NARA And Biden Colluded With Trump Judge To Frame Him


Leftist/aliens continue to riot at all liberal communist schools, screaming and howling like hyenas as the police finally move in to push out these rioters…meanwhile, the war on Trump who brings law and order to America, continues to deteriorate as proof of Biden collusion with all the entities putting Trump on trial are finally revealed.  Yes, there was a coordinated conspiracy to drag Trump through the court system to prevent him from running for office!  This is TREASON.



Of course, the leftist treason against Trump is also against the US citizens, too.  They left our borders wide open to any and all invaders while fighting a futile war in Ukraine.  Trump also said he will be at his son’s graduation in Florida, come hell or high water.  The ‘judge’ in his trial who is a full blown far left judge is going to put Trump in prison if he dares to go see his son graduate.



This is insane and stupid but then, all leftists are insane and stupid.  Common sense is rare.  Trump won this fight because he didn’t shut up, he let us all know what these communists are doing!  They can’t do sneaky stuff with him for he can get in the news.


I never ever am in the news my entire very active life.  I could do so many things including arresting lots and lots of people and no one would say a peep and even when NYC police demanded the the New York Times fix their story about a police officer assassination and include me in the story (I led the chase to catch the killer) the NYT did carry the story only they excluded my name!


This is typical of all communists: they lie about reality.  They refuse to understand reality.  With the war in Gaza, they screwed up reality, big time.



I know many dear readers here are angry Israel fought back after being invaded.  Hello!  ALL countries ‘fight back’ when invaded!  Also, many if not all countries were founded via INVASIONS.  When I remind people of this painful, obvious fact, there is silence.  Here is the ongoing right now, riot in LA as the police enter the UCLA campus:



If all countries that fought off invaders were punished for this, we would have no nations.  By the way, power is power.  Ukraine thought they could oppress and abuse ‘Russian’ ethnic Ukrainians, Russia retaliated since this was an attack on their ‘people.’


Since Ukraine’s borders were created via WARS that rage all over that part of the world for hundreds of years, altering these via wars is normal!



Few places on earth have as many ‘border’ wars as the Middle East.  History absolutely drips with blood from these many, many, thousands and thousands of years of wars and many of these were and still are RELIGIOUS wars!  For many, many gods are created in the vast seas of blood in that region.




The Muslims, who violently invaded Jerusalem way back in 1100 AD triggered the Crusades whereby Christians fought Muslims for control of Jerusalem.  Eventually, after a CENTURY of crusades and battles, the Muslims won.


BREAKING: Biden Regime is Considering Flooding US with ‘Refugees’ From Gaza


Yes, Biden wants to bring the violent Hamas fighters into the US as ‘refugees’ so they can terrorize us better!


The Muslim students today whining about the war in a region created via wars is horrible.  They pretend that THEIR battles and occupation and elimination of all others is NORMAL and GOOD while anyone imitating them is pure evil.




Good grief!  And many fall for this nonsense!  Muslims want to eliminate ALL religions, PERIOD.  Go read their Koran!  It is obvious and history shows in a very, very bloody way, they intent to annihilate or enslave all other people!  This goal is not ‘nice’ it is ‘pure evil’ as far as I am concerned.  And ANTIFA which is helping in the riots this week, is pure evil, too.



Filed under .money matters

33 responses to “NARA And Biden Colluded With Trump Judge To Frame Him

  1. Ercel

    In 1100 AD, actually in 1099 AD, the Crusaders violently invaded Jerusalem not the Muslims… Read the history.

  2. @2, I can almost read that, but my French is definitely rusty.

    Elaine reminds me of my dad. Through the Cold War the enemy was always “communists,” then the enemy was Muslims, so the enemy now must be muslim communists. If I were a sculpter I could make a statue of this enemy. Half its face is a bearded middle-eastern man of 40, the other half a caucasion androgenous-looking face with no beard. In one hand it’s holding a Koran and in the other a copy of Das Kapital. Half the figure wears a robe with half a suicide vest peaking out, but the other half of its body wears a miniskirt and tanktop. It looks very sinister.

  3. lou

    Ann, do you read comments here?

    In the movie “Till” the black town is depicted as clean, neat, and orderly, with well-dressed wise and intelligent and mannerly citizens, etc.

    The white town is depicted as the complete opposite.

    Incidentally, we are also informed that Emmett Till’s father died a war hero. [he was a rapist n executed].

    The propaganda is shameless.

  4. If people haven’t seen the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of “antisemitism,” it’s worth a look. The US State Department pushes lots of countries and organizations to adopt this definition, and many campuses etc in the US use it in their policies etc.

    “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

    Since people might have trouble figuring out what that means, the IHRA provides some examples of antisemitism. They explain that antisemitism includes, but is not limited to, things like the examples they list.

    The first few are things you might expect. But there’s also “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,” “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.” (Newspapers compare enemy countries to Nazi Germany so regularly that it’s become a cliche. But doing that to Israel would be antisemitic, apparently.)

  5. nclaughlin

    Elaine, are you checking your email at the address listed in each post? Your blog is blocking Feedly from reading your site. Thanks.

  6. Pete

    War against Trump

  7. snoosebomb

    macdundas , i noticed that right away , AI ’art” all looks demonic and still does its easy to spot , which is very interesting suggesting the human spirit is separate in some way

  8. Jim R

    He’ll need to deputize an army of Washington outsiders as an executive police force on Day 1, and arrest half the swamp. Maybe with a contingent of US Marshals, if there is a non-corrupt judge to be found anywhere in that rotten compost heap.

    It’s the only way he might make it through Day 1.

  9. They intend no ‘day one’ for Trump. They have tried every trick in the book to put him in prison, each time fails and the failures get worse and worse. So they put him on trial in several states all at once and boom…Trump is winning in all cases!

    And is now wildly popular, too! So this leaves assassinations…the CIA is infamous for assassinating world leaders, etc. Note how they can’t get at Putin…

  10. Steve: I hope you read what I write.

    The people being USED BY THE CIA and the BILDERBERG GANG changes over time. The gang loves Muslims and manipulates them all (Lawrence of Arabia is the early WWI example here) to collude with Imperial England and France back then.

    Ruling all the Muslim states after WWI accelerated when Russia had the Revolution and the need to control the Black Sea became primary suddenly. Then angry Germans rose up and picked Hitler as their leader and we got WWII and the EU imperial states needed Soviet Russia to save them from the Nazis.

    Ahem…hello, everyone here! I don’t just read history, I MAKE HISTORY HAPPEN. 

    I know how the wheels of power operate, I was born inside the system. Not outside.

    I focus on each stage of all this…right now, our rulers are being torn in two by the Jews and the Muslims! This has been ongoing since Hitler. The Muslims liked Hitler!

  11. They can’t throw all the Jews under the bus…a good number of Bilderberg gangsters are Jewish, after all! But they have to manipulate the Muslims so they can have excuses to invade Muslims and kill them!

    A tricky business indeed. The Muslims vote DNC and nearly all Jews vote DNC and now this is ripping apart…the DNC!!! I find this rather funny for it makes TRUMP more powerful.

    Trump is openly courting Christians, by the way. Mainstream media is avoiding this topic, if they attack Christians up front, this will make Jews running systems weaker. They have to pretend all is normal even as they and Muslims both are pushing for RELIGIOUS WARFARE!

    The gods are just amazing, aren’t they? We tried to imitate the old Roman Empire in many ways, our Founding Fathers were very aware of all this.

    The Goddess of History is laughing like crazy now, She finds all this utterly amusing. She causes all humans to run in these ‘history cycles’ we seem unable to escape.

  12. qbutnoa

    “This has been ongoing since Hitler. The Muslims liked Hitler!”

    There was and still is much admiration from both sides.

  13. @12, Elaine, I’m reading what you write. Whatever I think of your theories, you’ve sustained a core group of readers longer than any other blog I know of, which takes some doing.

    I don’t imagine that there’s a secret global lobby group manipulating all the other global lobby groups, because I can’t make a theory like that work and also it seems unnecessary to me. There are Neoconservatives openly pushing wars in Iraq and Ukraine – although not for the reasons they give publicly. It’s not difficult to figure out who gets very rich off these wars though, and what strategic objectives they serve for the US and/or Israel. Campaign contributions to Congress are known in many cases, and Congress has delivered the goods. There might be sticks in there as well as carrots – it wouldn’t surprise me at all if some coercion goes on behind the scenes. But I get by just fine supposing that Neoconservatives are Neoconservatives, student protestors are student protestors, etc.

    It would make less interesting reading though, I admit. We humans seem drawn to the idea of some sort of ‘Divine plan’ behind all the apparent chaos. Even if it’s an evil plan, our pattern-seeking brains want to see that everything somehow makes sense.



    I say OFF TOPIC


    #15 – you got some time to double check these patterns:

    It is from here:

    Thanks if you do and I think I basically concur with your sentiment above.

    I also think this – the youth are always “collectively” more wise as they age then the generations prior – how could it be elsewise.

    You are correct as well in that there is just something about this place that fosters “long-time” readers.



  15. Jim R

    I don’t imagine that there’s a secret global lobby group manipulating all the other global lobby groups, because I can’t make a theory..

    You don’t need to imagine, just look around. There are several global lobby groups, some of them officially come out of the UN. Covid was like an atomic x-ray of society, to show us how much power the globalists already have. The WHO is extremely powerful. And then we have the WEF. Schwab is on record bragging about how he has his little indoctrinees (like Turd-eau and Micron) inside every body of political power on the planet.

    You might think Russia would have been exempt, but shockingly, they came up with the ‘Sputnik’ vaccine just to show off their molecular biology prowess. And released it ahead of the Pfizer jab. At least the Kremlin did not try to force every Russian to take it.

    And then you have those periodic meetings in Davos or wherever. They are not publicized, but it’s a poorly kept secret. Alex Jones has been ranting about them for three or four decades now. Many of the muckety-mucks from all those above listed organizations go. Those are the ones Elaine talks about.

  16. Jim R


    Hexacene isomers?

  17. Jim – I just found a damn mistake in my work.

    I need to set aside some time to double check.

    I know this – the answer to the harmless puzzle if fixed.

    But some answers I reckon only get learned the hard way.



  18. If WordPress wants to improve the “forum” then need to allow for edits on comments – so replace the word above “if” with “is” please.

    I still “think” the answer for 6 “perfect” hexagons connected two-dimensionally without regard for orientation is 89 – a prime number – but I’m going to double check even though I am very busy in the month of May planting peppers for the future.

    I would like to go on record as in support of the student protestors – you got a problem with that? If so, tis your problem and not mine – I got a right to support the students – do I not?

    If the fools in dc think they can make rules about the right to express views and protest – then just suggest the fools are subsumed Jim.

    I think that is the case – that is why I support the idea of Nullification.

  19. Here – and to think – this fella was from SC.

    I’d like to suggest that us in the “younger generations” – we been watching, learning, and taking it all in – and you folks living in 20th century ideology – we refute your ideas wholeheartedly.

    Funny and ironic – how the clock circles around – and I haven’t given up hope on the founding principles – but dc is a swampland proven and I doubt Trump can fix it. 

    Temporary solutions just put off the inevitable – and the bridge in Baltimore where the Star Spangled Banner song was created in the War of 1812 – tis emblematic of dc – a bridge that will collapse cause tis not well supported and does NOT have rip-rap to protect the vulnerable pylons Jim.

    Best to you.

  20. I quote for the link above:

    In an essay entitled “A Strategy for the Right” the late economic and libertarian scholar, Professor Murray N. Rothbard, called John C. Calhoun’s Disquisition on Government “one of them most brilliant essays on political philosophy ever written.”  Published in 1850, the year of his death, Calhoun’s Disquisition warned – and explained – how the American political system could evolve into tyranny, and how to stop that from happening.  Americans are now living under the tyranny that Calhoun feared, proving once again the prescience and brilliance of his Disquisition.

    Calhoun’s 173-year-old treatise is not just a diagnosis of how we got here, but a roadmap for escaping from this tyranny and being rid of the “woke” totalitarians among us who are so hellbent on destroying America and replacing it with, well, they don’t really know, in the tradition of Marxist revolutionaries everywhere.

    I believe the “solution” is already being explored in the TN state government – and other state government be advised to give it consideration.

    Otherwise, in the absence of a Constitutional Convention per Article V – succession is the only remedy.

  21. See what I mean – secession – NOT succession.

    Monarchies are based upon succession – I thought the revolution against them effers already happened?

    Seriously – WordPress would be advised to allow edits on comments – at SubStack one can edit – but not here at WordPress apparently – that is bs.

    And seriously – who the hell to the semites think they are – do they think they control merica – the us of a? They don’t – it will be proven soon enough – just like Israel has lost its way and the folks in Gaza deserve better treatment from humanity if humanity ain’t got no death wish.

  22. Jim R

    Nothing secedes like excess . . 😉

  23. #24 – too much excess must lead to a sense of what…..exceptionalism in ideology coupled with post-modernist concepts destined for failure?

    I reckon that must it – but the post-modernist trip must of been maybe a lesson to be learned – I mean have your read the “Sot-Weed Factor” by John Barth – one of the first post-modernist authors? If not, I recommend it – I read it on the side in high-school.

    I’m thinking there might be hope for some of the founding ideologies – its just so many have “Hamilton” in their minds and it is as if they are under spell – that is why I really don’t care for the 10 dollar bill us fiat currency – I think they are worth less – cause hamilton – Washington’s assistant mind ya – really fucked up a lot of good ideas.

    But – if you desire to debate this sentiment I put forth – then please – lets do. I know I got a lot to learn, but let me say upfront if a debate is going to commence – I’m well studied, I play fair, and I play to win and I’m meaner than hell.

    (ha, ha….


  24. Jim R

    I was just having some fun with our inability to edit. ’Twas nothing, really.

  25. Jim R

    In other news, this generative AI art is really good for making funny meme pictures. Of course, it’s useless for choosing a topic, but its ability to caricature prominent fools is superb. 

  26. Little Napoleon there in Macron married to a man evidence suggest convincingly!

  27. So – so far Elaine has not said she would be upset if I posted some text from some serious long-time ago discourse, but I will wait for the host before I post anything undesired.

    But if you want evidence that Macron is married to a man….

    Here it is:

    ….well, I couldn’t find the one I was looking for, but consider this:

    If you actually even have to say publicly – “my wife is not a man” – well, hells-bells – ain’t that telling?

  28. Look at this picture – and tell me this relationship is not effed up:

    Oh forget it – I could post it – but there was a court case regarding defamation – and tis interesting the sequence of events on said case – suggest to me the 40 year old is married to an old man – somebody who is a trickster and afraid to reveal who they really are – I mean if you are a man – just admit it and get over it – seems in France that would be the place to do it – so begs the question – what they got to hide?

    I think they all are addicted to adenochrome and that hormone is going to be their downfall cause some of us love our children more then they could ever know.

    Not kidding and if you want – if you ask – I will find the link I was originally wanting to share – in goodwill about the screwed up folks effing everything up for those of us just trying to get by day-by-day. They got a hard lesson coming in the month of May.

  29. Jim R

    Yeah, I dunno anything about Mrs. Macron. 
    What is ignorance? What is apathy?

    However, I’m pretty sure Big Mike is. There were pictures circulating years ago, of Mike and Barry together in a very affectionate embrace.

  30. I think Macron sleeps with Napoleon.

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