Tag Archives: treason

Arrest Mueller, Charge Him With Treason: Conspired With Ukraine To Frame Trump

Our Real Rulers are insane as well as criminals.  They keep trying to start WWIII.  Hillary goofed in the last debate with Trump by gloating about how an US nuclear missile sneak attack could destroy Moscow in less than six minutes.  The stupid attempt at framing Trump as a traitor due to negotiating with Russia has collapsed and now is exposed as totally fake: the DNC was playing footsie with the Ukraine dictator who cooperated in framing Trump on false charges.

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Liberal Ship of Fools Pitches In Rough Seas As Trump Celebrates Great Victory Over Bilderberg Lies

This is a video of the DNC gang in Congress trying to hold hearings about Trump/Russia collusion.  Furniture is flying, water is pouring in and yet they continue with the ‘Russian collusion’ fake story, clinging to this sinking ship of fools!  This is the funniest thing, ever.  Oh, the people on this ship survived and were finally rescued today, thank goodness.  Will the liberals allow us to finally rescue them from their delusions?  I doubt it, they will cling to this mess to the bitter end.  They, themselves, said so today.  HAHAHA.

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16 GOP Congress Critters Join All DNC Critters To Stop Trump’s Border Emergency

Treason: our Congress voted for open borders and more invaders.  Even as Europe’s populations riot and march against open borders, here in the US we don’t have as outraged people as in Europe but this may change soon.  DNC states all depend on foreign invaders to vote for them and a group of treasonous Republicans joined in this treason due to wanting cheap labor to undercut US citizens who might demand higher wages.

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All Four Former Traitor Presidents Called For Stronger Borders Years Ago But Today, Call for NO Borders!

All our Bilderberg former Presidents are united in calling for illegal aliens to invade America and kill citizens! This is just amazing news which I got from the Daily Mail in England. How dare these stupid traitors call for an attack on our President because he wants to stop invaders. This is disgusting, horrifying and grounds for arrest. Arrest them all. Charge them with treason.

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Bilderberg Strikes Back: No Border Wall Funding, Flynn Accused of ‘Treason’ For Basic Diplomacy

The Gateway Pundit:  I have a long, long memory.  I clearly remember Nixon’s sudden dash off to China during the Vietnam War to make deals.  My parents were involved in the diplomacy there and I was later on when the Chinese asked me to host officials to live in the US and learn about our society.  Nixon and my parents and even I had to worry about being called ‘traitors’ for doing this!  Now, the DNC has decided the only tool they have to attack Trump is to accuse him of doing what all politicians have done for eons: negotiate deals with foreign powers that have been hostile in the past.

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More Anti-Kavanaugh California Pussy Hat Liars Write Anonymous Letters About Silly Sex Fantasies

Senator Harris and Senator Feinstein should both be charged and impeached and kicked out of Congress and put in prison for lying and enabling conspirators to lie about Kavanaugh.  This obvious fake letter should have been handed to the FBI.  So far, it took hard arm twisting just to see the contents of the letter sent by the other faker, Ford.  Repeatedly running to the press to press charges from anonymous California Democrat females is illicit, it is a form of terrorism, it is crying ‘fire’ in a theater when there is no fire, it is illegal.  They, these California Senators, are deliberately defaming a public official of the courts in order to destroy him so he won’t rule against things they support politically.  This is a crime.

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Bilderberg Gang Member DNC Powerhouse Kerry Meets Secretly With Iran

The Bilderberg gang is screaming about Trump, grasping at sex straws to pull him down, this is backfiring on them, the Russia collusion thing has collapsed, so now members of that odious gang are going to enemies of the USA to conspire something that will take down Trump.  In today’s story, it is DNC clown Kerry running off to Iran to make a secret deal.  This is called ‘treason’ but then, I have been saying this about the DNC for quite a while.  Just allowing and demanding illegal aliens vote is treason, keeping them here and helping them escape the police after they commit murder is also treason.  Just yesterday, an illegal alien felon released without notifying ICE, murdered yet another woman in California which is run by the DNC dictatorship.

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