The Democrats Are Literally Going Insane Now: Memo Hysteria Freaks Them Out

Adam Schiff: Russian ads promote 2nd Amendment so we all kill each other – YouTube


Flailing about madly, the DNC leadership is literally going insane.  Their Putin Derangement Syndrome is out of control.  Putin now runs absolutely everything, our elections, he controls our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, he is the leader of the NRA and, oh, Putin hunts!  I nearly forgot.  And Russians are allowed to use guns!  Wow.  I own a small arsenal as well as swords and other fighting tools.  And we hunt.  Well, the Memo Mania is also on the deteriorating minds of the DNC and it is causing more derangement.  Pelosi in particular, still can’t remember who is President!

(2) Confused Pelosi Stutters – Can’t Remember Who’s President – Calls Trump “Bush” Again – YouTube


She looks really bad.  She is extremely rich and got a lot richer when in office.  She hates Trump who did this without using political power like the Bushes or the Clintons or the Obamas, not to mention Reagan all of whom collected bribes overseas as well as at home.


She is now pretty much insane.  She can’t remember who is President, she repeatedly does this, now it is daily and her hair looks bad, her eyes wander, she doesn’t fall down as often as Mrs. Clinton but then, we don’t have the press following her around to see this happen.  I am assuming she is falling down an awful lot.


Adam Schiff Desperate To Stop Release Of FISA MEMO, Loses His Mind – YouTube


This puppy is quite young.  He is simply stupid.  His constantly changing stories are like the ones a child brought into the Principal’s office tells when in trouble for trashing the school room.  WOW! New Strzok-Page Texts Suggest Intent To “Copy/Take Classified” Information: this scandal grows greater just like Watergate.


I can understand the panic on the DNC side.  They were so accustomed to committing crimes under Obama and no one the wiser thanks to a complicit press corpse (yes, Jim, it is dead) that they didn’t bother hiding their fingerprints all over everything.


The entire ‘Russia/Trump Are Evil’ storyline is based on tricks, schemes and lies created by the DNC top brass including the former President and candidate Clinton and the fake news media giants who are ‘liberals’ and definitely are Bilderberg gang members.  Never forget who belongs to that international conspiracy!


They met near DC last summer to decide how to have a coup and relaunched their attacks on Trump accusing him of being a Russian agent.  They are continuing these attacks even today, nonstop.  The more this is exposed as lies, the more they yell that Russia is running everything.


Putin is on the verge of being hospitalized for laughing too hard!  Trump is no longer defensive about this, he is finding the humor now.  I am not laughing, I remember the McCarthy era because it came perilously close to attacking my father who was protected by Eisenhower.  GRRRR….


Watching the DNC ape the Red Scare garbage is infuriating.  I guess, because many of the DNC leaders have Alzheimer’s disease, it is logical that they are remembering without thinking, those past days of yore and instinctually are repeating it because it feels good.


But they are insane.  The young ones, on the other hand, are SJW creatures who hate America and are repeating exactly the stupidest things the SDS and Black Panthers did in my youth and I keep getting flashbacks of that time, I was deep in the middle of it all and boy, was it nasty.


“According to text messages produced by the committee, Ms. Page and Mr. Strzok make references to communicating with other FBI employees via text message, phone call, email, and voice mail,” stated Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, in a letter dated Jan. 31, to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. “Additional text messages suggest that FBI officials used non-official email accounts and messaging programs to communicate about official business.”


Strzok: “Hot damn. I’m happy to pilot that…we get around our security/monitoring issues?”

Page: “No, he’s proposing that we just stop following them. Apparently, the requirement to capture texts came from omb, but we’re the only org (I’m told) who is following that rule. His point is, if no one else is doing it why should we.”

Page: Helps that Dd had a terrible time with his phone [redacted] which made him concerned for our folks all over the place.

Page: These phones suck as much as they do because of the program we use to capture texts, full stop.

Strzok: No doubt.

Strzok: I’m not convinced short of OPR, that text capture capability really deters anything.

Strzok: If I want to copy/take classified, I’m sure as hell not going to do it on this phone.


These FBI agents sound like high school kiddies.  Seriously.  The agents I used to chat with (yes, they visited often!) sounded like adults.  They were very careful about what they said for legal reasons.  These ‘agents’ are utterly careless, they talk dumb, and they obviously broke many laws, rules and regulations and definitely will go to prison for this.


Their Dd buddy they chat about is probably McCabe who was the Deputy Director (thus, the double ‘d’).  The GOP Senator who is heading the committee looking into these crimes is now asking for all relevant emails between President Obama and Hillary Clinton, too.  All this is connected to the Phoenix airport secret visit between her husband and Obama’s official in charge of investigations.


A reminder about how things unfold over time: the Nixon Plumbers were arrested at 2:30 am in the Watergate complex June 17, 1972.  Nixon resigned August 9, 1974.  It took two years.  This election fraud business and the wild attempt at framing President Trump with the ‘Russia collusion’ charge is less than two years old right now and all the fingerprints of this coup attempt are being tracked down and nailed down one by one, relentlessly.


By continuing the ‘Russia elected Trump’ storyline, this is a deranged act of desperation led by the New York Times, one of the slimiest papers on earth and an utter reversal of what it and the Washington Post were during the Nixon years.  Both papers are nonstop lying at this point in time.  It is pathetic.

I include the NYT ad about itself giving us ‘augmented reality’.  HAHAHA.  Boy, is reality augmented with lies and deceptions!  Naturally, it shows a black woman doing this and not a rich Jewish lady in Manhattan or Mrs. Pelosi in California getting ‘augmented reality’.  Fragmented lies is more like it!





Filed under .money matters

2 responses to “The Democrats Are Literally Going Insane Now: Memo Hysteria Freaks Them Out

  1. timothy carroll

    Speaking of going insane, here is the Democratic party’s poster chile:

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