Illinois Changes ‘Offender’ To ‘Justice-impacted People’


Whenever Democrats run a state or city, things go off the cliff.  Since they now depend on the criminal classes and families for power, they have eliminated most laws and rules concerning criminals while at the same time, putting Republicans in prison on the slightest violations of any sort!  This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL in the extreme!  This is why I call, daily, for all DNC leaders to be arrested for treason.  Without exception, any city or state run by these clowns goes bankrupt.


Funny, how the leaders of the DNC, all of whom studied ‘1984’ when in college, ape the Big Brother’s policies and tactics to lie, cheat and steal.  They follow the book’s description of Big Brother to the ‘T’.


WATCH: Merrick Garland Lashes Out at Trump For Claiming the DOJ Had Authorization to Kill Him During Mar-a-Lago Raid …Which They Did


This is typical of Big Brother.  They deny the truth, that Biden and his gang gave instructions to the invading individuals to conceal their identity from Trump and his guards, they were given the green light to kill Trump or anyone there is they resisted BLACK CLOTHED agents with no IDs on their uniforms…HELLO.


The President of the USA should let in black clad, heavily armed thugs with no ID because…wait!  ANTIFA dresses the same!  So do Muslim terrorists!  Good lord.  Now the same clowns working for Biden claim, they always do this tricky thing and they do kill people who panic and shoot at them when they invade!


Chuck Schumer Once Again Tries to Pass Sham Border Bill – Gets Even Less Support Than Last Time


My Senator, foreign agent for Israel named ‘Chuckie Schumer’ tried to pass his ‘invaders can invade 5,000 a DAY’ bill and even Democrats refused to back him on this scheme to destroy the USA.  Arrest Schumer!


Now for fun fake news/real news from Ukraine:



This is ‘today’s news’ at the world’s stupidest ‘newspaper’ that prints fake news or pretends ‘new news’ is ‘new’ or both.  From two years ago:



So, he has been doing this all along.  It doesn’t work, of course.  Meanwhile, younger men now flee Ukraine in order to avoid the draft.  The NYT pretends we are winning this war.


As I point out every other day, Russia NEVER surrenders Crimea.  NEVER.  Communist or capitalist, they need the ports there!  PERIOD.  Winning against that is nearly impossible for the other ‘Great Powers’.


We are going bankrupt, trying to win this futile war.


Filed under .money matters

13 responses to “Illinois Changes ‘Offender’ To ‘Justice-impacted People’

  1. Ukraine really will bankrupt the West, but the money being spent on it is irrelevant compared to the destruction of faith in our financial system. Our governments have been broke forever but they could always borrow. But the rich of the world can see their gradual slide from freezing Russian assets to seizing them. I wonder how our politicians imagine this is going to work out.

  2. Anne

    Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Gaza and Ukraine. They all costed a fortune, claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, and created millions of refugees. And for what? Just so that the US and its Western “allies” could prove to themselves and the rest of the world that they still are in charge of the world?

    No wonder why some countries has had enough of this so-called “rules-based” order. There are no rules at all. It is the law of the jungle where the strong can do as they please without any consequences.

    Scholz refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine to prevent escalation between Russia, NATO

    “We will provide support as long as it takes,” Scholz said. “But each decision should be well weighed. I have responsibility: we support Ukraine’s defensive struggle but we don’t want the situation to escalate to a war between Russia and NATO. One can only imagine what would become of Europe and the entire world should it happen.”

  3. Pete

    This hack into broadcast

    was very strange. Deep state

    threatening Trump with


  4. Pete

    NATO moving F-16s to Poland.

    Declare western Ukraine

    under NATO no fly zone?

    Orban wants out of alliance!

  5. Pete

    Orban looks scared about

    something he knows is about

    to happen. wow

  6. Pete

    Holy Sh*t !

    Major Russian early warning

    Radar Station taken out.

    Russia can’t detect an ICBM

    launch from the South.

  7. qbutnoa

    @5,@6. In July, Hungary takes over the presidency of the Council of the EU, which gives Budapest an influence on the agenda-setting.

  8. Hopefully everyone has heard that the International Court of Justice today ordered Israel to stop its attack on the city of Rafah. I’m not a lawyer but I think this makes it illegal, under the Genocide Convention, for the US to keep providing weapons to Israel. That’s unlikely to change anything, except we’ll get even more video of State Department spokespeople squirming when media questions them.

  9. Pete


    Orban better watch his back lol

  10. Chaos at the top leads to chaos at the bottom.

    Brutal battles for control always are brutal but what I talk about is history. Choosing to ignore history is what ails our Real Rulers. They think, they can control the entire world! They think they are smarter and better than us mere humans.

    They are very shortsighted and this is due mainly to how people are taught history in schools.

  11. snoosebomb

    what history will record [if anyone records it ], the deceptions of oct 7

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