It’s A Trap! Biden Ordered FBI To Hide State Secret Documents At Trump’s Home!

CONFIRMED – IT WAS ALL A SETUP: New Evidence Affirms Previous TGP Reporting that Deep State Sent Documents to Mar-a Lago to Set Up Trump


Thanks to Judge Cannon dropped a cannon ball on the entire FBI/Biden scheme to frame President Trump and slip into his home, the top secret files without Trump knowing anything about this conspiracy.  ARREST BIDEN, arrest the FBI staff who engineered this frame-up.  This is worse than Watergate and Watergate was very bad!  This is worse, much worse.


President Trump shared last week that he believes the FBI stole his will. The FBI also stole 1,800 other items that were not documents that belonged to President Trump. This was not lawful or necessary.


So, the raiders of Mar-la-go were not only planting false evidence but also stole important personal documents of the Trump family.  This raid was a typical communist event, all communist dictators do what the FBI and Biden did to Trump.


It is also widely known at this point that Joe Biden who ordered the FBI access to Trump’s documents at Mar-a-Lago and President Trump’s personal belongings.


On pages 2-3 of the ruling Judge Cannon revealed that it was JOE BIDEN who ordered the FBI access to the Mar-a-Lago documents and President Trump’s personal belongings.


It is long past time Biden was arrested.  We even saw how prosecutors of Biden’s son and Biden, by extension, claimed he was too senile to remember much of anything and then…Biden announced he wasn’t only not resigning, he is running again.  Good grief, this is literally insane.



Here is the infamous photo of supposed ‘secret files’ thrown on Trump’s office floor by ‘Trump’:



Throughout the picture there are sections in white.  It would be proper for the FBI to take pictures of the crime scene and then add paper to cover up the classified info and then take photos to cover up any classified information.  However, we know that these white sections are redactions to the photo.


And all this is true and all this is CIA-style ‘frame a world leader then kill him or her or it’ business.


At the end of the article we reported that this was a crime scene but the FBI and DOJ were the criminals.


I want videos of the invaders of Trump’s private home to see how the FBI committed many crimes, setting this up so they could ruin Trump forever.  This is TREASON.  They replaced him with a man, Biden, who then opened the borders to invaders the very first day in office and who still refuses to shut the borders.


He is a TRAITOR.  The FBI leaders are TRAITORS.  Arrest them all!



Filed under .money matters

23 responses to “It’s A Trap! Biden Ordered FBI To Hide State Secret Documents At Trump’s Home!

  1. So if this true, and it gets hidden again – well let me just say one lie too many is one lie too much….

    Us folk in “Gen-X” we are more and more getting fedup.

    If this is true, I concur – it is worse than that water gate – oh shit – so much worse, but not unexpected….evidence is already KNOWN.

  2. Incidentally – the sitting duck aircraft carrier apparently just passed through the Suez Canal – what you make of that?

    It is a feint, or a recognition – that ole 20th century ideas are losing value in narrative?

    What you think?


  3. Here is a “cross-link” – just as fast as the speed of light.

    TREASON – if this is what happened – tis TREASON….

    either way, the us fiat $ – tis full of debt, but per the 14th Amendment – that effing debt belongs to those committed the treason back then in 1913….

    One thing leads to another….

    I want to see the videos as well.


  4. In response to #5 – not kidding around – I been noticing lately – lately since I’ve been refusing all “updates” in the effing “control system” piece of shit over the top flux – that now my devices are not charging properly – when in the past using the same equipment, they charged without issue – it was easy peasy fair and square price paid for equipment.

    So if this is how these effers think they gonna play the game, then I advise everyone to invest in AT&T and drop your dumb ass smartphones in the dump!

  5. AT&T also be advised – you got your wires on my property – and I play to win.

    The easement been broken and tis in the record – so bug off you a-holes – get the hell off my property or pay rent.

    Not kidding around.

  6. The ball is in your court – but any of you all watched the price of “T”- the dividends don’t remedy the loss in value – must be they thought they could hire a bunch of immigrants don’t even speak the native language – fuck that – AT&T – you OWE me – and I’ll cut the lines in a heartbeat – they are on my property – and lets take it to court – shall we?


  7. Here – check this out:

    peaked out in 2020 – I think that was around the same time the violated the easement – and seriously you mother effers changing the operating system weekly – I’d cut the lines in propriety excepting the fact some of my neighbors rely on these lines – so out of respect for them, I won’t – but AT&T – you fucking owe me backrent – see you in court.

    The longer you deny it – the higher the payment will be – and I have SO MUCH more evidence – I’m not kidding around.

    Get a hold of me – in a fair manner – and lets find some resolution – shall we?

    Otherwise – get ready for Justified Retribution.

  8. lou

    zero hedge


    The push for carbon markets and surveillance paradigms under the guise of combating climate change is actually about creating a system of debt enslavement and control, rather than saving the planet.

    The push to financialize and securitize nature, particularly through carbon, is a big part of the effort to recreate the global financial governance system.
    The goal of the carbon credit initiative is to surveil and charge individuals or entities for emitting too much carbon, using wood stoves, having too much livestock, or emitting too much heat in urban areas.
    The Federal Reserve is actually owned and run by commercial banks like JP Morgan and City group, not just a state-connected entity.
    The hidden powers are controlling both sides of the political dynamics to distract us from the mechanisms being put in place.
    Some entities involved in carbon credit markets have discussed the need for a “benevolent smart dictatorship” if depopulation cannot be achieved peacefully.
    The whole idea of carbon offsets ………

  9. qbutnoa

    @6, “lately since I’ve been refusing all “updates” in the effing “control system” piece of shit over the top flux – that now my devices are not charging properly – when in the past using the same equipment, they charged without issue”

    That does not surprise me, the components that make up a system (mother board) are constantly being updated, there is always some problem being fixed or some improvement being implemented (for whatever reason) which then causes a problem which requires a fix and so on until the end of time. These things are very complex, both individually and as a whole – imho, i would not turn off updates.

  10. #11 – your suggestion is noted.

    I look forward to the day when operating systems are “stable” and not in need of so many updates needless – in the absence of that I look forward to the day I take this effing “smart device” and throw it over the water falls.

    Cause of course there is complexity – but a good operating system does not need constant effing weekly updates – that suggest a system flawed in the fist place – and most unreliable – what is smart about complex systems that need to be updated with so much flux that nobody has a chance to learn how it was before it is changed yet again?

    So – I intend on NOT UPDATING – cause I was fine with the way it was, but if the device stops working by virtue of that – then I’ll throw the complex shit in the trash….

    Seriously – it is worthless anyhow – and the youth today – they are addicted – to this and it is not healthy for humanity.

    Regardless – this same info from this article – just been published elsewhere – but I know where I read it first – and thanks to the host here for keeping tabs on these criminals who need to be hung up for treason evident and obvious – in the ole days – justice was swiftly delivered – wonder if we are regressing in that regard?


  11. qbutnoa

    @12, “I look forward to the day when operating systems are “stable” and not in need of so many updates”

    This is not possible. Hardware is constantly changing (it is a race), this evolution and revolution in design and implementation will not slow down for a long time. Consequently, no (probably) current consumer OS is able to support one fixed hardware standard and every OS has to have backward compatibility, thus decades of support is incorperated into one big, complex, unstable, monolithic code base – hence the constant updates, some of which are critical.

  12. qbutnoa

    European Union, upcoming elections, tow the line Meta or get slapped.

  13. In response to #13:

    I didn’t say updates are not necessary – I expressed frustration with the frequency of updates in the time scale.

    Once a week is just like the lies I’ve been told since I was born – one too many.

    Once a month is in the same category.

    Once a year as well.

    Is there not an operating systems out there reliable enough for one effing year?

    So, sometimes you got to read twixt the lines – but it suggest to me all the updates – that truly the day I get rid of all my smart devices and focus on my pepper ambitions – and then somebody wants to contact me they can do it the old fashioned way – via either face-to-face or a land line – that is going to a good day for me.

    I wanted to freaking throw the smart device in the river near my getaway place, but I don’t want to pollute the water – so maybe I’ll just take these devices apart carefully and then barter the component parts of em.

    How you like them apples?

  14. qbutnoa

    “Is there not an operating systems out there reliable enough for one effing year?”

    Ken, as i understand it, the answer to your question is no, and not for the foreseeable future either.

  15. Well #19 – Sons of Bitches on that.

    Who needs a device got to updated so frequently – not I.

    But I appreciate your fair response – its just the level of “flux” tis over the top – and that is why I said this eclipse event is a big deal to some of us, and the lesson I learned while in the ribbon is too many rules ruin everything and too much flux is not sustainable.

    I advocate for barter in trade – I’m planning on having some mean ass pepper fruit to trade soon enough – you got something to barter?

    Warm Regards to you qbutnoa – were you around for some of the discourse prior to 2008 on this site by chance – oh Lordy – I remember!


  16. qbutnoa

    The thing is Ken, updates fix and break and break and fix and keep a lot of people in work who rely on this competative cycle for their daily bread. To break this endless risk requires stable designs, corporate compliance and government enforcement, all of which is currently impossible, and, i would guess it will be another 50 years before some kind of decent standard takes shape.

  17. This could be an idea without merit – but since I’ve made the effort to come back here and share some thoughts and being WordPress really is better than Substack on presenting text in comments – well – hells bells I’m going to go back and find some of the most memorable comments posted here at Elaine’s place – I mean I remember CS3 I think his or her name was – and many others so many years ago and some of the discourse shared and discussed – you don’t mind if I do this Elaine – do you?

    If you do, and you tell me “no thanks” on this, then of course I won’t do it – but if you don’t – I got some doosies I remember and why not have a trip down memory lane?

    Either way – I will abide as you desire – cause hells-bells you are the host here and I know that.


  18. #21 – I’m not arguing with you but I disagree in premise for the concept of a “good” operating system.

    I don’t care for all the updates – must mean I’m turning into a curmudgeon of sorts, but I can feel the energy of the youth who desire as all youth do – something better.

    Respectfully and thanks,


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