Nuclear War, Not Global Warming, Is The Real Menace

There seems to be global confusion over the concept of ‘having your cake and eating it too.’  Just as there seems to be an inability to understand why Horns of Dilemma are so deadly and so difficult to escape.  Escapism seems to be the tidal pull when the planet’s many systems hit the rocks and tsunamis of various sorts including real tsunamis roar over the lands, washing away whole civilizations.

My little piece about how the great Minoan civilization was literally swamped by tsunamis seems not to raise very much interest but I published it because it is a lesson for us.  Yes, global forces can destroy civilizations.  This planet has been swept by several periods of annihilation over the eons and the very instability of the planetary system should give us all pause.  We live in a very precarious planet!  This scares us.


I will give an example: I was first hit by a powerful lightning bolt when I was only a child.  I ran upstairs and jumped into my metal-frame bed to hide from a big, dark, windy, noisy storm.  I pulled the blanket over my head and this was totally useless.  The bolt hit and flipped me out of the bed and nearly killed me.


Now, the moral of that story is, we can’t pull blankets over our heads to avoid the violence of the Gods.  They will hit us no matter what.  So, I look around this planet and I wonder about things.  It seems to me that the humans running around here are very agitated about many different things.  For example, Jewish settlers want to eliminate all other ethnic or religious rivals.  They are willing to start wars, even WWIII, to do this.  They value the miserable little plots of land occupied by very poor people, they feel that owning this land is worth any number of amoral crimes.


We have Muslim fundamentalists who believe that it is worth destroying many buildings and blowing up many people to win favor with their particular God.  They don’t care if this ruins parts of the planet.  The state of Yugoslavia, when it was disintegrating, was filled with teeming masses of people who didn’t care if they destroyed each other, burned each other’s villages or smashed each other’s cities.  Who cared about trivial things like that?  Linguistic or cultural permutations, some of which were vanishingly small, loomed larger than life itself.


Humans may pretend to care about our entire planet but History shows us that when push comes to shove, destroying infrastructure, murdering millions of people or burning vast forests or killing all animals to extinction is nearly impossible to resist.  Even if we try very, very hard to preserve something, in a quick fit of pique or rage, we can  destroy absolutely everything.  Now that humans in the top UN Security Council states have nuclear arms, this menace isn’t hyperbole.  It is reality.  We are one minute away from destroying everything on earth, all the time.  This minute can happen tomorrow or in 50 years.  But every day, we are exactly one minute away from Midnight.


The recent series of pictures taken in Finland showing that amazing spiral in the upper atmosphere was due to a secret missile test.  And what was the proposed payload for this missile?


Nuclear warheads. The US foolishly pushed Russia into rearming itself and nothing is better than nuclear bombs!  North Korea finally got its own less useful but still very dangerous nuclear bombs.  Pakistan and India have both and are feverishly trying to improve the ability to use both.  Israel is armed to the teeth with nuclear bombs and has a very long history of sneak attacks. Speaking of sneak attacks, Europe has a long history of doing this to Russia and parts of Europe are armed with nuclear missiles.


Recently, the CIA has put into the news stream the unsurprising news that China is putting forth nuclear subs with nuclear missiles.  The US prowls the entire planet with heavily armed nuclear missile subs.  Anyone who is hyper-worried about ‘global warming’ should be more alarmed about these dire facts!  Do we see anyone pushing to stop nuclear arms?


In the news this year are endless stories telling us that Iran can’t get nuclear arms because this will menace the planet earth.  This idiotic story has not led to the disarming of all the nuclear powers who are equally dangerous to future survival of our species.  No, the entire force of ‘disarmament’ has been focused solely  on Shiite Iranians.  Not on Americans nor the French or English bomb holders.  Just the Iranians.


And this fixes nothing.  A disarmed Iran will not stop WWIII.  A disarmed Iran won’t stop the Apocalypse.  A disarmed Iran is like eliminating a mouse while leaving a hungry lion in the living room.


And what is this lion that heaves up and looks around?  I would suggest that ‘global warming’ will be fixed via nuclear winter.  No one talks about nuclear winters anymore.  I remember when it was a big, big topic.  Carl Sagan used to talk about it.  Millions of people marched against nuclear warfare.  Now, there are no more peace marches.  Obama gets his bloody ‘Peace Prize’ while butchering civilians.  The US gets to yell at China for being mean to Tibetans when China doesn’t use assassin drone missiles to kill Tibetan leaders when they are in other countries!  Imagine if the Dali Lama was blown up in Nepal along with a few hundred followers!


The energy for the antiwar movement has been sucked into the bottomless pit of the ‘climate change’ movement.  This movement can’t even be about ‘global warming’ anymore since too many people are freezing this year.  So the name was altered to keep a low profile while great energy was poured into egging on very innocent and charming people who normally would be against nuclear warmongering and invasions of various poor countries by huge empires.


I wish to remind people who are scared of the specter of total annihilation of all living things that the CO2 problem is peanuts compared to blowing up most of the habitable parts of the earth and blanketing it with nuclear fallout.  I read in the news somewhere that cancer rates are finally dropping.  This is obvious: the cancer epidemic began right at the same time the US, France, England and Russia blew up hundreds of nuclear bombs, ‘testing’ these deadly monsters.


We all were suffused with nuclear side effects that caused many cases of cancer.  Now, this if finally fading after half a century!  The fight to end nuclear bomb tests was energetic and harsh.  People had to lay their careers and lives on the line, to stop these hideous tests.  I was one such people.  I was literally kicked out of my family before adulthood because of these ideological battles within the household, for my father wielded considerable power in this regard, with his access to Presidents.


The global warming game, on the other hand, is insincere.  It is fake.  When we worried about nuclear war, all the world’s leaders spent huge sums, building vast underground holding areas so they could survive the nuclear wars they planned to launch.  They took this possibility totally seriously!  I do not see them doing the same with global warming.  Far from it!  They plan to herd us all into being heavily taxed in one way or another, so they can live high off the hog while we don’t.


At the same time, knowing that there is still some residual power in the masses, they tell us, they want to ‘grow the economy’ again.  And the promise is, if we tax energy really high, we will buy better stuff.  Like, say, solar panels.  Only, the tax will make it hard to do this.  Years and years ago, I suggested the US government launch a bank that funds not house loans but domestic energy systems.


Each homestead would be its own power plant.  Each would compliment existing energy systems.  Over time, as one pays off the loans for the energy system, it becomes free in the end.  And this ownership of the source of energy production would free up funds for other things.  But the US cannot make an economy based on simply producing energy systems for ourselves.  We have to be productive in other ways.


The global warming people are promising us, if they cap and trade our carbons, we will suddenly be flooded with ‘green’ jobs.  This is plainly silly since we still have ‘free trade’.  And I harp about ‘free trade’ all the time because it is destroying our nation!  Duh!  And will carbon taxes fix this?


ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Nor will imposing restrictions and international taxes save us as our economic system collapses due to free trade and the fiat currency games!  Hiring lots of workers to put solar panels made in China on our roofs won’t fix anything at all.  It makes things even worse, not better.  The sudden hysteria that China will destroy our planet by living like we do is racism or misplaced nationalism.


That is, China has a right to live like the West.  We have no right to stop this. We could beggar ourselves and tell China, we will volunteer to live a poorer lifestyle so China can enjoy what we have. But I doubt this will work.  Who is so insane as to do that?  No one, of course.  Economics is all about dog eat dog.  It is all about a struggle for power and control.  It is quit rough and raw.  Vicious, even.  Unforgiving.


It isn’t all puppies and butterflies and singing, ‘La, la, la’ like Smurfs.  It is cruel and dark and at the same time, the source of all our culture and arts, our happy lives as we lounge on beaches in Australia, complaining about the sun being a tad too hot and isn’t it just terrible that the Great Coral Reef is dying, hey, let’s go inside and watch movies in our air conditioned McMansions?  After taking a fun drive around the hills, drinking cold beers!


Then, go to a sushi bar. And get a face lift or boxtox injection to look forever young and childish!  This hedonism is coupled with squeals of fear that our planet might change.  Well, hate to tell anyone this, but the planet is always changing.  It has never been static.  Not 1,000 years ago or one billion years ago.


Evolution grinds onwards and half of this is giving birth and the other important half is dying or killing.  We can’t change all things but we can change our minds.  And this is very difficult.  Learning to focus on really important things we do control is the key.


And humans totally and completely and utterly control nuclear missiles.  We control our military. We, not Mother Nature or the sun or the moon or the oceans, we control our nuclear arms.  And we are nearly totally out of control in this particular matter.  Obama didn’t go to Norway to talk about disarming the US nuclear arsenal.  He wen there to justify killing Afghanis and the menace Iran!  He waved his bloody nuclear sword and threatened annihilation to anyone who defies US power.


THIS is the problem Europe and the world should be discussing at Copenhagen!  Not the fake business about stopping CO2 gases.  THIS can fix the Iranian problem: if the US  and others including Israel, disarm, then of course, so would Iran.  Ah, but this is not going to happen any more than CO2 gas production will drop.  And this is because no one wants it to happen.  We control this, we don’t control the weather.

sunset borger

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sunset borger


Filed under war and peace, weather news

30 responses to “Nuclear War, Not Global Warming, Is The Real Menace

  1. melponeme_k

    I liked the Minoan entry. But I’m not familiar with the Minoans so had nothing to add.

    As things get shaky, the very last thing will happen is disarmament. But Nuclear war is always present. How can we, the people, stop it? Especially since our representatives are dead set against listening to us.

    Does protesting relieve of us of sin?

  2. Gus

    I enjoyed the Minoan post.

  3. Jim Dandy

    Hi Elaine, Good point about the cap and trade scheme to implement a global tax for what it is…another scam albeit on a much grander scale. It seems that with every iteration, those in power become even more brazen with their schemes of power and control.

    The internet has offered some ability for like minds to collaborate and exchange ideas, but at the cost of any physical/reality implementation. It seemed like the 60’s were a time that required physical interaction to facilitate communication with the resulting synergy that those meeting in real time were more likely to translate into productive follow through. Today there is more information flow but almost no action.

    Which leads me to my question for you. Do you hold out any hope that there will be meaningful change as more people become enlightened to the massive fraud? Or are you merely recording all of this for posterity or ego gratification? It seemd to me that people are becoming paralized resulting in inaction despite their knowing.

    Also, do you have any experience in running a political campaign. My friend has just entered into a race on the state level against long odds and against one of the most powerful political families in the nation. any advice? He is long in integrity but short of campaign funds.

  4. emsnews

    Jim, I used to run a political club in NYC. I either backed or tried to throw out various candidates. And this is the key: you have to have to have someone who is not running for office to organize a political club.

    This can be anyone who keeps an eye on both a group of at least 20 people who are willing to watch the poll booths during elections, leaflet neighborhoods and run a web site as well as setting up meet and greet opportunities for the candidates being supported by the political club.

    The clubs also have smaller meetings where they hack out what they want to concentrate on in the election as well as developing a strong arm person to keep the politicians in line (in my club, that was me).

    That person has to have lots of guts and be rather brazen but nearly never in the news. I did this easily since the media won’t report on me so I operated behind the scenes with impunity.

    Note, please, how Rahm Emanuel stays behind the curtain. Karl Rove made an immense mistake, operating out where we could see him.

    Anyway, the political club (unions did this all the time) has to be able to yank the rug out from under a candidate who cheats on them (lying about what they intend to do). Organizing a political club is laughably easy: you pick a name (ours was the Park Slope Improvement Committee) and then make some business cards with these names and of course, have a cell phone number that isn’t in anyone’s name but the name of the club.

    Then, get tax exempt status for the club and find someone to join who is a lawyer (we had about six lawyers in our club! We sued at the drop of a hat and we definitely sued election commissions, etc for vote cheating!). But more important than lawyers (who often join just so they can expand their horizons) the good political club needs feet on the ground for brining people literally to the polls as well as running your own pre-election polls, for example.

    This, by the way, was my major job: figuring out good poll questions and then hiking all around the neighborhood with my clip board, asking questions. Learned a great deal about what voters wanted or were really thinking! For example, when one political club in NYC was demanding no supermarkets in our community, I did an excellent poll showing that there was a 65%+ desire for a supermarket!

    I took this poll to the politicians and explained they must support the majority opinion. When my poll was challenged, I innocently asked the opposition to repeat my poll. I won the point, of course.

    The other thing a political club does is examine candidates. We did this with a sub committee of six top members, I being one of them, of course. We had a group grilling and individual grilling. Believe it or not, the individual one involved me prying very deeply into the candidate’s financial affairs.

    Last time I went to DC, one of the Congressmen I got into office told everyone stories about this sort of grilling and my various battles with other political clubs. Which was very flattering, of course.

    So, tell your friends who want to run, this very important first step. Start with organizing a club and then move, in unison, towards electing someone to office.

  5. emsnews

    A word of warning to Robert Joyce of Northampton, Mass, aka Blues: If you come here again, I will get a court order. I didn’t bother earlier because you stopped spamming my site.

  6. PLovering

    Jeebus, Elaine, your Wings of War is striking artwork.

    One of your best.

  7. Raybo


    Regarding this cap-and-trade issue:

    Yes, I agree that the main motivation might be for gnomes and other insiders to make lots of funny money. What else is new.

    But if I am not mistaken you have also written extensively about the reality of peak oil, so doesn’t it ultimately make sense from that perspective to create the economic incentives to start weaning our major systems off of carbon?


    ELAINE: I have been always 100% for refitting our system to reflect reality. The cap and trade carbon derivatives market is merely another ‘tax’ that produces nothing at all. It merely punishes people who are forced to use carbon energy systems.

  8. nah

    nuclear war is crazy bad
    one serious nuclear war would make the last milenia of war look thoughtful and progressive… global pollution on a whole different scale… and proof of mans great uselessness…
    we would nearly be serial killers of ourselves no matter what the cost… better end up a war against nuclear war for gods sakes what a tragedy of human failure
    im all for regulation of ‘carbon’ by targeting the energy sector and just pretty much saying hey… no more coal plants can be built in the US…. cars need to get 80+mpg to force real change 10yrs… and pretty much keep doing what were doing
    if people can swallow carbon taxes and bank bailouts…. why not a rational argument that oil is evil and increasingly undermining US policy to the point another ‘war for oil’ is tragically what we should be preparing our military for
    one banana republic to rule them all

  9. JMG

    “if the US and others including Israel, disarm, then of course, so would Iran.”
    And if Iran wouldn’t, or Israel wouldn’t, or Pakistan wouldn’t, or France wouldn’t … ? Your “of course” is far from obvious to me, I’m sorry to say.

  10. Jimmy

    The Minoan piece was much welcomed, Elaine. I have long been a ‘fan’ of the Thera caldera event. And equally long dismayed at the lost potential of the Minoans.

    The tectonics all across the Mediterranean are complex and fascinating. My new favourite area is the Tyrrhenian Plate between Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and Italy. Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei by Naples are a result of subduction of this plate. And there are some whopper active submarine volcanoes in this area, such as the 3000m high(!), 40x70km Marsili, that could cause considerable tsunami damage across the Mediterranean.

    But I agree that the risk of the use of nuclear weapons is the greatest short term risk to humans. I also believe their use is inevitable. The slender thread of taboo that keeps people in line won’t last. Once the first one is set off people will see the result is tolerable and a few others will be set off as folks settle grudges. I doubt there will be a paroxysm of 100s of weapons going off such as we grew up imagining. But then you never know. There is the Fermi Paradox.

  11. Gary

    Glad I never jumped on the Warming Bandwagon. It’s become an acceptable topic to get worked up over , by our corporate media now. Great for diverting attention from rotted budgets and failed economies.The support of the media for the global warming crowd is enough for me to reject the whole business. And now more derivatives of carbon making money for the Harry Potters of Wall St ? Yeesh. Jesus wept.

    The fake “liberals” (laugh track) got what they really wanted with Obamba. They got a standard upgrade of pious warmaking rhetoric. Far as I’m concerned, I’d rather have Bush’s crude ungrammatical tirades
    and cowboy mannerisms.

    War is out of the reptilian cortex not the cerebellum and I’d rather have my war rhetoric dished up stinking rotten with terrible syntax,thank you.

    Anyhow, the shit-stew that is America will collapse and the 95pct of the country that voted for these goons and their free trade wars, will not look in the mirror for their problems. Usual suspects will be rounded up.

    America, no doubt in my mind will be at fault if we have another WW.

  12. Daliwood

    Doesn’t the US actually want Iran to have a nuke–or at least a “nuclear program” so that we can maintain the fiction of a boogey man? I’m a member of Elaine’s generation, and we grew up with a gov’t that used the “Commies” in Russia as the enemy to justify a massive and devastatingly expensive nuke arms race. Our weapons were always portrayed as vital to defense.


    ELAINE: Correct. 😦


    Then the Soviet gov’t collapsed (although luckily for the warmongers, the nukes were still around). The Pentagon PR folks had to scramble for a new enemy to justify its enormous budgets. Cue the “axis of evil” and its terrorist minions.

    So here we sit now, armed to the teeth. We could lob a nuke warhead at any point on the whole planet and vaporize anything or anybody there, raising the possibility that Dr. Strangelove or Fail Safecould become hideous realities.

    The dangers aren’t limited to the arsenal itself. Our nuclear weapons program requires ongoing, complex, and dangerous operations and maintenance work and a steady supply of some of some very nasty high-level radioactive material made right here in the good ol’ USA. So even if you set aside the human cost, the financial cost is overwhelming.

    Our nukes are mostly handled by the U.S. Dept. of Energy (to maintain the laughable illusion that they’re under civilian control). The Project on Government Oversight (referencing a report from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) estimates that 67% of DOE’s budget goes to nuke weapons ( ).

    Add to that the environmental costs of the program’s legacy wastes.

    Add to that the cleanup costs.

    Add to that the storage costs.

    And so on.

    If Americans want to address the economic issues facing us, then perhaps they should look first and hard at the hundreds of billions spent on maintaining the Doomsday machine.

  13. justiceatsqualor

    Nuclear winter was a scam just like global warming. Intermittent volcanic eruptions, like St Helens, that do or don’t happen, put orders of magnitude more debris in the air than all the world’s nukes set on ground burst. If I remember correctly, that eruption lowered world temperatures by a degree or two. Not much of a winter, but more than ten times more than humans could achieve.

    Nuclear war doesn’t need a bogeyman. Hundreds of millions would die in evaporated cities, and perhaps billions would starve without functioning globalized food distribution.


    ELAINE: Last time I looked, volcanoes didn’t cause cancer, etc. Nuclear bombs, unlike volcanoes, can do wicked things to one’s DNA, just for one glaring example.

  14. justiceatsqualor

    Unfortunately, our ruling class has decided to squander our moral authority, leadership, and military supremacy on the climate change scam at Copenhagen. a.k.a. “Kyoto-ism.”

    Ideally we should have started preparing for peak oil thirty years ago. Particularly given the correlation between oil production and population.

    But even at this late hour, rather than Copenhagen, they could have called a world conference on say population control and agricultural subsidies. Perhaps shown real leadership instead of detestable lies. Lies that will turn to blame in squalor.

  15. emsnews

    The Chinese caused an uproar and pretty much scuttled the entire thing by demanding everyone have Chinese-style birth control.

  16. justiceatsqualor

    @emsnews: “Last time I looked, volcanoes didn’t cause cancer, etc. Nuclear bombs, unlike volcanoes, can do wicked things to one’s DNA, just for one glaring example.”

    No argument here, just no winter.

    Nuclear war has no need for a bogeyman like “winter.”

  17. justiceatsqualor

    @emsnews: “The Chinese caused an uproar and pretty much scuttled the entire thing by demanding everyone have Chinese-style birth control.”

    For real?

  18. justiceatsqualor

    Then we have truly been usurped.

  19. justiceatsqualor

    Oh well. I guess the battle now is with the controllers of the remnants of Kyoto-ism. And who are also the controllers of the remnants of central banking credit expansion, now disenfranchised from any non-inflationary call for new money based upon increasing production.

    The game is not to allow them to completely de-industrialize us with “crap-n-fade” while they try to get rich, keep their rank and file fed, and bend over for whoever comes next.

    Perhaps for starters we could emphasize to their rank and file the unlikeliness of getting a ten million dollar nest egg at the end of a lifetime of services rendered. That in fact those rank and file are the last suckers in on an epic pyramid scheme.

    Say, if Obama’s EPA declares CO2 a pollutant, does that mean you can’t exhale at work?


    ELAINE: You will be penalized for farting in some general direction. 🙂

  20. Gus

    US weather collection data sloppy
    to say the least. Take a look at the pics
    at bottom of page:

    Click to access surfacestationsreport_spring09.pdf

  21. PLovering

    Nathan’s Economic Edge offers incisive charts and data of timely interest.

    The Max Keiser interview with Professor Black accentuates the essentials.

  22. Matheus

    D-Day nears for Dubai’s $3.5 billion debt hurdle

  23. Onion

    There is an early warning sign of exactly what Copenhagen will do coupled with free trade here:

    Basically, a multinational (Tata) is closing a UK steelworks to relocate to India. By doing this, Tata will receive £600m via carbon credits from the EU and £600m via the UN energy efficiency program. In fact, the CO2 emissions will not change one jot.

    This is our future folks. Multinationals relocating manufacturing to the East subsidised by carbon credits. Not only do we lose jobs, we pay for the privilege of losing those jobs via welfare costs here and carbon credit payments there.

    Time for revolution methinks

  24. emsnews

    Correct, Onion. Meanwhile, the north gets to sit in a deep freeze half of the year.

  25. the fool on the hill

    More evidence of insanity is that once the U.N. declared war on civilians as ‘illegal’ that means that ‘strategic’ (lookout: Orwellian policalspeak) nuclear weapons are necessarily illegal.

    IN response the Cheney/Rumsfeld/PNAC types put forth the B.S. idea of ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons. These bombs have limited payloads so they are claimed to be ‘safe’ for use on the battlefield because they do not pose a risk to ‘noncombatants’.

    Of course, in reality these people could care less about ‘collateral damage’ (Orwellian translation: murder of civilians).

    All things being equal, I would save the world if I could.

    But, you know, the world never invited my influence on these matters, or any other. And when I give my input I am summarily rebuked on all sides. And the world has shown precious little compassion for my troubles. So I am not overly preoccupied, frankly, with what happens to ‘life on this planet’, although, selfishly, I would prefer my own death to be quick and painless.

  26. MikeM

    Nukes don’t kill people, people kill people.
    Although those with their fingers on the triggers IMO can barely be called human.
    Elaine, I almost never get to post here anymore. It’s not that I’m not following along, it’s that I’ve moved to the PacNW, am off the grid, and only so often I make it into town to download a boatload of web pages to read later and keep up to date (well almost).
    I don’t always agree with ya, but you’re a fantastic read, a great source of information, and sometimes even pretty funny. Or I should just say I appreciate some very well utilized sarcasm.


    ps I dropped off the unemployment rolls. I guess that means statistically I have a job now? If I can find Ed Schieffelin’s gold, I’ll take care of your web expenses for a bit. It’s a promise.

  27. emsnews

    Mike, I am immensely sorry to hear that you are unemployed. This is a terrible time for everyone! Maybe we can all go prospecting for gold when Greenland thaws out. 🙂

  28. justiceatsqualor

    @emsnews: “You will be penalized for farting in some general direction.”

    Then I shall taunt them a second time.

  29. emsnews

    Oh yeah, well I have this big Trojan Rabbit….

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