Soros Funds Communists And Muslims In USA


The radical leftists want communism here in the USA.  As always, this appeals to very young voters who have no idea how crushing, evil Communism is!  Namely, they will do forced labor and starve as well as freeze or roast to death, too!  The radicals demanding we surrender to Gaza terrorists have no idea what they are chanting is all about annihilating people!  Gaza’s population doubled every other decade from less than 1 million to over 5 million!  Meanwhile, our goofy leaders in the DNC and GOP Senate leaders celebrate spending even more money on Ukraine’s borders and near zero to protect us, at home!  Arrest all these clowns.


A good comment about all this:


Students are in fear for their life, classes had to go remote? How in the world is anyone allowed to fund that without being under investigation? Isn’t that sedition?or something illegal? This is wild, I never dreamed anything like this would be tolerated in the United States..let alone allow people to fund this. That’s sick


The ‘students’ demanding Israel surrender to Hamas have been chanting about annihilating all Jews in Israel so ‘we can have one…intifada revolution…SOCIALISM.’  These students have been indoctrinated by their teachers to view communism as a great way to run a country (into collapse):



These leftists change flags regularly.  Whatever the issue, their solution is ‘communist’.  They have no history teachers at our colleges now!  98% of them are communists because the universities use mainly student teachers new to the classroom to teach people nearly their own age and pay them a pittance, to do this.  All sane people go out and away from these crazy schools to make real money.


So the students who are now ‘adjuncts’ fester at these schools and wish for communism so EVERYONE can fester, poor and hungry, too!  They hate capitalism which makes all the classmates who went forth in the real world, to gain good money, as monsters to be destroyed so everyone can be poor, hungry and cold no matter who!


Except the overlords in all communist countries who live like kings and queens, of course!



The cruel GOP leader in the Senate agrees with the communists there, we have to go bankrupt, fighting nuclear armed Russia to ‘save people from tyranny’.   This insane war we are paying for is highly dangerous for starting WWIII and total annihilation:


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that military aid to Ukraine was not charity, adding that it created jobs in the United States.He added, “It’s in our interest. this is not charity to Ukraine….It’s in our interest. I think we’ve sort of refocused on the importance of playing the kind of role that we need to play in the world. It’s in our interest.


Namely, money will flow to the military/industrial complex but this doesn’t benefit us at all, it is the taxpayer who is paying for all this, not anyone in Ukraine!  If we pay for more guards and security on our borders, this will benefit ALL American citizens!  Why can’t we do something that helps US???


Arrest McConnell and lock him up with his DNC buddies!



Filed under .money matters

39 responses to “Soros Funds Communists And Muslims In USA

  1. Anne

    The truth is that fascism is here whether Trump or Biden is in the white house and whether Mike Johnson or Hakeem Jeffries is the House Speaker.

    Fascism demands acquiescence to corporate interests, to the surveillance state, and to the war makers. All of those interests can be confident of getting what they want.

    People in the United States can also be confident that getting their needs met will be a rarity. So it is in their “democratic” nation.

    Margaret Kimberley

  2. qbutnoa

    Scotland, SNP (hard left) First Minister Humza (useless) Yousaf has resigned before being sacked. Some background =

  3. Pete

    PC killed comedy

  4. I admit I didn’t have the patience to watch the video at the top. Can someone explain this idea that George Soros, himself Jewish, is funding protests demanding that universities divest from Israel?

  5. Jim R


    What a load of cr@p that is! All those fumaroles in Iceland, what comes out of them? Everything — every element on the periodic chart. The solids settle nearby, or flow for a short while as lava. Solids build up the land there, but some of it is sulfur or carbon. Volatile stuff becomes air pollution. Some volcanoes also emit hydrofluoric acid, so carbon is really not that scary.

    Well, injecting all that CO2 into the ground under Iceland is a silly idea, because it’s just a matter of time until the volcano heats it up and blows it all back out. But no worries about its effect on the atmosphere, because the human-stored carbon is 1/1,000,000th as much as spewed by the volcanoes anyway (my estimate, and just as a reminder, I have exactly the same scientific credentials as Bill Gates: none at all).

  6. Jim R


    I’m pretty sure Soros is a non-observant Jew (in other words an atheist). I think he was famous for cooperating with Hitler’s army back in WWII, helping to rob the other Jews and herd them into boxcars.

    Soros is working for the globalists, like WEF. The ones who want the whole planet to be under one monolithic tyrannical government. Oh, and they also think it is overpopulated. But they never off themselves, for some reason.

  7. @9, I’m a big fan of Occam’s Razor. I don’t need a theory that the student protests are funded at all. If I were a 20-year-old student I’d be out there in a tent too, demanding that my tuition dollars not be used to support a genocide. Nobody would have to pay me. So the idea that a Jewish billionaire hired them to protest against Israel is good for a laugh.

  8. qbutnoa

    Soros is a useful idiot.useful idiot

  9. Zekster

    like useless eater maybe

  10. Jim R

    If I were a 20-year-old student I’d be out there in a tent too,

    And of course you would spare no expense, and trot down to REI to buy the exact make and model of tent that all the other spontaneous protesters are using. You just can’t have a grass roots movement if everybody’s using old raggedy tents.

  11. Pete

    @ 9,11

    Soros is a Marxist, globalist.

    His father taught him Esperanto

  12. @13, Jim, Columbia university says it costs about $100,000 per year to study there. I guess those kids can afford nice Chinese-made tents from Amazon.

  13. Jim R

    You just need to make sure it is the same brand, make, model, and batch number as all the other ‘protestor’ tents. You wouldn’t want it to be different in any way. 

    Either that or just use the tent the NED gave you.

  14. A lot of what is ‘taught’ at our schools at tremendous expense is pure garbage. Just being literate is good enough for 70% of all ‘liberal arts’.

    The ‘art’ stuff like painting has been nearly totally destroyed by our ‘schools’ which teach students to be crappy ‘artists’. Meanwhile, even the professors admit that illiterate street kids make better ‘art’ than any and all ‘art’ professors!!!

    Who now imitate the street urchin’s ‘art’. This is all insane, expensive and stupid.

  15. Steve, ‘genocide’ isn’t happening when a population is growing at a mad rate. Killing people can be a ‘massacre’ but NOT GENOCIDE.

    Genocide can happen via epidemics, for example, the Black Death Plague killed one third of the EU populations.

    The populations bounced back but it took over 100 years to do this.

    When the Europeans entered North and South America, the diseases they introduced killed far far far more people than the reverse.

    Just 160 years after the Black Death Plague! 

  16. Unlike the Muslims who are hammering all their neighbors and invading Europe again, they are NOT facing ‘genocide’ but are growing in numbers at a mad rate now…due to the entire non-Muslim EU Europeans ceasing to have children!

    Japan decided to stop having children, too. This is quite fascinating to watch in a horrible way! This happened to the Roman Empire from 300 AD to the collapse of Western Empire starting the Dark Age of Europe.

    The Romans simply stopped producing babies! The new Church encouraged ‘no children’ in the form of nuns and priest who were childless, for example.

  17. Moe

    @19 EMS and @Steve

    It’s not genocide Steve, it’s only a massacre. Genocide, you see, would involve extermination and that’s not what’s happening here: it’s only ethnic cleansing. You know, a phrase denoting the elimination of an unwanted ethnic group or groups from a society, as (potentially by genocide) or forced emigration, but not complete elimination. As EMS clucks, please pay attention. 🙂

    EMS was not inaccurate in her statement but inadequate in presenting the big picture perspective. But this omission is egregious IMO and unworthy of her.

    I agree with Jim R. the protests appear staged to some degree.

  18. #22 – tis genocide – a court decided – in fact one of the judges was from Israel proper – and said judge concurred – tis genocide.

    you know there is only 1 proven way to refute a bully….

    Justified Retribution is on the way – in response to genocide – and now that place there in the Middle East – the effing dream of the goof-balls after WWII with hegemony in mind – now they fixing to learn the hard way – you ole fuckers.

  19. Here is the case and the decision made – in a court of Law – the zigaboos think they are exempt – but they are about to learn the hard way – being they are now pariah….in the minds of those humans amongst us who still care – and don’t consider ourselves effing exceptional:

    This link was chosen somewhat randomly – but if one is keeping up with the Signs of the Times – there are some bullies who I put on notice.

    You got one minute to flee – cause there are rumors out there some dastard intent to explode an “EMP-trigger” high up in the air was shot down before it happened – but the proof on that rumor remains to be seen.

    Nonetheless, the reason ships are departing is because they must know they are sitting ducks – as proven by the missiles that easily bypassed the so-called “Iron Dome”.

    Get ready – some serious shit fixing to go down in May.

    I’m ready – I’m prepared – I hope you are as well – and really truly – bullies only learn the hard way.


  20. When is that ole fucker Soros going to get hung up?

    That is a serious question – not kidding around.

    Anybody got the answer – or is this just a bunch of blowhards here at EMS – it wasn’t always that way.

    I know.

  21. snoosebomb

    re; ‘art stuff’

    here is the most obnoxious [ to those [which is most ] who adhere to Marx s [ ”Labor theory of value: An economic theory stating that the true value of a good or service is determined by the amount of labor required to produce it.] ,  video explaining what is great art.

    the author of the video is perfectly correct in his assessments and his other videos. , ‘great art’ relies on utilizing the big simple ideas , which is hard because they are few. however this modern stuff relies heavily on that big empty white cube . Antique art does not .

  22. Yes, ‘modern’ art is easy as pie.

    Old stuff is hard to make.

  23. snoosebomb

    actually its very difficult , u try , u think its just scratching about ? but your scratching about will look like a thousand other scratching abouts and it will fail .

  24. snoosebomb

    and the old stuff wasn’t that hard , artists then had lots of competition

  25. snoosebomb

    ……….If …………. U …………. can ……….. paint ………. every ……….. hair ……….on ……. every ……… dog ………… and ……… every ……… feather ………. on ………every …………. bird …………. and ………..every ……….. leaf ………. on ………… every ………… tree ……….. then ………. U ………… R ………. a ………. Gray-8 ………… artist ………….. ! ………… !

  26. qbutnoa

    @27, “…this modern stuff relies heavily on that big empty white cube. Antique art does not.”

    Someone once said, if I can do it, then it’s not art.

  27. Is Soros dead yet – that old fucker must be living off of adrenochrome…

    His just due if fixing to be delivered – swiftly with precision I reckon – maybe he gets a bad batch – and that does him in – how ironic that would be – justice in action I reckon.

    Eff these old fuckers who really be better off dead the evidence is not only in – tis proven.

  28. What you think bout this artistry?

    Four leaf clovers given to me and laminated for posterity.

  29. Really – not kidding around:

    Thanks to the host here for the other article – seems it is getting some traction – 5G style I reckon.

    I play to win!

    I love my kids – do you love yours?

    I don’t support genocide or harming babies and mothers whether you ascribe another word to it – the zigaboos are on notice – the Wolfpack is on the HUNT.

    In fact, these harm pushers ought be fearful cause the wolves are better predators than humans were before they pulled the canines into the community – and odds are – same thing goes for the aliens out there wondering whether humanity has any value.

    If they are wondering – it must inform their view that some of us humans are wondering likewise.

    By the way – apparently an F-35 or some such….oh whatever – who gives a shit if these old fucker fuck it all up for everybody – selfish self-absorbed self-fulfilling liars – PROVEN.

    Get ready – May is going to be a hell of a month of Retribution. Lets hope tis justified.

  30. snoosebomb

    #35 , anything will do , i hear bananas work very well

  31. This is a test to see if this image loads….

    Bananas are good for one’s soul I reckon – lots of Potassium – that be a K on the table:


    Well it didn’t work…but now know more bout WordPress…

  32. One last test please – then I won’t trouble you all…

  33. snoosebomb

    yes ! i have suggested this will be the ‘ conspiracy theory ‘ in the future. as i said they had 12? young females watching the border who reported . AND NOT JUST WATCHING , they had strict orders to never take their eyes off the screen even to take a drink , yet they were ignored . Land Grab .

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