Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton

Clinton Had Secret Meetings With Putin In the Past, Mainstream News Ignores This Information

Watch: Hillary Clinton Had Secret Meetings With Putin And Bonded With Him

The DNC operatives including Hillary, have met with Putin in the past, openly and more importantly, SECRETLY.  This news has obvious proofs so it can’t be called ‘fake news’ so the US Bilderberg media giants simply have zero news about this.  I looked at a bunch of mainstream media and none are reporting this information.  As I frequently point out, one huge tool the Real Rulers use all the time is to not report real news at all, they do the ‘omerta’ cone of silence and thus, keep populations ill-informed.

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Democratic Party Is Now Suing Wikileaks And Trump And Putin Blaming Them For Hillary Losing Election!

The Gateway Pundit has a number of headlines about this matter.

This has got to be the dumbest lawsuit, ever.  There are plenty of dumb lawsuits but this one, the DNC blaming Putin for their election losses, is soaring past McCarthy’s commie stuff from the 1950s.  Will this ridiculous lawsuit finally sink the DNC ship?  It should because it is totally comical.  But then, the New York Times and Washington Post and the entire Bilderberg gang firmly believe that Trump cheated in the election which they thought they, themselves, had ‘in the bag’ due to…cheating!

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Senator Franken Resigns, FBI Under Severe Investigation For Collusion and Corruption, Hillary’s Crimes Rise Again

Al ‘Grope ’em’ Franken resigns by attacking Trump over SEX stuff.  This silly, silly  man!  The entire DNC apparatus in DC is going down the drain rapidly now.  They still haven’t figured out what went wrong!  Many of the DNC females who are OK with fellow predators, hugged and kissed this miscreant finger pointing fool as he left, oh, the tears and rage of these fake feminists burn and makes me laugh sardonically.  Here we go: HAHAHAHA.  More news of more crashing heads in DC:

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Filed under .money matters

Hillary Stole the DNC Nomination Using Illegal Tactics

One of my readers, Lou, reminded me of this story from last winter: RED ALERT. LEAK FROM TWITTER EMPLOYEE – WHO THEY WANT TO BAN. THEY DONT WANT PEOPLE TO SEE THIS. – InvestmentWatch.  Perusing the list of names shows how these Bilderberg gangsters operate: shut down all opposition via controlling the systems that allow communication.  The person who released the list of ‘those who must be eliminated’ was…eliminated.

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Hillary ‘Golden Showers’ Dossier Leads To ‘Nixon-style Dirty Tricks’ Crimes Against US Voters

Revealed: How Hillary paid for notorious ‘golden showers’ dossier on Trump: Her campaign lawyer funded dirty tricks firm’s research into his Russian links which came up with discredited claims| Daily Mail Online


The big story, aside from George HW Bush apologizes to Heather Lind over claims he goosed her in the fanny during a photo opt yesterday… | Daily Mail Online reports! HAHAHA…we are all the way back to Victorian England and are very amused…is the revelation that the real conspirators working for Putin, the real traitors are Hillary and the DNC gang!  This is intensely funny because it is so appropriate: the accuser being the real criminal is as old as the Bible!  How insane were our Bilderberg rulers to cook up utterly false charges of ‘colluding with Putin’ when they did this all the time?  I visit the NY Times to compare their freaky, fake news with London’s crazy rag, the Daily Mail.

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Mainstream Fake News Pretends The DNC Didn’t Demand Comey Firing When Investigating Hillary Crimes

FLASHBACK: Democrats have been calling for the firing of James Comey for MONTHS. FLIP FLOP! – 


Funny compilation of all the screaming Democrats demanding Comey resign because of Hillary investigation.  The fake news media heads that conspired to demand Comey resign last summer are now united in screaming that he should not be fired this week. There are more and more videos appearing on You Tube showing clearly how the Democrats are all liars and rewriting history, pretending they love Comey, not all screaming for him to be terminated. This is utterly shameless behavior.


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The Hillary Coup Plans Begin Falling Down As She Struggles To Exist

Reuters cuts feed just as Donald Trump is being blessed by Bishop Jackson – YouTube


The above shows very clearly since a person attending this black gathering for Trump, he sat next to the Reuters group and filmed them conspiring to not show news to the rest of us as they censored Trump’s comments even as one of them protested to the others that this is a bad thing to do.  Well, they were caught doing Pravda stuff.  Now Hillary as we see in the photo below, looks weird.  She is supposedly talking to rich people begging them for loot and looks like a bag lady off her meds.  I guess this getup worked for she was showered with enough money to rent a bed on the Bowery for a night.

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