Author Archives: emsnews

About emsnews

Culture of Life News examines not a regular news service. It is an attempt to analyze events in the world news stream with an eye towards explaining how everything hinges together: religion, politics, arts, science, economy and cosmology. We are devoted to examining things from a scientific and historical perspective as well as lots of humor, cartoons and story telling images to make difficult concepts easier to understand and discuss. I was born at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin and grew up at some of the most famous observatories on earth. My family was very politically connected since the Battle of Hastings onwards. And so I have some inside perspective on the Ruling Class. I have been hit by lightning three times while indoors, a world record. This is why I listen to the Lightning Gods like Thor and Pegasus. Best not to ignore them! Feel free to email me any time. I love to hear from readers. Thank you.

26 GOP Governors Demand Meeting With Open Borders Bum, Biden!


We are approaching a big break in our republic: Biden’s approval rating is now below 35% and his side kick is even lower rated and all this is due to enabling INVADERS to illegally enter our country!  This is going to lead to a serious uprising of citizens who are rapidly arming themselves while the remaining Democrats screech about the need to disarm citizens so as to enable the invaders to attack us.  This is, as I have pointed out endlessly, is all about treason!  Biden won’t have a border meeting, he is hiding and needs to be found and dragged to trial, pronto.

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Filed under .money matters

Senile Biden Deliberately Destroys USA, He Is The Insane Arm Of The International Bilderberg Gang



A photographer got a shot of Biden holding his notes which he needs when talking to people he knows because his brain damage now is tremendous.  Note the words ‘Pool Spray’: I suspect this refers to the reporter pool he would be addressing.  Biden was with the Prime Minister of Britain and Johnson, who was so happy Biden won even though Trump was backing Brexit and promised good trade deals, Biden offered zero trade deals.  HAHAHA.  A real winner, eh?  Boris is unhappy and deserves it.  Meanwhile, in the US, the illegal alien invasion continues as mobs of freeloaders and criminals pour across our open borders, invited over here by Biden.  No trade with England/violent invaders allowed into America: this is our country today.  Thanks, Democrats.  This is 100% your doings.

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Filed under .money matters

Nicki Minaj Family Attacked By UK Newspaper Guardian, Looking For Dirt


Nikkie Minaj has gone crazy, she is fighting like a tigress, the entire SJW/Bilderberg gang entities who are turning on this fine BLACK lady and are now caught trying to dig up dirt on her.  The emails that were released yesterday were from reporters for the UK fake newspaper, the leftist ‘Guardian.’  In this exchange the reporters threaten her family members, demanding to talk to them and find dirt on her so they can attack Nikkie.  She is now suing the newspaper.  Hope they go bankrupt.  They are already morally bankrupt.

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Filed under .money matters

NY Requires Indoor Face Masks But Not At Emmy Awards


Yes, we are in ‘two Americas’ and there is lots of proof of this.  Places run by liberals and places run by conservatives.  Liberals whine about how we are all going to die of germs while they, themselves, run riot, don’t wear masks, don’t clean up after themselves and turn their cities into hell holes of crime, filth and pollution.  This is the bizarre world we live in.  Meanwhile, on TV, these same filthy liberals give each other awards for producing ‘entertainment’ that is dropping rapidly in popularity, locking out popular conservatives totally while patting each other on the back for producing anti-Trump/anti-American garbage.

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Filed under .money matters

Possible FBI Agent Dressed As ANTIFA, Tried To Cause DC Riot But Was Escorted Away When Discovered

Yesterday, a small group of conservatives protested the continuing holding of January 6 rioters without trials.  They demanded a fair hearing.  As per always with demonstrations against the government, the FBI inserted a fake ANTIFA clad man dressed all in black and who carried a GUN.  When the DC cops stopped him, thinking he was ANTIFA, they checked his ID and learned he was there to infiltrate and I suspect, start a riot, so instead of arresting him, they escorted him away!  I knew of this sort of infiltration many years ago.  I will tell a story about this little matter!

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Filed under .money matters

The Vote Verification/Identification of Illegal Votes Continues In Arizona To The Fury Of DNC/RINO Politicians


The non news about the Arizona verification of votes and winnowing out of the voter pool all the fake votes which were tens of thousands such corrupt votes…continues relentlessly forwards.  The fiction we have ‘elections’ continues while real election vote verification shows that rampant cheating is national, not local.  The Real Rulers are terrified of this push to have only citizens vote.  They openly demand that illegal aliens and anyone else should vote, too.  The recent recall vote in California allowed a million illegal votes and they celebrate this as a great victory!  Just amazing to watch.  Meanwhile, the Arizona winnowing out of the voter base all the illicit/illegal votes continues like detective work.

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Filed under .money matters

SF Mayor Breed Breaks Own Pandemic Rules, Danced Illegally With No Mask!

SF female mayor has fun party while not wearing a mask breaking her own edict that everyone must wear masks no matter where or what!  Like  all her fellow super liberal Democrats, she breaks her own rules and then sneers that it is OK for HER to break her own rules.  Every one of these blasted privileged rich Democrats break their own covid-19 rules.  This elitism is totally disgusting.  This, after the Met Costume Museum party where all the rich and famous and DNC gangsters wore no masks while all the staff and photographers were forced to wear masks.

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Filed under .money matters