Insane Battle Continues: Globalist Leftist Bilderberg Gang Says Teen/College Parties Are EVIL

This gets more and more bizarre: as all the allegations of Ms. Ford are shown to be utter lies and she has repeatedly purgered herself and will hopefully go to prison for this, the hysterical leftist/Bilderberg gangsters in our media are hauling out everything they have to prove that Kavanaugh was…a typical male teenager and young Yale frat rat!!!  OHG.  Stop the presses!  I always wonder why the whacky SJW gang at Yale doesn’t storm the Skull and Bones Crypt?  They never mention it!  It sits there, dead center to Yale, and I have explained what it is over and over again, it is a black magic criminal operation used to get power in the Outer Darkness so they can rule the world.  Duh.  Not a peep from the creeps at Yale.


This is infuriating.  Congress won’t talk about this.  Yale won’t talk about this.  Kavanaugh won’t talk about this.  No one is discussing this very obvious matter.  It annoys me greatly.


I have some experience with frat rats: they usually like to have drinking parties.  Even Engineering Frats do this, sometimes, when I was teaching at RPI in Troy, NY, they would come to my mountain to party!  I guess, this makes me evil.  Just last month, one of them invited me to his wedding and…we went off and drank together!  OMG.  Call the press and let’s have a scandal!

Now on to the bar brawl: HAHAHA.  I worked in such places to make easy money over the summer when I was a student.  That bar brawl sounds rather pathetic, the sort ‘gentlemen’ have.  No one drew a gun, for example!  I used to be around people like the Hell’s Angels and knew them very, very well.  Now THEY can do a good bar brawl!


This ‘fight’ sounds more like when gentlemen would slap each other with their gloves.  Hell’s bells, I have decked plenty people in the past just using my fists, being a trained fighter and a female.  Now, I am too old for that.  Oh well.  My colorful past would mean, I can’t be a Supreme Court judge.


In the past, many judges also served in the military and had training in the real world.  Now, they are all coddled students and too many come from Yale.  I am entertained by the present Yalie because he is disrupting all this, causing them to show us, Yale is a horrible place and should be shut down due to all sorts of problems especially the Yale Skull and Bones attempts at trying to bring Cthulhu to class.


By the way, Lovecraft was supposed to go to Brown University, not Yale.


This is real news.  The crazy lady broke many laws, it appears.  Her buddy got into the FBI via being trained by Dr. Ford so she could evade lie detector systems.  Then this expert used this skill, herself, with her lawyer to create a false positive lie detector test which the Senate is now demanding she and her buddies turn over everything and they will be charged if they don’t.


One other thing pissing me off greatly is the demand by leftists who are usually liars that we believe anything a female says.  Well, why don’t they believe me?  HAHAHA.  A lot of people are very angry about this attempt at undoing legal systems and imposing ‘witch trial’ methods that were ended 400 years ago after killing many innocent victims.


Below are several memes I picked up across the web yesterday that I find funny due to them being so logical:


Filed under .money matters

23 responses to “Insane Battle Continues: Globalist Leftist Bilderberg Gang Says Teen/College Parties Are EVIL

  1. ziff

    the letter above is signed ‘ Bart ‘

  2. Rob

    Seems like it’s his handwriting. Consistently uses “St.” in words like St. Michaels on calendar and St. Johns in letter.

    And he has consistent letter “y” that looks like he does a “V” then the stem and lowercase letter “K”.

    Also, overall, very sloppy handwriting.

    So maybe he just had the nickname Bart.

  3. KHS71

    This is getting old real quick. The Rats are very desperate now. The report is supposed to be delivered today and placed in a vault for safe keeping. Any bets that it will be published on the front page tomorrow of the NYT if it negative about Kavanaugh.

  4. Regarding insane battles, to put it simply, lately the talk around here seems a bit fringe…….or you could say ——- stretchy at best ………

    That is why I’ve said the discourse has diminished. Sad if you wan’t my opinion.

    I mean come on…..that Lady was a Women!

    I swear i suppose i don’t get it….but why do we just crave polarization….it like, we’re looking for a war. Are you? Are you looking for a war?

    I don’t want to fight but I will.

  5. I don’t know about you, but I know I don’t want to go through that again. You know – another war.

    Keeping having wars pretty soon its gonna be the last one for everyone.

    Still – a little pick me up? I’m up for that. Sure. Come on. Who’s that gonna hurt?

  6. Moe

    @ 7 & 8 BK

    Fringe? Perhaps it’s you who’s not paying attention?

    Here’s a pick-me-up for ya. Bland, but the sentiment is OK.

  7. Hey Moe. Didn’t even listen.

    I know I am no longer young.

    What is your point?

    Oh, and by the way, for you to say I am not paying attention feels really painful to me cause it is the exact opposite of what I have been trying to do.

    That is what I call mean.

  8. Don’t worry though, and I know you won’t.

    I get over pain quick.

    If you don’t think it seems more fringe here that is you opinion, but we will see what happens to this site if it remains so. Same old boring same old is what it will be and I’m only here now for the sake of the past.

    It is true sometimes I talk way too much and I’ve tempered it and I will continue to do as such. Don’t you think any good supreme court judge should have temperence? (And I’m mainly talking about the 2nd definition found here:

    Not sure if that will work.

  9. And with respect to whether it will work I was talking about the link. I could give a flip about the Kavanaugh nomination and the same is true for Trump. He doesn’t care about that. What difference does it make to his ambitions?

  10. Moe


    Excerpt: “Hey Moe. Didn’t even listen.”

    Yep, thanks for making my point.

  11. Saint Mike

    Hey @ BuffaloKen or whatever

    Are you trying to say those fat lesbians Sotomayor and Kagan are temperate and non Partisan in their rulings – bullshit. The jew Ginsburg is worst of all , she has always been a socialist.

    Conflict is inevitable at this point, you say you are not interested in conflict but I guarantee you conflict is interested in you.

    Your skin color will be your uniform..

  12. No Saint Mike. What I am saying is basically that what you just expressed is why I think this site is diminished. Moe – I did not make your point. What makes you think I did? What I didn’t listen too what the song about forever young.

    Whatever, I really don’t feel like I need to defend myself here anymore, and as I said the only reason I was hanging around was for the sake of the past. No reason for that anymore.

  13. shawntoh


    Could this be a remake of H.P. Lovecraft? Like, er, instead of the call it’s the…

    Roll call of Cthulhu?

    Yep, they just won’t quit this roll-calling of Cthulhu. Here’s the original and don’t accept any substitutes or cheap low budget imitations–

    Let’s roll this call of Cthulhu–

  14. Zeke

    “In the past, many judges also served in the military and had training in the real world. Now, they are all coddled students and too many come from Yale.”

    Completely agreed. All of the Justices are from either Harvard or Yale. The last time a non H/Y pedigree was nominated to the scotus was 37 years ago. Sandra Day O’Connor, nominated in 1989 by Reagan; unanimously affirmed by the senate. She and Rehnquist were from Stanford. They reportedly knew each other.
    Bork was nominated in 1987 by Reagan. He was from Chicago law school but taught at Yale law school. Rejected by senate in part because he obeyed Nixon’s order to fire Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox.

    Attending Harvard or Yale law schools or being a member of the Federalist Society shouldn’t be an automatic disqualifier (my favorite Justice is Stephen Breyer who is a Stanford undergraduate and from Harvard law) but it shouldn’t be a requirement either.

    Just asking for some variety. How about someone with real world experience, not the exclusive prep school -> legacy admission to Harvard or Yale -> White House Counsel -> DC Appeals Court -> scotus conveyor belt which is the pattern.

    (and this is largely irrespective of what anyone did or didn’t do in high school encounters with seemingly ultra sensitive opposite gender persons).

  15. Zeke

    Oops -> 29 years ago (1989); not 37.

  16. timothy carroll

    “…the Senate is now demanding she and her buddies turn over everything and they will be charged if they don’t….”

    Oh, I don’t know. There seems to be different rules for these folks than for us deplorables. Comey was never charged for perjury, nor was Clapper, et. al.

    It’s a bit club, and we ain’t in it. h/t George Carlin

  17. meagain

    Elaine: “Her buddy got into the FBI via being trained by Dr. Ford so she could evade lie detector systems. Then this expert used this skill, herself, with her lawyer to create a false positive lie detector test which the Senate is now …”

    They created a false *negative* test, not false positive test. Ya?

  18. Meagain: thanks, it is easy to miss something when editing one’s self.

    About Harvard and Yale: absolutely, neither school should be chosen for future Supreme Court judges. This should be balanced with normal people who go to normal schools, not those hot house lunatic schools.

  19. Does anybody really give any credence to lie detector tests these days? Just way too many ways to fail – both ways: false positive —- OR false negative. It really is a useless test especially since things are really so polarized.

    The only test these days that anybody will listen too are gonna have to be foolproof to a super high degree.

    Hey, lets talk about something that is very important to me. Plastic recycling. I’ve got some ideas on this that are new and I plan on slowly but surely sharing what I know and what I think is a good idea. Can you see any harm in that?

    Lastly, so true about the judges today. Way too focused on such a small segment of the country, and Kavanaugh who I think is like to be approved on a small majority is more of the same. Plus, when they called it the “nuclear option”, that was apt. Talk about a polarization creator.

  20. Moe

    From PCR: Western Civilization No Longer Exists

    Roberts comments on the loss of Due Process in universities. As usual for him, a bit dramatic and apocalyptic but great detail provided.

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