More Anti-Kavanaugh California Pussy Hat Liars Write Anonymous Letters About Silly Sex Fantasies

Senator Harris and Senator Feinstein should both be charged and impeached and kicked out of Congress and put in prison for lying and enabling conspirators to lie about Kavanaugh.  This obvious fake letter should have been handed to the FBI.  So far, it took hard arm twisting just to see the contents of the letter sent by the other faker, Ford.  Repeatedly running to the press to press charges from anonymous California Democrat females is illicit, it is a form of terrorism, it is crying ‘fire’ in a theater when there is no fire, it is illegal.  They, these California Senators, are deliberately defaming a public official of the courts in order to destroy him so he won’t rule against things they support politically.  This is a crime.


According to committee transcripts released Sunday, the accuser, who signed the mysterious letter as “Jane Doe,” alleges Kavanaugh and a friend raped her “several times” after giving her a lift home from a party — making no attempt to claim a time or place for the lurid story.


The accuser claims Kavanaugh groped her, slapped her, and force her to perform sexual acts. “They forced me to go into the backseat and took 2 turns raping me several times each. They dropped me off 3 two blocks from my home,” the accuser wrote, claiming the pair told her, “No one will believe if you tell. Be a good girl.”


The letter, marked with the word “urgent,” did not include a return address, nor did it offer clues regarding the accuser’s background. “A group of white men, powerful senators who won’t believe me, will come after me” if I reveal the incident, the accuser wrote, prompting observers to speculate the sender could be a minority.


The culprits included in this conspiracy to stop a Supreme Court judge are the ‘liberal’ media giants nearly all of whom at the top tier are also Bilderberg gang members.  The gang is now nakedly breaking laws using lawmakers to break laws (well, they did this often in the past to commit war crimes) and all these people should be charged, too.


This is now treason.  What I find most funny here now is all these anonymous letters are coming out of these two female’s sector.  Kavanaugh didn’t live in California.  California is the only state I left in a rage after I wrote an editorial at Berkeley talking about how horrible it was that a very young Japanese cop was assassinated right in front of my home there.  The far leftists said they were going to assassinate me, next so I moved to a state where I could openly carry a gun, Arizona.


These California leftists are very dangerous, extremely violent and will stoop to the lowest of the low in order to gain power.  They are evil, dangerous and now the liberals in California are using them as storm troopers.  Many are females who scream about sex while demanding no sexual standards, just ‘everyone do as they please’ except for everyone they don’t like, then, sex is evil and touching someone is ‘rape’.


Note how the thoroughly stupid New York Times has a breaking, top story that when a college student (I was charged with ‘inciting a riot’ at Berkeley when cops illicitly arrested ME!) Kavanaugh at a bar brawl, talked to the cops!  Oh my, oh my.  How evil.  Has he been stopped by cops since his youth?  No?  Oh.


Here is the editorial side of the most evil, venal paper on earth, bar none::

Mr. Tribe, a very evil, blindly partisan creature who is even older than I, claims that ‘blatant partisanship and personal animosity towards LIBERALS’ means he can’t serve on the Supreme Court!  Well, we have to remove all the females on the left at the court, they are also very partisan!  And remove all the judges in California and Hawaii, too.  Not to mention half of Congress which is extremely partisan, the entire DNC should be removed from politics for being ‘partisan’.


Remove all editors who are partisan especially since they are stooping to publishing anonymous letters that are attempts at controlling our courts via defaming judges with fake stories about sex.  All these people should be in prison, I think, because they used fake charges in order to control an entire branch of the government while trying, via sex lies, to drive voters into voting for them so they can open the borders and let in armies of illegal aliens and use them for a coup whereby they can eliminate the Constitution.




Note the other elder NYT editor, Bruni.  He and someone with a very weird last name, Douthat, have decided that ‘no matter WHAT the FBI finds…’ there is ‘no trust’.  So a judge has to retire rather than be a judge!  What?  And all this is due to ‘partisan warfare’?  Well, guess who has been publishing anonymous sex letters and bringing out females who have zero proof, no witnesses or ‘witnesses’ deny they even were anywhere near them when fake rapes happened, and these females are then paraded by the Bilderberg gang as ‘good women’ and every blasted one of them can’t remember anything?  This is beyond partisan, this is criminal actions by politicians seeking power, illicit power, on behalf of an international gang of the very rich and powerful who are afraid their control of the US is slipping.

Who on earth wants to work with hysterical females who, at the drop of a hat, will accuse them of sexual ‘touching’?  I wouldn’t and I am a woman!  Spectacular fails by female executives are scaring people.  One spectacular collapse is the Star Wars $4.5 billion franchise Ms. Kennedy is drowning in red ink.  Disney gave her a three year contract so she can finish off Luke Skywalker once and forever.  This may pull down Disney, itself since angry fans are now vowing to never consume any Disney stuff ever again.


Star Wars is dying due to her being a California female man hater like her buddies.  In every one of her movies, the men are incompetent, bunglers, stupid or hateful, even the ‘heroes’ are weaker than the females around them.  The females beat them up easily, every time, without fail.  So the movies are now dead ducks.


This is insanity!  In today’s news: the third female who claimed she watched mass rape and drunken orgies of TEENAGERS is now recanting her fake story because someone warned her, she, herself, is guilty of more than one crime, being a participant in these crimes and not calling the cops and probably, since she talked about watching boys buy and use booze…she was the tool they used if this happened and is why she was popular at parties.  Which is…a crime.  Duh.


Stupid females who can’t figure out how the laws work, some of them lawyers and lawmakers.  This is incredible, a collapse of the DNC.  Since Democratic females don’t understand the basics of laws, they should be removed from Congress.  Yale female students clamoring for an end to the rule of law, demanding men be punished for crimes with zero facts or evidence, just on the word of any deranged or evil female: these women should be identified and tagged and not allowed to pass the bar since they don’t understand the most fundamental rules of how laws work.  I want them punished because the Yale law students should know better.

The Gateway Pundit has the other stories about these deranged California DNC females:

So, does Christine have an arrest record?  And the NY Times says that Kavanaugh can’t be a judge just for talking to cops, when very young, after a ‘brawl’?  Wow.  HAHAHA.


And about that insane professor in Georgetown, DC:

This ‘professor’ hasn’t been fired yet.  Arrest her, too.




Filed under .money matters

27 responses to “More Anti-Kavanaugh California Pussy Hat Liars Write Anonymous Letters About Silly Sex Fantasies

  1. Melponeme_k

    Where are they digging these people up?

    Let me make my own claim. Why not? Right?

    This is a hard story to tell. But I need to be strong for ALL woman everywhere!

    When I was 8 years old, and Brett Kavanaugh was 10 years old. He asked if he could sit next to me at lunch break and have lunch with me. Then he proceeded to sit next to me! I remember I was very upset and frightened of his Incredible Hulk lunch box! I don’t know how I can function today because of it. I remember he asked me if I saw “The Empire Strikes Back” and kept talking about Yoda. My lawyers tell me this was sexual harassment! Now I’m going to run to D.C. and make a fool of myself testifying. Maybe even get a pay day from Soros.

    Oh and yeah, when Kavanaugh attended by Birthday party a few months later after the aforementioned incident, he stole my “Best of Blondie” record.

    Stealing is in his MO too apparently.

  2. Moe


    Kudos to Mel (and Mark Dice): mockery is a hugely effective weapon of derision and contempt of the buffoons engaging in these smear tactics.

  3. Petruchio

    Sometimes it can be very revealing if you notice what does NOT go on! Does anyone besides me wonder WHY the Republicans don’t fight back? Launch counter attacks? I get the so-called logic by not responding in kind. The problem with doing nothing is the attacks keep coming. These attacks aren’t going to “peter out” anytime soon. Sometimes you need to fight dirt with dirt. The GOP should be digging into every nook and cranny on these so-called “victims”. Ignoring it and hoping it goes away and/or dies under its own weight just doesn’t seem to be the smartest way to play this war out.

  4. KHS71

    Flake is now saying he may “no” on confirmation. Feels Kavanaugh is too decisive.

  5. shawntoh

    My apologies, Elaine, as this entry of mine is perhaps a little off topic in relation to your latest blog entry but perhaps this is somewhat of a small contribution in the overall scheme of things for your critique– and I present this as evidence of the decadence you have alerted us about…

    As you cited Michael Jackson for excusing and romanticizing violence, we could go back to 1974, and specifically cite an English art-rock band called “Genesis” and I feel they really need to be held accountable by you.


    Look at some of these lyrics that condone and romanticize the burning down of your neighborhood in NYC…

    BACK IN N.Y.C. [lyric excerpts]
    from the recording, The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway.

    “…. You say, I must be crazy, ‘cos I don’t care who I hit, who I hit
    But I know it’s me that’s hitting out, and I’m, I’m not full of [expletive deleted]
    I don’t care who I hurt, I don’t care who I do wrong
    This is your mess, I’m stuck in, I really don’t belong”

    “When I take out my bottle filled up high with gasoline
    You can tell by the night fires
    Where Rael [editor’s note: “Rael” is the main character] has been, has been….”

    Probably Peter Gabriel would be the likely one you want to go after, Elaine, but the other members of Genesis could also be considered enablers and collaborators.

    I note this as Peter Gabriel insisted on writing ALL the lyrics to this recording before he left the band to expand his art-rock sized pretentious ego in a solo recording career…

    But as they use to say on TV, you make the call… and decide for yourself!

  6. shawntoh

    Ooops! Excuse me, one more important item to note–

    I forgot to mention something very important to the readers of this blog. Do NOT attempt to dance to the composition, “Back in N.Y.C.”.


    Because I don’t want any potential injuries to happen to people because this musical composition does use CHANGING METERS and someone may get confused and collide into the local furniture in their dwelling attempting to “boogie down” like they use to in the 1970s.

    So please, remember–

    I am NOT a doctor and cannot dispense medical advice. So please check with your QUALIFIED health care providers in your jurisdiction before attempting any DANCING whatsoever!

    [Check the local laws as well, as there may be prohibitions against dancing, too!]

    So, before I have to say I am NOT a lawyer and cannot dispense legal advice, please check the local, state, federal and internationals laws before attempting any dancing anywhere at any time, day or night! Anyway–

    Here’s what I found out so far and please check it yourself if you don’t believe me. The changes in meter seem to follow this pattern–

    [Btw, the notation I use below indicates the following– for example, “7/4” means there are SEVEN beats to each measure and each beat is a quarter note in duration. Ask a properly trained musician what this means if you have further questions.]

    The changing meters seem to follow this pattern–

    ….6/4 to 5/4 to 7/4 to 3/4 to 7/4 to 3/4 and back to 7/4 and then to 17/8 to 9/4 to 7/4 to 5/4 and back to 7/4….


    If you don’t believe me, you COULD attempt to sight read the score while dance along with this song here because, much to my shock, somebody TRANSCRIBED and put up an animated score of this composition that you can play on your computer!

    See here –>

    Anyway, that’s only for the daring, foolish, and let’s face it, just plain reckless among you–

    So, for the rest of you, probably just get out your old John Denver’s Greatest Hits and listen to that and you probably may recover from the trauma of listening to pretentious “Art-Rock” — but again, still go see a doctor because I am NOT a doctor and cannot dispense medical advice.


  7. Melponeme_k


    Peter Gabriel wrote jacksh**. He is just a face from the bloodlines the same as any of the others. They get pushed forward to make like artists.

    You know who wrote his junk? TAVISTOCK. The same Tavistock that wrote all the Beatles crap.

    They used the changing meters in that song as an assault on the brain. How can you think or appreciate anything while that plays on the stereo?

    They have been training us to only appreciate limited tonal ranges and meters that either make us hyper or super sleepy. The lyrics are all Neuro linguistic Programming to convince us the world is awful, relationships are awful and our lives are awful.

    What we speak becomes our reality both inside the brain and outwardly in the world.

    So when you sing along that Tavistock drivel such as:

    “I don’t care who I hurt, I don’t care who I do wrong”

    What kind of person do you think it will lead you to be? What kind of society would this statement create?

    We live in that world today and the elite are slopping around in that mud like Piggies in heaven.

  8. Moe

    #3 Petruchio

    Perhaps the GOP is perfectly willing to lose their senate and/or Reps; majority. That might permit a successful attempt for the Dems to impeach Trump. They could ‘throw the game’/

  9. KHS71


    You may be right. I do wonder at times if it is all set up ahead of time to insure certain outcomes are guaranteed to benefit certain groups of people. And it always seems to be against the right side of the political spectrum. Maybe I am conspiracy driven. I have just seen too much in my life not to wonder. We’ll find out in the next week or so. The Stupid Party® might strike again.

  10. Floridasandy

    I still say vote republican across the board-even if they are trying to throw it- and then if they don’t go with the program start recall movements by state.
    That should throw everybody for a loop

    Kanye West has been awesome lately and Chris Evans has been a dick

  11. Saint Mike

    Things to avoid:

    –Having your name on a Federal indictment

    –Answering questions under oath

    –Sitting for a deposition

    –Trusting the Clinton’s lesbian lawyer

  12. Moe

    @ 8 Mel

    Excerpt: ” The lyrics are all Neuro-Linguistic Programming…”

    Here’s an article on the potential process beyond Neuro linguistic Programming – neuro-hijacking.

    It’s probably a coincidence that Blasey-Ford co-authored a study on mass hypnosis financed by the same organization that is funding research for neruo-imaging (i.e., mental induction) via biological intervention.

    My concern is that this is probably the proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’, and that more nefarious and possibly effective methods have been or are in process of creation.

  13. Saint Mike

    MITCHELL: Had — have you ever given tips or advice to somebody who was looking to take a polygraph test?

    FORD: Never.

    [Transcript Link] Unfortunately for Ms. Blasey-Ford, her testimony is now directly contradicted by a former six-year boyfriend who witnessed Ms. Ford coaching a friend named Monica McLean how to take a polygraph examination

  14. Tom W Harris

    We’re gonna need another Andrew Jackson to cope with this RNC hack court: “Kavvy Baby has spewed his BS, now let him enforce it.”

  15. Pete

    If Kav is a stumbling drunk how could he graduate #1 at Yale law school?

  16. Zeke

    News accounts report that Mitch McConnell will keep the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation report a secret to be shared only among senators. It will not be shown to the public.
    The files on the JFK assassination were sealed for fifty years. So, they do what they want.
    Like others before him, Nixon, Clinton, etc.; it’s not necessarily the underlying offense but rather the coverup, lying, perjury, and dissembling that bring about the downfall.
    His emotional outburst, tantrum, was shocking. A lack of decorum or respect for process that is the opposite of judicial temperament. Like a baby being denied a lollipop; that may have been the first time he didn’t get his way, things didn’t go according to plan in his privileged life.
    (just one person’s opinion; your opinion may differ and that’s ok.)

  17. Melponeme_k

    @13 Moe

    Yes, they have been trying to create just that type of technology for the last 40 to 50 years. They cover up the research with fake cover stories about Aliens and Demons.

    The genesis of the research was through occult societies in Germany (which weren’t isolated, information was shared with brother/sister lodges throughout the world). Methods were tested without oversight in the Concentration Camps.

    Yes, Project Paperclip was created to INCLUDE Aeronautic engineers and Math scientists. But the crown jewels (a known MK term) were the MK scientists headed by Mengele. The majority of his research along with his staff were sprinkled around the world to continue their work. He worked from a base in Brazil (hence Boys from Brazil). In Brazil, he allegedly was quite keen about studying the indigenous tribes in the area. Suspiciously, at the same time, Native American tribes were being culturally decimated by putting many Native babies on the Adoption circuit. The conspiracy sites state that Mengele was interested in how genetics affects the processing of Trauma by certain bloodlines. Native people in the Americas practice a form of Mind Control in their religion and this makes them psychologically strong enough to weather massive amounts of Trauma. Trauma that will break open the mind and rewire it to more amenable behaviors by any power base interested.

    It isn’t like they didn’t tell us what they were doing. Oh no! They told us, we just weren’t paying attention.

    The psycho somatic attacks on children via children’s television

    We now live in VIDEODROME! What do you think all those little cellphones are?

    Enough of us are on to their game now. Now it is a race to see who finishes. At least we seem to have Trump on our side.

  18. Melponeme_k


    It is said that NASA is no longer about creating rocket launches into space. I think that is obvious since most of the technology is now Russian and we just own a fleet of rickety, ugly passenger vehicles to travel to Russian space stations.

    Since the early 70s (at the latest), NASA has been all about testing this type of mind control technology. Mainly Cymatics/Harmonics. Certain frequencies will turn on and off electrical pathways in the brain. And a person WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REVERSE IT! They will need the technology to free themselves.

    Since MK Ultra swallowed NASA whole, is it surprising that Wernher Von Braun was pushed out and forced to take a job with with Fairchild? He had a hand in creating Satellite Television. What a come down from his recent past and it showed him just how unimportant the powers thought he was to them.

  19. Petruchio

    “Who on earth wants to work with hysterical females who, at the drop of a hat, will accuse them of sexual ‘touching’?” I think part of the growing up process for young women is to learn how to handle oneself if getting “hit on” by a male. This is especially important if the young female is good looking. OF COURSE, there is a line that gets passed and a formal complaint should be made, but a sexual comment? Now on one level, no female should get groped, but it will happen, especially so in settings such as Parties. REAL growth happens for a female when she knows how to fend off the would be Romeos who might touch her on the arm or the back improperly. Even if she gets her precious little rear end pinched, this should NOT cause a major trauma to the young female. Of course, in an ideal world none of this should happen, but we don’t live in a perfect world.

  20. Moe

    @ 8 Mel & @ 7 Shawntoh

    Below is a link to U2’s ‘With Or Without You’. Ignore the video and lyrics and just listen to the higher tonalities.

    These guys knew what they were doing. I never considered until recently that popular bands could have been coached or instructed in tonal manipulation, but I can appreciate that this is a definite possibility.

    Folks insensitive to higher vibrations will not comprehend what I refer too.

  21. Melponeme_k


    I remember liking that song as a young person. But now it just grates on me. The high tonal drone is maddening. The lyrics are obviously created in order to be used for Mind Kontrol depicting the relationship (if it could be called that) between the Programmer and the Victim.

  22. Christian W

    @ moe

    I took music for a year at uni not too long ago. One of the teachers mentioned that Metallica, on one its later recordings, recorded with the sound pressure on max level. This means that the sound will cut through background noise and have maximum impact.

    Other bands criticised Metallica for this but they said they did it to stand out from other music, in other words, the manipulated their sound picture for impact fully knowing that this is potentially harmful to the listeners, but the profit motive won over health concerns.

    That is one reason I can’t stand the industrialized shit music coming out of the industry.

  23. Moe

    That look that says ” If I lie with enough false bravado and chutzpah , these fools will believe me .” (note: plagiarized)

    Not really: I think the description of Blasey-Ford’s “Pretty Pose” is accurate and Stronz (sp?) is just a smug a**hole.

  24. Simple thing for females wanting to be Big Bosses: they should, when young, first work in a bar for a summer while in school. This will teach them how to endure men touching them and looking at them, etc.

    I am elderly now, NO ONE looks at me anymore, boo hoo. But young ladies want no one to look at THEM and they will get this wish via the Muslims they are importing.

  25. Melponeme_k

    @Christian W

    Whatever Metallica says are just lies. The re-engineering of music to be louder or contain certain frequencies is a deliberate attack on the public.

    Mark Devlin focuses on symbolic imagery. But he does discuss the frequency attacks here and there.

  26. Pete

    Dr Ford said she ran into Judge at a Safeway 3 weeks after her incident
    and she went over and said hello. Why would you say hello to a person
    who a few weeks before had tried to rape you?

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