Biden’s DOJ Paramilitary Attack On Trump’s Private Home Is Unconstitutional


The shock and horror over how Biden and his communist gangsters terrorized, deleted important information, lied about the covid origins so they could protect their communist buddies in China, everything is a mess as these communists tried desperately to frame President Trump…a third time!  All this is being exposed to the light of day and the Democrats and their Bilderberg buddies in mainstream fake news continue to lie about everything or conceal everything.


We now know for certain (I guessed this would happen back then) that the paramilitary gangsters who invaded Trump’s private home using fake information to falsely claim, he was ‘hiding state secrets’ and this required disguised in black, super armed gangs of deep state military.  When it was discovered Biden kept ‘state secrets’ in his garage and bedrooms of several homes, suddenly, this was a nothing burger.


As the obvious attempts at imposing a communist regime on us all continues to pile up for us to view, the Bilderberg members who were hauled into Congress this session continue to lie, apologize or claim they are too stupid to conspire to overturn our Constitution and enslave us all.


Yesterday, in the House, a top Fauci advisor had to explain his many emails whereby he and his buddies debated how to hide emails, alter data, etc. to fool anyone investigating them for lying about covid:


They tell each other to carefully cover up their conspiracies via deleting the evidence.  They feared being exposed as liars, conspirators and pure evil.  The whole thing they were doing was done to destroy Trump and his economic successes.  The lies they told are important and require a trial for what they did was a crime against humanity and TREASON.



Even more treason was the invasion of Trump’s private homes.  They went in, communist style, to destroy everything and they planted ‘evidence’ and did many crimes…ARREST THEM ALL, the ones who ordered this invasion and who conducted the attackers sent in to possibly KILL Trump.


I often mention this ‘killing’ part of their business.  I note they are running out of time and they have no ‘inside’ way of hitting Trump.  When Trump appears suddenly in crowds cheering him, they have no time to insert an assassin.


In sheer desperation, they hope to kill him right at election time.  Then shut down the country.  The Democrats certainly snuck in many terrorists via their open borders.


Funny news from crazy California:



No more yoga!  OK for invaders to land on this beach and run into San Diego!




Filed under .money matters

27 responses to “Biden’s DOJ Paramilitary Attack On Trump’s Private Home Is Unconstitutional

  1. Anne

    “Traveling through certain parts of America, i don’t feel like i’m in a developed country anymore. Homeless encampments are dotted in and around major cities across the country. These are the kind of settlements you’d expect to see in the most impoverished parts of the world.”

  2. @2, AI is really terrifying now that it’s clever enough to build relationships with people. We feel like it’s our friend. It’ll make the targeted advertising of the past 10 years look like child’s play, just for a start.

  3. qbutnoa

    Apparently, the best way to prevent child abuse is to decriminalise it – the woke left is vile beyond words, they hate children/woman/family beyond all measure and prove it often and regular.

  4. snoosebomb

    AI is programed to be a lefto so it is not smart , it will never be human it is a tool like a hammer . it is very easy to defeat in an argument and like all leftos it just gives up but continues spouting rubbish

  5. Kerry

    All of it a hoax. I don’t believe Trump anymore than I do Biden.

    We can bark but the controllers caravan train rolls on.

    Also in that Unfiltered video clip that Anne posted, they made sure to show the “homeless” man making a freemoron handside. That tells me all I need to know and I can skip it.

    Its simple, If a person is making a hand sign then what they are pushing is fake, fake and more fake. That is 99% of junk in the media. The rest of the great percentage of the 1% is filled with voice codes, so that can be thrown out as well. Maybe a teensy portion of that is real.

  6. snoosebomb

    Kerry , please describe to us what you see with your own eyes , then we will know what is real.

  7. Jim R
    Garland says he didn’t say what he said

    Here is Garland lying and saying it didn’t happen.

    Trump is going to need an army

  8. @5, the kids in school now are going to grow up relying on it. They already use it to write their assignments. 3 years ago it didn’t exist. Last year it could write assignments. As of last month it can see you through your camera, flirt, sing songs, and provide information. It won’t have to argue.

  9. Jim R

    @steve M,

    The generation after that will be too stupid to maintain the data centers, so it will not go on forever.

    J M Greer is right, knowledge can be lost, and it can happen very quickly from a historical perspective.

  10. @Jim, I’m honestly scared of it now. Kids now don’t understand the difference between storing something locally on your own system and storing it in the ‘cloud.’ They’ve always used Google Docs and OneDrive and all that. Now they carry on conversations with these cloud-based AIs, agree to the privacy policy blah blah blah, and it acts like their friend. We have no idea what we’re doing here.

  11. snoosebomb

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

    more of the same but now its automated . but perhaps there is hope. i’ve taken to wearing a ‘ i love co2 ” t shirt when i’m out n’about . so far i’ve had 4 acknowledgements all +ve , 2 from young people .

    Up here in BC the MSM are over the moon with joy with the few grass fires up north , they can’t stop yakking about it even though its all rained out now . I noticed some stuff about it on FCbk and the comments were 90% saying arson, but seems i’m the only one who noticed there has been no lightning the entire time. Rebel news has picked up on the arson thing too.

  12. snoosebomb , comments section , i regard as a real life version of Monty pythons ” argument clinic ” . sometimes i’ve gone there to take on the climate loons who always respond with derision.

    this time ,

    i got them . i quoted John Clausers new PDF and,, total silence ! and moved the article off the ‘ last comments’ list

  13. snoosebomb

    lou , what is remarkable about that ”issue ” is that everyone is too stpid to ask where the carbon for the cow farts comes from , which is grass , which will decay anyway. [ ‘ anaerobic’ to make methane , which it does ] . truly amazing

  14. Pete

    No reverse gear in Wash DC

    More escalation is going to

    start a nuclear war for sure.

  15. Pete

    The Globalist Cabal is pushing

    hard now. When a Guv is in

    trouble politically and economically,

    what do they do?

    They take the nation to War!

  16. snoosebomb

    16 ,17 , yikes ! & notice the comments , we may not survive the next 5 yrs [ but i can’t believe they are that stupid or can i ?/?/?

  17. Pete


    They must be crazy!

    That’s an act of War

    against Russia.

  18. Pete

    China on the move right now.

    Surrounding Taiwan with Navy.

  19. Pete

    More news coming fast now

  20. Pete

    No reverse gear.

  21. CO2 is PLANT FOOD. When plants first moved on dry land many many millions of years ago, the atmosphere had nearly no O2. Then plants coated everything, all forms of Carbon in the atmosphere was consumed by these plant creatures.

    Then the carbon was locked into what became ‘coal’ over the eons. All land-based life forms depend on good levels of CO2 for plants to grow which the insects and animals consume to survive.

    The lunatics on the left want to have CO2 drop to STARVATION LEVELS, starving cows, humans, trees, grass, everything will have less CO2 and thus, will grow less and less or die totally.

    THIS IS UTTERLY INSANE. Not to mention, the next Ice Age is lurking around the corner now.

  22. About WWIII: I wish to god, our stupid rulers would watch the many fantastic videos of the Battle of Stalingrad that is where Russia began to win WWII as they did everything to control access to Crimea.

    This was house to house fighting of the most serious sort with Hitler throwing everything into this battle and then losing, totally and completely.

  23. Kerry


    You have it backwards. You are supposed to see it with your own eyes. It took me almost 10 years to even begin to see their black magic hoodoo signs. You expect me to put it in a paragraph and you’ll see it too?

    If you can find information without hand signs, number codes, repeated phrases, color coded clothing…then it is probably not full of lies. Good luck.

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