Fake Transgender Porno Star Angry About ‘Discrimination’ Brit Government Sues On It’s Behalf

I have a lovely transgender daughter who was born with a bad birth defect making it sensible to have a change operation.  She is a lovely lady now.  Many other people decide to do this operation and then commit suicide or act up in dangerous and stupid ways and this is making things difficult for the people who needed this operation for good reasons.  This is a typical case.  A sad case is this trans male to female who wants to do porn for a living.


25-year-old Ria Cooper, who became the UK’s youngest transgender person 10 years ago, received messages on WhatsApp from on anonymous photographer who wanted to have sex on camera and sell the tape.


Anyone getting this message should call the cops.


However, when the photographer found out that Cooper still had male reproductive organs, he said he couldn’t work with her because she “has a cock.”


This male is NOT A TRANSGENDER.  This is a man who is a CROSSDRESSER.  What really steams me is all these crossdressers transgressing into transgender territory, claiming this for themselves.  This should stop.   But no, they are getting help from the authorities!


This prompted Cooper to alert Humberside Police to this “transphobic behavior” and authorities are now investigating whether a hate crime was committed.


I would want this wannabe porn male arrested for impersonating women.  He is degrading both transgender people as well was biological women.  Real crime runs riot in Britain while the government spends all its energy and time on trivial junk like this or putting Tommy Robinson in prison for saying the wrong words in public.


Thought crimes and telling jokes now can put people six months in prison in England if the jokes are about trans people.


This is more insane news about insane laws designed to protect ‘trans’ people even if these are mainly cross dressers!  You cannot even JOKE about this!  WTH?  Monty Python did a million such jokes.  One of their favorite things was to dress up like elderly ladies and then make fun of them being ‘trans’.


This year Surrey Police quizzed a Catholic mother-of-five after she was accused of ‘misgendering’ the trans daughter of an activist on social media by using the pronoun ‘him’.


Last week Thames Valley Police launched an inquiry into possible public order hate crimes by demonstrators who put up stickers in Oxford with messages such as: ‘Woman: noun. Adult human female.’


The guidelines, which judges and magistrates must follow unless they can show doing so would run against justice, are the first to apply to public order offences – which include the offence of ‘stirring up hatred based on race, religion or sexual orientation’.


This is the only public order offence for which offenders can be convicted for what they say, write, broadcast or post on the internet or social media.


Good lord, I am gobsmacked.  This is so evil.  So, it is now against the law to put up signs that copy the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’???  Wow.  I keep pointing out, England as no First or Second Amendment and the communists are now joined at the hip with radical Muslims who are imposing various rules and regulations making life impossible there with the aim of driving out all sane people and since Hollywood and British comedians and creators of movies including many famous people have joined in to attack free speech and forbid all funny jokes about THEM while they all tell ‘jokes’ about Trump that are evil, violent and stupid. WOW.


Now to California, the neo-Nazi leftist state that hates citizens and wishes to ape Maoist China has suddenly passed a law making freelancers of many sorts, not just journalists, illegal.  This includes taxi drivers using Uber, etc.  So much for capitalist freedoms.


Here is how the liberal media in England reported the chaos right next door to the USA where every liberal is shrieking, must not build any walls to keep out Hispanic criminal gangs:


And the violence in Chile is getting worse, too.  This rash of uprisings across the planet means the status quo is dying rapidly, the New World Order is collapsing.

Then there is Obama going to Canada to give support to the very stupid Trudeau and both men think all the blackface fun is funny and that it is great fun laughing when THEY do it and then turning around and severely punishing anyone else who dares to do this…such a delight!  Nothing is more satisfying than a total double standard.

So, the 50% ‘black’ President endorses the 100% not black blackface clown leader of the liberals in Canada is funny news.  This proves that all black rage against whites making fun of them should end.  Obviously, people running around in blackface while aping Muslim blacks in particular, is perfectly OK and even to be admired!  Go for it!


HAHAHA.  This lunacy has finally reached the upper limits of self-destruction now.  All rage against whites making fun of blacks should end.  Obviously, it is totally OK now.  On to the #1 topic of fear with the insane left: global warming!!!


Here is one of a hundred angry comments to the above adventure of the Super Rich who are Scared We Will Roast To Death if people fly jets all over the planet earth.


Private jet?!?!? Multiple mansions?!?!? Exotic sports cars?!?!? Chauffeured limousines?!?!?!? Do carbon footprints stop existing once you become rich and famous?!? Is only up to the common citizens to shoulder the burden The sacrifice of personal comfort while the hypocritical narcissistic leftist elitist slime flaunt their wealth and opulent lifestyle at the expense of the planet?!?!? Where is the outrage from the Hollywood Leftist elites???? There is none, as they only care about themselves. Slimes.


We should arrest all people whose income is above a million dollars and who believe in global warming and who insist on flying jets, living in palaces, etc. is OK…arrest them all for killing our entire planet earth!  I want them in small cells and they get no heat in winter and only one blanket, each.  This way, they will save the planet earth.


If they don’t really believe in global warming and they do not, then they should be arrested for FRAUD and put in prison, etc. anyway.  Fraud designed to destroy civilization is a crime.  Arrest them all, especially the European royals who are indulging in all this.


Filed under .money matters

8 responses to “Fake Transgender Porno Star Angry About ‘Discrimination’ Brit Government Sues On It’s Behalf

  1. Ken

    I also have long thought that a lot of the “trans-sexual” activists were merely cross dressers in search of acceptance and favorable treatment for a lifestyle choice that has traditionally been viewed by society as perverted and disgusting.

    There is a simple test for weeding out the cross-dressers and other fake trans-sexuals. Once a person has surgically and chemically transitioned to the opposite sex, they should be indistinguishable from other members of their new gender. At that point, no accommodation is necessary. So the logical solution to all of this drama is to do nothing.

  2. Jim R

    I thought one of the main requirements of a pron star is that they need to be good looking. If this picture is of the individual who is protesting, ‘she’ is not all that attractive, ‘she’ looks like a TV in the shape of ‘her’ face. The strong chin and jaw line …

    I think Chelsea Manning is better looking, a transition that has been very public. Manning also looks like a TV, but I am awestruck with respect for what she did.

    But I suppose this person ‘identifies’ as beautiful.

  3. Kerry

    Pornography stars are ALREADY TRANSGENDER!

    This story is just a joke MOCKING y’all thinking that they are giving you hot, hot, nude women performing sex acts.

    This is a religion. They don’t differentiate between trans who have gone the full castration or the ones who keep everything intact. As far as they are concerned they are all God”esses” of their cult. The modern Attis’ of Cybele.

    We are male and female. And we will stay that way, down to the DNA. No operation will change that. No religion will change that. End of Story.

    What I do know is that we have to root these people out because their aim is the extinction of the human race.

  4. Petruchio

    Well let me ask a technical question here. What kind of porn is this character going to do if he(?) still has his(?) “original equipment”? I’m inclined to think like Kerry (#3). This story is a joke, designed to shock the Straights. This reminds me of a commentator I have seen on cable channels like The History Channel. This person was originally a MALE and male LOOKING commentator. Now this person has gone transgender. Changed his(?) name too. He looks like a male dressed in drag. Why would someone want to do this? It’s a mystery to me.

  5. Jim R

    Yeah, I don’t think it matters “what kind of porn”. Like I said in my first comment, that dude is ugly. Probably can’t make it in tranny porn, either. If he wanted to be in straight porn, he is certifiably insane.

    They have reeallly good looking women for that. Don’t ask me how I know…

  6. Well, I did work as a stripper many years ago. Today, all I can strip is paint.

  7. Kerry

    @Jim R

    You weren’t watching women. You were watching castrated boys.

    The first sex reassignment was admitted to be 1929/1930. They have been making strides in this surgery ever since then. A surgery that less than 1 percent of the population wants.

    You have to ask yourself why so much brain power is expended on cutting penises, turning them inside out to make fake parts.

    You only need to see Hollywood and the Porn industry to know why.

  8. Jim R


    You have no idea what I was looking at. So don’t make assumptions.

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