold basis era, the rates moved between 2-6% with the ‘golden mean’ being around 3%.  When Japan went to 0%, this was astonishing. When Japan sat on this for a decade, this was literally unprecedented and I said more than once, extremely dangerous.  Now, the US is stuck in the same tar pit and can’t escape, either.  Japan depends on us to pull them out.  We depend on the Japanese carry trade to fund our spending and that is gone.  If we are now the ‘carry trade’ this will violently unwind the US/Japan balance of trade power.


Libra is at work here: since the US and Japan refused to balance trade one way or the other, She will do it by becoming a counter force that is unstoppable.  Greater historical forces are at work here: China is now rapidly displacing both the US and Japan in world trade as well as global finances and this will boomerang on this older bipolar business arrangement.


Here are some Australian videos about Japan’s social life:


YouTube – Ageing Economy – Japan


The numbers of Japan’s elderly is shooting upwards rapidly as the baby dearth is now over 20 years and going on, relentlessly. All depressions cause drops in birthrates in industrialized nations.  Japan has a dual economy.  While the entire middle and working classes suffered nearly 20 years of depression, the industrial giant’s owner class enjoyed record profits.  For 15 years, they thrived while the rest of Japan took a nose dive.  Japanese industrialists saw their global reach grow greater and greater.  The working and middle class saw their domestic status drop like a rock.


Japanese industrialists moved a great deal of their production offshore for two reasons: cheaper workforces in Asia and to keep the US from passing protectionist laws.  Toyota, for example, gives heavily to our Congress which is totally corrupted by now.  None of this rebounds in a positive fashion in Japanese society.  Japan has been ravaged by offshoring jobs just as badly as the US.


This means, the families that once had well-paid workers supporting not only a wife and children, but the elderly parents, has collapsed.  The elderly in Japan can’t call on the children for care.  For example, in old Japan, the man was most anxious to have a wife because she took care of his own mother.  All women wished for sons so they could do this for them.  The son didn’t take care of her, his WIFE did that.


As wages fall, sons don’t get married.  And since everyone has to earn money in order to survive, women have flooded into the workforce.  These daughters all get similar incomes compared to the sons and this is due to the compression of wages which we see here in the US.  When all jobs pay nearly the same while the rich get much, much richer, we get an entire society that is depressed. This is why the statistics in the US showing Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan top dogs getting filthy rich while secretaries working for them as well as industrial workers end up with the same low, miserable wages, this should set off alarm bells.


Instead, it was celebrated as a great thing: greed is good.  Wide income gaps are due to the top dogs being super-smart supermen and all the other people are stupid or ‘sheeple’.  Instead of spreading socialism which forces a realignment of incomes so the bottom doesn’t fall off the cliff, our culture celebrates inequality.  In Japan, a historic and amazing social change has crept in on cat’s paws, silently: daughters are staying with their mothers and their mothers don’t want them to marry.  And sons are staying with mothers who have no daughters and instead of being productive, are hiding out and refusing to even leave home, literally, at all.


The mother/daughter survival pair is very powerful inside of disintegrating social systems. We see this in the black communities in America, too.  Mothers, grandmothers and daughters all live together.  And to provide new daughters, the women have children out of wedlock.  More than 40% of all babies born in this community are out of wedlock.  So the black community continues to grow despite the total collapse of the ‘family’ as the males are slowly made more and more irrelevant.


The black culture has embraced this and can’t seem to escape it.  Obama tries to verbally change this course, trying to get black men involved in the children who are born in this new social system.  But the men have no potential economic base for participation inside of a family and far from wishing for sons, the women want more daughters, just like in Japan.  And Japan is imitating the black population here.  For example, the vast bulk of prisoners in our own system are black males.  And many a cast-off male who have no mothers to care for them, end up wanting to go to prison as they age, for they get a roof over the head and food this way:


In China and India, the women all want sons and this is because daughters leave the family unit and serve their husbands and their mothers, not the mothers of the girls.  So women want sons, who stay at home.  Naturally, there are more sons than daughters being born.  But surprisingly, there are more daughters than sons in Japan.  A lot more daughters.  This confirms my belief that any industrial system that goes into a depression, mothers and daughters band together and the young males are cast aside, and they all go off to live in the streets or group homes or leave the country, entirely.  We see this all across Europe, especially in the dying former Soviet systems.


YouTube – The Lost Generation – Japan


YouTube – School Bullies – Japan


Below is an anime made back at the very start of the Japanese depression.  It is most interesting to watch.  The heroine’s family is under tremendous economic pressure and literally disintegrates.  Only in this case, the mother/daughter bond doesn’t form.  The heroine marries a very rich kid, instead, and escapes this economic vortex.  Only, her new mother-in-law hates her.  If this anime were to continue to the bitter end, it would show the heroine divorcing her husband and living with her mother.


YouTube – hana yori dango ep 1-1

YouTube – hana yori dango ep 1-2

hana yori dango ep.1 3-3


This news story shows that Japanese women who are now holding jobs, instead of building families, are going off to ape the males who work long hours and then refuse to go home but instead, party.  All the women doing this are living with their mothers instead of forming families or buying their own homes.  They drink and carouse rather than do sensible things.  When I was 24 years old, I had my first child and by 28, was a property owner and was very involved in community politics and working full time.  While raising children.


This sort of dynamism, the building of a family, is hyper-important for any economic system.  I couldn’t live anywhere near my own parents, so I had tremendous incentive to build my own family. These Japanese working women are wasting their time, energy and money, on male drones who have no intention of building any family. Instead, they are lapdogs for women who want ‘romance’ without the natural resolution of this happiness in the form of creating a family.


YouTube – Gigolo’s – Japan

YouTube – Women On Top – Japan


Marriage is an economic unit.  The word ‘economy’ comes from the Greek words for a marriage state of being of a family.  Socialist systems try to replace the need for family units by having the state play the role of the father.  But capitalist systems are NO BETTER.  They have the exact same result: families are debased as the top financial powers expand their share while starving the bottom.


Animators put this whole business into a show which, incidentally, ends with the heroine marrying a rich boy:


YouTube – Ouran HSHC – 1 – Starting Today, You Are a Host!


Eventually, as human populations become too great, we will see the Japanese model more and more: women living with daughters, sons turned into drones, a refusal to not only not have babies but not even relationships.  In the West, women still want to be married.  But as we move down the social ladder, this desire to be married vanishes. And it is moving upwards.  Note that our latest GOP VP candidate, Palin, has this dynamic at work inside of her own family.


Her daughter had sex and a child while never leaving home and will be there for years.  All the talk about marriage has collapsed.  She may yet get married but only if she gets a good education (she is a HS drop out) and then, lands a good job.  I had to work most of my child-bearing years because I wasn’t at the top of the economic pyramid.  But then, I notice that rich women don’t want to have children, either.  Childbearing is dangerous and difficult and makes a woman look ‘ugly’ afterwards.


There has been a fad to collect children in Hollywood.  Some actresses go through pregnancies. But often, they simply adopt.  This fad moves down the pipeline to children like Palin’s daughter.  But the Hollywood actresses all have good incomes and marry and divorce at a very high rate.  While poorer women simply never get married, in the first place.


This social force is economical in nature.  And fixing it is a problem.  Many natural and human forces are at work, pushing everyone down this road.  Parts of the earth where women have few civil rights and no political or economic power is where the birthrate is highest.  Places that are industrialized, whether capitalist or socialist, are seeing greater women’s rights but also a collapse of marriage and birthrates.  This is the ZIRP system at its most powerful level.  Internal growth collapses.

sunset borger

side picture begging boneEmail:




P.O. BOX 483

BERLIN, NY 12022

Make checks out to ‘Elaine Supkis’


sunset borger


Filed under .money matters, Politics

117 responses to “ZIRP Leads To Social Collapse Of Families

  1. ralph

    Great article Elaine. Amerika is now following the same monetary policy that was tested out on the Japanese. Only difference is Japan had savings, and export power. Amerika has very little of both. Our future will be one of high,high, inflation and depression simultaneously!!! So sad.

  2. WNC Observer


    It is a great irony that the Japanese are doing so many things that various commentators, activists, and critics are saying that Americans should do, yet they still have huge problems.


    Population? There are few other peoples that are doing more to reduce their population below overshoot territory and back toward their carrying capacity.

    Overconsumption? As you said, the Japanese are consuming less and less?

    Urban sprawl and population density? Places like Tokyo do seem to go on forever. Yet, compared with US suburbia, the Japanese are packed in like sardines.

    Transportation? Unlike the US, the Japanese are served by a dense network of public transport; many have no need of a car at all, and don’t own one.

    Debt? Unlike Americans, the Japanese have always been huge savers.

    Trade deficit? The Japanese have always been net exporters rather than importers.

    Even the typical Japanese diet should meet with the approval of those who criticize Americans for eating too much meat and empty calories.

    Yet, in spite of apparently doing so many things “right”, Japan still has huge problems. Some of these are the unintended or unexpected consequences of doing some of these “right” things, like population reduction. This suggests to me that there are no such things as “simple solutions”; any simple solution is likely to create as many problems as it solves, just guaranteeing endless new rounds of searching for new simple solutions.

    That does not mean that we should not do the things we really do need to be doing as a nation and as a people. It does mean that we should not therefore expect for all of our problems to be solved; instead, we need to be aware that additional problems are likely to emerge, with which we will have to be prepared to cope.

    ELAINE: 100% correct!

  3. Gus

    Big Jersey Bust

    mayors , politicians, rabbis


  4. Gus

    Corruption charges include:

    Trafficking in Kidneys


  5. emsnews

    Hmmm…. thanks, Gus. Just the other day, I linked to the article about Pakistani fathers selling their kidneys.

  6. if

    “…Now the word is that zero-percent interest rates are just too darn high. That’s why we haven’t seen a reinflation of bubble America. The Financial Times reports the existence of a Federal Reserve staff memorandum that makes the case for a negative-five-percent federal-funds rate. Meanwhile, Japanese authorities are toying with the idea of outlawing cash in their country. Despite using every fiscal trick in the book and keeping interest rates at zero percent for a decade, that economy has been mired in a postbubble depression. So the current theory “would suggest that nominal interest rates of [negative four] percent might be closer to what is required to rescue the economy from another deflationary spiral,” reported the Times Online.”

  7. flipspiceland

    Isn’t sky high inflation with simultaneous depression really a marker for a society that has some people doing quite well and some who are not?

    And haven’t we been in a hard assets deflationary environment for nearly 2 years and continuing, notwithstanding this temporary blip up to 978? Aren’t houses, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commercial RE buildings, trust funds, and other traditional stores of value as much as 30-70% off their highs? And if so, what was inflationary about the environment prior to Sept, 2007 vis-a-vis those assets?

    Unless financial institutions begin profligate lending I don’t see how inflation can be a major problem within the next 2-3 years. Beyond that, what does anyone know about the future?

  8. emsnews

    Flipspiceland: from 2002-2007, we had a tremendous buyout-financing bubble, a tremendous housing bubble and above all, the biggest bubble of all, the derivatives swap bubble which grew to be bigger than the value of all things on earth.

    As these bubble values drop to normal levels, we have a depression. And the derivative swap bubble has barely begun to deflate, it grew less than 2% smaller while all other things collapsed in value.

    So the deflation isn’t done. This is the ZIRP might turn into negative numbers instead of zero, a tremendously dangerous thing. That is, inflation can and will take off—in oil and food.

  9. nah

    guess were gunna have zirp regardless at this point… ive been anticipating the change of baby boomer retirement for a few years now… but i have no idea how its going to play out, thats alot of expectations comming to due coarce and soon… imagine the mode of life will shift a little… however we will keep our technology and that will help the world remain remarkable
    space dust falling silently after 5 billion years

  10. buffalo_ken


    if it must be, then lets just get it over with….

    I’m tired.

    Gute Nacht auch nah.

  11. payAttention

    Black women are praying for daughters and not sons? That’s really beautiful, you are good. Some special insight you have. Right up there with calling Michael Jackson a crooner. You would not know talent if it sat on on your lap.

  12. Gary

    What a frightening place for a kid to grow up in !
    Our schools need to be more rigorous. But how to do that without going overboard like the Japs have is the question.
    There has to be a combination of rigor and creativity both. The Euros seem to do better than both us and the Japanese in having that balance. I’m afraid that eventually as the schools become more privatized / corporatized , we may end up even worse than Japan. We have some of the very same strong authoritarian, racist and conforming tendencies in our culture as they do. We are increasingly moving in their direction.

  13. Paul S

    Big Jersey Bust. It took them 10 years before they got some arrests? Seriously, that sounds fishy to me. I think somebody’s stopped making their payoff payments. We’ll see where this case goes from here.

  14. w c



    p.s. unofficial unemplyment is just south of 19%

    Jim Sinclair’s Commentary

    Setting aside $74 billion for bonuses and raises while even the official US unemployment figures put approximately one out of every ten people out of work is looking for real trouble.

    This illustrates the rank madness of the sociopath financial industry when the final cost of bailing out the super-rich is going to be $17 trillion to some official estimate of $27 trillion tax payer dollars. This is the stuff history says revolutions were made of.

    just south of 19%

  15. criticalcontrarian

    There several differences between the Japanese and American economies. One is close to bankruptcy and the other long bankrupt. One a lost cause, the other has a chance:
    1.) Japanese debt is owed to no one but themselves, they will negotiate among each other for the common good.
    2.) US debt is owed to everyone else including the Japanese; it has to negotiate with its former economic vassals.
    3.) Despite the US having to print up to $23 Trillion for bailouts and what not (according to the Treasury), its people and local governments are going bankrupt, and companies cannot meet payroll. Why has this huge amount of money not positively impacted the US economy? And shouldn’t there be hyperinflation? A sure sign that no one wants the dollar, and that those in the know are aware that money isn’t real. It’s actual worth is less than the paper its printed on.
    4.) the Japanese will have a new independent government (no longer controlled by the CIA) by September, this will have a very positive impact on Japanese business, and the Japanese will no longer fund American military excursions.
    5.) US military bases will slowly be closed, a big savings for the Japanese taxpayer. That protection racket will be over.

    Before an empire implodes the last thing it does is feed on itself and its people, history will support this. What we are witnessing today is a clear indication that the Western elite are next to illiterate, that or they are just plain stupid, because they are repeating the same mistakes of the empires that came before them. Unfortunately they have a Plan B, which doesn’t include the American people.


    ELAINE: Japan’s economy depends entirely on exporting to America or owning factories and businesses in America. Also, Japan’s social dysfunctions are very fundamental and the tendency towards suicide and self-denial is very powerful and thus, fatal if Japan remains depressed much longer.

    Secondly, Japan needs the US as their military arm. We spend trillions, protecting Japanese business and cultural dominance. This is INSANE. We do the same for Europe. As both ravaged us economically, we let both the EU and Japan spend money on economic expansion of markets while we spent our money fighting for them.

    The coming Japanese elections have very little popular energy. No mass demonstrations. No wild public arguments. It is like the changing of the nightshift in a morgue.

  16. Simon

    Japan is not going to be a contender power the same way medieval Florence ceased to be a power
    Both countries owed nothing to foreigners but all debts are from the citizens themselves.
    There comes a tipping point where the Japs can no longer be squeezed by their corrupt government any longer. Social chaos will ensue as individuals seek to free themselves from the oppressive central government.
    This is the creditors rage 🙂
    The only way out is to be big and be powerful

  17. criticalcontrarian

    Hey Simon, how goes it? Contender most definitely not, agree with you. Hopefully the tipping point will be diffused by September, lots of change coming up in Japan. And it will integrate into its rightfully Asian role. The corrupt government you speak of is the one that was controlled by the Rockefeller-CIA ronin. They are passé; history. The Japanese have not been independent since the end of WWII contrary to general perception. A lot of things are going to come out after the LDP looses power and it ain’t going to be pretty. Reality check coming up.

  18. Simon

    Was busy with the ladies and did not post, sorry
    How’s things your end?
    The main problem I see it, is the population itself will be too lethargic to make changes
    And the PM’s are all linked by marriage/nepotism, it’s not like the DP is a fresh new party or anything.

    The Japanese elite resent your statements, I think Mitsui and Mitsubishi want to dispute that they are pwns 🙂

  19. criticalcontrarian

    Things are moving, so am cautiously optimistic on my end. Keeping fit and busy. Agreed on the political nepotism/family nepotism, about 40% of the old LDP will be integrated into the DP no doubt, but without the umbilical cord to Uncle Rocky their power greatly diminished, a very big difference. If the Japanese elite resent my statements it is only to save face. They are probably relieved by this change deep down, its not easy being a vassal who gets assassinated when mistakes are made orders disobeyed. 😉

  20. CK

    16x markup on kidneys.
    Damn shame there isn’t an exchange where such items could be traded for the benefit of the owners and needers of organs.
    Buy Kidney calls, avoid kidney puts.
    If CDS’s can be traded…
    And there is an added benefit, we know how many kidneys there are at any given moment.
    Govt can’t just print kidneys either…..organ currency … an idea whose time is coming.

  21. conglac2009

    Big Jersey Bust. It took them 10 years before they got some arrests? Seriously, that sounds fishy to me. I think somebody’s stopped making their payoff payments. We’ll see where this case goes from here.

    Michael Jackson

  22. Duski

    I am now 30 years old. The longest real job I have ever had was 2 months long. Simply put, there is no way I can even think of starting a family like this.

  23. mind control

    Salbuchi describes the forces presently at work, that will either clash in war or come together to form a World Government. What will it look like? Where will its Key Centers be? Who Will Run It?
    Must be seen in conjunction with other videos on the subject, notably “World Government: Accept or Resist”. All available in YouTube…
    We CAN and MUST act together globally to stop this madness!!

  24. Simon

    What we don’t know is how many HEALTHY kidneys there are on the market at any given moment

  25. CK

    However, we do know the maximum amount of kidneys available so we have an upper limit of kidney currency. Likewise with corneas, test tickles, lungs. Organ currency, if we had a free market in organs, each of us would know our own extrinsic worth.

  26. I’m not offering my organs up so I don’t care what someone else thinks they are worth.

    Still, I’m a bit curious where these kidneys REALLY came from – or maybe I should say from whom?

    I suspect we are going to find out soon enough.

  27. trailin' pete

    cowboys seldom sing of kidneys on the range…
    we still have a range, correct?

  28. flash

    Interesting how societal collapse plays out. Note that white males have been demonized for a generation now while minority males have been imprisoned. As jobs continue to go elsewhere, the remaining roles are generally mule or sperm donor. That makes males over say 40 very redundant, as The Economist might say.

    Social insects evolved into a queen/worker/drone social structure. Could we be going there?

  29. PLovering

    Quote From Spectator:

    “At the time of writing, 30 Brits have died as a direct result of the outbreak since 14 June (according to the Department of Health, there are 12,000 deaths per annum from ‘normal’ seasonal flu in this country).”

    30 cases in the last five weeks is a pimple on the ass of 12,000 deaths per annum from normal seasonal flu.

    And the Mighty Master Race has struck out.


  30. Paul S

    Flash: You are right; males ARE demonized, especially white males. But somebody has to get screwed in the name of equality. And look how “equal” we now are! Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi to name two examples. I would argue that these two are as sleazy and as corrupt as ANY males who have walked the planet. If THAT’S not equality, I don’t know what is. BTW: get a legal divorce sometime as a white male. Find out first hand how few legal rights you have. But that’s another topic.

  31. CK

    @Trailin Pete:
    Steak and kidney pie is worth singing about.
    on a six burner gas range. ( No one worth their toque blanche cooks on an electric range).
    Now where oh where is their mass poverty and a surplus of kidneys? Palestine? Iraq?

  32. flash

    “get a legal divorce sometime as a white male”

    Well, I’ve avoided that for this lifetime, anyway.

    As the S slowly hits the F over the next several years, I expect that those of us who survive will note that life expectancy has dropped as it did in the post-USSR days. Over-50 men really died off, as I recall. The instinctive impulse is to save the women and children, who are the most necessary for long term repopulation.

    Did I mention I’m almost 58 and unemployed? Gulp.

  33. Thorneycroft

    Do you know what else kills the incentive to save and invest for the future? Growing old.

  34. flash – I might have some jobs to offer in the near future. I’ll let you know if I’m able.

    Something is fixing to give, but history doesn’t always repeat otherwise we would all just be stupid “calvinist”.

    I’m planning on having a meeting with my representative soon. It may be a metaphorical meeting, but something tells me she is starting to get a clue. Hope so.

    War sucks.

  35. isha

    July 23, 2009 at 11:02 pm

    Chinese Dragons feast on Lizards.

    thanks for the good article… on the forked tongue of Chinaman, or the mandarines, here is my sense…

    there is something called institutional memory in China, U.S. treasury officials actively went to China to promote U.S. “housing securities” as safe, high return assets, Chinese officials class, brought a big chuck of it, since they don’t want their U.S. counterparts to lose face, so in the western words, a ” benefit of the doubt” were given, or “credit” were given…

    the result… Alas… the benefit of the doubt was misplaced and pundits in the U.S. are calling these Chinese mandarines as suckers… of course, another camp are using it to attack them…

    that is the real background of the ” forked tongue” of these chinamen…


  36. isha

    As to ” supporting a strong dollar” … who is really destorying it, anyway?

  37. Paul S

    I think in a small amount, the tide is slowly shifting against the prejudice against older workers. For one thing–and this isn’t true for all young folks–employers have some problems with the younger generation as employees. They have different attitudes about their jobs, things like sick time and vacation, etc. SOME employers are coming to realize that older employees have some qualities that the younger ones –some of them–don’t seem to have. This is why health care reform is so important. One of the BIG reasons companies reduce headcount is because of increasing health care premiums on workers. Left unspoken is the majority of these headcount reductions are workers over 40. RIGHT at the time–statistically–people have an increasing need for medical care. With the Public option in health care, this will remove an incentive for employers to get rid of employees over 40. Most employers have already gotten rid of pensions, so that isn’t an incentive to dump over 40 yrs old employees anymore either. Passing EFCA would be another good step. Just my .02.

  38. flipspiceland


    Food and oil have already begung ‘inflating’. But I didn’t think the definition of inflation meant simply rising prices of some things. I was taught that inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. And that series of events was fueled by rising incomes. The huge inflation last seen in this country was during the oil shock of the late 70s, early 80s had 13% interest rates, 20% CD rates, and a general rise in the price of everything, AND incomes were being hiked to further fuel it, and the employment picture had people changing jobs quickly just to earn another $200.00 a month.

    Other than food and oil it is hard to see any other of the symptoms of inflation. Incomes are stagnant or down, credit is choked off, and layoffs are still mounting.

    This time it really does seem very different.

  39. w c

    a metaphore

    social collapse



    “Unusual Magnetic Forces” Should Not Have Caused the Twin Towers to Collapse
    Tags: 911
    First it was the “new phenomenon” of “thermal expansion”.

    Now, Sergei Dudarev, of the UK Atomic Energy Agency, says the Twin Towers collapsed due to “unusual magnetic forces”.

    Webmaster’s Commentary:
    Desperation on the cusp of madness.

  40. Simon

    Older workers should be prejudiced because they produce less. What they can do is to teach more
    But for that to work you need young workers as students.
    See the catch?
    Now, the respect for older worker in this country simply mean the going is really desperate and people will be forced to retire at 70 to keep themselves afloat.
    Pension? Out the door. Retirement Savings? Goldman Sachs

  41. if

    Astonishing Home Prices In Detroit
    Also note that Median Home Prices In Detroit Fall To $6,000 as Detroit heads towards bankruptcy.

  42. isha

    interesting… what is happening in Germany… why are they so eager to break up China… sorry for my ignorance…

  43. Paul S

    “Older workers should be prejudiced because they produce less. ” And WHERE pray tell do you get THAT information? Never heard that one. Please give your source.

  44. DM

    “Older workers should be prejudiced because they produce less. ” And WHERE pray tell do you get THAT information?

    Ha! Probably from some 18th Century text (Adam Smith?). From memory, I think the working life of a journeyman was about 12 years, by which time they had been worked to death.

    OK Simon, where’s your source?

  45. illuminator

    As had been observed prior, expect the Bauer like Denninger to surge only when they themselves will estimate themselves to lose: Bauer have always been losers for the last 2000 years, and thus their instincts for surging which has always lost over 2000 years necessarily will cause them to lose now and in the future: as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

    China is much less frangible than either America or Germany. As both America and Germany assist agitators in Tibet, China should stimulate the much greater ethnic hatreds along the borders of both America and Germany. First in Mexico, China should send mercenaries to kill both State police and drug dealers’ bodyguards, which killings would be cause of both sides killing even more of each others; the great surge in violence along American-Mexican border would next impel great numbers of Mexican citizens to enter US for refuge, thus disturbing the native populace and increasing much more tension and violence between Mexicans and native Americans. Second in Germany, China should encourage Russia to cease natural gas exports to Poland during Winter, which would be cause of many Poles dying of cold; such death and suffering would impel many Poles to enter Germany, thus disturbing the German populace and increasing tension and violence between Poles and Germans. Since both America and Germany–unlike China–are losing great numbers of jobs with consequent great suffering and rage, any great alien invasions should result in great ethnic violence and disturbance.

    To retaliate against hostile German and American assistance to Tibetans, China should inject mercenaries into Mexico and deprive Eastern Europe or natural gas; such gestures would immediately and clearly detect both America and Germany to be much more fragile than China.

  46. DM

    I wonder ‘if’ anti-union wankers like Mish Shedlock have ever done an honest day’s work in their life?

  47. DM

    From ‘if”s link to this Mish Shedlock character.

    The city is broke and the unions have not even figured that out. Many people would gladly take those jobs at a lower salary and no pension benefits.

    The US is stuffed if this is the typical mindset. Your economy has been ruined by the financial piranhas, and it’s not gonna be fixed by driving the working class into the dust.

    Sections of Detroit, Flint, and 50 other cities sit in ruins. Let the bulldozing, the bankruptcies, and the tossing out of unions begin.

    Yep! Let’s fucking destroy everthing if it’s gonna help the preservation of capital.

    I am glad AFSCME Local 207 is taking a “no concessions” stance. This will allow Bing to do the number one thing that will benefit Detroit the most: Declare bankruptcy and hopefully get a court to eliminate the unions entirely.

    Um! I guess he means working class unions? Not likely to be taking on the AMA anytime soon is he?

    Well, from a distance, it’s starting to look like the USA is again Number One – beating everyone else in the race to the bottom.

  48. w c

    July 25, 2009 at 1:38 am
    I wonder ‘if’ anti-union wankers like Mish Shedlock have ever done an honest day’s work in their life

    and one wonders if the union people in moters ,, new what a days work was.. many sat at union halls at full pay,, on special keep out of work programs,

    Mish is not paid in his work unless it is recognized, provides something that someone is interested in and if he does not provide a service to someone willing to pay. he would go hungry.

    so understand..the division of labor principle. and value added concepts

    on the large money banks ,, and politicians ,, you have a point LOL

  49. larry, dfh

    About China, I’ve thought for some time that our military efforts in Pakistan are aimed to de-stabilize the government so that the c.i.a. could do the same thing w/respect to China that they did in Afghanistan w/respect ot the Soviet Union. I have no doubt they were complicitous in the assissination of Benazir Bhutto. As Elaine has stated, they are a one-trick-pony, and heh, it worked once.

  50. illuminator

    Larry pretends to sapience. Only an idiot credits the CIA’s assistance to Al Quaeda as ally against USSR to have been successful for US: the same US training and arms used against USSR by Al Quaeda are used against America today; and the same hatred that had driven Mujahedeen to assault Russian armored columns drove Arabs to fly three passenger jets into WTC and Pentagon. I haven’t yet seen any mass killings of Han Chinese by Arabs.

  51. shockuhzulu


    Deutschland Uber Alles:

    Germany, Germany above all,
    Above all in the world,
    German women, German loyalty,
    German wine and German song!

    Yeah, right.

  52. PLovering

    @ Isha

    We have a Shadow Government here in the USA filled with Lizards and burning money. All these Lizards speak with forked tongue.

    Lizards feast on “benefit of doubt” credits. There is always a sucker in the game when Lizards play banker.

    The http://www.german-foreign-policy.com piece is obviously disinformation. This policy statement was written by German lizards with financing from their shadow foundations.

    What the Lizards fear most is an alignment of Germany, Russia, and China. Both Germany and China are distressed without easy access to Russian gas and oil. And Putin will be found neighborly under the right circumstances.

    The Anglo-dutch economic model is dead. The less China listens to Lizard central bankers the better. And the righteous shall inherit the earth.

  53. DM

    If Mish Shedlock and the ‘Investment’ and ‘Entitlement’ Class understood the division of labor, then they would not be trying to project their own miserable failures on ‘socialism’ and ‘unions’.

    Tired old memes like “sitting at union halls at full pay” have been around longer than you have. The failure of Detroit is the failure of the ‘Investment’ class to understand how wealth is created: Not by bloggers. Not by armies of investment advisors, financial advisors and bankers.

    But of course, you know this. We all know this. We have all read Das Kapital. And we all know that the financial brainiacs have already sold the rope that will be used to hang us all.

  54. w c

    Tired old memes like “sitting at union halls at full pay” have been around longer than you have.

    speak for they self. are you in the class of 40 year old yappers

    the phoney investment class was covered at the end of my last post,, capital saved from labor and that division.. makes for the investment class .. with out it labor would be digging a ditch for their own outhouse . both are important .

    Mish with out some one to trust his work would also be digging a ditch ,,

    He is a small fry on the shores of the puget sound , in a small berg of edmonds.

    Labor by setting in the outhouse of idle hands no matter the wage ,, dug a ditch to nowhere .

  55. larry, dfh

    I didn’t mean to imply that the adventures in Afghanistan were ultimately successful, but that the c.i.a. helped create the reason for the Soviet takeover of Afghanistan, which didn’t work so well for them. And the Uighur protests in China may very well be assisted by the agency.

  56. flash

    Shylock and Denninger and such scream daily about the con artists at GS skinning them for their FIRE wealth. They push the tired old meme that they do something useful and don’t mind skinning the real creators of wealth, who they feel contempt for.

    It’s a lizard eat lizard world.

  57. w c


    The Formula has sharks teeth in it.

    Phase two of this crisis will tear the veil of MOPE away, showing that the creation of tons of funny money for the financial industry only clouded the sheeple’s vision of the continuing downward spiral of the Formula. No practical solution exists when OTC derivatives melt down to the real economy.

    Hyperinflation, as a currency event, is on the horizon.

    What has billions of dollars of profit for the kings of OTC derivatives done for the states or the one out of ten US citizens without a job?

    State tax revenues will be off by 50% or more before this is over.

    There are only 106 days left.


    his family was the our crowd ,, the beginning and the end

    State Tax Revenues Across U.S. Experience Largest Decline on Record, New Rockefeller Institute Report Shows

  58. David


    “Before an empire implodes the last thing it does is feed on itself and its people, history will support this. What we are witnessing today is a clear indication that the Western elite are next to illiterate, that or they are just plain stupid, because they are repeating the same mistakes of the empires that came before them. Unfortunately they have a Plan B, which doesn’t include the American people.”

    CC, I’m already seeing the things Elaine is talking about. Around here, children are gone to the cities and the young males are earning survival wages and sharing an apartment with another male or two, and they prowl the bars looking for uncommitted sex. The girls leave home too, and fall into this same routine in the cities until they discover a baby in their tummies and no committed man about or one who is too poor to commit to a viable and lasting marriage…and Elaine’s description of the US black community is a great example for the future because, in the US and, to a lesser extent, in other industrialized nations of the world, blacks have been forced to the bottom of the societal food chain as far as opportunities are concerned…

    (Please understand that I mean no disrespect toward blacks whatsoever when I note this. In fact, it is to their eternal credit that they have been tough enough to survive and have actually increased their numbers in the face of such powerful economic and social pressures arrayed against them….and we other races might have to learn survival strategies from them before long.)

    Anyway, they are a model for all of this, as Elaine noted, because it has happened to them first.

    Males without hope and jobs become drones and gang members…and develop alternative economic systems that are often illegal. For Black minority males at the bottom, with all of society arrayed against them, they naturally turn inward and work at being viable among themselves with illegal gang enterprises etc….and black females are more often allowed to climb a bit in society, simply because of their female status to some extent…so the single parent option is viable for them, and they have found ways to get integrated into existing systems that support the care of their babies.
    I understand this…and this model is mainly for America since European blacks are more integrated into mainstream society than Americans.

    But it gives us a picture of where we are headed and the entire middle class of millions upon millions of Americans slip off the edge into poverty.

    As CC and others including Elaine noted, the US has no backup systems like Japanese worker savings…we live somewhat on the edge in everything we do…and our social welfare systems are shrinking.

    Consider that the US prison system has four times as many people imprisoned as other nations (and a majority of them are those black males) Now, what is going to happen when huge numbers of White, and Hispanic and Asian males are disenfranchised as Black males have been?

    That will be an impossible number of males to imprison. Right now, they are being fed into the military as cannon fodder and then back into law enforcement as enforcers of social order, but as their numbers grow, huge amounts of unrest and violence could follow.

    The tittytainment that is provided might not be enough. And, with huge numbers of these unemployed drones, females have little choice other than to seek out a temporary mate and conceive, and then go it alone in raising the kids on their own. Right now, state agencies try to cope with providing for dependent children, and single mothers can get a little help, but as the money that would be created with manufacturing and jobs dries up the states will be increasingly strapped to provide this assistance, and much poverty for females and their young will result.

    So, what this indicates is a future huge prison population…of unemployed males who have little viable means of sustaining themselves after the middle class wealth of their parents is gone, and all kinds of social unrest in the future…for males who will plot and scheme to take what they need….and this will be a majority of them…not the minority of Blacks with all of society oppressing them….so theirs will be a popular cause among the masses….very dangerous indeed for the elites.

    Of course, our elites have plenty of war making on their agenda, but with an already disaffected mass of males, success in this might become iffy, and the strain is already showing among our distant troops who know they have little or nothing waiting on them upon their return from the “front.”

    And, in economic depression, the states cannot continue to afford social welfare programs for single mothers and children. So, we can expect a huge increase of hungry mothers and children and a general breakdown of social norms with prostitution and other illegal activities increasing, all of the elements of third world poverty.

    We old baby boomers will become huge burdens as we live up what little accumulated wealth we have, and our unemployed children are forced to care for us with little or nothing themselves…

    I’m seeing this now…I just had a retired lady with a military and SS pensions move in one of my rent houses…and her 32 year old son is there with her, unmarried, unemployed, and, I suppose, living off her meager pensions…while he hunts work as a prison guard which was his former occupation before moving to our area.

    This is an increasingly dangerous social situation, and elites Rapid Reaction Forces might not be able to suppress and control it in the long run…and the entire system might eventually crumble.

    I’m generally pessimistic about those who are stupid enough to think they can create uprisings and rebellions in an advanced military/industrial nation like ours, but if the numbers of disaffected people grow to huge proportions with up toward 80 percent of the population angry and wanting change, the perspective changes a lot, and things become increasingly dangerous.

    So, now we can see the “why” of all of the increasing police state, authoritarianism, and new crowd control weaponry, and other conspiratorial scenarios we often imagine and argue about in relation to population control.

    Elites losing it. They are very scared…simple as that, and like always, they want to hedge against the future for themselves, but if such a decline is allowed to very rapidly descend upon such huge numbers of people, one wonders what the outcome might be.

    Now all of this is in addition to increasing competition from foreign sectors…Russia, China, Korea, and the Middle East, and South America…and as Elaine just noted, Japan which is in an increasingly difficult economic and social situation.

    Unless US free trade policies and war making policies are modified, it seems like dark clouds might be gathering for a very dangerous perfect storm.

    I don’t think it’s too late to change yet, but the time is growing short. The US has the strength to pull in its massive adventure plan that has been operating continually since 1945, and save the nation itself, or it can go with the gamble it is on, which is world domination to supply itself with energy.

    From my perspective, just reading and glancing around in the real world, I just don’t think our elites and their leaders can keep the entire massive shebang held together for too much longer if they keep on the path they are on. If military adventurism continues, it might save us for a short, temporary time period, but I don’t think any solution in that area will be a lasting one.

    If military adventure turns into a massive WWIII scenario, I don’t think we have the capacity to keep the home economy going while expending such huge resources on war making…, but what do I know, I just read a little on these different blogs and get notions in my mind.

    My notion is, however, that we need to get our domestic house in order in relation to controlling free trade and debt and creating a new manufacturing base before trying again to dominate the world, and that, ironically, is a long term task, because creating and finding new energy sources other than by robbing others for oil will have to be done before we can sustain ourselves.

    As I consider all of this, things do not look good, but that’s just my opinion…and I very much hope I am wrong.

  59. Paul S

    “Tired old memes like “sitting at union halls at full pay” have been around longer than you have.” What fantasyland do you live in? You are mouthing the same old–untrue–Republican propaganda. Union membership is down to historical lows; about 12% of the workforce is unionized. In 1983, the biggest UAW local in Michigan had 78,000+ members. Now they are down to about 783. How much more does Union membership have to fall before Republicans find a new straw man to lie about? Meanwhile, check out the current differential between average pay and CEO pay.

  60. w c

    have been around longer than you have..

    and how long is that may i ask .

    ding bat read my lips

    your preaching to a choir ,

    your making stuff up in your own mind .

    all of the replys you post are known by two year olds. and skip over the context of the posts then framing the argument to fit your IQ

    the unions with wage demands helped kill the autos,, and the feather bedding ,,

    their is no question that the leaches at the top of corporations that they did not start , are milking the system

    but Mr Ford ,, of Ford motors of old .. designed his company with capital, Raw Materials , Know How ,, and labor ,, and even a clean up person .. would earn a wage.

    Isambard Kingdom Brunel

    Edison ..

    Boeing company

    the list goes on

    What was Ford Worth in dollar terms… as opposed to working man . This is the principle .. your beating on some litle guy in edmonds Washington is besides the point.

    Labor along with management have screwed them selves over twice .

    and like wc said you must be a 40 year old yapper lol


  61. criticalcontrarian

    ELAINE: Japan’s economy depends entirely on exporting to America or owning factories and businesses in America. Also, Japan’s social dysfunctions are very fundamental and the tendency towards suicide and self-denial is very powerful and thus, fatal if Japan remains depressed much longer.

    CC: Fancy that, they export a great part of their productivity to America, as well as all their savings as cheap loans which America questionably cannot pay back. Hmmm, isnt that like the Saudi’s who pump their oil at ya, then are “encouraged” to deposit their gold reserves in your Fed, and hire American companies to build their infrastructure, etc. at criminal rates rates for starters, then with what is left buy up US Treasuries with questionable payback capacity? The overall trickle down effect being to the Saudi royalty.

    Elaine: Secondly, Japan needs the US as their military arm. We spend trillions, protecting Japanese business and cultural dominance. This is INSANE. We do the same for Europe. As both ravaged us economically, we let both the EU and Japan spend money on economic expansion of markets while we spent our money fighting for them.

    CC: First of all you spend trillions on NOTHING! The Pentagon cannot track $2.3 Trillion of it, it never existed, another famously American Ponzi scheme; crediting that to the Japanese is a bit much.

    As far as I am concerned, Japan pays for a very large portion of the expenses of all US bases, fuel costs, and salaries of US servicemen. Ever heard of Omoiyari Yosan? Suggest you do your homework. In my opinion, the presence of the 7th Fleet is not there as a deterrent but a reminder to Japan that it is a vassal of the US.

    Elaine: The coming Japanese elections have very little popular energy. No mass demonstrations. No wild public arguments. It is like the changing of the nightshift in a morgue.

    CC: Yes, refreshing isn’t it. No yada, yada, yada but lots change. I like it. 🙂

  62. DM

    America was build by those who were prepared to dig the ditches for their own shithouse.

    Now their decendants have all been shat on from a great high by leaches – and a horde of guys from Edmonds.

  63. David


    Some more thoughts in relation to all of this.

    I too am concerned about Japan. Its population is in decline, and the Japanese nation itself is in difficult straits because of its location and its history in relation to Asia.

    Will it need continued US support in relation to protection to some extent? And, from my readings of history, might not it expect to be dealt with unkindly by other Asian nations, even in economic partnerships as these develop, and with a declining birthrate, a continued alliance with the US or someone else might be a necessity to preserve its integrity.

    Yes, I see mistakes have been made there, especially in relation to allowing a major decline of the young who are its future in relation to future economic success and for defense of the nation itself. What will the future relationship between the US and Japan be?

    If changes are made here and in Japan in relation to Japan accepting US imports, can Japan and the US continue with a partnership that will benefit both nations? Are worthwhile changes in the US-Japanese relationship even possible? I scratch my head about this.

    What do you think CC?

  64. Andrew Jackson

    The global central banking cartel owners know that money is the most effective birth-control device in advanced nations.

    No save, no baby. Pre-emptive genocide?


    “IMO, the central bankers – both in the U.S. and abroad – are the New World Order. They began their third quest to take over our nation in 1913. And unless they are stopped and the private and criminal Federal Reserve is audited – so that we can expose in broad daylight where each and every dollar they have received since its inception has gone to – they will complete their takeover. If that happens, the United States and the world will collapse into the darkest period since the Great Depression/World War II, when the cartel crashed the world economy, and led the world into the most deadly and, in their case, profitable war in world history.

    What would Andrew Jackson do? “

  65. criticalcontrarian

    @DM: sadly, I agree with you. Unfortunately, in reaction to the evil inflicted on real Americans who built the greatest nation on earth to date, all I hear is a lot of noise, what has happened to the “happening” American? I just read an article that says 1/3 of the total money generated by corporations goes to the executives. Sounds like slavery to me, with a couple of flatscreens thrown in.
    @David: you have to understand that these mistakes and destructive behavior have been inflicted on the Japanese people for several generations, since the end of WWII, by a cabal of Rockefeller ronin. It cannot be fixed overnight. On demographics alone the Japanese are in irreversible decline as a society, and they have been taxed and worked almost to extinction. What the English bankers and their American stooges have done to America, the American bankers have done to Japan. That simple.

    You ask is there a chance that the US-Japan partnership can continue? With a new government in Japan and a defanged elite in America, yes. It is already beginning, albeit slowly, the money machines of the Western elite are drying up. Except for oil and drugs, they have lost a lot of capacity to feed their minions. Soon they will loose control of the drug money from South America and Afghanistan. Honduras had something to do with that. The dominoes are falling. So yes, and do not worry about Japan having problems with its neighbors, China will take care of the Nokors, and Taiwan will integrate nicely into China like a Hong Kong. There is hope. In the end it is just a few hundred people who are accountable.

  66. CK

    So assume that the japanese population declines to 0. So, some koreans or chinese or ainu or okinawans or Russians move in and claim the land and homestead the buildings.
    Khwarezm disappeared but the land is still there, nations disappear, no great loss. Someone somewhere will draw different lines on the map and fill in the islands with a different colour and none of it will matter.
    Peoples disappear too, families, clans, septs, tribes, bloodlines. How strong were the mighty mongols, they bestrode the earth like a colossus and today?
    How fearsome the tread of the mighty 17th, 18th and 19th legions of the mighty roman army? All dead in four days. The Romans hung up those numbers, never reused them. Is there not for every nation and every time an Arminius? And also a Varus? And since no one here is either an Arminius or a Varus, their relevance to us is nil.
    We still have hay to bring in, grandchildren to guide, walls to repair, food to grow, shit to do that is much more important and much more satisfying.

  67. thank-you CK for that tremendous, stupendous wisdom.

    Holy crap batman did I just see “Andrew Jackson’s” name above…….wow. I’ve studied him and I still am.

    I like some of what he did especially as it pertains to the banking intersts, so I don’t burn my 20’s, but some of the other stuff he did we ought know by now (in hindsight) was a BIG mistake. Nonetheless, “Andrew Jackson” (poster from above) asks:

    What would Andrew Jackson do?

    It is a good question, but we will never know because he is dead. I think he should of just stayed in Tennessee, but that is just my opinion. He was NOT a man of the People (as his “handlers” made him out to be) even if a bunch of folks crashed the White House during his inauguration celebration.

    Speaking of which, anybody see the supposed news regarding Cheney’s plans for Buffalo? I’m so glad Cheney was in a wheelchair when “Obama-mama” was inaugurated.

    Just a free internet opinion.

    Still wondering about those kidneys….

  68. criticalcontrarian

    @CK: the Japanese will allow Chinese men and women to immigrate and mix. Problem solved. They do come from the same ethnic stock, yes? Beggars can’t be choosers.

  69. emsnews

    The Japanese are desperate to keep out all possible immigrants.

    Second: Japan pays as little as possible for US protection. The negotiations to move the US base from Okinawa was vicious and the Japanese were determined to pay as little as possible, preferably zero dollars. I said, back then, we should pull up stakes and depart from Japan.

    Just because the Pentagon can’t track money doesn’t mean it wasn’t spent on weapons, etc. It is just that the parties involved don’t do real bookkeeping just like the Federal Reserve refuses to do this. Both should be thoroughly investigated and people arrested, of course.

    The core of this corruption is Congress.

  70. criticalcontrarian

    @CK & BK: lightening up and with some added levity this is what the Japanese people should do, and quickly and with fun! There is always hope.

  71. criticalcontrarian

    If they do that they will perish. About the bases, the total amount that Japan has appropriated for the U.S. troops in Japan since 1987 amounts to ¥12.96 trillion, including base peripheral expenses and base grants.

  72. cc that is funny because I already have watched that video.

    I hope they stay married but even if not the dance was most impressive.

  73. frankly, I don’t care how the negotiations go.

    If I was doing the negotiating, I would simply announce upfront: “the troops are coming home and we started this ‘yesterday'”.

    End of negotiations.

    The rest is a bunch of devil-details…

  74. criticalcontrarian

    According to the 2004 annual U.S. Department of Defense report on contributions by 27 allies to the common defense, in 2002 in Japan, where 42,000 U.S. personnel are stationed, the government paid 4.4 billion dollars, or 52% of all contributions by all U.S. allies. Germany where 72,000 U.S. soldiers are stationed, paid 18 percent of the total.

    The U.S. government has said that deploying troops in Japan is more economical than deploying them in the U.S. U.S. President Bush on August 16, 2004 stated that U.S. taxpayers will pay less to this regard as the U.S. military transformation proceeds. http://tinyurl.com/kv4x86

  75. bringing the troops home is most economical of all.

    Who is the president now?

    Younger Bush ought just stay on the ranch…..

    Older Bush – well – no comment for NOW.

  76. A video to lighten the mood:

    best I could come up with on short notice.

    Have a great saturday all and especially you Elaine!

  77. illuminator

    Rob assists me in my argument of the Bauer. This Bauerin Bachmann expresses the rage and mistrust of elites typical of her genus. Note this Bauerin to urge Americans insurrection or “be outraged”; note also the Bauerin to be a member of a “Christian Dominionist” pagan cult, which cult advocates the extermination of “non-Christians (including ‘nominal Christians like Catholics’)” and also the persecution of immigrants. These Bauer repeat like clockwork every couple generations the same loser gestures and unquestioningly like beasts respond to instinct and not Reason. Expect soon to see a lot of dead blue-collar Bauer just like in the Bauernaufstaende of 13th century, the 30 Years’ War, Napoleonic War, WWI andII. Like beasts Bauer are defective in capacity for independent thought and Reason, but instead they respond only–like beasts–to instinct and pain. Bring on the pain.

  78. “Bring on the pain.”

    Your wish is my command.


    Plus, who are you illuminating.

    You sound like a hate-lover to me.

    But that is just my opinion.

    Furthermore, if you want to spew your hate be reasonable about it. Moreover, a “loser gesture” is a function of perspective.

  79. oh yeah, happy “Saturday” everyone…..the 7th day.

    What a joke.

    I have a better idea.

    6 days a week.
    12 months a year (30 days each).
    5 (or 6 every 4 years) days to vacate at a time of your choosing.

    Illimunate that~!

  80. emsnews

    Germany gets a free ride like Japan. Remember, the vast bulk of our bases protecting Japan are OUTSIDE JAPAN, namely, on various small islands surrounding Japan, all set up to protect Japan, not the US. And Japan pays nothing for these.

  81. illuminator

    My cited Bauer “loser gesture” is not a matter of perspective: millions of slaughtered Bauer do not have perspective.

  82. w c

    July 25, 2009 at 10:16 am
    America was build by those who were prepared to dig the ditches for their own shithouse.

    Now their decendants have all been shat on from a great high by leaches – and a horde of guys from Edmonds.

    suggestion : get out of the liine of the shit ,, change your behavior.. even elaine did her own thing .. she built a house got out of the range of the horse shit, , yes they were prepared (the america of times past) something this group of youthful yappers would never consider .. so just complain lol

  83. w c

    oh begin to understand the roots .. not the leaves

    The retaking of the United States by international banking interests was achieved with barely a whimper of opposition. Where the British Empire failed in taking theUnited States militarily, international bankers succeeded covertly through the banking system. The Federal Reserve also had the effect of cementing an alliance between New York and London bankers.[39]


    among many other thigs .. not to mention lord keynes

  84. David


    Elaine said:
    “The Japanese are desperate to keep out all possible immigrants.”

    CC, from a historical perspective, I tend to agree with Elaine on this although, as you noted, it desperately needs to change.

    Japanese Elites screwed up big time with the huge depression of the working classes thing…and the nation cannot continue without workers

    Guest workers, especially of Chinese origin, will soon be making inroads into centuries old exclusivity of Japanese rulers…a thing they have feared more that anything else.

    Japan will have some very difficult philosophical issues to deal with. The basis for the culture, from the Meji period forward has been protecting this exclusivity…and keeping everything Japanese.

    And we must remember how many Chinese really feel about Japan in relation to WWII, and also in the context of its relationship with the US, a major economic and possible military competitor with China…so this gives the Chinese super motivation to move into Japan, first as guest workers, and then, to integrate themselves into the power structures there, for both revenge-takeover motives, and also to enhance their position in regard to the US homeland itself.

    So, in my opinion, a Japanese acceptance of too much Chinese help would be like inviting the devil into their house. The US devil is already there, and they have controlled it admirably for a long time, and it is a devil Japan knows and thinks it understands well.

    The US on the other hand, is downright stupid to allow itself to be led around by the nose by a vassal state in regard to trade barriers and the carry trade, and inequitable trade.

    Japan needs the US much more than it needs China except for markets…so it’s time for the US to apply some pressure, and it’s time for Japan to quit the senseless philosophical ultra protective bullshit that is leading it to ruin….It has a choice between making alliances with two devils, and, in my opinion, the best devil to ally itself with is still the US…in spite of the stupidity of US leaders and corporatists in regard to free trade, outsourcing and depressing the US consumer population into joblessness and massive decline.

    Our free trade leaders are just like Appalachian true believers, handling deadly snakes and believeing they won’t get bitten.
    In my notion, both Japanese and US elites are going to get bitten very badly many times before this thing called free trade is ever close to being cleaned up.

    What a nasty mess.

  85. emsnews

    I like handling snakes. You can actually bond with them if you are of the right sort. I have never met a snake I didn’t get along with even rattlers.

  86. David


    Yes, possibly even the rattlers have purpose in their existence, and we do share the earth with them.

    I, however, suspect that all bonding and handling must be done with care…not a task for the faint hearted…getting the dangerous ones to become attached to you without biting you…very dangerous indeed.

    I have a creek about 75 yards from my home, and once in a great while it overflows and sweeps some copperheads down into my lower back yard. These, I try to rid myself of as quickly as I can with a hoe or a stick. However, an old black snake or king snake is usually pinned with a broom and then picked up and carried away into the woods and let go. I don’t care to play with the deadly kinds of snakes though…too dangerous to suit me.

    We once had an old King snake that we kept around for several years…and he kept the poisonous snakes scared away, but he would scare you to death when you walked up on him, just lying there. The bad thing about copperheads is that they will often lie behind a log or under some old wood, and if you are unaware, they will bite…they’re always difficult to see until you are right upon them…well camouflaged.

    When I see the Appalachian snake handlers on TV, it gives me the heebe jeebies.

    Nope Elaine. Snake handling is not for me….much too dangerous. If I have no stick or hoe, I just back up and let them go on their merry way…no problems from me brother snake.

  87. emsnews

    Diamondbacks are not as aggressive as timber rattlers. That is, they want you to go away.

    I used to pull baby rattlers out of the pool when cleaning the filter. I discovered, as a child, that if you raise them, they recognize the smell of your sweat and are ‘friendly’ for ratters, that is. I also had a pet rocky mountain spotted skunk and a Gila Monster, too, and none of them bit me or sprayed me or anything.

    They are amendable to voice training, too.

  88. w c


    like handling snakes. You can actually bond with them..


    can get all wrapped up

  89. CK

    1) First catch your rattlesnakes.
    2) Remove heads
    3) slit from anus to neck
    4) Remove guts
    5) remove skin and save for tanning
    6) Filet into two long strips
    7) dredge filets in buttermilk, then in a mix of flour salt and pepper and paprika
    8 ) Fry ( pan fry, dutch oven fry, skillet fry, deep fry your choice)
    9) Dine well ( rattlesnake and copperhead are mild white meats….not exactly chicken but mild )
    10) http://www.rattlesnakerecipe.us/roundup.htm

  90. emsnews

    Actually, they are quite edible. But then, so are snails in France. 🙂

  91. criticalcontrarian

    @David: I have a suspicion about the Chinese devil you think the Japanese are worried about. Notice how as much as they are natural enemies of the the Koreans, why do they allow more of them into Japan than Chinese? Why is that? Think about it well. I will wager that will change big time after the DP come to power. 😉

    Do not assume too much about the American elite, they are greedy, not stupid. If they can do what they have done to the American people as current events are quickly unraveling, what more to a bunch of Asiatics they A-bombed twice. Their mantra is quite simple really, “Money talks and bullshit walks.”

    I personally love Americans, I can think, feel and live like one, and do in many ways. While we have issues as Asians, we also have lots to be thankful for, its just a corrupt leadership that stands in the way.

    I picked this up from Johnny Silver Bear, and it strikes a chord in me, “”If you don’t know, that’s ignorance. If you don’t care, that’s apathy. If you don’t want to know, that’s stupid. Of the three, stupid is the hardest to fix. Personally, I don’t do stupid.”

    I appreciate your candor, understanding, patience and interest David, you take care brother. And feel free to let me know when I am insensitive, what can I tell you, it happens in the best of families. Heh.

  92. CK

    About escargot, I am a conservative. Garlic butter, escargot and a serving shell.

    ELAINE: I once traveled to Montreal just so I could eat escargot with a lover, long, long ago. 🙂

    I would do apathy but I procrastinate.
    I will always do ignorant, a different ig every day.
    Your stupid is too limited.

  93. CK

    “There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one “makes” them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted — and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on the guilt.”

  94. Paul S

    “all of the replys you post are known by two year olds. ” Does this mean I’m not talking over you?HAHAHA Ah yes…you’re one of THOSE. (BTW: it is “replies”, not “replys”–learn how to spell. Try using spellchecker.)Hey WC: this is a blog. I thought that was understood. People post opinions on blogs. And you know what they say about opinions. They’re like a##holes. Everyone’s got one. We’re all yappers here, including you. That said, your points are well taken. Yes, the Unions played a big role in their own current condition/demise. Too bad we have so many corrupt politicians; when govt intervenes on one side or the other, the whole system becomes skewed.

  95. Paul S – yep.

    Too bad there isn’t a spell checker on this forum.

    Oh well, most of the time one’s intent usually becomes evident, but sometimes it takes awhile.

    What is the rush?

  96. emsnews

    My Apple computer has an automatic spell checker that works all the time. Everywhere. I highly recommend Apples because of the user interface is so superior to Microsoft.

  97. w c

    Paul S
    July 27, 2009 at 1:39 pm
    “all of the replys you post are known by two year olds. ” Does this mean I’m not talking over you?HAHAHA Ah yes…you’re one of THOSE. (BTW: it is “replies”, not “replys”–learn how to spell. Try using spellchecker.)

    at least be clever lol

    1) resort to spelling errors as a type of non reply

    2) two year old beats 3 months in diapers lol

    3) have you read reismans opus .. i Know, it can be understood by one year olds too bad .

    4) yes a blog ,, and a handy way to agree to disagree. some times with 260 dollar generalities .

  98. w c


    computor talk

    “No Replys”… see microsoft in box,, twitter language ..

  99. One day maybe I’ll try an Apple cause that “constant spell checker” might be helpful.

    I mainly just want a computer as a tool although “things” these days are so integrated sometimes I wonder whether these fancy-dancy computers are even worth the trouble. For example, I my daughter had an I-pod, but I didn’t really care for it because I couldn’t even delete on song without having to connect to I-tunes. What an unneccesary pain.

  100. jeepers —-

    …..”for example, my daughter had an I-Pod, …”

    ….”even delete A song….”

    Do they make some sort of checker to make sure what you say makes sense?



  101. w c


    truce lol

    have a double latte and a taco .. on me.

  102. Elaine, I always enjoy your use of anime to make your points. Keep it up, even if no one else comments about it!

    I do have a few quibbles about what you wrote about Hana Yori Dango AKA Boys Before Flowers (IMHO, the best animated soap opera I’ve ever watched), though. The anime itself wasn’t made at the very start of the Japanese Lost Decades. Those began in 1991, while the anime itself started in 1996. To be fair, though, the manga it was based on began in 1993, so it was *set* at the beginning of the Lost Decades. As for the anime continuing to the bitter end, well, it didn’t have much of a choice, as the manga it was based on ran until 2003, six years after the anime ended in 1997. If you want to see the real ending, you might have to watch the live action version, which was aired in 2005 and 2007 with a movie in 2008.


    However, the ending seems to be even more complicated than the anime makes out, as indicated by the following passages from TV Tropes.

    “The latter half is largely composed of them working around their massive class differences (his parents are Corrupt Corporate Executives, hers are increasingly insolvent) and thwarting the plans of Tsukasa’s Evil Matriarch mother Kaede to separate them.”

    “Arranged Marriage: Kaede Domyoji succeeds in forcing Tsubaki into one of these and tries and fails to force Tsukasa into a few, specially with the very quirky Shigeru Ookawahara). ”


    Gotta run!


    ELAINE: It should be obvious that I was referring to when the anime’s storyline was happening since all the characters discuss the recent property value collapse. I should delve deeper into that wonderful and odd anime because it parallels reality (referring to my own family in many ways) and my children grew up, loving this anime and were astonished to see it replicating itself within our own family…! Makino’s battle with her future mother in law is only hinted at, trust me, her battles had barely begun with a marriage!

  103. Simon

    Asian countries are mono-ethnic monoliths, you cannot integrate by bring in foreign workers
    They are not as susceptible to plagues and Spanish Conquistadors as your garden variety natives

  104. Dupree

    The coming Japanese elections have very little popular energy. No mass demonstrations. No wild public arguments. It is like the changing of the nightshift in a morgue.~Elaine

  105. Dupree

    interesting… what is happening in Germany… why are they so eager to break up China… sorry for my ignorance…~isha

    And why would the New German police state provide outright “gifts” of attack submarines, capable of launching nuclear warheads, to the Israeli navy?

    Merkle’s New Afrikorps foreign polcy on the acquistion of Afican mineral resources.


  106. Dupree

    Sucking the heads:A Louisiana Tradition

  107. Dupree

    Not to imply that these subs are nuclear-powered–they are of diesel-electric design–but capable of torpedo-tube launching of nuclear-armed cruise missiles from their torpedo tubes.

  108. Dupree

    Excuse the redudancy, please.

  109. Dupree


    And the misspelling.

  110. Dupree

    You would not know talent if it sat on on your lap.

    Yes, and Screamin’ Jay Hawkins was “moon walking” way before Michael Jackson. And Neal Armstrong and Pee Wee Herman.

  111. Dupree

    Move over, Paul Robeson! Let Screamin’ Jay do it.

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