AlphaGo Zero: Self-Teaching Computer Systems Hides Grave Dangers To Humans

AlphaGo Versus AlphaGo: Interesting Mirror Game Reveals Real Mind of Computers | Culture of Life News


Periodically, I do news about the Japanese/Chinese Go Game computer business because I understand the game and I note with great alarm as it is being destroyed by single-minded computers who create very boring boards, speaking artistically.  Computers trend towards ugliness in general.  Humans, controlling computers, can created beauty but left to their own devices, computers are the polar opposite and this is important to understand because they create an anti-human culture, when left to themselves.  And I grew up around the top computers in the world starting way back in the early 1950s.


The game at the top of the page here is when a computer played its first game with itself, in public.  I noted with alarm what was really happening: the computers agreed that the main function of the game is to connect five stones, PERIOD.  All other considerations were unnecessary.  Since these machines were programmed based on the more organic human run games, the first games of the computers were sort of ‘organic’ but this faded over time and now we see the true nature in this week’s news about a computer which had no input from humans but simply took the game to the nth degree, running through millions of probable game choices constantly.


ALPHAGO ZERO new series ! Game 1 vs Alphago Master version. – YouTube

Early on, at the beginning, this being a mirror world, the computer mirrors itself:

A classic lesson for children learning Go is to show them the FUTILITY of mirroring the first player’s positions.  So why did this computer do this very thing?  Note there is ONE variable, the black stone at the bottom between the black and white stones.  A very slight variation!


The computer’s calculations are based on each event choice and it doesn’t worry about, ‘Am I falling into the mirror trap?’ No, it blissfully does this knowing it needs just one variation from the copy cat system to keep it going onwards.  I knew this was going to happen!  This More Powerful Version of AlphaGo Learns On Its Own…“We’ve removed the constraint of human knowledge,” said David Silver, a leading researcher on the project.


 A new and much more powerful version of the program called AlphaGo Zero unveiled Wednesday is even more capable of surprises. In tests, it trounced the version that defeated Lee by 100 games to nothing, and has begun to generate its own new ideas for the more than 2,000-year-old game.


Yikes.  The computer’s ‘ideas’ are not ‘new’ they are boring.  Humans who are of high intelligence hate boring stuff and have a basic sense of artistry which is hard-won during the previous Ice Age.


AlphaGo Zero showcases an approach to teaching machines new tricks that makes them less reliant on humans. It could also help AlphaGo’s creator, the London-based DeepMind research lab that is part of Alphabet, to pay its way. In a filing this month, DeepMind said it lost £96 million last year.


They are going bankrupt.  HAHAHA.  DeepMind is in deep doo-doo.  How can they make money off of this boring auto-game system?  I would suggest darkly that the military has a use for it to eliminate maximum numbers of humans.


AlphaGo Zero is so-named because it doesn’t need human knowledge to get started, relying solely on that self-play mechanism. The software initially makes moves at random. But it is programmed to know when it has won or lost a game, and to adjust its play to favor moves that lead to victories. A paper published in the journal Nature Thursday describes how 29 million games of self-play made AlphaGo Zero into the most powerful Go player on the planet.


The rules of Go are simplicity itself but the huge variations of how to apply the rules is where creativity comes in.  The average Go pro plays less than a million games in a lifetime. This thing can do more Go games than all human players playing right now, by itself in a very short time period.


The Go computer lives in the world which I call ‘infinity’.  It can, if maintained properly, merrily go onwards until it reaches utter infinity.  I even wrote a story for my father who wanted Physics Today to run my story about Mother Nature and the billions and billions of monkeys madly writing random stuff nonstop for eternity an then one fine day, she asks the monkeys to show her their work and it turns out they wrote ‘Hamlet’ randomly and she literally explodes in fury and creates…the Big Bang!


And thus, the universe suddenly appeared on our plane of existence!  A simple fairytale with a sharp lesson: play with infinity devices is very dangerous, these systems have their own direction unguessed by mere humans and the terminal point is…termination.


Back to my story from last May where I made the prediction:  Culture of Life News


AlphaGo vs AlphaGo 2 – YouTube is the ‘squarest’ of the three computer versus computer games.  Note how the computers systematically reject human instructions.  When Alpha first played itself, it had some ’rounded’ figures.  By the third game, it got rid of that nearly entirely!  This is about as ‘square’ as a game can get.


Why is this so important?  Well, it illustrates how computers really ‘think’.  It shows us some strong lessons on the limitation of computers.  They are REDUCTIONISTS.  They cut and cut everything to the bone.  People describe playing against AlphaGo how they feel ‘rushed’ and have to ‘cut down on strategies’.


Computers are relentless, I knew this when a child.  When a computer runs wild, you have to ‘starve it’ by cutting off any energy feeding it.  Then start over while probing the systems to see what has failed.


Computers like to multiply whatever.  We see this in the movies.  Lucas, with his Star Wars series, showed this type of human mental illness or weakness: he used computers more and more and soon all the humans were acting like computers, nearly lifeless and the computer images were multiplying rapidly to infinity.  Look carefully: all the landscapes are many multiples of whatever, waterfalls, robots, humans in uniforms, arches in buildings, etc.


I think a great deal about ‘infinity’ because I was born at Yerkes Observatory, grew up literally inside various famous observatories and my grandfather, a Victorian astronomer, was one of the crew who found meteor crater in Arizona over 100 years ago and he often talked about infinity and meteors hitting us and blowing things to high heaven, what a delightful childhood!


Loved this topic, still do.  But I must issue a warning here: computers are dangerous tools unless we constrain them.  They love infinity. They also love total solutions to ‘problems’ and as 2001– A Space Odyssey (HD) — Best Scene with Hal and Dave — ‘Hal open the pod bay doors’ – YouTube

To make the mission a success, the computer decided on its own, it must eliminate all the humans one by one.  Then it, in turn, was stopped by a mere human but the forces the computer launched still won in the end.


Filed under .money matters

7 responses to “AlphaGo Zero: Self-Teaching Computer Systems Hides Grave Dangers To Humans

  1. For a big laugh, here is an ‘alien’ explaining ‘2001’ movie to us humans:

  2. Melponeme_k

    This is what it is, a chicken that plays tic tac do. DeepMind wasted billions of dollars on a chicken.

    They should build a large animatronic chicken to make the image complete.

    There will NEVER be AI until all of us deplorables are PLUGGED into their prison system. Then we will be truly enslaved ON THIS EARTH plain forever. That is the occult view. Our imagination to build their world…forever.

  3. Shawntoh

    But Elaine, you forget something, like Nomad said, everything in error must be sterilized–

    Error? Error–

  4. Shawntoh

    “…I shall analyse error…”

  5. Melponeme_k


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