Black Student Leader: ‘Be Grateful…I Am Not…Murdering Zionists’

Student Leader of Columbia University Encampment Says ‘Be Grateful That I’m Not Just Going Out and Murdering Zionists’ (VIDEO)


Columbia University is in Manhattan, NY.  It is filled with many racist students.  In NY, where I live, all minorities are screaming about racism.  What is hilarious is, they are all LIBERALS on the LEFT or outright communists and they are attacking EACH OTHER because racists are out of control…on the LEFT.  They hate each other with a burning passion to the point of killing each other.  Liberals are trained to hate White Males especially if the leftist is a white male!  So they end up…hating themselves.


The Hate Train is off the rails, the bridge is burned, they are falling off a cliff.  It is also sexual: liberals hate normal people who do normal sex and love gays but more, they love trans people who can’t produce any children, either as a fake male or fake female, all are being CASTRATED!


So…we have this year all the communists/leftist liberals joining with murderous, violent Muslims screaming about losing the war against the Jews in Israel, who are now attacking all our universities and shutting these down!  And these same people screaming about Trump voters being too mean to trans/gay/black/leftists are threatening to…KILL anyone they hate for any reason they hate:



James, who states in the hearing that he goes by “he/she/they” pronouns, live-streamed his meeting with Columbia’s Center for Student Success and Intervention, where he doubled down on an Instagram post that sparked the report. In the report, which he reads aloud at the start of the meeting, James warned Zionists who may want to “meet up and fight” and that he “fights to kill.”


The university is letting the invaders shut down the school.  Actual students are doing this, too.


“Do you see why that’s problematic in any way?” a Columbia employee asked James during the hearing, to which he responded: “No.”


Threatening to kill fellow students is no problem for this monster.  He is proud that he intends to mass murder fellow students.


James, a junior and spokesperson of the Columbia University Apartheid Divest group, has been the visible face of the protests that have garnered national attention. He appears to still be a student at the university, and has been one of the key organizers of the encampment.


Note how the grilling of this terrorist isn’t making the University staff frightened or angry.  They are ‘curious’ but you can bet, if any of them are Jewish, they are scared.  Ethnic groups mocking other ethnic groups are common.  Hatred of other groups is normal.  Being obnoxious about all this is common.



Biden made up this total lie yesterday.  He keeps remembering that he was arrested in South Africa and the US South due to backing black power pushes.  He was totally a Black Panther back when I knew the real Black Panthers in California, Oakland to be precise.  Somehow, he got to do this too, while invisible!


This man is insane.  He is utterly insane and can say insane things and mainstream news doesn’t correct him or question him or anything.  He just gets to yap on and on, unopposed.  If Trump is wrong about something, they scream at him for years and years and never forgets what he has said.  Biden can yap and yap and nothing happens.

Biden’s Surprise Live Interview with Howard Stern Goes Sideways After He Claims He “Got Arrested Standing on a Porch with a Black Family” During Civil Rights Movement (AUDIO)

Biden recounted a conversation with his mother: “She said Joey, remember – true story – remember when they were desegregating… the neighborhood, you know, 70 homes built…and there was a black family moving in and people were down there protesting. I told you not to go down there and you went down. Remember that? And you came and got arrested for standing on the porch with a black family and they brought you back, the police? I said, yeah mom, I remember that!”


So, he didn’t remember this, himself.  His MOTHER remembered it and told him to try and remember it, too.  I would suggest, this senile man is HALLUCINATING.  My father-in-law, when he was dying, hallucinated he was actually in college again, playing basketball.


He was a basketball champion back in 1943!  It was one of his last months of memory, he thought he was still in 1943.  He would look straight through his sons and not recognize them because he was in the past, he was over 90 years old back then.



Computers can fake humans and people making stuff that isn’t real are using the voices of famous people to make fake audio tapes.  Telling what is real and what is fake is harder and harder now.  And the CIA is already doing this and they did this…TO TRUMP!  Ahem.


Yes, they try again and again to frame or defame Trump and will do it to anyone who, like JFK, decide to clip the CIA wings and stop them.  Of course, simply killing people is a lot more efficient in the long run.


Dead is dead, after all.



Filed under .money matters

27 responses to “Black Student Leader: ‘Be Grateful…I Am Not…Murdering Zionists’

  1. qbutnoa

    England, Yorkshire, sex perverts = gang rape of young girls on a scale which can barely be believed + a minority diversity hire.

  2. Jim R

    Of course, they are protesting the ongoing extermination of the Palestinians. Not all are Muslim, the Israelis have destroyed some Christian churches, too. And hospitals, and everything. The goal of this murderous mayhem is to clear the land of indigenous people to make room for Jewish “settlers”… if only the Jews knew how ugly that makes them look.

    And this is exactly the sort of cause that resonates with the graduates of our ‘education’ system — kids are being taught to root for the ‘underdogs’, and hate the ‘oppresors’. But mostly, kids are being taught to hate.

    It’s like when the Communists took over China in 1949, writ large all over the USA. Our political systems are on the brink of running on pure, white-hot hate.

  3. @4, there’s no utopian vision anymore. Socialism at least offered an ideal to strive for.

    For the postmodern intellectuals of now, everything is suspect and needs to be deconstructed. Everyone is an intersectional identity drowning alone in a sea of narratives and constructs.

    Most Chinese after their civil war were reportedly very enthusiastic. Also most Russians after their revolution and civil war. An unanswerable historical what-if is how those generations would’ve fared if the capitalist countries hadn’t done everything they could think of to sabotage them.

  4. The Gaza population doubles every 20 years.

    It is far far from ‘exterminated’. Meanwhile, Japan, South Korea, Italy…etc. are going extinct rapidly. Fewer every year.

  5. @6, Elaine, how have you missed the starvation, lack of drinking water, disease, and bombing?

  6. Petruchio

    Be grateful they aren’t killing Zionists? Well I’m not grateful!! But I think these Hatemongering groups WILL eventually get to the Zionists. It’s called Karma.

  7. Anne

  8. Pete

    Blinken threatens China!

  9. Jim R

    @11, Finkelstein — hmm, sounds Presbyterian. 

    He’s trying to justify nuking Iran? Clearly, he has a death wish himself. I just wish he would leave the rest of us out of it.

    As for Gaza, it is being systematically reduced to rubble. It is not doubling every twenty years. The only thing slowing down the Zionists is that they are sending most of their weapons to Kiev.

    And, no, not all Jews are Zionist. I believe I posted a quote from Asimov here a while back. He thought the Zionist experiment was a fool’s errand back in 1948. 

  10. lou

    o t–meanwhile WHITE GENOCIDE continues.

    Eight years of Sadiq Khan’s London and what do we have to show for it? Tragically, not much. In fact, I’d challenge anyone to think of a positive legacy from his mayoralty. We mustn’t forget how he’s renamed the train lines, of course, or expanded his punitive Ulez car tax, or created a fake beach, or let a Donald Trump blimp float over the city, or allowed a Jewish minority to become terrified of going into the city centre almost every week. All at the same time as achieving the ignominious accolade of London being declared the “knife crime capital”.

  11. Pete

    Hunter got High 🙂

  12. Good grief, the POPULATION in Gaza doubles every 20 years! The population of Japan is FALLING RAPIDLY.

    Talking about extinction? Hello! Japan is on the road of exactly that right now and NO MUSLIM country on earth is going extinct. Some have populations down due to them leaving and moving mostly to Europe like, to Sweden.

  13. qbutnoa

    @15, Pete, good video!, liked it 🙂

  14. lou

    what was JAPANS POPULATION IN 1900? 1930?

  15. @12, Jim, Norman Finkelstein is Jewish but definitely not Zionist. He has a book from 20 years ago called “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.”

  16. Anne

    Japan’s population is shrinking because of natural decline (more deaths than births). Gaza’s population is shrinking because of an ongoing genocide committed by Israel with US assistance and support.

  17. Jim R

    @19 Steve,

    Note my last paragraph in which I said not all Jews are Zionists. There are a lot of non-psychopathic Jews out there, like Viva Frei for example.

    Elaine appears to be a foaming-at-the mouth Zionist, however. 

  18. Jim R

    However, I disagree with nuking anything. Nukes are all “collateral damage” and very little targeting. Any party that uses nukes will be hated forever in history, if any history is written afterward. 

    I’ll give Finkelstein’s article another read, maybe my assessment was too quick. 

  19. Jim R

    @steve M, 

    My apologies. In that paper, Finkelstein is picking apart the Zionist argument. Thank you for posting it.

    I shot from the hip, and now I’m hopping around on one foot…. 😦

  20. @23, I like that one. Hopefully I won’t have to use it too soon.

  21. Um, dear readers: I do HISTORY and excuse me but ALL ‘countries’ are ‘countries’ due to INVASIONS and changes in populations.


    So, when we look at say, Islam, how did Islam ‘grow’ to be over a billion people? Are Islamists going ‘extinct’?

    No! THEY USED MILITARY CONQUEST to grow, for the most part. My family of Vikings did this, too. The Anglos and Saxons also invaded England. As did the Romans! Etc.

    Look, childish views that ‘some places are to be forever’ are childish. Jews didn’t control the Middle East and Jerusalem except for short time periods and were stopped via violent military power by others who also had no ‘right’ to invade, too!

    Three major religions started in Jerusalem. All three have been fighting each other for around 2,000 years.

    This will continue until civilizations totally collapse which happens every…TWO THOUSAND YEARS!


    Want to be scared? This is all NORMAL.

  22. One of the worst things about modern life is how naive and silly people in power are when rushing into typical traps. They think they are all very smart and this is stupid, of course.

    By the way, I took zero history courses in college. Why? I told my professors, ANYONE can ‘learn history’ by reading the many books that exist on this topic including the Bible which details the many invasions/kicked out of Jerusalem stories!

    The Bible itself, admits that control of this part of the earth shifts dramatically over and over again because it is the only on-the-ground bridge between Africa and Eurasia! It is the ‘bottleneck’ between two of the Big Four Continents (Eurasia, Africa, South America and North America).

    Just like Panama is the narrow connector between North America and South America.

  23. snoosebomb

    so that justifies murder ? why then do you bother with this blog ? anything goes ,,, aka ‘ the state of nature ‘

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