Columbia U Shut Totally Down, Biden Makes Sign of Cross When Pushing Abortions


All the ANTIFA/Muslim rioters who took over NYC’s Columbia University Campus have been released after arrest with virtually no charges against any of them.  The last 10 years, ‘liberal’ cities and states let leftist rioters run riot and then refuses to punish them but hammer anyone who is a Trump supporter or Trump, himself.  Biden is an obvious criminal, accepting bribes overseas, and was said to be ‘too STUPID and NO MEMORY’ so they dropped charges against him!



So we are stuck with a senile President, stated by the law enforcement division to be too stupid to put on trial.  Biden rolls merrily forwards, nothing stops him because he is a tool of the communists.


Meanwhile, leftist students all over America are rioting.  They are systematically closing down universities.  Now, the students have moved their violent, loud activities to Senator Schumer’s home in Brooklyn, NY:



The communist students hate both parties.  They are enabled by leftist liberals especially liberal Jews.  Jews are over 75% liberal when they vote.  Only recently have some conservative Jewish groups decided to support Trump.  The rest march merrily behind the leading communists, whoever those are in an election.



Insane leftist communist students are throwing their caps and gown away on the Columbia University fences.  I hope they continue to expose themselves!  Usually, they are hired by organizations like Apple or Amazon and Hollywood and are busy destroying all these once-profitable operations.  They hate profits!


Meanwhile, Biden continues to create the Soviet Union and this isn’t very popular.  His latest move is to kill TikTok to the great rage of many millions of young people:



A few months ago, Biden was making fun of Trump and did a mock ‘sign of the cross:’



He did this again…subconsciously when a leftist female communist was lecturing us about the need to abort all babies of all ages in the womb:



The minute she introduced him as the Devil Who Doesn’t Care, he subconsciously did the sign of the cross!  Mainstream media is desperate to bury this event.  I had to do a triple level search of both YouTube and Twitter and every sort to find it on Twitter, finally.  This should be front page stories, not back stage nothingness.


This shows how very scared mainstream media operatives are today!  Biden is unpopular and senile and unconsciously Catholic and is struggling to hide this from voters who hate all religions except Islam, it appears.  Look at how leftists are howling with rage about that issue!


And thanks to the Bilderberg gang in Congress, both parties voted to up the ante in Europe and insure that Russia will nuke Ukraine:



OK, this is ‘How To Start WWIII’ is done!  Have fun, everyone.




Filed under .money matters

8 responses to “Columbia U Shut Totally Down, Biden Makes Sign of Cross When Pushing Abortions

  1. Jim R

    Russia won’t nuke Ukraine. If it nukes anything, it would be various NATO bases and Washington. But I wouldn’t put it past the Ukrainians to set off a nuke themselves, just to further escalate the war.

  2. @1, I agree. I don’t think Russia would even use the “tactical nukes” that Bush considered using in Iraq. Even small ones leave behind radioactive waste that can’t be contained.

    Yesterday I went down a rabbit hole reading about the theories of the British inventor of geopolitics, Halford Mackinder, and the Dutch-American Nicholas Spykman who translated and revised Mackinder for American audiences in the 1940’s. These wars between the UK-US and Russia, for control of Eastern Europe, have been going on for so many centuries. It was the “Great Game,” then Mackinder and Spykman added a bunch of geopolitical theory and it became “containment”…

  3. Jim R

    Usually, they are hired by organizations like Apple or Amazon …

    Apple doesn’t hire rent-a-mobs. Soros does. 

    As for the protests, a lot of the participants are actually students. They are simply echoing the politics of their professors. Universities have gone more and more left-wing, until they are teaching communism. The riots are the end result of that, triggered by Israeli aggression.

  4. qbutnoa

    European Union, the war against the kulaks will continue until the bitter end.

  5. qbutnoa

    If only the left could spread some disinformation to balance things up a bit, or something.

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