Ron Paul’s Son Is A Total Zionist

ΩΩRand Paul decided to go off an ideological cliff this week.  Reading his statements and his letters to the public, one can clearly see this poor man is totally confused about what is sovereignty, who are citizens, what is required to have a full, civil society which protects citizens and the entire business about how to regulate business.  In the happy world of Paul’s sort, grave industrial events are mere ‘accidents’ and the government is meddlesome if it tries to regulate or control business and above all, in a very significant departure from his more famous dad, Rand is a 100% Zionist who thinks that the first ‘free trade’ deal, which was NOT NAFTA but with Israel, is a nifty thing.  This one-way trade with Israel was a harbinger of the mess that unfolded later.

ΩΩThe entire media is in attack dog mode over the discrimination issues.  The mostly Jewish-run or owned media is always on the look out for anyone attacking the Civil Rights Act.  This is because Jews themselves are very protected by this law and know that letting it fail will destroy their own rights as citizens.  Of course, the flip of this coin is, they hate the Civil Rights Act and fear it might be forced upon themselves in Israel where they get to act like the worst sort of Mississippi right wing racists in this nasty home base they run for themselves!

ΩΩPolitics is full of these sorts of flip flops!  White people are protected by the Civil Rights Act, for example.  Women are 50% of the white population and has used this act for many years to greatly expand protections and gain traction in the business world as well as politics.  Anyone attacking the Civil Rights Act is in big trouble since about 70%+ of the population gains from this act.  Right now, gays are working very hard to get their own basic civil rights.  Bless them all!

ΩΩThe disabled needed this act to improve their lives and deal with discrimination.  I think one of the very best and clearest laws on earth is…the Civil Rights Act!  I wish England had this, I certainly wish the Jews who run Israel would finally put this act in law there, too.  So Rand Paul is off in the deep end of the shark pool when he waltzed around whether or not he supported the Civil Rights Act.  His wife should clobber him when he got home.

ΩΩWhat is disturbing is, in all of this shouting, things are being ignored.  Not this matter, though:  Harry Shearer: The Rand Paul Quote Everybody’s Ignoring

Here’s Rand Paul on the BP oil spill:

. I think it’s part of this sort of blame game society in the sense that it’s always got to be someone’s fault instead of the fact that sometimes accidents happen.

ΩΩThis was ignored only for a few hours.  Now, it is also being yapped about endlessly.  Of course, Rand is a Ayn Randist and thus, gleefully pro-corporate power over government controls!  So if the corporation destroys the civilization, tough luck.  This juvenile attitude is exactly how the bankers feel about wrecking the world’s banking system.  They got rich, they got bailed out by the Government, they don’t want government controls so deal with it and die.  Yup.  Meanwhile, the mobs grow angry.

ΩΩBut the item that none of the liberal press is yelling about is this disgusting letter written by this guy who basically is pledging allegiance to Israel, not the US.  It is full of ideological Zionist lies and excuses.  Of course, the media will be silent about this since 90% of Congress thinks identical to Rand.  What this letter means is, Rand is NOT a revolutionary of any sort.  He is a right wing, racist Zionist.


The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Rand Paul and Israel

The United States Special Relationship with Israel


By Dr. Rand Paul
Candidate, United States Senate


Israel and the United States have a special relationship.  With our shared history and common values, the American and Israeli people have formed a bond that unites us across the many thousands of miles between our countries and calls us to work together towards peace and prosperity for our countries.


The free trade agreement that has existed, and been subsequently strengthened, between our countries since 1985 is a tremendous mutual benefit. As a United States Senator, I would work against the growing protectionist sentiment in our country and defend free trade with Israel.


Virtually everything we ‘sell’ to Israel, we pay for with ‘loans’ which are never paid back.  This is a black hole.  In turn, Israel gets to be part of our military/industrial complex while paying zero dollars in taxes, nay, while sucking down billions of dollars in ‘aid’ while being one of the richest countries on earth.


I would never vote to place trade restrictions on Israel, and I would filibuster any attempts to place sanctions on Israel or tariffs on any Israeli goods.


It’s OK for Israel to flood our own markets.  Yup.  And Rand will die rather than protect the US from Israeli imports.


The issue of Palestine is incredibly difficult and complex.  The entire world wishes for peace in the region, but any arrangement or treaty must come from Israel, when she is ready and when her conditions have been met.


The issue is not complex at all.  The Jews want to ethnically cleanse lands they lust for and they are doing this with raw military power and this power is due entirely to the US paying the Jews to wipe out the natives or shove them into other lands in the most brutal ways possible.  Israel’s idea of a ‘treaty’ is for a full expulsion of all natives from ‘Greater Israel’.


I strongly object to the arrogant approach of Obama administration, itself a continuation of the failures of past U.S. administrations, as they push Israel to make security concessions behind thinly veiled threats.


Only Israel can decide what is in her security interest, not America and certainly not the United Nations.  Friends do not coerce friends to trade land for peace, or to give up the vital security interests of their people.


This is where Rand’s treason is identical to nearly all of AIPAC Congress: we, not the Jews, are paying for these wars.  We, not the Jews, are paying for the apartheid police state.  We can and should coerce them and if the Jews don’t like this, they can pay for this junk, themselves. Not hijack our national purse.


As a United States Senator, I would never vote to condemn Israel for defending herself.


I do hope someone asks Rand about the Liberty ship sinking.  That was not ‘defensive’.  Nor have half of Israel’s wars been ‘defensive’.  Germany said all of its wars were ‘defensive’ and this didn’t pass the smell test at the Nüremberg trials.


Whether it is fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon, combating Hamas-linked terrorists in Gaza or dealing with potential nuclear threats in the Persian Gulf, Israeli military actions are completely up to the leaders and military of Israel, and Israel alone.


Another treasonous statement!  What the hell???? So, Israel is our big, big ally but we have no say if they declare war???  And if they do declare war, do we stop funding them?  This is how world wars start: Austria got a promise from Germany that if they declared war on the Serbs and if England and France sided with the Serbs, Germany would side with Austria.


So, while the Kaiser was having fun in the North Sea in a summer regatta, Austria began WWI.  The alliance kicked into motion and the rest is a very bloody history.  NO nation should EVER allow ANY ally to hold the whip hand like this!  Rand’s endorsement of the idea that Israel can unilaterally start a war with Iran, for example, is totally out of control.


It is not the place of outsiders to meddle or pass judgment or to use our power or relationship to force Israel to go against her own interest for the sake of “peace.”  Peace is a laudable goal.  But it is just that – a goal.   It is not an end at any cost.


Is Rand another dual citizen???  How insane is this???  He lets Israel pass judgement on Iran but we can’t do this, too???  And we are supposed to have no power vis a vis Israel????  Wow!  Israel meddles continuously with our own affairs.  Our entire State Department as well as our military have been hijacked by these ALIENS who are NOT citizens or are bi-citizens, a strange and horrible twisting of our sovereignty which the Jews legalized so they could have to allegiances. I was against this when it was legalized and at this point in time, the idea of pledging allegiance to the US has become a total farce now that all immigrants and even citizens can run off to alien lands and swear MILITARY fealty to them.  Look at who is running the White House!


It makes no sense to me that the United States provides Arab countries hostile to Israel with $12 billion in annual financial and military aid. Many of the weapons that Israel would face in a Middle Eastern conflict would have come directly from our government. I find this appalling. In the Senate, I would strive to eliminate all aid to countries that threaten Israel.


Every penny of this money is spent on keeping the Muslim population under lock and key and to keep vile dictators in power so they can suppress their own people.  And he wants to eliminate all aid to the Egyptian dictator?  That, I would love to see.  Of course, AIPAC will inform him that this is a stupid idea so he won’t push for it.


Finally, Iran has become increasingly bellicose towards Israel. Thankfully, Israel has one of the bravest, most elite military forces in the world. I would never vote to prevent Israel from taking any military action her leaders felt necessary to end any Iranian threat.


Just as the United States would not follow the will of another country in the face of our national security, we shall not limit the options of Israel in this area.


His insanity reaches a fever pitch here!  We, not the Jews running Israel, pay for their military system.  Ergo: we should control it since we are the ones paying for it.  Instead, he wants Israel’s tail to wag the US dog.  This is because he thinks Israel is superior to the US.  Why should we, who will be dragged into any confrontation these maniacs running right wing Israel choose, not limit our alliance?


This is not ‘libertarianism’ at all.  This is imperialism with Rand handing over our country to aliens.


Finally, I believe the United States should increase the pressure on Iran.  I would mandate that all publicly managed investment funds divest from Iran immediately.


HAHAHA, we can’t tell the militarists of Israel what to do but we can order around Iran????  We arm Israel but have no say in what they do with our arms but Iran, who is arming itself at its own expense, is wrong?  Why can’t Iran have nuclear bombs?  Israel has them!  The US has them!


We should not be subsidizing any company that does business with Iran, and we should not allow U.S. companies or those with funds from U.S. taxpayers to enrich Iran through its national energy program.  I would fight to end all subsides to American corporations that do business with Iran, including so-called renewable energy companies that work through Brazil to provide support to Iran and empower its dictators dangerous nuclear saber rattling.

ΩΩThe traitorous, Zionist Rand Paul wants to cut business and political involvement with Brazil, a very important ally and someone who is very big in South America, just because Israel is pissed off????  Again: we gain NOTHING from this while we lose a lot.  Is Israel cutting off business with Brazil???  HAHAHA.  Ahem.  Clearing my throat.  Talk about insane.  Of course not!


The Israel Export Institute has just signed an agreement with the Brazilian firm BRAIS, which provides representation for Israeli exporters in Brazil. The new pact took shape in the wake of Elbit Systems’ appeal several months ago against granting BRAIS the right, through the Export Institute’s Shavit program, to represent all Israeli exporters.


The Shavit program, which received a $30 million grant from the Finance Ministry, aims to promote Israeli exports to several priority countries, including China, India and Brazil.

ΩΩHAHAHA.  Took me all of two seconds to find this story from just two months ago.  The Jews want US to cut business with Brazil, not themselves!  WE take all the pain, all the losses, while THEY muscle in and displace us in these exact same markets.  Rand Paul is childish if he thinks this isn’t all about business. Israel’s Jews would very happily have us boycott the entire planet on behalf of Jewish political aims…while Israel boycotts no one!  DUH.

ΩΩThis should alarm Rand and cause him to shift gears but many US Americans dream of the End of Times Apocalypse whereby everyone gets to die for Jesus especially the Jews. So if they wreck America and this brings Jesus here faster, sword in hand, all the better.

sunset borger

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sunset borger


Filed under .diplomacy, Politics, war and peace

21 responses to “Ron Paul’s Son Is A Total Zionist

  1. EconCurious

    Nice entry today, Elaine. Knowing nothing about him, I was excited to see that someone outside of the two main parties had won an election. I thought he might bring some of his Dad’s views into the spotlight.

    Well everything I have heard about this guy in the last 72 hours leads me to believe that is a very dangerous person. Right now there is a fair degree of disillusionment with the two man political parties, but if Rand is typical of our alternatives, then I have concerns about the direction in which we are headed.

  2. CedarS

    What a lunatic!
    Is there anyone on his campaign staff advising this trainwreck?! He’s running to be a US Senator, where’s the diplomacy and fairness towards all foreign gov’ts?
    On the other hand, this letter may be his calculated attempt to keep the media attack dogs at bay. Will it work?

    His performance this morning on ABC’s Good Morning America showed his math to be wrong.
    Tuning in, he came off as defensive and shrill when obviously baited by certain questions (Civil Rights Act). Such an obvious pothole but he steers right into it just like his dad. Shameful.

    His stubbornness in clinging to failed arguements and inability to refocus on the important issues at hand (throwing wall street bankers in jail, prosecuting fraud, etc) willl render him useless.

  3. Gary

    Is there anyone left in American politics that is not totally insane ?

    Maybe Dennis Kucinich ? Maybe.

    So much for a “breath of fresh air” coming from the libertarians.

    They have the same buzzard breath of corporate body fluids as the “liberals” (laugh track) and the conservatives (puke track) do.

  4. the fool on the hill

    It’s that first paragraph that gets me:

    Israel and the United States have a special relationship. With our shared history and common values, the American and Israeli people have formed a bond that unites us across the many thousands of miles between our countries and calls us to work together towards peace and prosperity for our countries.

    Incidentally, I heard Obama spew out something similar to this once as well.

    It reeks of Orwellian politicalspeak that has a ‘ring’, but is really meaningless. For example, what ‘shared history’ and ‘common values’ can he point to specifically? I suspect he is talking about religion, and if he is that is what he should say. Either way, he needs to be specific so we can have the debate. But we all know the short answer is that these are rhetorical slogans intended to stifle, not encourage, debate. And, as previously noted here, the facts do not appear to support the proposition that either Israel or the U.S. is working towards peace and/or prosperity when evaluated in a grownup context.

    In my opinion, this approach to our “special relationship” with Israel (same goes for England as well) smacks of the sort of foreign entanglements George Washington warned us to avoid.

  5. emsnews

    It is worse: The ‘shared history’ that attracts both Palin and Rand Paul is the vicious religious and ethnic apartheid laws in Israel! And they want this here, now. Israel is a totally fascist society at this point (this is what happens when a country has favored citizens who can deny civil rights to everyone else on every level) and I fear that Rand Paul is a fascist. Certainly, Palin is a fascist.

    The Jews better rethink what they are doing! If we get fascism here, it will turn on Israel and turn it into a prison camp for Jews who refuse to become Christians.

  6. melponeme_k

    Is this the beginning? If the Saudi Royals and their government falls, where does that leave the US? We won’t have any base of power in the Middle East if that happens. Israel is not worth a damn after all.

  7. nah

    The traitorous, Zionist Rand Paul wants to cut business and political involvement with Brazil, a very important ally and someone who is very big in South America, just because Israel is pissed off???
    holy cow this guy is not an american… what a disgrace to pick some overseas national interest over BRAZIL… not that i know a damn thing about rand or the meaning of is… but america first pal, git to work
    and BP? Civil Rights? What? i dont get it is he stupid or retarded or something…. will have to call him Mr. retard if he keeps bashing on modern political order so bumbalingelie
    Report: Vikings QB Brett Favre has ankle surgery
    after 60yrs starting at QB and taking 1.4k sacks and producing 431 tackles HIMSELF… he mite miss his first game? dudes turning to moosh overnight
    Knight Rand’er’

  8. nah

    is north korea crazy smart or crazy snoty… those communists are so much more measurable than the permaculture of 1/4 billion empty voters democracy
    do whiskey molecules have some property of mass that is different in measurement from say beer… not that beer is bad… but if you measure it against say whiskey… what COULD be different

  9. Gus


    I was watching a
    Max Keiser video
    and came across a
    philosopher named
    Damon Vrabel.

    He has a good video series
    on the NWO.

    Watch it here:

  10. nah
    Calderon’s remarks all but guarantee that the National Rifle Association (NRA), one of the most powerful lobbies in the United States, will redouble its efforts to prevent the ban from being reinstated. While the Obama administration is in favour of doing so, the chances of that happening in an American mid-term election year are remote.
    sux to be mexico… but if congress even thinks about it im getting one… i need more guns anyways… not that im insecure that would sux

  11. nah

    want one anyways… ruger mini 14 ranch rifle… or a 308 so i can kill beasties ‘not that beasties are worth killing’

  12. nah

    philosopher named
    Damon Vrabel.
    I cant even hear him talk over ‘this ending? heavy metal is there something important that hes saying with all the triangles and presidents

  13. nah

    talking about noises Amon Amarth is IS worth downloading LOL

  14. nah

    In 2003, several prominent Jewish philanthropists hired Republican pollster Frank Luntz to explain why American Jewish college students were not more vigorously rebutting campus criticism of Israel. In response, he unwittingly produced the most damning indictment of the organized American Jewish community that I have ever seen.
    In 2003, several prominent Jewish philanthropists hired Republican pollster Frank Luntz to explain why American Jewish college students were not more vigorously rebutting campus criticism of Israel. In response, he unwittingly produced the most damning indictment of the organized American Jewish community that I have ever seen.

  15. DeVaul

    Wow! Do I feel totally vindicated!

    Some idiot jumped on me recently about my comments that the “brown shirts” were meeting in Frankfurt. Well, guess who else was there shaking hands and getting votes?

    I have to admit to being a little shocked, though, as he is supposed to be the son of Ron Paul. I guess nothing rubbed off but the worst kind of “Godfather” type crap that seems to infest all politicians these days.

    If you think Rand Paul is insane, his opponent, if you can believe it, was even more insane. He wanted all-out war with Iran right away. No need to pass Go, no need to collect $200. Both were bowing and kneeling to Israel at such a rapid speed that the film had to be slowed down by half just to see what was happening.

    This is probably why Rand Paul came to Kentucky to run for office. There are still enough white people here to give him a majority, whereas Texas is basically a Mexican colony now.

    I love Kentucky. It may be the most beautiful state in the union, but the people are not. 90% of the population are religous fanatics. Why can’t they put their money where their mouth is and go to Afghanistan or Iraq and “fight for God”!

    Kentucky would not miss them, and might actually prosper in their absence.

  16. larry, dfh

    ..Why can’t they put their money where their mouth is and go to Afghanistan or Iraq and “fight for God”!

    –no rattlesnakes or copperheads
    –can’t understand if the natives are talking in tongues

  17. JSmith

    Yep, Rand shot himself in the foot. But it seems to run in the family. I kept telling you in ’08 that Ron was friendly with the people who run Stormfront, but noooooo… he’s a goldbug and that was much more important.

  18. JSmith

    “I love Kentucky. It may be the most beautiful state in the union…”

    I second that, DeVaul. We vacation there often (at Pine Mountain, Cumberland Lake, in and around bourbon country, etc.) and it’s all good.

  19. DeVaul


    Yes, those are all really nice places. I have not been out there in many years. I still remember going up Pine Mountain, and that must have been 30 years ago.

    Unfortunately, I also stood on the largest strip mine in the world and looked in all directions at total destruction. I was only 20 at the time. It was surreal.

    Given enough time, nature will fix everything, but we always find some reason to go back and dig everything up again. This new Macellus shale formation thing is bad news for all of Appalachia. Drilling at over 4,000 feet horizontally, fracturing the earth deep below aquifers and water supplies — this has bad news written all over it. I hope they run out of oil before they can do it.

    In Kentucky, you can live without importing much. Most places cannot say that. We can even make our own gunpowder here (and bourbon to help set it off). I live close to Ashland, home of Henry Clay. I go there a lot to walk and see a self-sustaining plantation. It’s amazing.

    By the way, what is “Stormfront”?

  20. JSmith

    Google it. Stormfront is a website run by a crew of white-supremacist neo-nazi types.

  21. DeVaul


    Actually, I am afraid to “google” it. I’m afraid I will see the word “Kentucky” displayed all too much.

    I think I’ll go hide under a rock.

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