Coronavirus Germs On ‘Scrubbed’ Cruise Ship Restart Epidemic On Board!

So, a ship that had coronavirus last week went on a cruise with more potential victims and voila: it is now spreading on the same ship, again.  This will doom the super tourist ship trade for certain, now.  The economic side effects of this virus is intensifying and even though it is not as terrible a killer as the Spanish Flu 100 years ago, it still scares many.  Also, the NY Times mourns the backlash against free trade this disease is causing.


A cruise ship that previously carried two passengers who contracted coronavirus, including one who died, is now being held 400 miles off the California coast after at least 20 people onboard fell ill. Thousands of passengers are currently on the Grand Princess cruise ship that was barred on Wednesday from returning to its home port of San Francisco from a voyage to Hawaii amid the suspected coronavirus outbreak. Two passengers who traveled on the same ship on a previous voyage last month between San Francisco and Mexico later fell ill and tested positive for the coronavirus.


So, either the germs hung out long after the sick passengers left or…a member of the staff showed no big symptoms and carried it back on board.  Either possibility makes it impossible to keep this cruise business rolling onwards, mindlessly.  This will have an economic impact.

The disease is now spreading all over Seattle. This is heavily impacting the economy there.  Businesses run by liberals are being hit.  Time to bring in more drug addicts and let them camp all over the city!  Public health in our cities is being menaced by out of control epidemics and trust me, more are coming as Democrats across the country, even in Austin, Texas, are legalizing homeless drug addict encampments which are very filthy and extremely dangerous.


From last summer: The foolish liberals who now run Austin, TX, voted last summer to let homeless people came absolutely anywhere they want!

These people attract rats and carry diseases.  Democratic Mayor Adler is a civil rights lawyer who became mayor and now is working day and night in the last three years to turn the city into a filthy slum.  All DNC cities no matter how wealthy, end up looking like slums.  This is their ‘power base.’


A health worker in NH was ordered to stay home due to coronavirus infection…so he went to a party for med students and professors!


A New Hampshire man who this week tested positive as the first case of coronavirus in the state is bringing self-quarantine to the forefront after he ignored medical advice to stay home.


Instead of avoiding contact with others – as he was advised to do after he visited the doctor Friday, with a fever and respiratory problems – that same night the man went to a mixer for medical workers and students near Dartmouth’s campus, The New York Times reported.


On Monday, the man, who works at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, N.H., tested positive for the virus and this week a second patient who had “close contact” with him tested positive as well and is in self-quarantine.


The man is now under official order from New Hampshire’s health commissioner to stay home.


Some on social media said the man should face legal consequences for ignoring the advice to self-quarantine, but he didn’t violate any laws at the time, the Times reported.


“You can’t bring criminal charges for being a bonehead or just not doing what you were told was advisable to do,” said Wendy Parmet, faculty director of the Center for Health Policy and Law at Northeastern University. “It’s not illegal to ignore the advice of your health care provider, or even the health department until officials follow the particular procedures to issue a formal health order, and those procedures vary by state.”


This very stupid man is causing the business that hosted the party to now head towards bankruptcy because they can’t do anymore events for a while and in the future, people will be scared to go there.  Now on to NY City where I once lived and did heavy duty politics…arresting politicians being the first step to sanity there which Giuliani did so splendidly.  Now, it is crashing and burning due to a crazy bunch of liberals like Senator Schumer and governor Cuomo and the leftist communist mayor of the messed up city.  They work day and night to destroy civilization and will succeed.


Bloomberg wants Trump terminated, too, so he will do lots of work on behalf of destroying the City.  These lunatics have no idea how this will backfire on themselves and other rich, powerful lunatics.

Let’s have a chuckle reading Beat Me Schumer’s twitter page:

Trump has to twist arms to get anything past the DNC gang in Congress.  Then they blame him for not asking for more money!!!  HAHAHA.  They think they fool all of us.


Schumer is fighting the coronavirus by enabling it to spread far and wide due to being very stupid, very pig headed and utterly incapable of being serious.  I say, the DNC Congress should fund this research and battle via giving up their own wages!  TRUMP JUST DID THIS TODAY!  Why can’t they?


At Schumer’s twitter site, everyone is attacking him, demanding he resign, etc.  He has put his foot firmly in his mouth this week and he has big feet and a big mouth.  From just one month ago:

Aha!  So, Schumer was clueless just a few weeks ago!  This genius was mocking Trump for not being on the ball.  Well, this genius lost not only his ball but his marbles, too.  The globalist Bilderberg news (sic) paper, the New York Times, has an article whining about how this virus is messing with exporting all US jobs:


By Mr. Goldin’s estimation, the coronavirus is merely the latest force to reveal the deficiencies of globalization as it has been managed in recent decades — an under-regulated, complacent form of interconnection that has left communities vulnerable to a potent array of threats. From the worldwide financial crisis of 2008 to climate change, ordinary people have concluded that the authorities cannot be trusted to keep them secure. That has allowed politicians to attack legitimate problems with simplistic solutions, like trade protectionism and armored borders.


Now the coronavirus scare has aggravated the trend. “I don’t think any wall can be high enough to keep out a pandemic, or climate change, or any of the other big threats that face humanity in the future, so I think it’s counterproductive,” Mr. Goldin said.


Stopping people who are diseased or dangerous or destructive from entering a country is futile?  Good grief.  The Roman Empire fell when its walls failed.  When the walls no longer kept out the barbarians, Rome died.  It did not prosper, it was totally destroyed in the Western half.


Last week, Mr. Trump’s senior trade adviser, Peter Navarro, who wrote a book called “Death by China,” used the coronavirus as a stark reminder that the United States had allowed too much factory production to leave its shores.


“A lot of it’s in China,” he told Fox News. “We’ve got to get that back.”


Many in the manufacturing world dismiss such talk as politics masquerading as economic policy. No matter what happens, Americans are unlikely to find themselves sitting in large numbers behind sewing machines stitching up clothing or hovering over assembly lines as they fit electronics into circuit boards. But a marginal shift of work from Chinese factories to those in other low-wage nations is likely to accelerate.


And when these move to other former communist countries (I see a pattern here!) all Trump and others have to do is hammer THEM, too.  Surrendering is not an option.  The NYT globalists hate American citizens and want us physically destroyed.  They want to denude the country and make it a peasant/prince culture with the super powerful and super rich living in palaces while the peasants struggle to survive, cold and hungry.


The NYT, even today, has to yap in every article somewhere this is inserted: we are all going to roast to death.  Even as it is bitter cold, they assure us, we will be very hot.  This level of insanity is infuriating.


But the moral of this story, say economists, is not that globalization is inherently dangerous: It is that market forces left unsupervised pose perils.


HAHAHA…markets supervised by the very rich foreigners and US megamonster rich people who are systematically trying to enslave us all?  Good grief.  Arrest them all, I say, all of them.


Filed under .money matters

2 responses to “Coronavirus Germs On ‘Scrubbed’ Cruise Ship Restart Epidemic On Board!

  1. Charlottemom

    Munchausen by proxy describes the
    Democratic Party treatment of American people

  2. Zeke

    Joe and COVID-19 have something in common: when given up for dead, they come back to life.

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