Today, the stock markets plunged off a cliff when they learned, the Chinese will not bail out the entire world’s economy by spending money.  The Chinese people want the money to be spent on GOLD!  Wow. And nearly all of the candidates Obama wants for our Treasury and other systems are withdrawing due to being a bunch of well-connected creeps.  Good riddance.  When will Obama look outside of the ingrown circle of idiots and find someone with some morals, a brain and some ability for analysis?  HAHAHA.

Top Treasury Candidates Pull Out –

WASHINGTON — Two candidates for top jobs at the Treasury have withdrawn their names from consideration, complicating already troubled efforts by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to staff his department at a time of economic crisis, according to people familiar with the matter.This sordid story pulls back a very small corner of a very nasty blanket.  Geithner should have never been allowed to take over the Treasury nor should his stewardship of the Bank of New York be allowed to go unexamined.  The dark heart of many of the scams and Ponzi schemes destroying our banking system beats at this particular branch of the Federal Reserve.


When we learned that this man, Geithner, didn’t pay his taxes correctly, his ability to be the head of the IRS was impossible.  It still is. This criminal is so anxious to protect his true community, namely, his fellow ethnic/religious friends, he blustered his way into office with the help of fellow tribe members in the Obama administration.


All the names of the people withdrawing from consideration are of the same tribal affiliation.  Their prominence and rise to power were paved by religious connections.  

Attempts at getting everyone to ignore all of this is nearly impossible at this point.  I keep saying, creeps like Stanford and Warren are NOT Jewish at all and are ponzi schemesters or con men but they are not running our economic system by running the regulation sections and the government/banking interface.

Annette Nazareth, who was expected to be tapped as deputy Treasury secretary, and Caroline Atkinson, who was being considered to oversee international affairs, have both taken their names out of the running, these people said.

U.S. Securities & Exchange CommissionSEC Biography: Commissioner Annette L. Nazareth

Annette L. Nazareth was appointed by President George W. Bush to the Securities and Exchange Commission and sworn in on August 4, 2005.Prior to being appointed a Commissioner, Ms. Nazareth served as the Commission’s Director of the Division of Market Regulation, a position she held from March 1999 until August 2005. As Director, Ms. Nazareth had primary responsibility for the supervision and regulation of the U.S. securities markets, principally through the regulation of brokers and dealers, exchanges, clearing agencies, transfer agents and securities information processors.

This is the last person on earth, Obama should consider for ANY position.  She should be arrested. True, she was at the helm only the last 3 years but what a last three years, this has been!  Anyone even faintly associated with supervising brokers, dealers and exchanges, etc, is suspect.  At best, incompetent.

Significant initiatives adopted by the Commission during her tenure include: execution quality disclosure rules, implementation of equities decimal pricing, short sale reforms, implementation of a voluntary regime for consolidated supervision of broker-dealer holding companies and modernization of the national market system rules. She joined the Commission staff in 1998 as Senior Counsel to Chairman Arthur Levitt and served briefly as the Interim Director of the Division of Investment Management.

Ms. Nazareth served as the Commission’s representative on the Financial Stability Forum (FSF). The FSF promotes international financial stability through information exchange and international cooperation in financial supervision and surveillance. The FSF brings together on a regular basis national authorities responsible for financial stability in significant international financial centers.

If this woman was hard at work on financial stability issues since 1998, she is part of the problem, not part of the solution.  In the case of modern finance, the rot at the core is so intense, so entwined within the systems for regulating things, only total outsiders can clean house.

Across the administration, several potential candidates have been blocked by the Obama administration’s tough rules about who it will hire. In addition, the White House increased the rigor of its vetting process after tax problems threatened Mr. Geithner’s confirmation and scuttled that of former Sen. Tom Daschle.

What we must assume from this news is, all of them have tax problems.  I think all the people in the government and the IRS should be audited and this should be very thorough.  So much corruption has crept into the systems, all parties should be assumed to be malfunctioning or malingering.  If not outright criminally engaged.

The withdrawals aren’t confined to the Treasury. Susan Tierney recently withdrew her name from consideration for the job of deputy secretary of energy for what a person close to her said were family reasons. Jane Garvey recently withdrew from consideration for the deputy secretary post at the Department of Transportation, according to people familiar with the matter.

People familiar with the matter said Ms. Nazareth and Ms. Atkinson withdrew in part because of the long vetting process, which had dragged on for weeks and included several rounds of intense questioning. Treasury is now said to be considering another person as deputy — H. Rodgin Cohen, chairman of top law firm Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, who has been an adviser to virtually every firm on Wall Street, two people familiar with the matter said. Mr. Cohen declined to comment.

Mrs. Atkinson is an IMF person who is also a Council of Foreign Relations person and I presume, happily attends all those hyper-secretive Bilderberg meetings, etc.  She doesn’t want us poking around in her life, too.  Being an IMF person, she is one of the army of hypocrites who dictate harsh terms for everyone but the ruling nations like the US or England.  The imperial powers wish to have this double standard and she benefits from this boon.

America’s Crony Capitalism – Council on Foreign Relations is an editorial written by her in 2002.  She laments the crimes of Enron and Global Crossing and compares this with the Asian Currency Crisis and the Argentine inflation episode of 1998.

What amazes me is, she calls this ‘crony capitalism’ but doesn’t explain how these cronies work: via political donations in elections and lobbying efforts in DC.  Enron bought many politicians including Bush Jr.  A simple thing to write!  She didn’t write it nor mention how these cronies congregate or socialize, either.

I am going to return to Mrs. Atkinson’s later editorial, Forget Sovereign Bankruptcy Plans – Council on Foreign Relations later in this article.

Ms. Nazareth’s ability to get the job may have been complicated by her previous role at the Securities and Exchange Commission, where she ran the division with oversight of financial markets, including what were once the nation’s investment banks.

Some on Wall Street had raised concerns in the Senate over Ms. Nazareth’s role as the founder of the SEC’s Consolidated Supervised Entities program, which was created in 2004 to coax global investment banks to voluntarily submit to regulation, according to people familiar with the matter.

The five major investment banks no longer exist. They have either been acquired, filed for bankruptcy protection or reorganized as regulated banks. Many people cite their ill-advised bets on the mortgage market as one cause of the financial crisis.

The program was abandoned in September 2008 after then-SEC Chairman Christopher Cox declared it “fundamentally flawed from the beginning.”

Ms. Nazareth’s role in creating the program had come to the attention of the Senate Finance Committee. Because her nomination hadn’t been formalized, any effort to delve into her role in the failed regulatory regime never got beyond the early stages.

She is obviously pure poison.  I am glad she is going back under a rock.  I hope we never see her name again but alas, she lurks inside of the system, doing her dirty work.  Which is, to protect the various empires of wealth of people who associate and socialize with her and give to the same charities and hold the same international positions vis a vis Israel.

The withdrawals come amid growing concern about the lack of staff at Treasury as it tries to grapple with an unrelenting financial crisis. Mr. Geithner is the only official to be nominated, let alone confirmed.

Paul Volcker, an economic adviser to President Barack Obama, recently called the lack of staff “shameful” and said Mr. Geithner “shouldn’t be sitting there alone.”

Oy Veh!  There has to be someone who can be used to protect the status quo!  They are running out of obvious candidates.  The idea of going outside of this charmed circle is not even entertained.


Forget Sovereign Bankruptcy Plans – Council on Foreign Relations

Caroline Atkinson, Adjunct Senior Fellow for International Economics May 17, 2002 Financial Times

Rather than ponder new ways for dealing with failing countries, the IMF should use better the tools it has.

The main tool the IMF uses is to end all social spending and to enable vultures to come in and pick apart the carcass of any unfortunate nation that falls in arrears. The cruel methods kill people which is why we have ‘IMF riots’.

Question: when is a country not like a company? When it has run out of money. A company can declare bankruptcy. A country cannot. Debt work-outs for companies are guided by domestic bankruptcy laws. Debt work-outs for countries are not. They can be long and messy.

‘Messy’ is her cute, little girly way of saying, ‘Oh my, look at all the dead bodies! Houses are burning! People are screaming. Look at the starving children! Oooh!’ Long means, ‘Oh dear, they are still dying?’

It is little wonder that the International Monetary Fund and creditor government officials struggling to manage emerging market financing crises are seeking new ways to resolve them. The debacle in Argentina adds urgency. Yet the boldest proposal – a sovereign bankruptcy procedure drawing on the analogy with companies – is likely to prolong debate, not resolve it. The less ambitious US Treasury plan – a renewed effort to press for bond clauses to facilitate orderly debt work-outs – also falls short.

The ruling elites who control the global banking systems and who hobnob at Davos and at Bilderberg soirées are delicately  not mentioned by this squeamish IMF female.  Paying off the debts is the #1, #2 and #3 business.  But hark! When the home bases of these entities is in trouble, they get to play the ZIRP game which is why the #1,#2 and#3 economies , the US , EU and Japan all get to give themselves ZIRP loans when in trouble.  God forbid, Argentina gets to do this!

Neither scheme would have stopped Argentina’s collapse or made its problems more tractable. Declaring default without changing the currency peg would have triggered more capital flight. Better procedures for dealing with bondholders now would not address the imploding financial system, the crumbling economy and the threat of hyperinflation.

HAHAHA. No wonder she doesn’t want the Obama appointment! It will be happier for her to hang out with her internationalist banking buddies and apply the thumbscrews on us from over in Europe.

Conversely, if Argentina restores financial stability and a credible framework for growth, its creditors will be keen to strike a deal. In crises from Mexico to Turkey, debt problems are a symptom as well as a cause of economic trouble. Resolving them requires reforms, notably exchange rate changes that, although needed for growth, cut living standards in the short term. Identifying the reforms, persuading countries to implement them and being ready to stop lending if they do not are the challenges.

OK: she, the sheltered female hyena, even mentions the sad need to ‘cut living standards’ to fix things. Got that? Ready for it? Her job will be, to tell us how to ‘reform’ ourselves. Well, first reforms are arresting the many criminals involved and there are a lot of them. The IMF prefers despots so I am betting, they are hoping to find some hard-edged individual who will reduce our standard of living and force us to pay our debts…TO JAPAN, CHINA and the PIRATES. The offshore pirate tax dodgers. Like Mitt Romney, GOP governor of Mass. and presidential candidate.

Energy should be focused not on the mechanics of debt work-outs but on three deeper issues. First, how to judge when a country cannot pay its debts without crippling its economy. Second, how to strengthen the international community’s will to deny money when policies stand little chance of working. Third, how to use existing tools to push debtors and private creditors towards agreement.

READ HER CLOSELY! She specifically says, ‘DENY MONEY when policies stand little chance of working.’ China is going to do this with IMF blessings? You bet! And I love the ‘Push debtors and PRIVATE creditors towards agreement’! The privateers are pirates who created this mess via the ZIRP Japanese carry trade!

When crisis hits, it is hard to tell whether policy reform and temporary official financing will be enough to restore investor confidence. In a few cases, debts may have to be restructured. Tough judgments are involved in deciding when restructuring is the only option and how to share the pain between debtor countries and their creditors.

Sharing pain! HAHAHA. She probably means, ‘If you are weak, you pay, if you are strong and have nukes, you don’t pay.’ Except China has nukes and is the creditor here, not us. The pain we might share might be a war sort of pain.

The IMF is the only body with political legitimacy and the technical ability to make such judgments. It should do so with more transparent guidelines on debt sustainability. Its programmes already require assumptions about a country’s ability to raise taxes, cut spending and borrow. What is needed is a more open acknowledgement of when debt restructuring is needed to make these assumptions add up.

HAHAHA. The IMF will FORCE us to raise taxes and then all the money will go to our creditors: Japan, China and the pirates.

This entire article enrages me no end.  Why did Obama pick this human shark?  Take a wild guess.  The US has shirked paying taxes since the Reagan Tax revolt.  This stupid revolt has put us in debt to our most dire trade rivals.  Our future taxes will go to Japan, to China, not to us.   


Today, I had some email exchanges about Japan’s debts.  The person said to me, people think Japan will go bankrupt.  I said, ‘No, they owe 87% of their debts to Japanese.  We owe tremendous debts to the Japanese.  We are the ones in trouble, not they.’ Japan has no worries about their own debts, we will pay them in the future!  OUR taxes will make China stronger, too!  This is the difference between a ‘creditor’ and a ‘debtor’ nation.  The IMF recently got a cheap loan from the Japanese so the IMF can lend it to say, Iceland.  There are few places the IMF can go to for money to lend out to deadbeat nations.


Deutsche sees risk of U.S. GDP falling 10 pct in Q1 | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Deutsche Bank U.S. economists Joseph LaVorgna and Carl Riccadonna expect first-quarter Gross Domestic Products to shrink by 8 percent, steeper than the 6.2 percent fall in the fourth quarter.

“However, the risks are skewed heavily on the downside, so we would not be surprised after revisions, if output end up being down closer to minus 10 percent,” they wrote in a research note released on Wednesday.

The economic news is grim.  Stocks fall 1,000 points and then go up 250 and everyone cheers.  But it is all just a slinky going down the staircase of history.  I read this night, 67% of Americans want more war in Afghanistan!  This is pure lunacy.  It is like Argentina going to war over the Falkland Islands.  Both the British and the Argentines couldn’t afford that foolish war.


Survey: Over Two-Thirds of Chinese Economists Favor Gold Over US Bonds


In a survey of major Chinese economists, more than two-thirds are reportedly bearish on the prospect of China increasing its holdings of US government bonds, and believe instead the nation should putting more of its hard-earned into gold.

This news is hot news if you are holding or buying gold! The ancient monetary value potential of gold is very alluring.  Like a distant statue of a goddess seen from afar, she shines in the murk.

According to a China Business News survey of 70 Chinese economists (including one foreign economist), the exact figure is 71.4% anti-bonds and pro-gold.


The use of China’s huge foreign exchange reserve is a topic of concern and controversy. The remaining 28.6% of those polled believe China should continue to buy U.S. Treasury bonds. 38.6% think that China should not continue to buy, but also should not to sell US bonds. 32.8% believe thatChina should unload the bonds, 22.8% of whom think we should have a slight sell-off, while 10% think China should drop them like a bad habit.


And the IMF and all the spend-thrift central bankers of the West worked very, very hard to convince everyone, gold is stupid and useless.  All that effort, down the drain!  I predicted that China, when it takes over from us, will impose a gold standard and since we owe them, will demand possession of our gold reserves.  End of story.

I almost forget the latest scandal:


ABC News: Scandal at Treasury: Official Quits Amidst Fraud Scandal

Darrel Dochow, the West Coast regional director at the Office of Thrift Supervision who investigators say allowed IndyMac to backdate its deposits to hide its ill health, quit last Friday. Prior to his leaving, Dochow was removed from his position but remained on the government payroll while the Inspector General’s Office investigates the allegations against him.




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Filed under .money matters, gold, Politics


  1. Y’know
    This is the final countdown.
    The drama is so banal.
    Like I care.
    But I am game. So here it will come — I never made any promises:
    You Are Scum

  2. Simon

    Regards to gold:
    This is not hot news, by the time anything appears in print, the horse would have bolted ages ago
    Of course this only applies if you are playing the market 🙂

  3. payAttention

    Sullivan & Cromwell has long been the outside counsel for Goldman, and outside counsel is a vastly more important role for a securities firm than just about any other type of business. In the stone ages, when I worked for a few years at Goldman, certain S&C partners had so much clout at Goldman that they could get a mid-level banker fired. And even then, “Rodg”, head of the banking practice, was a very influential figure at Goldman.

    After I left Goldman, I was involved in a behind the scenes role on a deal that broke new ground from a regulator standpoint. Cohen was representing the other side, the target of a minority investment. I was later told by a senior bank regulator that Cohen worked against my client’s interest in a particularly duplicitous way.

    So Cohen is not only deeply tied to entrenched interests, but he plays a ruthless game, with a mild manner that would lead you not to suspect him of that sort of behavior.

    In case you think this reaction is extreme, some e-mail comments from reader Marshall:

    We should operate from the assumption that Geithner will always surround himself with the most awful Wall Street cronies imaginable. He’s totally captive to that ideology. This Administration is going to make Warren Harding’s Administration seem like a convention of nuns by comparison.

  4. Angela

    “I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas. I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who survived a Depression to serve in Patton’s Army during WW2 and a white grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas. I’ve gone to some of the best schools in America and lived in one of the world’s poorest nations. I am married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slaveowners- an inheritance we pass on to our two precious daughters. I have brothers, sisters, neices, nephews, uncles and cousins, of every race and every hue, scattered across three continents, and for as long as I live, I will never forget that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible.”
    Remarks of Barack Obama
    Elected President of the United States November 4, 2008
    Speech on Race
    National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    March 18, 2008

    This man had worldwide support on a nebulous platform of CHANGE. So many people are deluded into thinking that the jury is still out on him. For me, the case is closed, he is Bushbama, the black GWB.
    Management consulting firms have made millions of dollars preaching that change cannot happen with the same level of thinking that created the problems, Bushbama must’ve missed the seminar.

  5. payAttention

    I know you think the economy is collapsing because you taught Wang and Li to buy our debt when they paid you a state visit. However you might pay attention to the real news also. The market collapse is being precipitated by basis traders at Deutsche and JP and Citadel. They have the temerity to take out GE now. Never mind the North American energy complex, where the rig count is dropping off a cliff in oil and gas fields, both. Think what’s going to happen there when the hundreds of shallow basins, fields start to deplete at the end of the year.

    quote: “Before, you really had to worry mostly about where you were in the” company’s capital structure, he said. “Now, you have to consider the possibility that you might have this large holder of CDS incentivized to see it go into bankruptcy. It’s something that’s going to come up more and more.”
    ELAINE: Dear Pay Attention,
    I am very interested in you! You have a fascinating past! I married into Wall Street but never worked there, just drank with brokers, etc, when I hung out in Lower Manhattan.
    You have the inside story of Goldman Sachs. Everyone here would LOVE to hear more. Not everyone who works for these organizations are bad, but TEMPTATION to earn money no matter what has been allowed to run amok and no one at the top troubled much with fixing glitches, errors, time lags [with modern computers, there should be no time lags at all] to get rich. This, in turn, has drained money from the working parts of the system as everyone rushed to exploit glitches, errors and mistakes. Instead of focusing on profit-making systems, the profit making moved to the ERRONEOUS or non-functional parts of the systems and computers allowed everyone to do this all the time, not on occasion like in the pre-computer days.

  6. paul

    plunging stock market – so far it’s more brutal than 70s and 00s bears, reminds of 30s, but could be worse:

  7. David

    Angela said:
    “change cannot happen with the same level of thinking that created the problems, Bushbama must’ve missed the seminar.”
    Geithner and affiliates know the existing systems weaknesses from top to bottom because they have spent their entire lives exploiting those weaknesses for their own personal gain and in order to repay obligations within their own exclusive club.
    Out of the millions of Americans who inhabit this nation, one would think that Obama could come up with some new blood, someone who can see clearly what needs to be done to solve these problems, and I agree with Angela, the old crowd is so slimy and corrupt,and in each others pockets that their fixing the problems they created is an impossibility.
    To see discover what is wrong and and to create solutions to any problem, you have to first look at problems HONESTLY in order to see what is there and what you are dealing with.
    Geithner and affilliates are the same folks who viewed money as real wealth…they thought that if they could borrow or create more and more computer digits and green paper, and loan it to citizens for future interest repayments, they were creating real wealth. This is wholly erroneous, but this was and is their mindset.
    When the people took this fake paper and bought imported consumer junk, and cars and houses with debt, Geithner and affiliates simply borrowed money from Japan and China or themselves created more and more phony digits and green paper, and kept loaning….until nobody wanted to sell any real goods to US citizens because they became aware they were being paid in debt based on their own lending or with genuine, homegrown, US created funny money.
    And, our globalists, seeing a global economy as being more profitable (causing more earnings of electronic digits and paper), shipped jobs (that created value-added, hands-on, real wealth) to China and elsewhere.
    For those computer digits and green papers we call money to be
    worth anything, a corresponding amount of real wealth must be created…meaning an equal amount of chairs for the parlor, roads, bridges, rail lines, houses, tractors, and so on.
    When the amount of money created matches the amount of real wealth (goods and services), then, those computer digits and that green paper is valuable, and can be used as a substitute for those chairs, tractors and other things in business transactions.
    Here is where I see that Gethier and affiliates limited viewpoint makes it impossible for them to see solutions to the problems they created. As I said, they think they can create computer digits and print green paper without any accompanying creation of chairs in the parlor or roads or bridges or tractors,etc., and still have growing wealth…this is impossible…so their financial logic is faulty to begin with.
    Yesterday I wrote a long diatribe about the elite consensus that 80% of us ordinary working class proles are unnecessary. Well, Geithner and affiliates, and Obama, appear to believe this baloney…and this is their immediate downfall even before they begin trying to see solutions.
    To fix this mess, real work is necessary…creation of US goods and services to match the money supply and again make it valuable..and American working proles and jobs creation are necessary to do this. Otherwise, reality will dictate that the money supply must decline if real wealth declines too.
    Oh, Geithner can keep creating more computer digits and printing more green paper, but it will be just that, computer digits and green paper…not real money, and it will be increasingly worthless.
    Now, I make no claim to being very knowledgeable about money matters, but if (after Elaine’s tutoring) I can see this, why can’t Harvard Professor Obama see it also when he looks for people to help him solve our financial problems.
    Unless, he does see this, I’m afraid he will go down in the dustbin of history and only be remembered as that fellow who presided over the US decline.

  8. JSmith

    “When will Obama look outside of the ingrown circle of idiots and find someone with some morals, a brain and some ability for analysis?”
    Like you, for instance?
    You got that right!

  9. criticalcontrarian

    Off topic, just need to comment on this: I took a break this afternoon to watch one of the latest movie releases, The International. It’s about the largest international bank and its dealings in arms, drugs, politics, terrorism, etc. The movie is fictional, but here’s the thing. Watching it reminded me of how insidious and thorough the brainwashing used by the film industry on the populace is.

    Consider this, here is a movie that portrays a lot of current events but in a fictional setting. By doing this it causes the unsuspecting person to look at current events with a fictional mindset, thus creating the “conspiracy theorist” tags or labels whenever someone talks or connects the dots beyond the part line or traditional media sources. Very efficient albeit evil. Just had to share that thought.

    Oh, and it was quite entertaining. Here’s the trailer:

  10. ralph

    Buy Gold folks. Numismatic coins, Bullion coins, etc… The new American fad is to SELL YOUR GOLD AT GOLD PARTIES!!! Smarten up, BUY what the foolish, desperate, Amerikans are dumping.

  11. MikeM

    On a tangent, Google “10th amendment” in the news tab. The Federal Government is not finding many friends anymore.

  12. if

    Funny, sometimes a person serving the darkest forces can tell the truth and vice versa.
    “If a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes the truth.” “Any form of propaganda has a direction. The quality of this direction determines whether propaganda has a positive or negative effect. Good propaganda does not lie, it must indeed not lie. It has no reason to be afraid of the truth. It is a mistake to think that people can not withstand truth. They can. You simply have to present the truth to people in a way they can understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it serves a bad thing. It can not be successful in the long run.
    Good propaganda is always something that serves a good cause, but the propaganda is still necessary for a good cause to succeed. A good idea will not succeed just because it is good. It must be presented in the right manner if it is to win “… “(propaganda) is a function in modern society.” “It rises from the depth of the people, and must always turn back to the people to find its roots and strength. It may be useful to base the power on weapons, but it is better and more sustainable, however, to gain and maintain the people’s heart.”
    Joseph Goebbels (at Party Days in Nuremberg 1934)

  13. buffalo_ken

    What about a “bad” idea? Who tells the difference?

    Still, a good idea gone bad large scale is about the worst thing possible.

    Hello everyone (assuming this posts).


  14. buffalo_ken

    Elaine – thank-you for allowing me to post.

    I’ve been missing it.

    Regardless, I’ve still been woking on being a stoic and I will try to refrain from the one-liners.


  15. David

    What you are talking about is called phantasms. All governments and societies do it to some extent. Examples:
    Our heroic Christian troops killed those murdering heathen, Godless savages and tamed the western frontiers for us. The movies were still taming those Godless savages in 1960. And Roy Rodgers was fighting outlaws with a set of sixguns while he rode around in a jeep….Wild West mythology.
    You cannot get away with anything slightly rebellious or illegal. We have super brained CSIs who will examined the very air you breathed, track your DNA with an supercomputer and come to put you in jail…closes the public mind to any form or resistance to government…pure bullshit. And Television has for 40 years been filled with cop shows who get their man everytime…public comes to believe that the bad guys always get caught..when in fact, according to FBI crime statistics, only around 1/4th of some types of crimes are ever solved,but government does not want this to become public knowledge…so they hammer the masses incessantly with the phantasms, year after year.
    A Band of Brothers goes on a movie mission where on a mission during the “good war.”and presidents and generals have compassion for the good troops who fight the good fight for the good cause.
    I really enjoyed this one.
    On 24, Jack Baur breaks fingers and tortures evil terrorists each week to save the nation from dirty bombs and all kinds of evil…He has to…no mention of the fact that Jack is making the nation into the kind of place that Band of Brothers was fighting the good fight to overcome.
    Schindler’s list documents the heroism of Schindler who saved his factory workers from the death camps…very heroic, but throughout the entire movie and other movies of this type there is no questioning of what would motivate normal Germans to support Hitler and a system of death camps…no mention of WWII repatriations and the terrible suffering that Banks and financial entities were causing among German people, and which tribe was mainly in charge of this theft that gave cause for Germans to support Hitler and to hate Jews so much many Germans supported killing them all….some serious hatered there…for what? Did they learn anything from that experience?
    CC: A phantasm is simply a fantasy story that is slid into the common mindset until it becomes a part of normal reality…and then can be recorded as history and fact.
    Some of these phantasms are so obviously prejudiced in favor of one view or another that they make me sick…Don’t watch much entertainment anymore…except I’m a sucker for spy movies…like Bourne Identity…love them.

  16. MikeM


    “…but throughout the entire movie and other movies of this type there is no questioning of what would motivate normal Germans to support Hitler and a system of death camps…”

    The study I post below possibly sheds some light onto the observed contrast between an individual’s moral anchors, and behavior under authoritative direction:

  17. MCC

    Gold. Well I’ve been tempted to buy gold for years and years now. But so far I have resisted the temptation. The motivation to hoard gold is not about survival. It’s about wanting to keep one’s wealth while everyone else gets poorer. You can’t eat gold. It won’t keep you from getting the plague or whatever other disease sweeps through the cities.
    I’m not really interested in hoarding wealth and exploiting the misery of others so I can get wealthy by comparison. I just want to survive long enough to support my children until they can take care of themselves. Beyond that I don’t care a whole lot. If society were to truly break down to survival mode, gold would be a worthless commodity. The only things that would matter would be food, water, guns. And if you have guns, you can get food.
    I’ve resisted buying guns for the same reason I’ve resisted buying gold. If the world really broke down into survival mode, and everyone was shooting each other to get the last loaf of bread… That’s not a world I would care to live in anymore anyway. To hell with that.

  18. Noob

    Hi David,

    Sounds like the work of Leo Strauss: “The ordinary people (read that as ‘not as smart as Leo’) need a symbol to rally behind. Something to believe in or to fight against.” That’s why this horror of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars makes me so ill. We had a “peace dividend” for awhile–do you remember? And then suddenly, we had to fight muslims. So now people hate the muslims. 10 years ago, the people didn’t know what a muslim was.

    I love the spy movies, too. There are some Hollywood film makers who use the big screen to tell us the truth about what is going on. That’s why the rightwing nutbags hate them so much. For example, the movie Syriana with George Clooney. Also Warlord (I think that was the title) with Nicholas Cage. Both nauseating in the clear way they depicted reality in movie format. The US does not come out looking like good guys.

    And Tom Clancy apparently hates the Bourne Identities, because he wrote a book about a man who proudly became an assassin for the Company. Can’t have an ex-company guy be sorry for what he did, eh?


  19. buffalo_ken

    MCC – I hate to tell you this, but that is a bunch of hogwash.
    There needs to be mechanism for trade and gold is one of the best.
    Don’t be naive.
    Just being stoic.
    4 lines – no make that 5.

  20. buffalo_ken

    I can’t stand the Bourne Identity stuff either even though I read all the books when I was a kid.
    We all are born are we not?

  21. MCC

    Buffalo_Ken: what are you doing with your gold? I mean, what is it actually doing? Just curious.

  22. if

    I tried to put only a link here, but while testing, allways got a “404 error” so I pasted the previously saved text here explaining some nazi support.
    “Helping Hitler: Nazi support from the U.S.

    Without help from U.S. industrialists, Hitler might never have been able to wage World War II. While most Americans were appalled by the Nazis and the rearming of Germany in the 1930s, some of America’s most powerful corporations were more concerned about making a buck from their German investments. Here are a few examples of how U.S. industrialists supported Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany.
    General Motors

    • The Nazi connection: GM, which was controlled by the du Pont family during the 1930s, owned 80% of the stock of Opel AG, which made 30% of Germany’s passenger cars.

    • Helping Hitler: When Hitler’s panzer divisions rolled into France and Eastern Europe, they were riding in Opel trucks and other equipment. Opel earned GM a hefty $36 million in the 10 years before war broke out, but because Hitler prohibited the export of capital, GM reinvested the profits in other German companies. At least $20 million was invested in companies owned or controlled by Nazi officials.

    • GM may have even been plotting against the Roosevelt administration. According to Charles Higham in his book Trading With The Enemy, GM representatives met secretly with Baron Manfred von Killinger, Nazi Germany’s West Coast chief of espionage, and Baron von Tippleskirsch, the Nazi consul general and Gestapo leader, in Boston on November 23, 1937. The group “signed a joint agreement showing total commitment to the Nazi cause for the indefinite future,” and proclaimed that “in view of Roosevelt’s attitude toward Germany, every effort must be made to remove him by defeat at the next election. Jewish influence in the political, cultural, and public life in America must be stamped out. Press and radio must be subsidized to smear the administration,” and a führer, perhaps Sen. Burton Wheeler of Montana, should be in the White House. Although the group tried to keep the agreement secret, Representative John M. Coffee of Washington found out about it and had the entire text of the agreement printed in the Congressional Record in August 1942.

    HENRY FORD, founder of the Ford Motor Company

    • The Nazi connection: Ford, an outspoken anti-Semite, was a big donor to the Nazi party.

    • Helping Hitler: Ford allegedly bankrolled Hitler in the early 1920s, at a time when the party had few other sources of income. In fact, the Party might have perished without Ford’s sponsorship. Hitler admired Ford enormously. In 1922, The New York Times reported, “The wall beside his desk in Hitler’s private office is decorated with a large picture of Henry Ford. In the antechamber there is a large table covered with books, nearly all of which are translations of books written and published by Henry Ford.” (Hitler actually borrowed passages from Ford’s book The International Jew to use in Mein Kampf). The same year, the German newspaper Berliner Tageblatt, a Hitler foe, called on the American ambassador to investigate Ford’s funding of Hitler, but nothing was ever done. Ford never denied that he had bankrolled the führer. In fact, Hitler presented Nazi Germany’s highest decoration for foreigners, the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, to Ford.


    • The Nazi connection: Employees of Curtiss-Wright taught dive-bombing to Hitler’s Luftwaffe.

    • Helping Hitler: When Hitler’s bombers terrorized Europe, they were using American bombing techniques. The U.S. Navy invented dive-bombing several years before Hitler came to power, but managed to keep it a secret from the rest of the world by expressly prohibiting U.S. aircraft manufacturers from mentioning the technique to other countries. However, in 1934, Curtiss-Wright, hoping to increase sales of airplanes to Nazi Germany, found a way around the restrictions: instead of telling the Nazis about dive-bombing, it demonstrated the technique in air shows. A U.S. Senate investigation concluded, “It is apparent that American aviation companies did their part to assist Germany’s air armament.”


    • The Nazi connection: The oil giant developed and financed Germany’s synthetic fuel program in partnership with the German chemical giant, I.G. Farben.

    • Helping Hitler: As late as 1934, Germany was forced to import as much as 85% of it’s petroleum from abroad. This meant that a worldwide fuel embargo could stop Hitler’s army overnight. To get around this threat, Nazi Germany began converting domestic coal into synthetic fuel using processes developed jointly by Standard Oil and I.G. Farben.

    • Standard taught I.G. Farben how to make tetraethyl-lead and add it to gasoline to make leaded gasoline. This information was priceless; leaded gas was essential for modern mechanized warfare. An I.G. Farben memo stated, “Since the beginning of the war we have been in a position to produce lead tetraethyl solely because, a short time before the outbreak of the war, the Americans had established plants for us ready for production and supplied us with all available experience. In this manner we did not need to perform the difficult work of development because we could start production right away on the basis of all the experience that the Americans had had for years.” Another memo noted that “without tetraethyl-lead, present methods of warfare would not be possible.” (Trading With The Enemy)

    • Still another I.G. Farben memo chronicled Standard’s assistance in procuring $20 million worth of aviation fuel and lubricants to be stockpiled for war: “The fact that we actually succeeded by means of the most difficult negotiations in buying the quantity desired by our government… and transporting it to Germany, was made possible only through the aid of the Standard Oil Co.” (Note: According to a 1992 article in the Village Voice, Brown Brothers Harriman was the Wall Street investment firm that “arranged for a loan of tetraethyl lead to the Nazi Luftwaffe” in a 1938. A senior managing partner of the firm was George Bush’s father, Prescott Bush.)

    • Standard Oil may also have undermined U.S. preparations for war. A congressional investigation conducted after World War II found evidence that Standard Oil had conspired with I.G. Farben to block American research into synthetic rubber, in exchange for a promise that I.G. Farben would give Standard Oil a monopoly on its rubber-synthesizing process. The investigation concluded that “Standard fully accomplished I.G.’s purpose of preventing the United States production by dissuading American rubber companies from undertaking independent research in developing synthetic rubber processes.”

    • Standard Oil may have also helped distribute pro-Nazi literature in Central America. According to Charles Higham in Trading With The Enemy, “on May 5, 1941, the U.S. Legation at Managua, Nicaragua, reported that Standard Oil subsidiaries were distributing Epoca, a publication filled with pro-Nazi propaganda. John J. Muccio, of the U.S. Consulate, made an investigation and found that Standard was distributing this inflammatory publication all over the world.”


    • The Nazi connection: IT&T owned substantial amounts of stock in several German armaments companies, including a 28% stake in Focke-Wolf, which built fighter aircraft for the German army.

    • Helping Hitler: Unlike General Motors, IT&T was permitted to repatriate the profits it made in Germany, but it chose not to. Instead, the profits were reinvested in the German armaments industry. According to Anthony Sutton, author of Wall Street and the Rise Of Hitler: “IT&T’s purchase of substantial interest in Focke-Wolfe meant that IT&T was producing German planes used to kill Americans and their allies – and it made excellent profits out of the enterprise.” IT&T also owned factories in the neutral countries of Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, and Sweden, which continued selling products to Axis countries.

    • The relationship with the Nazis continued even after the U.S. entered the war. According to Charles Higham in Trading With The Enemy, the German army, navy, and air force hired IT&T to make “switchboards, telephones, alarm gongs, buoys, air raid warning devices, radar equipment, and 30,000 fuses per month for artillery shells used to kill British and American troops” after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. “In addition,” Higham writes, “IT&T supplied ingredients for the rocket bombs that fell on London… high frequency radio equipment, and fortification and field communication sets. Without this supply of crucial materials, it would have been impossible for the German air force to kill American and British troops, for the German army to fight the Allies in Africa, Italy, France, and Germany, for England to have been bombed, or for Allied ships to have been attacked at sea.”

    CHASE NATIONAL BANK (later Chase Manhattan Bank)

    • The Nazi connection: Chase operated branches in Nazi-occupied Paris and handled accounts for the German embassy as well as German businesses operating in France.

    • Helping Hitler: As late as 6 months before the start of World War II in Europe, Chase National Bank worked with the Nazis to raise money for Hitler from Nazi sympathizers in the U.S.

    • According to Higham in Trading With The Enemy, “In essence, the Nazi government through the Chase National Bank offered Nazis in America the opportunity to buy German National Bank offered Nazis in America the opportunity to buy German marks with dollars at a discount. The arrangement was open only to those who wished to return to Germany and would use the marks in the interest of the Nazis.” Americans who were interested had to prove to the Nazi embassy that they supported Hitler and his policies.

    • Cooperation with the Nazis continued even after America entered the war. For example, Higham says, Chase offices in Paris remained open long after other American banks had shut down, and even provided assistance to the Nazis: “The Chase Bank in Paris was the focus of substantial financing of the Nazi embassy’s activities throughout World War II with the full knowledge of [Chase headquarters in] New York. In order to assure the Germans of its loyalty to the Nazi cause… the Vichy branch of Chase at Chateau-neuf-sur-Cher were strenuous in enforcing restrictions against Jewish property, even going so far as to refuse to release funds belonging to Jews because they anticipated a Nazi decree with retroactive provisions prohibiting such a release.” (Trading With The Enemy)

    • Facts and Fascism, by George Seldes (out of print; check your public library)

    • Trading With The Enemy: An Exposé of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, by Charles Higham (Delacorte Press, 1983)

    Source: Conspiracy Hell Links”

  23. buffalo_ken

    MCC – Thank-you for your question.
    I have 4 gold buffalo 1-oz coins.
    I plan on giving one to each of my daughters when they are ready.
    I am not sure what I am going to do with the other 2.
    Every now and then I rub one of them along with my only and one and only platinum Maple Leaf coin on my neck. Feels good in an odd sort of way.
    If – you post was too long.
    If I only had time.

  24. buffalo_ken

    If I only had time.

    It all would be mine.

    But tell me – Who has time?

    Not me.

    And if you tell me you do, then I will know more about you than you know about me!

    That was a stoic poem.

  25. buffalo_ken

    If – sorry. I started reading what you stated in your post and I think it is good information. I have read this sort of thing previously.
    The web is mysterious no doubt.
    A Grand Mystery.
    I am just happy to be alive.

  26. emsnews

    Fascism is pro-state capitalism. The National Socialists built a system whereby ONLY the ‘pure’ people got social services and the ‘defective’ people got robbed, beaten, raped and then killed. This way, the Nazis explained, there will be more money for the ‘healthy/strong/pure’ people and the ‘untermenschen’ would be wiped out so they would not pollute the gene pool.
    This is why the very first person killed by gas chamber in the Holocaust was not a Jew at all but HITLER’S OWN AUNT who had schizophrenia [!!!!]. Her crazy nephew had her gassed in a portable truck system as a guinea pig test! Then, he systematically killed people in insane asylums.
    Next, he turned on the gypsies and then finally, the Jewish community. He had many supporters in the US. Here, the untermenschen were blacks and the mentally ill. The goal was the same: to purify the white race and to save money so they could have a social system that supported only the ‘white race’.
    This system exists in Israel today. The Jews running the government support national socialism based on genetic belief systems that end up withdrawing social services, citizenship and even the very lives of untermenschen. I despise all of these beliefs.
    There is no super race. If they do exist and are unmerciful, they are not good but should be fought off with all our might. It is pathetic that the US fought WWII while at the same time, using Nazi-style national socialist political systems [whites got lots of government services denied to blacks, just for example].

  27. “Fascism is pro-state capitalism”

  28. Elaine, Hitler also went after gay men. Especially after June 30, 1934 “The Night of the Long Knives” when so many of the SA (Storm Troop) officials were found in bed with their male lovers. Before, it was “don’t ask, don’t tell” when it came to gays within the Nazi Party (as opposed to total persecution without). From henceforth, if you could be classified “Aryan” and were known to be (or used to be) actively gay and did not have connections to the party elite, you were SOL. This in spite of the Nazi program to utterly litter Germany and other areas of the “Reich” with homoerotic statuary!

  29. Question for Elaine: if China gets our gold reserves, who will get France’s gold hoard in the vault of the Bank of NY? My bet will be Russia, in exchange for oil & natural gas — Maggie Thatcher’s fault since she let British Petroleum and others burn off the gas from the North Sea back in the 80s.

  30. One last thing: although it would behoove Obama to get rid of Geithner and appoint Volcker and other smart accounting financial types with INTEGRITY, this will never happen, for like the rest of the DC crowd, he is totally bought. Karl Denninger has predicted utterly dire consequences if the Gov’t doesn’t change course from its present “Bush” policy. I think it’s what we should expect (like the 1977 NYC riots but on a national scale).
    ELAINE: Ed, I was dead center in the middle of those riots. I can give a blow by blow accounting of how they started and how they ended [NO ONE STOPPED IT…the riots flared on and on for MONTHS! My entire community ended up in ashes and burned bricks].

  31. “Maggie Thatcher’s fault since she let British Petroleum and others burn off the gas from the North Sea back in the 80s.”
    She did indeed.
    Thatcher would know all about this…
    This brought back memories of Thatcher standing outside No 10 saying this…”I have aginised over this decision but feel it is the best thing to do”…what she was referring to was the burning off 20/25 years supply of britains north sea gas into the atmosphere. She said it was too expensive to store it,(she wanted the money to give tax cuts to get re-elected). Norway on the other hand did spend the money to store their north sea gas and are now selling it to us.
    Thatcher also closed down our world leading clean coal technology centre well she didn`t like miners and her friends in the nuclear industry didn`t want coal.
    Came across this the other day…
    “Jeff Ennis (Barnsley, East and Mexborough) (Lab): Does my hon. Friend recall that, in the early 1980s, this country led the world in clean coal technology, through the fluidised bed plant at Grimethorpe colliery power station in my constituency? That plant was funded by more than 20 countries, including America and Japan. Unfortunately, the facility was closed down by Mrs. Thatcher. Does he agree that this country continues to regret that decision to this day?”
    “Huw Irranca-Davies: Indeed, and I am sure that all Members here will agree that we want to regain that lead in clean coal technology to take us forward through not only the next few years but the next few decades. The export potential is massive, but it will not happen without investment and prioritising clean coal and carbon abatement technology.”

  32. David

    From your accounting of the German Nazis and the American banks and global corporations that supported and aided their rise to power, it becomes very clear that these corporations had a basic fascist philosophy that fell into direct line with Hitlers ideals.
    I knew about the Harriman Brothers Bank (and Prescott Bush) and Henry Ford, but the standard oil and ITT and GM stuff was appalling.
    I do remember that Mussolini defined fasism as corporatism where all elements of society are brought together for the purpose of increasing corporate profits.
    So, in corporate America, fascism appears to be alive and well as fascists have already crushed labor unions and eliminate Constitutional rights and personal freedoms and increased the police state apparatus….all for profits and control of the citizenry.
    And as I mentioned in earlier posts, the propaganda phantasms are created to support these (fascist) views…and the same right wing crowd is also attempting to subvert The Constitution and Bill of Rights by using the Federalist Papers (which are not law) to interpret the Constitution which is Law.

  33. Paul S

    I saw the film, “The International” as well. I guess the propaganda angle didn’t work on me. I looked at the movie as a “this could be a realistic portrayal of a hugs multinational bank” type of movie. I also wondered what being married to Naomi Watts would be like–haha. So I guess if it ever gets that far, I will have to spend more time in the corporate-globalist “re-education” camps until I have corrected the errors of my ways. But seriously, I think the greater concern is the ‘brain rot’ effect TV and films in general have upon people’s mindsets. Look at how many people think Fox Propaganda is real news. Or that Sean Hannity is a good person to take investment advice from(!). Even AFTER Hannity’s ties to R. Allen Stanford have come out. It really goes back to our inadequate education system. NOBODY seems to teach critical thinking skills.

  34. David

    I too resist the temptation to buy guns. I have a couple of old cheap ones, but I resist the urge to upgrade to anything very formidable.
    Since you mentioned guns, and buying Gold as an investment, these things brought to mind my visit to a local gun store/pawn shop recently.
    I know the guy who runs the place…a pretty straight up fellow. Anyway, when I walked in the door, he motioned for me to come over…and led me to the gun racks. There on them, sat one of the finest collections of pre-1964 Model 70 Winchesters I’ve ever seen, at least 1/4 million dollars worth…must have been 50 of them, in all calibers and prices ranging from &999.00 to $10,000.00 and some African hunting rifles in the collection too..also a Sharps Civil War rifle for $6000.00. All on consignment.
    I asked where these guns came from. The owner replied that a wealthy elderly man had passed away and his widow was selling the collection to eliminate his debts…so, even the wealthy are getting hit by the economy.
    Now, when I was a kid, I read “Outdoor Life” magazine, and the gun/hunting editor was a fellow named Jack O’Conner…one of the best writers I’ve ever read…told the most wonderful rustic adventure/hunting stories that made a kid want to go roaming the wilderness with him. Anyway, Jack’s favorite rifle was the Model 70 Winchester. I had always wanted one, but could never afford one…they were expensive like 400 to 800 dollars in the 1950s.
    Anyway, I picked up one of the Winchesters and examined it…The workmanship was fabulous. All metal parts were milled from billets of chrome moly steel, machine milled,then hand filed curves, and polished to perfection. And the wood was extremely dense fine grained American walnut, hand polished to perfection with hand checkered grips 24 lines per inch.
    I’d forgotten such workmanship ever existed. And that was the world renowned American workmanship of days gone by…The workmanship was simply wonderful to behold. I immeditately wanted one of these fine guns, but alas I’d better hold off because of other obligations..and wife’s approval.
    Still, for an investment, and some protection too, a few fine old Winchesters of super collector quality might be worth considering …wife doesn’t agree with me…wants to redo her bathroom instead.

  35. Simon

    Work Makes You Free, that was the motto of the concentration camps.
    There was a widespread notion that Jews did not work but profited from hoarding goods and traded them when demand was high. Hence they were thought of as parasites of the society and needed to be eliminated.
    Note “perceived notion”.

  36. nah

    watched the news today… everyone is smiling ‘almost laughing’ about what a tragedy finance and healthcare is… sooooo there just spectators too… seems like really noone with the ability to ‘voice’ the direction we are to take is going to do anything… it must not be all that bad OR its gunna get real bad cuz these guys have no idea what happend to iceland… this has been going on since august ‘Fannie, Freddie’ and the game plan is exacting more garbage spending for garbage investments for garbage planning to save the garbage dollar ‘we cant worry about the deficit this is a real emergency’
    there is no understanding musical chairs, its just fun

  37. criticalcontrarian

    Laugh of the Week: The New F***ing Citibank. After Citibank becomes nationalized, expect to see commercials like this. Enjoy! 😉

  38. criticalcontrarian

    Reality Check of the Week: Room for one more on top? How to get a seat in rush hour @
    When Westerners gripe and complain about how tough things have become it many times sounds a bit spoiled. Here is a reality check we all need, a picture of how 60% of the people in the world live. Count your blessings people. They are many.

  39. hardock

    David, You have it pretty much figured out. Now go to FSU and read ‘Deepcaster’s’ piece. Below I will insert a few words from Jim Willie. XXXX”The quiet climaxes of fraud are seen with the Madoff Ponzi Scheme and other minor cases. If you think that authorities are still looking for where Madoff hid the stolen money, then you must believe that the Wall Street mission is to assist in the capitalization process for US industry. The majority of the Madoff funds are safely placed in the same location as much of the Wall Street ill-gotten gains. My sources report that location to be banks within the tiny ally coastal nation north of Egypt and south of Syria, which with the urging of the last Administration, removed all extradition laws in recent years. Trace back to find the original sin of the ethics violations, and you should find your feet squarely at the abrogation of the Bretton Woods Accord that cut the linkage between the USDollar and gold. This is an ethics violation climax of historical proportions.”

    Jim also states emphatically that gold will soon be at $2000.00 and silver at $50. I think we will have a massive intervention driven pull back to the $780-850 range before gold launches to the next target of $1250-1500. Eric Sprott has a great piece on 321Gold telling why everything the Obama administration is doing is based on phony data and is doomed to failure.

    As for the utility and need for gold ownership the following are just a couple of things to keep in mind. Portable, you can hold $50,000 in your hand. When the paper money loses value people…merchants may not take it. Hard to barter if you have a sack of potatoes you have to pack on your back….besides…they won’t keep for long. Gold doesn’t go up in value…..the dollar loses value. All paper currencies throughout history have always gone to ZERO….gold, silver..never! The only way America and the world can get out of the mess we are in is for us to go back to a gold backed currency that restricts the shenanigans of the ‘money changers’. Every sane and prudent person of means should have at least a years wages equivalent in gold & silver put away. When society breaks down or hard times hit you will not be living in caves. Business will still be transacted, things will be built, grown, delivered and their will be a tremendous need for a reliable medium of exchange. Only gold and silver will do the trick. I implore all who read Elaine’s blog to do your own research of the gold sites and the other well informed [non mainstream] financial bloggers to gain more information about why and how gold has always been the most reliable and safe money in the history of the world. Elaine makes a claim that gold is not money, I think she is dead wrong but respect her arguments [weak] claiming otherwise. Whatever we have to go through in the coming months, years or decades we will somehow come out of it a better, smarter people who will know the difference between a lie and a truth, reality and illusion. The last 40 years in America will be written in future history books as the ‘Age of Illusion’.

  40. Simon

    Ah, the problem with our colonial culture is apart from money we have pretty much no other values.
    We are more like a nexus of civilizations than civilization itself, with no roots but pieces of paper called Declaration of Independence or Constition or Bill of Right what have you.
    Not grounded on history like the Germans or the Chinese or the Russians.
    We are a strange meeting point, a gathering of disparate goals, and when the party is over it literal is OVER

  41. criticalcontrarian

    David: sell your cheap ones or trade them in, then get yourself a new Ruger Mk. III 22LR. 10 rds. + 1. Easy to shoot, accurate and next to no recoil, which means your wife can use it to defend herself easily. $326. Then get a Remington 870 Express Tactical Synthetic with an 18 inch barrel, 7 shot capacity. $399. Both are very good and reliable, well built for their class. Very dependable, have had both. Had the older 870, with a Choate pistol grip stock, damned good shotgun. If you are lucky your out of pocket will below $400 if you sell you old pieces.

  42. Angela

    CC, that photo says it all. All over the world, it’s most often the sweat of immigrants and poor people who build the actual designs of the great architects and bankers and rulers and churchmen. Not one “immortal DOGman” would have ever had a wonder of the world on view if it weren’t left for us by THEIR SLAVES who get to travel in piles like that photo.
    Nearly all of our food and possessions show up due to the unseen actual work of deperately poor people. Our mindless demand HAS created jobs, however pitiful, so what happens to those people when we go down? Not that I want to rescue any of the ugly oligops.

    Also, who are the real slaves? Because the kleptocracy is made up of individuals with a hive mind, serving their Queen (or Queens)- THEY pretend to have freedom, but are in complete thrall to the theory of social darwinism and living in fear (or rampant denial) of the next-meaner-up-the-chain-alpha-wolf who might expose their sexual peccadillos or kill them off while making it look like a suicide or accident. And they are all vying to be top dog – in a big penis and balls -measuring contest.
    People that I know are either in total denial or doing the marginal things like stocking up on food, water, supplies and buying seed. No one is buying gold.
    One or two that I know have guns. And people who are in total denial view the other ones as insane.
    Given the record of the past six months, it is very doubtful that a hero will emerge from this and anything less than a manufactured war or another crisis will be launched to distract we proles from the STOLEN HUNDRED of TRILLIONS into the private piles of greedy pigs, as Elaine so brilliantly has described.
    I agree with MMC, who wants to live in the world if everyone is using force and killing one another to hold onto their meager pile.
    Plus, I’m convinced that most of these elites are the new race of transhuman androids. They all have such a uniformity and phony quality of communicating. Watching the Inauguration was like watching a room filled with walking, talking cadavers- not one of the smiles even looked genuine. I think their souls have left the planet or something. If thats what they plan for us all, they can keep the planet, I’m ready to evolve to compost or the next lifetime or whatever is next. They are THAT repugnant in their phoniness to me.

  43. Angela

    oops, I meant watching Obama’s first Speech to the nation.

    I saw millions of actual humans at the Inauguration

  44. emsnews

    Like any good people, the US citizens desire, hunger for, good leaders. But like any group of people who grew up in a dangerous cultural nexus, we also want SANTA CLAUS. Few people understand how totally our entire economy has become one big anticipation and celebration of Xmas. We see it in our trade and money statistics which move in this see-saw fashion with the peaks always in late November and troughs in February.
    We just finished the February trough and the hopes are for a future Xmas peak and this is what scares our government: there will be little Xmas peak. Me? I despise Xmas like by granddaddy. When I was a child, i loved it and wanted the goodies but he mocked this and said, ‘If you are smart, you will only buy in February, not November and December!’
    And he was right, the old atheist! Right now, the people want Obama to be Santa. Bush played Santa. When we were supposedly at war with a handful of irksome Muslims who hate Xmas, Bush told us to GO SHOPPING and handed out tax cuts and Santa Greenspan dropped interest rates at the BEGINNING of wild war spending by the government and this is why we are no longer seeing Santa but rather, the Pied Piper, the Dance of Death.

  45. David

    Thanks CC:
    I know for utilitarian use, what you suggested is very correct and that is the direction I will probably go. I have a pretty good bolt .22 rifle for squirrel and rabbit hunting. I’ll keep it too.
    Those fabulous old pre-WWII Winchesters sure stirred my interest as investment items, but that too has risks if govt. decides to confiscate them, and with craziness going on nowadays, there is some risk of that, like with owning gold.

  46. David

    I too detest Christmas. I don’t like the downer depressing church music…looks like Christians would be playing lively tunes and dancing on the roofs when the “King of heaven and earth” is born…not downer music…should be along the lines of “Joy to the World” and some of those.
    Also, the pure stupidity of buying mountains of useless stuff we don’t need and can’t use is a monumental waste of money and resources. Also, all of the overeating that shortens everyone’s lifespans by at least a couple of years over time. And I cannot see how stretching the family budgets to the breaking point and going into debt to buy that stupid stuff makes any good sense.
    Wife and kids say I’m Scrooge and that I Bah! Humbug! from November until January 2, and its true. I go into my yearly Christmas depressive funk where I don’t even like people, especially smiling, mindless, happy, happy Christmas cheer folks. I’m not much of a serious drinker. If I were, I would probably drink my way through Christmas…miserable time of the year for me.
    Deep Winter to me seems to be a time for a person to build a warm fire in a stove or fireplace, live modestly, put your feet up and take long naps…and rest for the coming spring seasons…
    I’m just that way…puzzles everyone around here though.

  47. Angela

    Elaine, thinking about Santa Claus, maybe. But there are also responsible, disillusioned people all over the world who conceive of all governments as being run by and for special interests.
    How often does small business ever benefit from changes in administrations? Right now, states are hammering them with audits, to make up for the lost taxes that were stolen farther up the foodchain. Truthfully, how does it pay to be honest?!
    For every welfare mother who milks or works the system, there are just as apt to be corporate welfare creeps or small time criminals profiteering at the tit of COW government.
    Many people see Government instead as a Santa Claus imposter who steals from them and their children’s future. The majority of these people, if and when they are in need of government help, use it judiciously and have paid for it in huge taxes.

    Most hardworking people want to see tangible change and progress for their taxes and efforts, not lies and secret crony handshakes.
    AIG was the provider for government workers pension and health plans at already FAR more generous levels of coverage than millions of Americans will ever have have access to.
    What was the latest number of billions that those same taxpayers have paid to AIG? How many goverment employees, whose health insurance and pension are generous and secure, are also getting mortgage bailouts?
    We do things so backwards. The people who reap absolutely no reward in this scheme are being asked to pay for it yet again. Penalized by their mental retardation in realizing that their leaders, themselves immune from any law, including taxation, have utter contempt for them and their sheeplike morality of obedience to things like paying their taxes and living within their means. HAHAHA- the joke is ON US.
    People need and want good leaders, yes. And lots want a savior or are kiddies who want Goodies from Santa.
    But some have checked Santa’s bag and found that the crap in it is overpriced, overpackaged, easily broken, sometimes toxic stuff-that-all-looks-the-same. Just like our government and religious leaders, who lack vision and creativity.
    That’s why we should start a write in campaign for you as president and one of any number of contributors on here as VP. WHat are our alternatives at this juncture?

  48. emsnews

    Angela, my husband used to be a state employee and my son is one today. They take LOWER WAGES and in turn, get some security. I am not an anarchist who believe in little to no government. History tells us, little governments don’t do so well in the long run. Switzerland is an exception that proves the general rule. They are quasi-illegal [allowing hidden bank accounts to tax evaders, for example].
    We need retirement funds. We need social systems. Without this, everyone is forced to have as many children as possible in the hopes they will protect these people in their old age. This means, only strong tribal groups will survive. The sorts of dying societies that don’t have children and then lose social services are often overrun by ‘barbarians’ from the outside. But if everyone acts like third world countries and have 10 children each, the world would eventually collapse under the stress of too many humans and we would see a classic crash and burn like so often happens in nature.

  49. Simon

    I love Christmas! that is when I get to clear most of my stock :)

  50. flash

    I read your appreciation of Winchester rifles with interest, as I live across the street from the old factory where they were made. It has been closed since the 80s; the current plan is to turn it into apartments. The rifles are, I’m sure, beautiful objects, but the road to hell is paved with fine workmanship as well as good intentions.
    Consider this
    There is no avoiding fate, regardless of what you’re armed with.

  51. Angela

    Ah, Elaine, I know just how badly I can be the Queen of the Sweeping Generalization and I apologize! You remind me, with chagrin, that a good friend is being furloughed and her hours cut back at the county level. My brother-in-law and a few close friends are also state and federal employees.

    I am definitely not making a pitch for a too-small government, just more efficient, transparent, accountable goverment with AUDITABLE DEPARTMENTS. Put our elected officials on camera for ALL of their meetings with special interests and lobbyists for the entire workday. IF Echelon and all the other spy tech that is turned on us, watching us, is just AOK, then why don’t we have it in ALL public buildings, everywhere, that are paid for by the taxpayers.
    Over the years, I witnessed firsthand how numerous taxpayer funded programs DID NOT WORK and contributed to the bedlam and overall level of barbarism in cities. Not allowing people to behave irresponsibly without holding them accountable financially – this should extend to both the consumer (octuplet mom) AND the provider/recipient of government spending, too.(medicaid/doctor).

    My background is almost entirely in advocacy for public and private resources for people in need and I’m a staunch defender of people with disabilities. But the outright fraud and abuse in some of the government agencies- ie Medicare, FDA, HUD, NSA – bleah. And they are next to impossible to dismantle or overhaul.
    ELAINE: You are right! First, we audit and control the damn CIA. And then we take over the Federal Reserve! HAHAHA. No more secrets. And yes, all meetings should be open. Congress, last year, had a secret meeting where they swore they would NEVER TELL US WHAT THE FUCKING HELL THEY DiSCUSSED! We still don’t know.

  52. March 7, 2009
    “Adverse Health Effects from the Operation of Digital Broadcast Television Stations (DVB‐T)”
    “by Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam and Dr. Christine Aschermann and Dr. Markus Kern”
    “The following text written as an open letter to president Obama by three prominent German physicians provides details on the adverse health effects of digital broadcasting”…

  53. Paul S

    It was the neo con Grover Norquist who said he wanted to shrink government so that it could be strangled in a bath tub. Interesting choice of words. It connotes a deep rage against government–unless it is a government that helps funnel money to the already wealthy. Then it’s OK. Socialism for the rich is terrific; social spending on anyone below the top 10% income group is rank socialism and must be destroyed. Just review the governemnt response to Hurricane Katrina. Whoomp! There it is! How our ruling elites REALLY feel about everyone else.

  54. “Smart Grid: Government spying targets Rural America”…

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