Jewish Investors Increasingly Invest In Trump

Big Silicon Valley Investors Abandon Biden in Droves – And Many Are Embracing Trump


Mainstream media cannot talk about this: Jewish super-rich are all leaving Biden due to his Israel positions concerning the invasion of Gaza.  This means no more free money for liberals because aside from the Gaza issue, the far leftists want to kill capitalism so capitalists are siding with Trump, now, more and more.  Worse for Biden, the ‘global warming’ nonsense is causing rich people who love consuming CO2 products, to rethink their communist mania about the weather, too.  Since liberals menace modern life and openly talk about eliminating most humans, most humans increasingly back Trump!


It was fun for young people to go around the world, doing goofy things in the name of ‘global warming’ but now their relentless attacks on museums, entertainment, competitions, etc. is infuriating rich people.  Also, rich people are terrified that normal humans will be very, very pissed off when the super rich consume vast oceans of CO2 while literally starving/freezing everyone else.


NYC is increasingly trending towards Trump.  Here is an example why: 25% of all the Manhattan hotels are now homeless shelters while the hotels charge the taxpayers top rates for rooms as if rich people were staying there, not alien freeloaders!  This is slowly beginning to dawn on liberals, they will be paying huge taxes and get NO services for the foreseeable future.



This is pure insanity.  Trump says he will deport all of these freeloaders.  They are super easy to find, in NYC.  The hotel owners and others leeching off of voters will scream like crazy but I suspect even stupid leftists will turn against the Democrats now.


In NYC, the illegal aliens who infest everything are committing many crimes and we have near zero police protection just like in the 1970’s when I started my own ‘police force’ due to lack of police protections:



Meanwhile, armed criminals continue terrorizing NYC businesses and people:



Comments on YouTube are hilarious:



Yes, in all…ALL ‘Democrat’ run hell hole cities, we are forbidden to describe what people look like lest this lead to everyone noticing who is the vast majority of criminals.  We are supposed to pretend, everyone is really nice and invaders will never be looters!


HISTORY says otherwise.  My own distant ancestors were all LOOTERS as well as rapists and destroyers of civilizations and once they took over, they imposed law and order on their victims!  Isn’t this delightful!  Why our present liberal rulers want to kill, loot and rape all of us voters is a puzzle…NOT.


They insist in all DNC run hell holes that the new invaders be allowed to vote!  No wait to see if they get citizenship and learn how to respect our Constitution, nope, simply invade, go to the polls and vote for more invaders!  Simple.  I wish my ancestors thought about this trick!




Filed under .money matters

8 responses to “Jewish Investors Increasingly Invest In Trump

  1. Kerry

    Trump is a Chabad friend. They are playing with more than just politics. These fanatics are playing with religious mysticism and apocalyptic messianism.

    They want their magic man.

    However if they are pulling back from their planned Beast system than maybe their ranks are falling apart and they perceive it isn’t their time.

    Then there is this:

    Europe, not just Italy, is in danger of Campi Flegrei. That isn’t the only volcano danger, the Iceland volcano threat is still present. Suoh Volcano in Indonesia is also erupting dangerously now.

  2. qbutnoa

    It never bothered the g7 before, at all, but now it does, a lot, for some reason.

  3. Kerry, how can you ignore the LIBERALS screaming about ‘end of times, we are all going to die!’ due to WARM WEATHER?

    They are insane. INSANE. Note how leftists then pretend this is all ‘scientific’ when it is pure insanity as we are riding straight into the next Ice Age which comes like CLOCK WORK!

  4. Kerry


    I ignore it because it is lies. Everyone should know this by now.

    The controllers have ridden that train until the wheels fell off. Since it looks like Communism won’t fly, they are going to try the National Socialist Route. Already they are releasing people to change the lens on Hitler and the Nazis.

    They have taken us to the edge just like Weimer. People are so angry and upset that they will vote for them. Especially if they are promised mass deportations.

  5. snoosebomb

    kerry , so in the past how did all that ”religious mysticism and apocalyptic messianism” work out for the religious mystics and the apocalyptic messians ? It worked out the same as usual. nobody cares about that stuff because we are driven by the need of resources.

  6. Kerry


    How do you know it never works out? It works for them, it’s why they do it.

    You just haven’t chosen a side yet and started to play.

    People can’t tell you their experiences and impart them to you. Although the controllers keep trying. But what they are selling isn’t any place you want to go or see.

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