Robinhood Stock Attacked By GameStop Fans, Ratings Plummet

The new app that is about to go public to raise money from traders via selling stocks is being utterly destroyed by traders who bought GameStop stocks via Robinhood aps.  So the business is getting a huge black eye and on top of this, is being sued by an army of enraged investors who have lost billions when Robinhood suddenly closed their accounts and then DELIBERATELY sold their stocks without permission!  All this, to save Citadel, one of the richest stock operations on earth!  This is criminal.  This is a scam.  The investors online who worked together to save GameStop from bankruptcy are being punished by the big Wall Street gangs and these gangs should be arrested for fraud.


Here is the announcement by Robinhood, explaining why they are robbing investors who used their stupid platform to buy stocks:



The stocks shot up to $480 when this was done and it was retroactively closed without permission of the owner of these stocks, and then the stocks were SOLD without permission at a much lower price!  This is certainly a reverse Robinhood, robbing the little guys to save the corrupt kings.


So, a trader got a tip that Citadel reloaded their shorts right before ordering Robinhood to stop trading GameStop shares.



Here is a super rich Wolf on Wall Street weeping because little people pulled down his empire and is bankrupting him now!  HAHAHA:



The super rich aren’t so rich now, are they?  They thought, ‘We stole the US election, forced US workers out of thousands and thousands of union jobs, crushed the computer nerds, we are bankrupting stuff that geeks love, hahaha….OH NO!  Bam.  All comes crashing down in a very clever, hard counter attack.  Now it is all about ‘Poor me!  I can’t dominate the entire planet earth and kill jobs!  What am I going to do now?’


Trump continues to rise in popularity.  Mainstream news is reporting, his resorts are being boycotted by the super rich who are losing money on Wall Street due to little investors punishing them for cheating via borrowing more ‘stocks’ than actually exist.  Here is another Trump move to win the hearts and minds of our troops who were forced to sleep in the severe cold in parking garages on cement floors with no sleeping bags, even:



They are being treated like first class guests.



Filed under .money matters

15 responses to “Robinhood Stock Attacked By GameStop Fans, Ratings Plummet

  1. RRW

    When, when will all of this fraud and injustice end? Little guy wins one and then loses two. I fear war is coming. I was born and lived just outside Gary, IN, and I am old enough to remember when it was still functional. Now it’s an empty, picked-through hellhole. Same with Detroit. Democrats, along with Republicans, betrayed these cities to whore themselves out to China and loot the American people. In 2000, I made $13.50 hourly. In 2021, I can only find $12-$13 hourly if I’m lucky – WTH? Being a lifelong Democrat, this election I voted for Trump. Not that I thought he was a great man. Not because I agreed with everything he did as president, but he was America first. The democrats showed their true colors of hypocrisy and I just couldn’t justify voting for Biden. Out of all the promising democratic candidates for president, they had to choose that corrupt, China buttlicking POS. Unbelievable! Everyone that isn’t part of the status quo needs to resort to the dark web, get their own servers, etc. in order to fight back.

  2. Moe

    Slightly OT, Dave Kranzler does “The Bitcoin Rabbit Hole”

    Lends more credence to Elaine’s position on eventual Bitcoin failure.

    Excerpt: “…I discovered that some of the offshore Bitcoin trading platforms have enabled Bitcoin buyers/traders to employ up 100x leverage. The offshore platforms do not accept dollars. There’s an intermediate cryptocurrency which is considered a “stablecoin” called Tether issued by Tether Ltd. U.S. Bitcoin buyers using the offshore platforms to trade Bitcoin have to exchange dollars for Tethers or other stablecoins. Supposedly a Tether is fixed at $1. Tethers are then used to purchase Bitcoins on margin.”

  3. lou

    Off topic, Elaine, this may interest you, ‘DAVOS FOR DIETARY RULES’

  4. snoosebomb

  5. snoosebomb

    GME forms a triangle now, some things never change

    & BTC takes a jump [ still within downtrend

  6. KHS71

    #3, are we in soylent green territory now?

  7. Pete

    For many years Fall Street crooks
    have allowed naked short selling.

    There is a huge amount of shares
    that were shorted. Far more than
    were ever issued. Now the short
    sellers are trapped.

    Mother of all short squeezes.
    Fun to watch 🙂

  8. Petruchio

    HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!! Yes sir. Aint the Free Market great? Well only if the Free Market is rigged in your favor AND you are already uber wealthy. I loved Biden’s Press secretary’s response to the GameStop scandal. Biden’s PS said: ” Now that we have our first female heading the Treasury, I will direct inquiries to Treasury.” (meaning questions about GameStop). Way to go!! We’re really seeing who runs the Economy with that answer. And of course, for added comfort Treasury isn’t headed by just any woman. It’s headed by none other than Janet Yellin the former Fed Chair!! HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!! You can’t make this sh#t up folks!

  9. Zeke

    In their own spoken words:
    5 min. audio contains p/o GameStop participant ‘fu¢k you’ “manifesto”. It’s worth one’s time investment to listen – who are behind the movement. And why.

    I sense desperation and disillusion even hopelessness as much as willingness to lose money and desire to ‘stick it to the man’ type mayhem.

  10. AT

    You all are getting a little wrapped around the axle over one oversold stock.

    The next most shorted stock is Virgin Galactic. Wanna “stick it to the man” by mob buying Virgin Galactic and making Branson — richer than he already is!

    Let me tell you what is really going on here. Dot-Gov and big banking are keeping the markets buoyed beyond all fundamentals and reason while they print money to keep them buoyed longer and do other things.

    But there’s also a real fear of hyperinflation sooner rather than later, so they also have to stomp out big bubbles, anything that looks like a tulip mania, because that could start the inflation conflagration. So, they step in to do that too, intervene downward.

    Now, some of the greedy pigs on wall Street front run those decisions, so they can get fat or get slaughtered. When the individual bubbles needs to deflate, one way to front run dot-gov and big banking to short sell.

    Problem with wall street piling on short selling is that the potential short squeeze snap back has no easy remedy from a banking intervention standpoint. Normal buying and selling don’t change the trajectory of a short squeeze once enough other buyers pile in.

    So, they intervention is to shut it down.

    End of story.

  11. snoosebomb

    QE , MMT ,, = rising asset prices , do it over and over expecting a different result each time

  12. AT

    Citadel gets to be bailed out because it was actively transmitting fed policy into the market by suppressing a potentially inflation igniting bubble.

    Nothing is illegal for the informant. Legalized crime for the narcs.

  13. AT

    Same for RobinHood.

  14. Zeke

    The “Federal Reserve” has been ‘pumping’ $120 Billion per month into the stock market since months before the pandemic. The unelected, autocratic, and criminal entity announced that they will continue with no end point, no end in sight.
    I think I can see the Weimar Republic from my back porch. Can one be ‘moderately’ insane?

  15. All of this proves Trump right in the end. He understands what money is and is good at losing it but he loses it in public. These cheats hate losing money and they do this in the dark. Occasionally they are yanked into the light of day as this week shows clearly.

    The markets are RIGGED. This is a very gigantic scandal. Well overdue. The DNC is in the scam, too. This is PURE BILDERBERG CRIMINAL ACTIONS and do note I have called for all them to be arrested, they CONSPIRE IN SECRET in international meetings to do these crimes.

    Stealing an election is a gigantic crime, by the way. Note how Biden is less popular than Trump in polls AFTER the ‘election’.

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