Ukraine Men Flee Military Service


We are going to throw away another $69 billion dollars fighting Russia who had a greater claim on Eastern Ukraine than the dictator in Kiev.  This futile war will end with a Russian victory because Russia always wins the wars in the Crimea, seems no one in our government has ever heard of the ‘Crimean War’ and the equally futile ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ nor have they heard of the ‘Battle of Stalingrad’.  This is utterly insane.




Christian England sided with the Muslim Turks to stop the Christians in Russia.  This was utterly insane, of course, and the Turks reacted to all these defeats by massacring a million CHRISTIANS inside Turkey!  Great gods, this was all so insane.


The Muslims were tricked into trusting France and England who turned around after WWI and divided all the ‘nations’ that were part of the Ottoman Empire, between themselves.  Then all this mess was handed over to the USA after WWII.


Well, communist students are rioting in the US universities and more and more ‘schools’ which are mainly leftist indoctrination regimes, are shutting down.  The majority of students are not in favor of shutting down the schools, of course, but leftists never rule via majorities.  They do as they please and use a lot of muscle, doing this.



Meanwhile, US citizens are fed up with paying for foreign wars which means more messes here at home and our own borders are totally open to invaders while Israel and Ukraine get full military power and money to kill anyone messing with their borders!



Trump will, if he isn’t assassinated, stop all this anti-American garbage being poured over us by crazy leftists who can’t figure out if they are men or women.  Leftists want abortions as much as possible so they can have an excuse to let in even more invaders.  All of the EU is seeing Muslim babies while Christian women get abortions.



Radical leftists claim Israel can’t fight Muslims.  Muslims are ‘going extinct’ according to leftists who get abortions and never get married.  Muslim men get married, still!  And have their women have babies, too.  Muslims are not stupid.  And they know their own history up and down and all around, not ‘in passing, sort of’ mental confusion of most leftists and the entire DNC gang.


The birth rate for Gaza, for example, is over 5 children per mother.  In Europe, it is roughly 1 child per mother.  This is negative population growth and many Muslims are invading Europe and having the regular 5 children per mother.


So leftist screams that Muslims of any sort are ‘going extinct’ due to Jews is utterly insane and totally false.



Like the late 1960’s, early 1970’s, student uprisings are happening all over the world and there is an easy explanation: inflation.  Yes, students are hammered by inflation.  Books are forced to be bought and double in cost rapidly for students.


Student housing shoots upwards, too.  I remember back then, I had to work hard to keep up with school due to inflation!



And yes, the audience could see Biden’s insanity.  He is done.




Filed under .money matters

19 responses to “Ukraine Men Flee Military Service

  1. Anne

    Ukrainian men are just cannon fodder to the zelensky regime and his western handlers. Leaders like Biden, Sunak, Macron, Scholz, Von der Leyen etc. do not care about Ukranians either. They just want to defeat Russia, no matter what it takes, in what has now become a proxy war between the West and Russia, with Ukranian men being used as cannon fodder.

    The American people have the right to be angry and frustrated at their government which spends so much money on wars and militarism abroad while neglecting acute problems at home.

  2. Ken

    Elaine, and many other people, believe that if Trump gets elected then things will be different. It would be nice if that turns out to be true, but I highly doubt it. 

  3. The Zionists are really playing with fire. Having talked to a few of them though, I don’t think they can stop. Whatever Netanyahu decides to do they’ll have to support. Which means the elderly US Congress will support it also. But this will help throw the election to Trump, and they don’t seem to remember enough of their own history to figure out how that will go.

  4. Jim R

    Yes, to #1 and #3 above.

    Why doesn’t Zelensky volunteer to be a bullet sponge? Back in the middle ages, the King would always lead his troops into battle. Current day political leaders are candyass cowards.

    Like Elaine, I am not a Trump fan, but also like Elaine I recognize that he was a far better leader than we have had in many decades. He did NOT try to push us into WW3, wreck the world economy, and etc. Obama started five or six wars, and dropped a bomb somewhere every 20 minutes on average. And the current admin is just the Obama third term. 

  5. snoosebomb

    M armstrong has a very depressing piece on your election . he is saying voter interest is at a low , and it will be rigged worse than last time anyway

  6. qbutnoa

    Note, in the UK, rt on rumble is allowed!, rt on x is still banned.

  7. Zeke

    did you ever read “The Charge of the Light Brigade” ?

    it states a mistake had been made. A lightly armed “Light Brigade” charged uphill against emplaced cannon. A Heavy Brigade as it were.
    the basic soldier does not question orders or think of some better plan. He salutes and follows orders.

    mistakes are common in war and battle.

  8. qbutnoa

    If only the left could could have some spies in the pay of Russia and China to balance things up a bit, or something.

  9. snoosebomb

    more depressing news ; mass murderer and bilderberg worm awarded as hero ,,

  10. snoosebomb

    and if you always wanted to eat your neighbour maybe tony Blinken will persuade the Russians to help ,

  11. snoosebomb

    did you know ? [maybe fauci was trying to tell us something ]

    ”Thalidomide was marketed as a safe and effective sedative beginning in 1957 and was later found to be effective at treating morning sickness. It was believed to be so safe that it was available over the counter in several countries. However, it was withdrawn from much of the pharmaceutical market beginning in late November 1961. This was due to it being found to be the cause of an epidemic of at least 10000, and possibly as high as 100000”

  12. Jim R

    “Uncle Bosey and the Cannibals” 

    Sounds like a great name for a band! 

  13. The Charge of the Light Brigade’ didn’t end the war, the Brits lost because Russia is determined to fight to DEATH for this!!! Brits were outsiders who were goofing around, helping Muslims to keep a death grip on something they invaded only 200 years earlier.

  14. KEN, the new ‘edit’ system here screwed your post up!!! I am very sorry about this. The new system is immensely annoying. 

    Sorry about your ‘comment #2’ being wrecked.

  15. lou

    Regarding 13–check the story of DES. Another ‘attack them in the womb’ poison.

  16. Jim R

    The Charge of the Light Brigade’ didn’t end the war, the Brits lost because Russia is determined to fight to DEATH for this!!! Brits were outsiders who were goofing around, helping Muslims to keep a death grip on something they invaded only 200 years earlier.

    Comment of the century! Napoleon, Hitler, Biden, NATO — goofing around in eastern Europe. All those bombs Clinton dropped on Yugoslavia. Mrs. Clinton’s destruction of Libya. The USA went off the rails decades ago. 

    Most of the top level Russian officials think Putin has been way too soft on these western LARPers. If Medvedev or most any other official had been in charge ten years ago, the “Russian invasion” would have started then. 

    For cryin’ out loud, the Russians were still giving our astronaut-bums a ride to the space station until 2020. US “diplomats” were plotting insurrection in Kiev back in the early 2000s — there was a “color revolution” that failed, and then another in 2013-14 that they pulled off. And in 2014 the “free world” started lobbing missiles and artillery rounds into downtown Donetsk city.

    Now it’s starting to look like the Russian army is taking territory again, after a couple years of shooting the “Germans” as they try to invade.

  17. Moe

    Great reads are provided by Dmitry Orlov, here’s and excerpt from his latest::

    But now the main refrain of the entire Ukraine propaganda campaign has disappeared! Something must have curled up and died inside the Western propaganda machine! The propagandists need to think faster, harder and deeper about what to say next. I would like to help them, since it is already clear to me what their next narrative should be:

    “The Banderites are still retreating and losing villages, cities and towns because the money that was voted to the American oligarchs was too little and too late, and that was the fault of big bad Trump, Putin’s best friend, who, by the way, is about to be overthrown by the Russians — don’t ask why, we just really need to wedge that phrase in there edgewise because we want to eat and have to pay rent and the oligarchs only pay us to write absolute nonsense, plus we know that you are so afraid of being labeled ‘pro-Russian’ by your idiotic neighbors and colleagues that you will pretend to believe anything we write.”

    The way forward is also clear to me. As US domestic politics heats up, it will be time to start equating Putin with Trump, then eventually canceling Putin out of the equation and just concentrating on the new refrain: “…and then the Americans will overthrow Trump.”

    I also have a suggestion for what Western media hacks could write if they ever, even for just a single, crazy, shining moment, decided to write something true: “A million people have died for absolutely nothing just because the US government had decided to support Ukrainian Nazis.”

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