Author Archives: emsnews

About emsnews

Culture of Life News examines not a regular news service. It is an attempt to analyze events in the world news stream with an eye towards explaining how everything hinges together: religion, politics, arts, science, economy and cosmology. We are devoted to examining things from a scientific and historical perspective as well as lots of humor, cartoons and story telling images to make difficult concepts easier to understand and discuss. I was born at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin and grew up at some of the most famous observatories on earth. My family was very politically connected since the Battle of Hastings onwards. And so I have some inside perspective on the Ruling Class. I have been hit by lightning three times while indoors, a world record. This is why I listen to the Lightning Gods like Thor and Pegasus. Best not to ignore them! Feel free to email me any time. I love to hear from readers. Thank you.

10,000 Illegal Aliens Under Bridge In Texas After Biden Announced No More Deportations!


The FAA leader who is a traitor put in power by the Democrats, has dealt with the increasing invasion of covid=19 diseased illegal aliens has decided to forbid anyone using drones to see what is really going on at our open borders!  This is insane and it is TREASON.  I keep calling all these actions ‘treason’ because it fits the events perfectly.  Anyone inviting into a country millions of invaders who are diseased during an epidemic which is shutting down our country…is a traitor. ARREST BIDEN and all those he put in positions of power.

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Filed under .money matters

Multiple Small Quakes Around And At Fort Tejon, California: San Andreas Great Quake Looms Nearer

Yesterday saw multiple small earthquakes on and around Fort Tejon Pass, this is a precursor for the next giant earthquake in California:


I put the blue box over the Fort Tejon Pass where major fault lines cross the mighty San Andreas Fault.  I’ve tracked the quakes there for years now.  Up until this last spring, no small quakes showed up in the blue box but now they happen every week and worse, now happen multiple times, simultaneously!  This is VERY alarming and means the stress on the San Andreas is now reaching an apex which will lead to the Big Quake we all should rightfully fear.  California is crazy.  Note how they voted using the cheat method of mailing in millions of ballots instead of checking voters at the polls.  They want to self destruct and will get their wish in spades.

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Filed under .money matters

General Milley Admits He Talked Directly With His Chinese Overlords, Would Follow Their Orders!

The military coup against our previous real President is unprecedented.  What is very nasty here is, Biden isn’t a ‘President’ at all, his handlers handle everything and make all decisions for him, he even asks them for permission to ASK QUESTIONS which they terminated by cutting off his mike before he finished his ‘question.’  This puppet must be removed via Constitutional means and the gang who pull all the strings and circumvent legal protocols should all be arrested and put in prison, pronto.

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Filed under .money matters

Charge Communist Chinese Agent, Pentagon General Milley, With Treason!


The secret deal General Milley made with the communist Chinese leader, Xi, to warn him if America was going to attack, is treason.  We now have total proof, the Democrats put an obvious China communist agent as head of our entire military systems!  McCarthy is laughing in the Afterlife over this obvious treason.  General Milley has done everything possible to weaken the troops from within and one of his biggest pushes has been an effort to remove all patriots from power positions in the Pentagon and replace them with communist agents, it now appears to me.  The entire systems here are being corroded by far leftists who are intent on destroying citizen-only voting, destroying all border protections and thus, allowing outright invaders to enter freely, locking down citizens due to germs while spreading germs, themselves, via mass riots and marches, etc.  TREASON ALL AROUND!

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Filed under .money matters

Biden ASKS Question And His Video Feed Is Instantly Cut By His Communist Handlers

While running around the internet this morning, I noticed that Twitter is now blocking us from seeing any videos that Donald Trump Jr posts.  I tried to see a posting about the AOC ‘tax the rich’ dress she wore at the super-rich gala in Manhattan the other day.  This, being very funny that this ‘revolutionary’ is hanging out with the super rich Bilderberg gangsters and is one of them, of course, as are all the communist fakers in the DNC.

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Filed under .money matters

Mainstream Media Ignores Arizona Border Invaders, Barely Notices Texas Border Invaders


We are supposed to not see any news stories about the border crisis in Arizona.  The crisis in Texas which is now immense, barely makes any news, too.  The mainstream Bilderberg gang media is in collusion with alien invaders.  This makes them traitors who should be arrested, now.  But they have the power right now so they breeze onwards even as citizens turn against the DNC machine more and more, even the dumber females who hate Trump are beginning to realize, they have been conned.  My county in Arizona, Pima County, is very ‘liberal’ and has been declining into crime and self-destruction for quite a long while, even there, they are realizing this invasion is very bad.

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Filed under .money matters

Newsom Ballot Box Stuffy: Computers Record Pre-voting For Newsom By Republicans, Illegally!


Evidently there is proof that in the California vote for removing the governor of that state that is dying rapidly has been hacked by DNC politicians: Republicans who went to vote yesterday were told, they already voted!  This is a very serious violation of voter rights.  If these allegations are true, the vote must be voided and the voting done again.  By the way, the state uses computers to vote which is the easiest system to hack and change.  I am betting the computer automatically, before the first vote was cast, was preset with only votes for Newsom.  Vote cheating has been rampant now and the DNC wants to preserve this system which is rigged by changing the Constitution, itself.

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Filed under .money matters