Democrats Wave Ukraine Flags: Vote $60 Billion More For WWIII No Money For Our Borders


As the USA goes bankrupt due to wild government spending, the House voted to spend $60 billion on Ukraine’s insane war against Russia.  No money was voted for our own border security!  The entire Democrat Congress then happily waved Ukraine flags!  What is most bizarre: Russia isn’t communist.  Ukraine is fascist/communist!  The old Mussolini form of fascism is the model used by Zelenskyy.  We seem to want WWIII with nuclear Russia, I am guessing.  Talk about insane!


Not happy with just rushing into WWIII with a nuclear power nation that is thriving due to Russia selling oil/gas and food to everyone else on earth except the EU, the US Congress took time out this last week to pass a bill legalizing secret spying on US citizens without going to court, first:



This law is like…the Soviet Union’s laws!  Whoa!  Who, pray tell, is ‘fighting communism’ here?  Russia knows how they went bankrupt under communist rule.  They are hoping the US will go bankrupt when ruled by Ukraine communist/fascists who are using the loot to get rich, quick.



And yes, Russia is thriving and Europe is dying.  And Russia is not being invaded by rapacious armies of illegal aliens, the EU is being invaded.  Russia has strong borders and the USA has weak borders except now, for Texas.


New York is run by communists elected mainly in NYC.  NYC is now dying due to vote cheating there in the last two elections thanks to ‘show no ID to vote’ leads to endless illegal votes.  These illegal votes went to communists using the DNC as a tool to destroy the USA.


Here is an example, from NYC which is constantly attacking Trump and trying desperately to put him in prison, is simultaneously releasing MASS KILLERS because they are stupid:



This obvious killer was deported and immediately reentered illegally again since Biden made this super duper easy.  This is utterly insane.  Arrest the entire DNC leadership!  Arrest all DNC mayors, too!  They are all traitors.



Filed under .money matters

9 responses to “Democrats Wave Ukraine Flags: Vote $60 Billion More For WWIII No Money For Our Borders

  1. As Haiti goes even further down the spiral to failed statehood and Gaza is changed from an open-air prison to an open-air concentration camp, I wonder if there’s a reason that the Dune story has reemerged in our zeitgeist. A story about how people trapped on a desert planet where conditions are brutal evolve into excellent soldiers who need only a leader to unite and organize them.

  2. snoosebomb

    at least here in CDN , there some hidden structure nobody talks about . The always ballooning costs of any project ie 275 mil for the world cup AND NEVER ANY DETAILED budget or accounting ! I suppose this is the equivalent of buying the pol’s in the US. In any case it seems organic . Another example here in BC a guy built a hybrid logging truck , looks good and he was eligible for a gov grant cept he had to get it through a consulting firm MMP and pay them a kickback. That leads to another subject which is the entire consulting industry which i know first hand is there to employ all those university grads and drive up costs.

  3. Anne

    I wholeheartedly agree with Elaine on this issue. These politicians decided to spend 95 billion dollars on fueling wars and conflicts around the world, while they continue to ignore social issues at home like gun violence, poverty, homelessness and drug abuse. This only reveals the moral bankruptcy of the US leadership.

  4. @6, Anne, me also. Biden easily could have avoided the war in Ukraine by negotiating with Russia about its NATO membership. He didn’t do that because the proxy war in Ukraine is so useful for him. It’s quite evil.

  5. Well, students against wars have nothing going about the Ukraine wars but is all heave-ho for attacking Israel for its wars.

    Congress is for both wars, of course and waved Ukraine flags after voting to protect those stupid borders but now our borders, yet again.

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